Laura's Solo Honeymoon - The Ice Cream Shop Boy #1 (Erotic Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: Laura's Solo Honeymoon - The Ice Cream Shop Boy #1 (Erotic Romance)
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I'd almost forgotten men had so much hair down there. Lars had been shaving his balls for years, because he thought it felt better. (He also felt it made his dick look bigger.) I didn't mind the shaving, but … seeing all the beautiful, natural hair on Shawn made me crazy.

I climbed into the shower and immediately sunk my fingers into those curls.

“I'm hairier than you,” he said, glancing at my pussy, which was trimmed close, as per the demands of Lars.

“I like the natural look,” I said, standing close and stretching up to kiss him. As we kissed, standing under the hot spray of water, I felt his manhood nudging my hands, growing again, though I was barely touching it.

He grabbed my ass and said, “You're too short.”

I frowned. “Thanks.”

“No, I mean look at this.” He humped his hips into me, the head of his now-firm cock poking at my rib cage. “Shower sex isn't gonna work, my lovely.”

“Then I guess we'll just shower, and save the sex for dessert.”

I hit the button that made the other shower head come on, so now we were being sprayed on both sides.

“Magic!” he exclaimed.

“Custom plumbing,” I said. “One of the guys is a plumber, I believe.”

I washed my hair as Shawn gathered some liquid soap in his hands and thoroughly massaged and washed my breasts, stroking my firm nipples. I got ticklish when he did my armpits.

Next, I washed his chest, his back, and his nice, round buttocks.

The water temperature shifted to cold, as predicted, so we quickly rinsed off and got out.

After toweling off, I hung my towel on the towel dryer, and walked out to the bed.

The dog was happily snoozing, unconcerned.

I got a little self-conscious, and offered Shawn some coffee, pointing to the antique wood sideboard that was fully stocked by the B&B owners.

He locked gazes with me as he pulled the can of whipped cream from his shopping bag and gave it a shake.

“Oh, my!”

His voice low and throaty, he moved toward me and said, “I'm gonna make you a banana split.”

As he climbed onto me, on the bed, I reached for his cock and squeezed it. “You mean you'll put whipped cream on your banana?”

“Nope. I'm gonna make
into a banana split. Close your eyes.”

I closed my eyes, my knees locked together in nervousness. If he tried to put the whipped cream near my vagina, I was going to have to stop him, because I didn't think that would be healthy, but I didn't have to worry, because he used my breasts and stomach to make the banana split, covering me with lines of whipped cream.

I opened my eyes and looked down at myself. I looked delicious! “Hurry, or it'll melt,” I said.

He wasted no time licking the whipped cream off my stomach, my navel, my breasts, and my nipples. He moved his body up onto mine and let a little of his weight fall on my chest as he kissed me. His body was hot and ready, and as our lips enjoyed each other, his manhood was seeking my opening, nudging down between my legs.

I felt a rush of urgency, of desire. I wanted him, and I didn't want to mess around with the whipped cream any more.

I parted my legs and opened myself to him, inviting.

He slid back down my chest, a little sticky from the whipped cream, licking the whole way.

When he got to my legs, which had protectively pulled back together, he slid his tongue down the top of my folds, over my clit.

That area of me is quite sensitive, but enjoys gentle licks, so I told him such.

He said, “I love that you're telling me what you like. I want to give you as much pleasure as I can. Don't hold back, okay?”

I started to respond, but his tongue had gone back down and he was licking at me. Licking me like I was ice cream.

Sighing happily, I parted my legs.

He shifted to get comfortable, seemingly into the activity for as long as it took, and he kept going, licking. Licking in circles, and then up and down.

I was so relaxed with Shawn, so comfortable after our evening together and the hot shower, that when I had an orgasm, it was unexpected. There were almost no starbursts leading up to it, and the light came and washed over me with bliss. When it stopped, I looked down at Shawn. He looked almost as happy as I felt.

He said, “Best banana split ever.”

I glanced down at his manhood, which was firm and ready. I said, “What's next on the menu? Do you want me to turn you into a banana split? I like whipped cream.”

He pointed to my pussy. “I'd like that, again.”

I waved him up with both hands and he climbed onto me. We'd bought a package of condoms at the store, and he put one on. We hadn't used one at the beach, but it just seemed right.

He kissed my neck and then the side of my face as he eased himself in. I was soaking wet, from the pleasure, and from his saliva, and he slid in easily this time. I still gasped at the sensation of him filling me.

Holding his weight up mostly with his arms, he moved his whole body up and down, and then pinned me down and moved just his hips. We went back and forth like this until his movements became less coordinated.

He stopped and looked me in the eyes. “Do you mind if … oh, I shouldn't ask.”

“What?” I panicked, briefly, wondering what it could be that he was having a hard time asking for.

He said, “I'd love to change positions so that I'm behind you. And you're up on your knees.”

“You mean, doggie style?”

He winced. “I'm sorry. That's too dirty. I shouldn't have asked.”

I laughed. “Are you kidding? That sounds fantastic.” I didn't mention it was one of my favorite positions, I just nudged him off me and rolled over.

I got into position, holding the headboard with one hand and the bed with the other.

He inserted himself again, moving slowly at first. I was wet and ready, hungry for him to fill me up.

“Grab my hips with both hands and don't move them,” I said.

He didn't answer verbally, just grabbed on, and moved a little faster.

His breathing changed, like he was having difficulty holding back. Between gasps, he said, “You have such a beautiful back … wow … I can see your whole back, and it's so beautiful.”

I tilted my hips up to allow him deeper access to the depth of my vagina, and he thrust harder, filling me up with ecstasy.

I was surprised to feel a warmth in my clit area.

He came, his cock deep inside me, thrusting hard against my hips, and, to my surprise, I came as well. This orgasm was hot and warm and emanated from deep within. The light washing over me was a hot pink.

He pulled me down into him, merging us together.

We collapsed together on the bed, lying on our sides, with him still inside me. He draped an arm over my side and kissed my shoulder, once.

I snuggled into his arm and kissed his knuckles.

He gently withdrew, and we lay like that, quiet, until he fell asleep.

Once he was fast asleep, I grabbed the spare blanket and pulled it over him. I went to the washroom to wash myself up and brush my teeth, then I returned to the bed.

I kissed him on the forehead and snuggled in next to him.

As I fell asleep, I wondered at the fact that I'd had sex with someone so wonderful, on my honeymoon. If I'd married Lars, it would not have been anywhere near as perfect.

In the morning, we made love again, with tenderness and urgency, as though our desire had grown with each hour spent in the same bed. It was my last day in town, and when we were done, I told him.

He held my hand under the covers as we lay together and said, “I knew you'd have to go, but I didn't think it would be so soon. I wanted to take you to this cool waterfall, not far from here.”

“That sounds nice, but I have to ...” I glanced over at the pink clock. “Oh no! The driver will be here to pick me up in ten minutes!”

I jumped out of bed and began frantically packing my things.

Princess jumped up and wagged her tail. She'd woken me up once in the middle of the night to go to the washroom outside, but we'd all slept in, and it was time for her to walk and get fed again.

“Let me drive you to the airport,” he said.

“No, no, it's all booked. It's taken care of.”

He climbed out of bed and pulled on his underwear and jeans. “Send your ride away. I'll drive you. That way I can spend more time with you.”

“No, Shawn. You're just going to make it more difficult for me.”

We stared at each other, at an impasse.

He said, “Fine, but you take Princess.”

I picked the dog up and hugged her. The idea was so sudden, and yet, I was instantly sure. I wanted someone to love, in my life, and I would happily take her. “Why?”

“If I have Princess, Sharise will try to … dognap her or something. She'd break into my house, I bet. Princess will be safer with you.”

Someone knocked on the door to the room.

He called out, “Laura? It's Bryan. The car service is here. He's a bit early, but Al is feeding him scones.”

I cracked the door open and thanked Bryan, telling him I'd be down as quickly as I could.

I pulled on some clothes, swiped my toiletries into my suitcase, and started for the door. Shawn was dressed and waiting.

“Wait,” he said, and he pulled me into him. He brushed my hair from my face and kissed me, from forehead to chin. “This wasn't just a one-night thing for me. It was really special, and I want you to know that.”

“Same,” I said, my throat getting tight.

I pulled the door open and called Princess to come with me.

They both followed me downstairs.

The presence of a man and a dog was met with raised eyebrows and knowing smiles by both Al and Bryan.

The driver finished his scone and tea, and led the way to the waiting car.

Shawn loaded my suitcase into the trunk and gave Princess a hug goodbye, then he kissed me.

There were tears in my eyes as I looked up at him.

He brushed away a tear from my cheek and said, “Why are you so sad?”

“Because this is the end, and we only just had our beginning.”

He grabbed onto me, hugging me tight. “Don't be silly. I have a ridiculous amount of Airmiles.”

I pulled back and stared up at his puppy-dog brown eyes.

“Long distance relationship?” I asked. “Aren't those more trouble than anything?”

“I wouldn't know,” he said. “But it doesn't have to be long distance forever.” He kissed me again. “I love this town, but I'd be happy anywhere you are.”

I glanced around at the quaint street, with the old-fashioned houses. One townhouse with a green door caught my eye. “It's pretty nice around here, too.”

He took my face in his hands and said, “Wherever you are, that's where I'll be.”

The driver started the engine.

I climbed into the car and tried to look away from Shawn's face, but I couldn't. He looked like he wanted to say something to me, so I rolled down the window.

I said, “You want to say goodbye to Princess?”

He looked at the little dog sitting next to me. “Goodbye for now Princess, I'll see you soon. I can guarantee that, because I really like your new mommy.” He turned to look at me again. “Laura, I really like you.”

Tears streamed down my cheeks. This time, they were happy tears.

“I like you too,” I said. “See you soon.”

The driver pulled away from the curb, mentioning that airplanes didn't wait for people liking each other.

As we drove away, the driver asked if some music on the radio would be okay. I said yes, and he turned it on.

I bet you can guess who the singer was.

That's right, Dolly Parton. The goddess of love and joy herself.

And so, I returned home, with a little Princess to love. I wasn't married, or engaged, and I wasn't even sure if I had a boyfriend. But I felt confident about my future. I could love again. I would feel passion, and I would have hot kisses, and maybe some more kinky sex, or sensual sex, or more making love. I didn't have to label anything. Love was real and it was everywhere, and all I had to do was believe in it.

I returned home with a fresh new perspective, and I vowed to wear bright colors every day, and take more chances. I'd flirt with cute guys, no matter their age.

When I returned to my job the next day, I realized I loved my career in fashion. I loved my co-workers, and I was excited about the future.

You're probably wondering, did Shawn come to visit me?

Yes, he did.

And that'll be a whole new story, for another day.

* THE END of Part 1 *

Author's note: due to reader requests, this is now a 3-part series.

Read on for a preview of The Ice Cream Shop Boy #2.

BOOK: Laura's Solo Honeymoon - The Ice Cream Shop Boy #1 (Erotic Romance)
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