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Authors: Olivia Brynn

Last Call (7 page)

BOOK: Last Call
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Look for these titles by Olivia Brynn

Now Available:


Position Secured

She’s dead-set against him. He’s dead certain he can change her mind


Position Secured

© 2010 Olivia Brynn


Marienna Valdez has a cop allergy. Their cocky, superior attitudes never fail to turn her stomach. How fitting that her reward for enduring a perfectly sucky work week is a traffic ticket from one that’s on the kind of overblown power trip she learned to hate when she was growing up surrounded by boys in blue.

But now she’s finally home, where she prepares to take the edge off with a well-deserved self-love session. Just as she gets settled in with her favorite toys, though, what should come barreling through her bedroom door but…another cop!

SWAT team sniper Marcus Pearson doesn’t need detective skills to figure out just what he’s interrupted. If he can keep Marienna quiet long enough to resolve the tense situation under her bedroom window, he intends to put down his rifle and take aim at her aversion to the badge…

This title contains one sheet-wrapped, cop-and-damsel burrito with toys on the side. Extra batteries included.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Position Secured:

“Alpha confirm. Subject in custody.” After a moment, he stood, one smooth movement unfolding his body. Mari yanked her hand away from her pussy, almost whimpering at the injustice. She gathered the opening of her robe in two handfuls. He removed the magazine from the rifle, then carefully took the single round from the chamber. His movements showed none of the stress she would expect to see. Each was practiced, smooth and deliberate, as if he trained a deadly weapon on people every day. Perhaps he did. He straightened and scanned the room before looking through the doorway to meet her eyes.

“Echo three to Alpha base. One witness to debrief. Echo three out.”

He pulled the headset from his ear, and it dangled off his shoulder. Mari took her first good look at him facing her, and she had those damn visions from her fantasy stuck in her head.

But the man in her fantasy burned hot and wild, and this guy was cool as a slab of marble and showed just as much emotion. Maybe he was a robot. He
after all. “I’m sorry I had to startle you, ma’am. I appreciate your assistance.” His voice didn’t fluctuate from the deep, even tone.

Mari nodded. “No one was hurt?”

“No. A struggle, but no shots fired.” He jerked his chin toward the window. “Seems some pretty shady deals have been going on right outside your bedroom window. Probably while you were in here sleeping…” His gaze swept over the bed and fixed on her vibrator.

Heat flooded her face. Her heart, confused at the roller coaster of emotions, pounded painfully. She pressed her thighs together to quell the need flaring in her heated sex.

“You said you were in the middle of something?”

Great. He had a photographic memory. Mari blinked, bringing him back into focus. His smirk might have sent a lesser woman running for cover, but Mari saw the intrigue behind those blue eyes. She didn’t stop to think that it might just be her hormones bouncing around like fireflies in a jar. She folded her arms across her chest, lifted her chin and raised an eyebrow.

“That’s right. I’d like to get back to my…” she paused meaningfully, “
now, if you don’t mind.”

He walked toward her. Swaggered would be a better word. He paused at the foot of the bed and, without releasing her from his stare, he reached over and scooped Bob up off the pillows.

Holy hell. There was no way she misinterpreted that hungry look. The man almost drooled and bared his teeth like a cartoon wolf. Mari blinked again, just in case her imagination and libido were still salsa dancing in her brain.

Two more steps toward her and he lifted her vibrator to his nose and made a show of smelling the pink silicone. His eyes drifted half closed. She bit her lower lip to stifle the moan.

“I can’t tell you how sorry I am for interrupting you.” His voice dropped to an intimate pitch, and Mari released the breath she’d been holding. “If there’s any way I can make it up to you…” He stopped once their clothes brushed. The back of her head hit the wall when she lifted her chin to meet his eyes. Heat from his body surrounded her. His musky scent wafted up to her nose, surrounding her. She sucked a deep breath, indulging in that male smell. “I took an oath to protect and…to serve.” His breath fanned her face.

She watched his lips move, and licked hers. This wasn’t really happening. This way-too-gorgeous man was not in her bedroom holding her favorite toy and standing close enough to taste. She should wake up from this fantasy before she embarrassed herself. The click and ensuing hum of the vibrator close to her ear was real, though. She met his eyes again. He nodded slowly and dragged Bob’s tip along her jaw line.

“Let me.” It could have been a question, but it sounded more like a statement, or maybe an order. “Tell me it’s okay. Tell me you want this.”

She tried to think. If this really was happening, she needed to think straight. The vibrator hummed a path down her neck. He deftly slipped it beneath the fabric of her robe and farther down her chest. She let her arms drop to her sides.

“You have to understand. I get called on an assignment like today and I can’t think about anything but my target. I can’t be distracted. I can’t think about the woman who opened her door to me wearing a flimsy ass robe. I’ve got the lives of innocent people and my fellow officers to consider. I’m stressed out enough with that. I usually relieve myself afterward with a workout in the gym, followed by a solo in the shower, but I’ve never been presented with the likes of you when I’m feeling this.”

“The likes of me?” Mari surprised herself with her ability to speak clearly. His words puffed against her lips, and Mari could even taste his breath. Coffee.

“A fucking sexy as hell woman like you,” he continued, dragging her vibrating dildo around her breast. “Aroused. Naked…”

“I’m not…”

“Take this off and you will be.” He used his free hand to peel her robe off one shoulder.

Mari shut her mouth with a click. She’d been about to say she wasn’t a sexy woman, but she wasn’t a stupid one, either. She didn’t even shiver in protest when her robe slithered to the carpet to pool around her feet. Why should she? This was all a crazy dream that she’d awaken from any second now. She wasn’t really standing naked in front of a cop in her hallway.

“Tell me it’s okay,” he repeated. “I can feel the heat coming off of you. I can even smell your arousal. Let me take care of it for you. Tell me it’s okay.”

But Mari couldn’t say the words. She could barely wrap her mind around the fact that this was real, let alone say something. The vibrator teased the skin below her navel, but he wouldn’t go farther.

“Touch me,” he panted against her lips before she could answer. Her lids drifted closed in anticipation of a kiss that never came. “Please, touch me. Pull my shirt out. Let me feel your hands on me.” He simply rested his mouth against hers while he spoke.

At that point she realized her arms hung limply at her sides. She laid both hands on his stomach. Just as she thought, he was in exquisite shape. His abs tightened beneath her fingers. She indulged in the first touch of his body. Hard male. A wall of muscle and man, wrapped in this thin T-shirt. She gripped it and slid the hem from his pants. He hissed when her hands met his bare skin.

“Fuck, yeah. Tell me. Tell me it’s okay.” He planted his elbow by her ear and leaned against her, caging her to the wall.

“It’s okay,” she whispered. “I want it. I want you.”

“Goddamned beautiful…” He wasted no time in sliding the vibrator inside her. His moan blended with hers in a tuneless harmony. He didn’t move it once the vibrator was firmly seated deep in her channel. “Don’t come yet, baby. I need one thing from you first.” He didn’t continue until she lifted heavy lids to meet that electric blue stare. “Tell me your name.”

Mari’s legs almost gave out on her. Marc caught her and pressed his body against hers to hold her up against the hallway wall. She whimpered and tried to grind against the humming intrusion. He switched it off. The sudden silence drew another whine from her throat.

“Tell me.”

Mari slid her tongue along his lips. She didn’t want to talk. She wanted him to kiss her. She wanted him to quit fucking around and make her come. She moved her hands around to his back, reaching up to trace the indentation of his spine. She nipped his lower lip and squeezed her channel around the vibrator.

“Huh-uh.” He turned his head enough to press his cheek against hers. “Tell me your name or I walk out right now.”

He wouldn’t dare. “Please…does it really matter?” She scraped her fingers back down and around to his abdomen, until she held the waistband of his pants and belt in a tight grip.

“Yes. It matters. What’s your name, sweetheart? I want to shout it out when I come for you.”

“Oh, my God. Marienna. Marienna Elena Valdez. But you can call me—” She gasped.

He pulled out the vibrator, flicked it on, then slid it back inside with a twist. “Marienna,” he breathed, and then he kissed her.

Don’t look. Don’t touch. Definitely don’t want.


Off Limits

© 2012 Emma Jay


There’s no boundary Zach Purser won’t push. Three-ways, four-ways, sex clubs, he’s tried it all. It’s all about the freedom, but lately he’s had the nagging feeling that something is missing.

At a friend’s engagement party, he spots the missing piece all tied up one hot little package of a woman. Trouble is, she’s his best friend Adam’s baby sister. Adam knows all of Zach’s dirty secrets. Which means if he even
about touching her, he’s dead.

Paige Clark has crushed on Zach since she grew breasts, but he’s never so much as glanced her way. Until now. She knows desire when she sees it, and Zach’s eyes burn with that unmistakable heat. Finally, she’s got his attention—now if only she can get him to act on it.

Zach tries his best to push her away, but she doesn’t push back, she pulls—tumbling them both over the edge of resistance and right into bed. Panic isn’t far behind. Now he’s stuck between a big brother who’d like to bust his nose, and a woman who’s gotten under his skin. And of all the things he’s tried, romance isn’t one of them…

Warning: A bad boy who can’t follow rules, a woman determined to lead him astray, a big brother with a hell of a right cross, and a smoking-hot sex-club seduction.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Off Limits:

The kiss was everything Paige had imagined it would be, his mouth warm and smooth, the bristle of his stubble teasing the edges of her lips. His tongue swept into her mouth, stroking as his body moved against hers, rubbing against her enough to push up the short hem of her skirt, and—


He lifted his head, blue eyes dark, lips parted as if he wanted to devour her. “What?”

She tightened her fingers on his sleeves and forced herself to meet his gaze. “I’m close.”

His head snapped back and his brows furrowed. “To coming?”

She nodded, trying not to push her pussy against his leg, wanting her first orgasm with him to be, well, with him.

“Christ.” He moved away from her as if she was on fire. He pulled out his wallet, tossed a bill on the counter and took her hand.

“Where are we going?” she asked as she stumbled after him and—oh. Wow, she was really turned on. This had never happened before. But then, she’d never walked around in a sex club without underwear, hoping to seduce the lust of her life. Every step was a caress on her swollen clit.

“I kissed you in a sex club. I’m not going to make you come in one.”

“Isn’t that, like, the point?”

He scowled, barely giving her time to take leave of her friends before he pulled her out the door and onto the sidewalk. He hesitated, as if debating with himself, then charged across the street, pulling her in his wake.

She looked up to see a hotel looming nearby, and not a cheap hotel. This was where he was taking her. This was where he’d make love to her for the first time. A giddiness rose in her as he pulled her through the big glass doors.

“Go wait over there.” He pointed to plush, well-appointed chairs in the lobby.

She did as she was told and he walked to the desk. She watched him draw out a credit card and snap it on the desk, saw the clerk glance past him to her. The woman probably saw a lot of similar situations, being this close to a sex club.

Paige still couldn’t believe she’d had the courage to walk into that place. She was no virgin, but she’d never played these kinds of games. Maybe it had been a little stalkerish to find out where he was and go after him, but she had learned the only way to get what you wanted was to be bold.

Paige adjusted her skirt before sitting. God, she was so wet she could feel her juices on her thighs, could smell herself. She resisted the urge to rub her legs together, but if there’d been fewer people in the lobby, she might have parted her legs for him when he approached, just to see his reaction.

He said nothing, just held out a hand. She took it, savoring the warmth of his touch, and he led her to the elevator. She followed eagerly, anticipating more kissing and rubbing, though she didn’t want to come yet. She wanted him to be fully focused on her when that happened. Once in the elevator car, he stayed on one side and she stayed on the other. Disappointment bloomed in her chest. Did he want her or not? His hands were folded in front of him, his gaze on the changing numbers. She thought about asking what floor their room was on, if the clerk had said anything about them checking in without luggage, if he wanted to split the price of the room, but she didn’t want to give him a reason to press the lobby button and send her on her way.

He twitched a little when the door opened with a
and motioned for her to exit to the right.

BOOK: Last Call
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