Read Laird of the Game Online

Authors: Lori Leigh

Laird of the Game (7 page)

BOOK: Laird of the Game
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Alex had almost completely lost control. When he touched her, she responded with such fire. He leaned down and continued to caress and conquer her lips until she moaned softly against his mouth. His fingers slid into the slick heat of her, and her back arched when he slid his thumb over the tiny nub.

She was so hot and sweet. He wanted her more than anything else in his entire world. Alex couldn’t wait any longer. He parted her thighs, and his arousal slid deep into her tight velvet heat. The momentary resistance stunned his desire-crazed mind.

Melissa tensed and held perfectly still. The shock hit Alex like a thunderbolt from hell. My God, she was a virgin. She sure didn’t kiss like a virgin, he thought, and then realized he hadn’t been able to have a coherent thought since her arrival.

He braced his weight with his arms and looked down at her beautiful face. He wooed her with soft words whispered against her lips. He paused and stroked her face and hair. Alex talked softly in her ear. “
A Grá
, shhh. It won’t last long, I promise. Ye’re so beautiful.” His voice was choked with emotion.

Melissa’s hands unclenched as she began to relax. “Alex,” she spoke softly.

, my darling.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

Melissa was overwhelmed by own raging emotions. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she didn’t have a clue why she was crying. “I’ve never done anything like this before now.”

He kissed her chin. “Now ye tell me.” He continued to stroke her hair. “I didn’t know, sweetheart, or I might have slowed down—just a little. My Angel, ye take my breath away.” He kissed the base of her throat and then steeled himself to say, “Do ye want tae stop now?”

He touched her lips gently with his, and she forgot about everything but the aching intensity within her. “No,” she raggedly whispered against his mouth and moved her hips against him.

He crushed her lips with his and was beyond thinking or reason. He withdrew a little and then returned to the tight heat within her. A tidal wave of emotions flooded Alex’s heart. He didn’t know if there could be a more perfect moment in life and wanted this to last forever. They looked deep into each other’s eyes, and he watched the pupils in her eyes grow big in absolute wonder.

He searched his heart for the right words to soothe her fears. He realized just how bleak his world had been. Somehow, he sensed she loved him from the first moment they looked at each other, and he wasn’t about to lose that gift.

Alex had spent too many years of his life without the perfection he now held in his arms. She held him tightly, and he knew in his heart that he loved her. He leaned down and gently kissed her lips. While in this intimate embrace, he knew he would do whatever it took to keep her beside him forever. If she left him, he would shatter into ash and drift away with the wind.

He smiled against her lips and moved forward again. She gasped in a delighted surprise. He had waited until the shock had passed. His forehead had broken out in a sweat. His body could no longer be denied. The ecstasy was an agony of control. He slowly took her down that path of fulfillment until he felt her shiver deep inside and her muscles tightened against him. She called out to him, and he released his seed deep inside her.

Heavenly bliss descended upon him He kissed her fingertips and held her small hand against his. As the passion ebbed and he could think again he became very serious for a moment. “Did I hurt ye, sweetheart?” His grip tightened on her hand.

Melissa’s cheeks flamed with embarrassment. “It was a surprise more than anything else.”

He understood why she looked so fragile. “My sweet lady,” he soothed. “I’m never going tae let ye go.” His mind wandered for a while consumed with guilt at what they had just done. He experienced another emotion that was foreign to him. He was content with the feel of her body next to him.

“Melissa,” he said softly. “Ye’re not lost any more.”




Chapter Seven




Melissa gently touched her hand to his cheek. “I’m so happy it was you who found me.”

He gently kissed her shoulder.

“Aye, lass, I am happy it was me who found ye.” His hands lazily stroked her hair, not wanting to break the enchantment that had surrounded them.

“What happens now?” She was truly mystified by his gentle voice. Her hands slid down his back and felt smooth and warm to the touch.

“Beautiful, wonderful things happen now.”

“You are amazing. Is it this exciting every time?”

“It gets better,” he assured her. “The next time we make love there won’t be any painful surprises for you.” He kissed her face again. “Ye’re not going tae leave me, ever.” He made the statement with absolute fact.

She was bewildered by his strong words at such a tender moment. “I had to make the choice to surrender to this passion or regret it forever. Alex, no matter what happens next, we have this moment together.”
And if I can stay beside you, I will love you all the days of my life
, whispered in her mind.

Alex kissed her temple and thought silently,
you’d rip my heart out if you left me now
. He rolled to his side and took her with him. Perhaps if they hadn’t made love he could have watched her walk away, but he too would have regretted it forever. They had both made a choice, and he could not bear to go through the pain of her departure when he had just come back to life again.

“I’m afraid once you get to know me, you’ll hand me over to the Prince.” In one short day her world had turned upside down. Melissa didn’t want to leave him, ever! She could barely remember her name, let alone where she lived and any other pertinent details of her life. It all seemed so inconsequential compared to the way that she felt when she looked into his eyes. The world fell away, and it was the two of them alone.

“I can be very stubborn,” she warned.

He was certain he had proved she was most amiable. “I don’t have any intention of handing ye over tae anyone. Ye are mine, and I am yours.” He reached over the side of the bed, pulled out a strip of tartan, and wrapped it around her hand that held on to his. “There ye go, lass. We belong tae each other.”

“That’s all it takes to be officially yours?”

. I know I want ye, and ye want me, too. I’m no’ the sharing type of mon.” Alex was already deep in thought about the future and what he would have to accomplish to keep her beside him.

“What is this called?”

“Handfasting,” he said between kisses. “Ye are mine now, forever.”

 “That makes me very happy.” Melissa was getting sleepy. He was so warm and his hand gently caressing her back had her dozing off in minutes.

Alex walked across the room to pick is plaid off the floor where he had dropped it. Their clothing was strewn around the room. He had only minutes to come up with a plan of action before he faced his brothers. He knew he would never give her up. He would have walked through the fires of hell for her, and that fact rattled him more that facing a hundred warriors in battle.

“Rest now, my Angel,” he murmured and pressed his lips against her forehead.

Most of the men were on duty or sleeping outside. His brothers were all present in the dining room.

“Good evening, gentlemen,” Alex stated in a matter of fact tone as he entered the room.

Daniel and Gideon had their hands clasped in a death grip arm wrestling, and neither one moved an inch in either direction. They already knew, from all the years of watching each other’s backs, what had transpired in his chamber.

William stood by the fire and glared at Alex. “She’ll probably throw herself off the cliffs tomorrow once she finds out what a bastard ye are. The rules in the Highlands are absolute and binding, even on you, Alex.”

“Hell,” Evan growled. “What were ye thinking,
? She was under all of our protection.”

“We didn’t know ye would take it all this far, or we would have stayed here and protected the wee lass,” Robert said in a gruff tone of voice.

Alex stood by the hearth and listened to his brother’s comments. He accepted their fierce threats were all bluster and any one of them would have been happy to bed her. “If any one of you touches her, I swear by the Celtic Gods you will live to regret it. I accept full responsibility for my actions,” he stated for the record. “She’s not leaving. Not tomorrow. Not ever. I have found my
Anam Cara.”

“What makes you think she will want to keep ye?” William scoffed.

Alex took a swing at him. William was younger and faster and hit Alex hard in the mid section, taking him down to the floor.

He was quite serious, and outlined his plan when they lay in a heap, gasping and sweating from the struggle of a wrestling match. When Alex could catch his breath, he said, “She is coming with us.”

Melissa woke with a jolt to the sound of shouting voices. The room was dark, and her clothing neatly folded on the chair. A search of his wardrobe produced a shirt to wear and she instinctively followed the noise and the light. “Excuse me.” Melissa stated from the doorway. She was amazed at the tangle of men on the floor.

They all stood up and looked at her with wide-eyed stares, thinking she had heard every word. Alex released his stranglehold and Evan crumbled to the floor. Melissa stood still, as mesmerized by them as they were with her.

Alex was certain they were just checking to make certain he hadn’t permanently damaged her in some way. She had one of his shirts on and noted the bare feet as well. She had a beautiful, serene smile on her face, and he was instantly thinking about stripping her naked.

“I heard a fight break out,” Melissa said. “Is there going to be another battle?”

She stood on one straight leg with the other bent slightly, and Alex forgot to breathe again. She looked verra good in his shirt, he thought.

One of the younger lads stood up and ripped the sleeve off his shirt. “It’s only fair tae warn ye lass—”

Melissa felt her heart sink to her toes.

Alexander found his voice again. “The lads think ye should know we are at war with Prince George. The battles
go on for several weeks.” Alex made the implication clear, that it could also be ended this evening.

“Ye have nothing tae fear, sweet lass,” Gideon assured her. “We will protect ye!” He put Evan in a headlock so his brother wouldn’t say anything else to upset her.

“You would do that for me?” She was overcome by their generous offer.

Alex exhaled slowly. “I think my brothers adore ye, almost as much as I do,” he said charmingly, and let William fall to the floor with a thud. Iain squirmed under his boot, and Alex finally lifted his foot.

 “It’s no’ a secret any more,” Iain said, and Evan agreed. They commented on the pink panties held by a tiny slip of satin and lace around her lovely backside. From where they were crushed on the floor, they couldn’t help but notice.

Robert fell backward on the couch, unable to speak at all. Four weeks with a beautiful, nearly naked woman in the camp would be a test of their stamina. The remaining brothers exchanged a knowing glance.

They all fascinated Melissa. She had found seven of the most perfect men that had ever graced the earth. It was a little unnerving to be in their midst, and she worried they thought she was too forward. Perhaps she had just broken every social rule in their book, to say nothing of the thousand or so she had just broken in her own time.

William glanced out the window and noticed their camp had company. “We need tae go now!” He nodded toward the front doors and muttered, “Rosabel!”

Alex grabbed her hand and dragged her up the stairs. “Get your things. We are leaving right now.”

“I’ll get the horses,” William announced.

Her dress was stuffed into her bag of painting supplies. “Where are we going?” She was suddenly terrified. “Are we under attack?”

“We’re moving our camp tae the cottages in the mountains where the Prince won’t be able tae find us.” It was a tactical move, to give them as much distance from the local cities as possible.

He took her quickly down the back staircase and out into the courtyard. William had the horses saddled and waiting for them. Alex mounted his horse, and Daniel put his hands on her waist to lift her up before she could protest. She landed on Alexander’s lap.

The Laird growled out commands to his warriors in Gaelic. The camp bustled as they moved quickly to break camp. The warriors would cause a diversion and then catch up with their Laird at the cottage.

Gideon stayed behind to command their army. Luckily, one of the warriors had been called home for an emergency and they didn’t have to ask for a volunteer to leave. Melissa wouldn’t fight, but they could have no more than two hundred and fifty warriors each, or they would have been disqualified. Melissa’s name was included on the roster as a warrior, and Rosabel – no doubt – wanted to question the addition in the game.

They set out at a furious pace. Melissa noticed that once they cleared the grounds surrounding the house the terrain got steep. The horses slowed to a walk, and they moved in single file up and down hillsides.

The shimmer of moonlight cast a magical appearance on the hills around them. There were millions of stars overhead on a clear night. The heat of the summer had quickly faded, and a cool evening chilled her bare legs. She leaned back against Alex’s chest and took a deep breath, feeling very safe in his arms. His hands were in front of her, holding the reins, and she held on with an arm around his waist.

Alex reached back into his saddlebags and took out a plaid blanket to warm her. If she didn’t stop squirming they were going to have to stop for—fifty or sixty years before he could say he had enough of her.

He leaned down and kissed her neck. She was a luscious temptation that filled his head with her scent. He thought back to his comments earlier that day and had to say a silent prayer of thanks for his Angel.

Melissa leaned back against his arm so she could look up in his face. She didn’t dare close her eyes, afraid her Celtic warrior would disappear.

Melissa heard William humming softly behind them, and looked back over Alex’s arm. “I think I know that song.” She just couldn’t place it at the moment but recognized the melody from somewhere.

,” William agreed. “The lady has excellent taste. I still can’t figure out why she’d want tae take up with such an ugly bastard like Alex.”

“They’re drunk,” Daniel explained.

Adding credence to Daniel’s words, Iain bobbed, almost falling off his horse.

Melissa looked back at William. “I’m amazed how much you look like Alex.”

!” The resounding chuckle from the brothers indicated she had hit her mark. But then he began to hum again in a happy drunken state before starting to sing.

“Her beauty in the moonlight overthrew you.”

Alex bent his head to kiss her again. The warmth of her lips was gentle and searching. It was as if she too needed the reassurance that what they shared was real.

She put her arms around him and he pulled back to survey the sweet innocent in his arms. For the first time in his life, Alex was truly terrified. It was a void in his life to have not known love, but to have found it and then lose it, would crush his spirit into a numb oblivion. He wouldn’t allow that to happen and would risk anything to keep her there with him. The fear that clenched his mind caused him to tighten his grip on her and bury his face in her hair. The night hid the torment on his face, and the anxious moments passed.

BOOK: Laird of the Game
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