Lady Henrietta's Dilemma: Regency Suspense Romance Book 2 (Lords of Sussex) (7 page)

BOOK: Lady Henrietta's Dilemma: Regency Suspense Romance Book 2 (Lords of Sussex)
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Chapter 1


Etta breathed a sigh of relief to find the ballroom quite spacious, not one of the crushes on the stairs, creased the dress. Placing her hand on Vaughan’s arm, she looked down to a sea of faces. Vaughan beamed; Etta was indeed a beauty, from the top of her halo of golden curls, to the rounded bosom and tiny waist. She would provide ample funds for his card evenings. As they reached the ballroom, officers and their ladies immediately surrounded them, upon which they proceeded along a line of introductions.

One woman in a handsome red silk gown tripped forward, hands outstretched, a cynical smile on her haughty face. Vaughan bowed, ‘Let me introduce my new bride, Lady Henrietta.’

The woman clicked open her fan, ‘La, Bruges, what a prize.’

Henrietta flushed, feeling like a horse.

Grinning, Vaughan turned to Henrietta, ‘Lady Lettuce Fielding m’dear.’

The woman’s small eyes narrowed to slits, as her gaze swept over Henrietta’s gown.
‘Charming. I must remember to give you my modiste’s card.’ Her derogatory tone conveyed the insult. 

Henrietta coloured, and looked up at Vaughan only to see him smiling foolishly down the décolletage of a buxom brunette.  The woman returned his adoring look, twirling a ringlet, and letting it fall across the deep cleavage.

She hesitated, then thought of Phillipa, if she was here, she would have given a sharp retort to the vixen. Taking a breath, she gave a slight curtsey. ‘Why thank you milady, but my modiste follows the very latest fashions you know. I am just so lucky to have found her. Would you like her card?’ Even though her heart pounded, she straightened her back, pleased with herself that she had actually taken the woman to task.

Startled, the vixen fanned her waxed face, the thin lips almost disappearing in a grimace.  Her head lifted, followed by her chin, as she sauntered away.

‘So glad – at last she’s met her match.’ A gentle voice said in Henrietta’s ear.

Turning, Henrietta saw a woman of about thirty years, grinning,
her winsome face framed with ebony curls whilst the flecks in her dark brown eyes mirrored the sun yellow silk dress. The woman continued, ‘La; she is such a wasp – so jealous of any newcomer.  Anyway, my name is Drucilla Ingram, call me Drucy – rhymes with juicy.’ She giggled, ‘Well that’s what the bucks say.’

Henrietta felt her heart lift; maybe she had found a friend in the hostile territory of the
.  She felt Vaughan touch her shoulder, as he came into sight, bowing deeply to the woman, kissing the air above the knuckles of her gloved hand. ‘Hah, let me introduce my wife, Lady Henrietta.’ He paused holding Henrietta’s hand, drawing her forward, ‘And this is—’

‘I’ve already introduced myself Bruges,’ she said, the magnificent rubies and diamonds sparkling at her throat, matching the tiara. Etta was aware of the generous mouth tightening, as Drucy gazed at him. Fluttering her jewel encrusted fan, she moved away. ‘See you later Etta, if
I may call you that?’

Henrietta curtseyed, slightly smiling. ‘Why of course, my friends call me by that name.’

The woman laughed, ‘Don’t forget – Drucy.’

As she sauntered away, Henrietta gasped to see an entourage of officers, and their ladies follow in her wake.

Vaughan grinned, ‘Well m’dear I see you’ve made a friend of the Duchess; many fight for a place in her retinue – well done.’

‘I didn’t do anything Vaughan; I think she rather came to my rescue. That awful Lettuce leaf was really scathing about my gown.’

‘Well rescue or not Etta, you are a success on your very first night.’

‘Is her husband here?’

‘Yes of course, The Duke of Eddingsworth is the Commander of the 13
Hussars – fine cavalry.’

‘Bruges, can I steal this lovely lady for the first waltz?’

Surprised, Etta turned to find her nose level with the engraved button of a silver waistcoat. Looking up, she beheld waving dark locks over a pair of the darkest blue eyes framed in smoky black eyelashes. Her gaze took in the high angular cheekbones, the aquiline nose and sculpted lips – pink lips. She wanted to kiss them.  The urge was so great she stepped away, her breath caught in her throat.

‘Why Your Highness forgive me—’

‘Your Highness?’ Etta frowned, but I thought—’

‘Change of gentleman at the last moment m’dear. The prince is already bewitched by you. I could hardly refuse.’ Vaughan smiled.

‘Oh really?’ Etta said, flustered, a blush rising in her cheeks. 

‘My Lady?’
Bowing to Etta, this breath-taking creature, took her hand, but instead of kissing the air above her knuckles, he pressed his lips on the satin glove, lingering for a moment. Immediately, she felt the warmth of his kiss, followed by a thrill racing through her body from her chest to her stomach. To her consternation, he placed his hand firmly on the small of her back, as he led her onto the dance floor. Her curls just tipped the broad shoulders as he whirled her into the waltz.

‘Why dear lady, I have watched you from afar.  I hear you are newly married – what?’

‘Err yes, Your Highness, only a few days.’ Etta replied trying not to squeak.

‘Hmm, I see Drucy took a liking to you. Fine lady, good to know.  The
can be pretty brutal at times, especially to young and beautiful newcomers.’

‘I found her to be very pleasant – indeed I am glad to find a friend so soon.’

‘I hear you are the Duke of Hillhampton’s gal?’

‘Yes Your Highness, I have four brothers.’

‘Hmm – fine officers – the older two.

Etta timidly raised her head, to find the handsome face beaming down at her. He was older than her by maybe ten years, but devastatingly handsome. As she went to speak, she felt his hand pull her nearer to his muscled body. Frowning she looked up, and deliberately pushed back.

‘Forgive me – it’s just I find you utterly enchanting.  I’ve wanted to hold you from the moment I first saw you.’ he said, swirling her around, his head bending, the fine lips brushing against the tip of her ear.

She felt a sizzling sensation ripple down to her thighs.  Good lord, what was that?  ‘You are very bold,
Your Highness, Where did you see me?’ she said, managing to keep her voice composed.

‘I was on the foredeck, my eyes roved to the quayside to see you sitting on a trunk with a white horse nibbling the ribbons of your bonnet.  You gazed in rapture at the sails above you. T’was fit for an oil painting, exquisite. Since then I have schemed to be with you.’ He said unaware of his effect upon her. 

Flushing, Etta lowered her eyes. ‘Your Highness as I said, I am married –’

‘A few days too long for me milady. But, we shall see.’

Etta’s heart leapt, See – see what?  It seemed the man was making a play for her.  It just would not do.

Your Highness – please. I cannot permit you to say such words.’

‘Can I not admire you, my lady?’

‘As long as you keep your distance, Your Highness,’ she murmured, not wishing to appear churlish.

‘Enough of Your
Highness, call me Ambrosius.’

Keeping her distance she said, ‘
The nectar of the Gods no less. But no, it would be most improper for me to address you, with your familiar name.’

‘Quite the prim little beauty
aren’t we?’  Laughing he scooped her up, whirling around so swiftly her feet left the floor. Setting her down, he breathed rapidly, gazing into her eyes.

Seeking to break the intensity of his gaze, she said, ‘So, where do you hail from?’

‘I belong to the old Swedish aristocratic family, the Salmis el Wrangel. I have inherited the small principality, but we have estates in Belgium, France, Italy and Wiltshire, England. My family is pressing me to settle down, but until now, I had not found the woman I wished to marry.’ He lightly pulled her closer, ‘And, here you are – a vision of loveliness, the princess of the icy fjords.’

‘Your Highness, this is ridiculous. You are flirting with me; tis outrageous,’ she said, pulling back once more.

‘Hah, but I do not jest, nor am I flirting. I am enamoured of you, Henrietta. Hear me dear heart; enamoured.’

Your Highness – end this conversation now, or I shall walk off the floor.’ The music rang through her ears, as she felt a wave of dizziness sweep over her. She looked around for Vaughan, only to see he had disappeared. Dammit. She needed him, where was he?

‘You know you can’t do that.’ He grinned, showing perfect teeth chiselled from the whitest ice. The
would not forgive your unseemly behaviour. Again, she had that awful urge to kiss those lips. This was too much.

He was right; to walk off the dance floor and leave him, would play into the hands of the gossips. She could not bring such attention to herself. It would be
she they would talk about, the chin wagging becoming more scandalous with each telling. ‘So you have me as your prisoner, but this dance will soon end.’

‘It will end when I give the signal Henrietta.’ His eyes darkened to an even deeper blue.  ‘We need to talk.’

‘Oh no we don’t. Moreover, tis Lady Henrietta to you. After this dance, I will never speak to you again.’ Her heart heard her words, and disagreed. She looked up at those sculpted lips, and the urge swept over her.

‘I know you desire me Henrietta; I can feel it in your body, see it in your eyes.’

‘What? How dare you speak to me like that? Why you brazen … I repeat – I am married and will not speak or dance with you ever again.´ Through her heated gaze, she saw him nod to the small orchestra who brought the waltz to an end.  Not even waiting for him to escort her back to her seat, she marched off. To her dismay, he followed.

Bringing up her fan, she snapped it open, and began furiously fanning her face. ‘Go – go away.’ Hiding behind her fan, she whispered between clenched teeth. ‘Enough – go away.’ Raising his eyebrows, he bowed, and to her relief, walked slowly away, but not before turning to grin.

The devil, such audacious behaviour.   However, even in her anger, she felt the pull. What on earth was happening? She was wed – had not even consummated her marriage, and yet her body pulsed to this stranger’s touch. She had to pull herself together, ignore him, besides her next partner would appear very soon. 

To her dismay, the music started up for a quadrille, but no one appeared to claim her.  Frowning, she looked around to the dancers stepping on the dance floor, yet there was no sign of any officer approaching.

Feeling her throat dry, she looked around for Vaughan, the man had disappeared. She could not possibly go up to the drinks' table alone; it was unheard of.  Rising, she decided to make her way to the Ladies Room; at least, she could hide in there until Vaughan reappeared. 

Her heart fluttered, as she left the ballroom, and made her way down a main corridor off the balcony.  Why had
Vaughan  left her? Although it was now quite dark, she could see couples taking the air, walking through the gardens lit with oil lamps, whilst others sat at tables drinking and chatting. She felt vulnerable - alone, when she at last espied a waiter carrying a tray of filled glasses. Perhaps she could beg a drink off him, but then she had to return to the ballroom alone. She could hardly go the Duchess, however friendly. It was too soon and how could she explain the disappearance of her husband?  Frustration flooded her body, even if every dance was taken, he could at least stay within sight. 

She paused, as the waiter came towards her, only to feel strong arms sweep her off her feet. Struggling, she was lifted, and despite her protests, swiftly carried to the end of the corridor, and then hefted through glass doors opening onto a shadowed corner at the far end of the balcony.  She looked up into those dark blue eyes, his large hands nearly spanning her waist, as he placed her on a wrought-iron seat.

Chapter 1


Esther lay back against silk pillows.  She had such a loyal protector in the viscount. He showed his passion for her in unfailing care. He asked for nothing, except she recovered.  The tenderness she saw in his eyes was that of her dear father before he fell into the abyss of alcohol and gambling.

The fever left her feeling weak, but in the last two days, she’d gained back her strength if not her
joi de vivre
.  She picked at the lace of her cuffs, such fragile beauty. David showered her with gifts and the most exquisite night rails and silken robes; all without any veiled intent.

Now it was time for her to dress, and return to her own apartment, her own life, such as it was.  She shivered at the days to come. How would Vaughan take the news of the child?  Would he cast her out onto the streets?
Tis well known for men to discard their mistresses on a much lesser whim. She knew he cared for her, but never professed his love. Indeed, in one intimate talk, he confessed he did not love his future wife either. To him, love was just false sentiment.

She raised herself up in the bed, as David entered, carrying a small tray of tea and biscuit aux fruits confits. ‘Pray to partake of these before you dress.  Now are you sure, you will not stay for dinner? I am stalling chef at the moment.’

‘No my lord, I surely could not.  I know that Lord Vaughan is on his way, and I must be at the apartment when he arrives.’

Quietly, he set the tray on her lap, adjusting the rose in the small silver vase.
‘A rose for a rose, my sweet.’

Sitting beside the bed, he took her hand. Stroking the blue veined skin, he raised it to his lips, and kissed her knuckles softly. Putting it down on the eiderdown, he sighed. ‘My dear, I must talk with you before you leave. I know you insist on returning to your apartment, but I want you to know that you will always have a home with me.’ He paused,  his chocolate brown eyes clouding, ‘I have more than
a tendre
for you m’dear, I love you Esther; I can hardly believe it in such a short time, but we have shared much together in the last few days, and now my heart hurts at the thought of you leaving.’

Seeing his scar tighten, lifting his lip, Esther's voice faltered. ‘My lord, really —’

‘Please Esther, call me David. Just for once, relent. I would like to hear it on your lips. I shall treasure it.’

Esther bit her lip, as tears filled her eyes, she did not want to leave him; she would miss his kindness his love, but she could not admit to loving him. ‘David,’ she said tremulously, ‘I wish I could return your love
, for surely you deserved to be loved by better than I.   However, I cannot offer you that.’ Reaching out, she lightly stroked the scar with the tip of her finger.

He caught her hand, and kissed the palm, ‘Just say you care my love – that will be enough for me.’

‘Yes, I do care David. I am so sad to leave this lovely home and you. I know not that I shall receive such tenderness again. However, I cannot be disloyal to Vaughan. He saved me when all was lost, when I was enslaved to a terrible tyrant.’

The viscount bowed his head, and pressed her hand it to his forehead. ‘I know, and I respect you for that.  However, heed me dear lady.  You only have to send word, and I will fly to your side.

He sat up, and from his finger removed his heavy gold ring embedded with a glowing ruby. He put it in the palm of her hand, and closed her fingers over it. ‘Please take this. If you do send for me, then have your emissary show this ring.’

Esther opened her fingers to gaze at the ring gleaming in her hand. She could feel the warmth of
his own hand from it. ‘I can’t this is —’

‘Please Esther – keep it with you.’

She sat higher, and leaned towards him, kissing his brow.  ‘Dear David – thank you for your solicitude. I owe you so much,’ she murmured, stroking back the black curls from his forehead.

He managed a grin. ‘Come on, have your tea and confits. Then we shall see about getting you home. By the way, little Lily is downstairs with Lottie.  I shall miss her, you know.  In fact, I shall get a spaniel for myself. It will remind me of you.’

‘I remind you of a dog?’ Esther giggled. ‘David, you certainly know how to praise a woman.’

‘I must confess to not being an expert with words, m’dear.’  Smiling, he ruffled her hair, and
rose from his seat, towering over her, his broad muscled shoulders, filling out the superfine frockcoat. ‘I will leave you now to see to the carriage.’

Esther raised her voice. ‘Before you go out David, I remember the poor maid who dropped the tray.  Do you know if she retained her position?’

‘No I don’t – if it pleases you, I will find out.’

‘Thank you – I really do want to help. I would be horrified to think she is without work and money.’ Yet as she spoke, she shivered; she too could be homeless within a few days.  Maybe, she should think of joining David; he did promise he would treat her like his younger sister.  But then, he was a man and prone to male urges. Would he keep his word?

As he left, Lottie entered, wiping her eyes with the hem of her apron. ‘Oh milady, he’s such a kind gentleman, la, why don’t you stay with him’

Esther swung her legs over the side of the bed, ‘Be not so bold Lottie, there are reasons.  Now come, help me to dress.’


Concern clouded Marissa’s face, as she entered the apartment, to see Esther stretched out on the chaise longue. ‘My dearest, how are you?  I missed you so, but I did not dare approach the viscount.’

‘He would have welcomed you Marissa. He’s far less fierce than he looks, in fact, he’s a pussycat.’

‘So, tell me all about it.’ Marissa said, discarding a pale pink blue cashmere shawl, and handing it to Lottie.

Esther bit her lip, watching Marissa pull up a Chippendale chair. As usual, she dressed
a la modality
superb.  Her afternoon gown of pink silk glimmered through an overskirt of delicate ivory gauze, with rosettes decorating a low décolletage and puffed sleeves.   The comforting presence of her old friend brought fresh tears to her eyes. ‘I know not where to start, but first let us partake of tea and pastries. Cook is busy cooking enough for the army itself. She felt disoriented without Lottie and me. Even Lily had a special little cake made for her. And you know how truculent cook can be.’

Marissa chuckled tickling the little spaniel’s glossy ear.  ‘Well that is an honour Lily,’ she said, ‘but now dearest, pray
tell me all.’

‘I know not what to do.’ Esther said biting her lip.  ‘The viscount has offered me a home with him—’

‘What? Oh Esther, a viscount.  Pray, you are the luckiest girl.’

‘No – no. Not as his mistress, but rather as his friend. La, indeed he said he would treat me as his sister.’

‘Why? I don’t understand.’ Marissa eyes widened. ‘Is he – not that way inclined?’

‘Oh no – I told him that I could not flit from one lover to another.  It seems
whilst I was in fever, I spoke of my last employer, of how he ravished me. He was so saddened; it was then he made the offer. I am convinced of his certitude; obviously he wants me as his mistress, but he is willing to wait.’

‘Then why do you hesitate.’

‘Vaughan saved me Marissa, as you know.  I cannot just leave him. I know he does not love me, but then neither do I love him. It was just convenient for us both.  In the beginning, it was far from pleasant for me, but I had no choice. Love or starve.’

Picking up the little spaniel, Marissa stroked the silken head. ‘I am blessed; my dear Maurice fairly dotes on me.  Indeed, if I was not a Cyprian; he would marry me instantly.’

Esther pursed her lips. Surely, if a man really loved a woman, he would marry her whatever; defy the
, everyone for his love.  However, she was an idealist, and knew that very few would follow her thinking.  Nevertheless, she said, ‘I do not understand his reasoning Marissa.  The
may well be powerful, but their lifespan is minute; the grave is forever. I am sure faced with this choice; I would choose love and damn the

Marissa put her finger to her lips. ‘Hush dearest. Maybe the maid can hear you. You know how they tittle

‘Then let them tattle; all the gold, porcelain cups and silk gowns can never vanquish love.  La, I would rather live in a small cottage with my love
, than a palace where my husband tolerates me whilst longing for his mistress.’  Seeing her friend cast her eyes down, she said, ‘Forgive me Marissa that was unkind of me, but I just – well I must tell you. I am with child. And I just don’t know what to do.’

‘You are increasing?’ Marissa rose and knelt beside her friend. ‘Dearest – pray pardon me for asking, but is it Vaughan’s?’

‘Who else Marissa – really.’ She bit her lip, however much Marissa protested her faithfulness to her darling Maurice; like some other courtesans, she was known to bestow her favours elsewhere. Many a contract was torn up in fury as their protectors discovered their infidelity. She said,’ The  answer is yes, and I fear he will have no love for it.’

‘Will you keep it?’

Tears stung, as she tried not to cry. Esther knew if she started, perhaps she would never stop.  Once more, her life was in ruins, and yet hope beat faintly in her heart.  ‘I … I know I must end it, but then within me right now is a little heart – beating.  A child who will love me – a child, I can rear with love. Just think Marissa, I would never be alone again. We would look after each other.’

Marissa wiped a tear seeping down her cheek. ‘Don’t Esther, you make me cry.  It is not possible to keep it. You know that.’

BOOK: Lady Henrietta's Dilemma: Regency Suspense Romance Book 2 (Lords of Sussex)
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