Read Kristen Blooming Online

Authors: Jenny Penn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic, #Romance, #Western, #Romantic Erotica, #Westerns, #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

Kristen Blooming (23 page)

BOOK: Kristen Blooming
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The afternoon flew past in a wave of laughter and conversation that ended up with her agreeing to dinner at their place. Dylan was going to grill up the fish that Kristen had caught. That had actually been fun, but there was something a good deal more to the day than that.

Kristen couldn’t exactly describe it, but as she sat out with Brandon on the back porch watching Dylan work his magic at the grill, all she knew was that she felt at home. This was where she belonged, where she wanted to stay. The only problem was she thought that about every moment.

Catching the fish, laughing and running as Dylan tried to gross her out when he cleaned them at the dock, picking vegetables with Brandon, and now, right then, sitting in the warm glow of the candlelight and the stars above, there was no moment she didn’t savor, even the walk they took after dinner as all three of them strolled hand in hand around their neighborhood.

It was one of the older neighborhoods, with big lots and various styles of homes. It was a place people settled down to have children and grow big, happy families. In that moment, Kristen knew that was what she wanted, only she wanted to go slowly and enjoy every day of the fantasy.

Kristen could guess at what fantasy her men were planning to make true come that night. The moon had risen high into the sky, lighting it up enough that the stars had faded from view when they finally turned back for home. Brandon’s thumb had started a slow roll across her palm that Dylan’s mimicked, sending a bolt of pure pleasure radiating up both her arms and enveloping her in a bubble of pure bliss.

How then could she turn down Dylan’s kiss when they finally reached the back porch door? And how could she not but thrill in wanton ways as Brandon pressed his body close behind her, his lips coming to nuzzle the sensitive arch of her neck. Kristen moaned into Dylan’s mouth and melted between them, unconcerned, even as Brandon trailed a series of nibbling kisses to the strap of the tank top she wore.

She hadn’t had the nerve to remove it all day, but as Brandon’s hands slid down to her waist and began slowly ease it up, Kristen found the courage to pull back from Dylan’s kiss and hold her arms up so Brandon could pull the shirt completely free. Instantly, Dylan’s eyes dropped to her breasts, and there was no denying the heat that filled his gaze as his hands came up to brush aside the small cups of her bikini.

Kristen trembled, feeling a strange warmth fill her as she waited for what came next as his head slowly dipped. Still, her breath gasped out of her in shock at the first electric touch of his velvety lips as they broke over the sensitive peak of her nipple. Her breasts swelled in a rush as the pleasure of his kiss had her all but collapsing with a heady rush of delight.

She might very well have fallen over if Brandon’s strong arms weren’t there to hold her. He was still nibbling on her shoulder, sending delightful thrills of heat spiraling downward. The sensation soaked through her as his rough voice murmured in her ear.

“Kiss me, beautiful. Show me how much you enjoy what we’re doing.”

Kristen obeyed that command without hesitation, turning her head to meet his lips and give life to all the pent-up lust churning inside of her. Her tongue dueled and danced with his, even as Dylan’s toyed and twirled around the hard pebble her nipple had puckered into. Then his lips clamped down tight, and he sucked on her, making Kristen cry out into Brandon’s mouth and arch not only into Dylan’s kiss but also into the hands following the quivering trail of delight right down her stomach and dipping below the waistband of her shorts.

Gwen was a little more rounded than Kristen, and the shorts hung a little loose, giving Brandon’s callused fingertips the room to roam as they slid slowly down to cup the sensitive flesh that ached for the feel of his possession. She was hot, wet, and twisting in their hold, not able to focus on kissing Brandon as his hand slid beneath the panty of her bikini and laid claim to the molten folds melting into his hand.

She felt him part the lips protecting her intimate flesh, and then he was touching the most magical spot on her body. This thumb settled over the pulsing bud she could feel blossoming as he began to roll and pump it. With every motion, another bolt of tension twisted through her, dragging her toward an explosion she could only pant and plead for in broken breaths as Brandon began to stretch her sheath wide around the plunge of his thick fingers. Over and over he fucked them deep and fast into her until Kristen was coming apart in a shower of such exquisite ecstasy she didn’t even have the strength left to stand as both men pulled back.

Brandon caught her before she fell over as Dylan chuckled, a little unsteady sounding himself. His hands worked quickly, though, as he stripped her down until she was wearing nothing but shivers and a blush. Before embarrassment could take hold, though, Dylan was kissing her, robbing her of the ability to think, much less worry.

There was nothing to worry over because there was no way this could be wrong. It was too good, too perfect. As Dylan swept her up into his arms and began carting her back into their house, she let go of all her reservation and inhibitions. They wouldn’t hurt her.

Not ever.

That confidence dimmed a little as Dylan carted her into a bedroom, Brandon fast on their heels and shedding his clothes as he went. Kristen was admiring the show, amazed at how strong and sexy his arms looked. His chest, his stomach, they were ripped with such power that he made her mouth water, but when finally he shoved his boxers down and kicked them aside, her thoughts soured.

He was huge!

And kind of angry looking.

Kristen’s nose wrinkled at the sight of his penis jettisoning out from its nest of coarse-looking curls. It stared back at her with an unblinking eye that tipped the swollen and flushed head. His entire length was flushed, a vein protruding that made her cringe at the thought that he might be in pain…or about to cause it.

Brandon caught her staring and smiled, a devilish twist of his lips as he reached down to stroke his own length in a hard-looking fist.

“Yeah, beautiful, this is what you do to me, but don’t worry, it just wants to be your friend.”

“I have a feeling it wants a good deal more than that,” Kristen retorted tartly, not about to buy into that line.

Dylan and Brandon both laughed as Dylan settled down on the bed, still holding her and fully clothed. He adjusted their position until he was leaning back against the headboard, Kristen settled against his chest. Then he used those thick, big knees of his to force her legs wide, leaving Kristen completely exposed and blushing as Brandon began crawling up between her knees.

This was not exactly how she expected things to go.

“I think there are a few things we need to explain to you, beautiful,” Brandon began, his eyes twinkling with delight. “First off, this is your pussy.”

Brandon reached down to cover her folds with his fingers, making her flush all the hotter, though not with embarrassment this time. This time she was moaning and arching as he discovered that hidden magical spot once again and treated it to a quick caress.

“That’s your clit,” Brandon murmured before leaning in close enough for his lips to brush hers as he gave her one simple warning. “And I’m going to devour both.”

With that, he sank down, capturing her pussy with his mouth and doing just as he promised. It was as if she was being branded, only the flames sizzled with a rapture so searing that Kristen didn’t even have the breath to cry out. All she could do was pant and writhe as she found herself trapped between her two lovers once again.


* * * *


Brandon lost all control at the first taste of Kristen’s cunt. She was soft, wet, and so damn delicious he could have dined on her forever. Forever was too long of a wait, though, for his dick. It pulsed angrily, wanting a taste of Kristen, too, but Brandon ignored its painful threats.

He wasn’t going to rush this. Not Kristen. This was her first time, and he didn’t want it marred by anything. So he drove her from one climax to another, stretching her cunt wide as he fucked his tongue up the velvety wall of her sheath over and over again.

She cried out, finally burying her hands in his hair as she pressed him tighter against her spasming flesh, and he knew she was lost in the pleasure. It was time, but Brandon’s needs went deeper than mere lust. He wanted something more.

He wanted total possession.

So, he crawled back up Kristen’s sweaty and trembling length to meet her tear-soaked gaze and demand the words he needed to hear. He held her gaze as he slowly lowered his hips until his dick was being branded by the molten feel of her cunt lips. They enveloped him in a wet, suckling kiss that had him grinding down into her heat, her softness.

Over and over again, back and forth, Brandon pumped himself through Kristen’s sodden folds, watching as her eyes darkened and the flush brightened in her cheeks. Slowly, her hips began to move with his, and he knew he had her in his thrall.

It was time. He felt his heart seize with the knowledge as his hips instinctively lifted, dragging the throbbing head of his dick down to lodge against the clenched muscles guarding the entrance to her body. Kristen’s heavy lids fluttered up, her eyes clearing for a second as the two of them locked gazes.

“Tell me to fuck your pussy.” Brandon growled over the words, straining beneath the need to pound forward, but he held back, waiting for her to obey, but Kristen couldn’t get the words out. All she could do was whimper and twist in Dylan’s hold.

“Please,” she pleaded softly, but Brandon wanted more.

Dylan seemed to understand. His hands covered Kristen’s breasts, toying and teasing her as he coaxed her into giving in.

“Come on, princess, tell him what he needs to here,” Dylan murmured in her ear, nibbling on the lobe and making Kristen moan anew as she turned to offer her neck up. Dylan kissed his way down the graceful arch, peppering each one with words that had Kristen lifting startled eyes back to Brandon.

“Brandon didn’t lie. He loved you first. He gets to have you first. Tell him what he needs to hear. Tell him to fuck your pussy.”

The air thickened with a sweet tension as Kristen licked her lips and slowly said the words.

“Fuck me.”

That’s all Brandon needed to hear and he was claiming her mouth even as he claimed her body. It was like sinking into heaven, and it took every bit of strength and willpower Brandon possessed not to jerk forward. Instead, he allowed Kristen’s body the time to adjust as it melted around him, slowly easing his path forward until finally he settled his full length deep inside Kristen’s hot, tight sheath.

Beneath him, Kristen moaned and twisted, her eyes fluttering closed as her cunt pulsed and clamped down around him. Brandon’s balls were full and tight, his dick throbbing in agonized pleasure, and every instinct he had was screaming at him to move, but he held still, allowing Kristen to savor the moment. His arms quivered, his thigh muscles twitched, and the strain became nearly unbearable as the seconds ticked by, but soon he was rewarded for his patience as Kristen finally murmured a breath and began to twist beneath him.

Slowly, with more tenderness and care than he’d ever shown any woman, Brandon began to move, shifting his weight back and forth and teasing them both with what was to come. The slight motion set off a ripple of fireworks that shot blazing sparks up his spine as Kristen gasped, her hands coming out to clutch at him.

The sharp bite of her nails along with the sudden thrust of her hips was his undoing. He cried out to her, praying that she forgave him as the reins of his control snapped and his hips started to lift and surge in a rhythm as old as time.


* * * *


Brandon needn’t have worried. Kristen was too lost in the glory of the moment to notice even the slightest pinch of pain as he began to pound into her with increasing demand and strength. Each thrust of Brandon’s hips ignited a new and boldly more intense burst of delight that had her legs lifting and twining around his waist as she offered herself up to his savage loving.

They were not alone in the moment. Dylan’s strong arms held her close, the thick ridge of his erection grinding into the small of her back as his hands continued to torment the sensitive peaks of her breasts. Then he was dropping one, allowing it to slide down over her sweat-slickened side and curve around the flushed globe of her bottom.

Kristen’s eyes damn near bulged out of her head as Dylan let his fingers slide down the crease of her rear to touch her where nobody had ever touched her before, not even the gynecologist.

“Shh,” Dylan murmured softly in her ear as she tensed slightly in his arms. “Just relax and enjoy.”

That sounded like an impossible task, but it was a command easily obeyed as Brandon grunted above her, driving into her now with a relentless speed that blinded Kristen to all else but the pressure building up inside of her. That pressure grew twice as thick and powerful as Dylan slowly screwed his fingers deeper into her, making everything that much more intense.

Then the world was exploding around her, Brandon was roaring as he convulsed, and the hot flood of his seed washed through her. His hips pounded hard against her, grinding his balls against the soft flesh of her pussy until he collapsed beside her on the mattress.

Before Kristen could even catch her breath, much less touch back down from the starry wonder she was flying through, the room was spinning around her, and suddenly she was being pressed into the bedding right beside Brandon’s shoulder as Dylan reared up behind her.

BOOK: Kristen Blooming
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