Read Kissing the Maid of Honor Online

Authors: Robin Bielman

Tags: #Secret Wishes#1

Kissing the Maid of Honor (5 page)

BOOK: Kissing the Maid of Honor
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Stella pushed her red-rimmed eyeglasses up and waved for her to enter. Her smile widened and Sela’s shoulders relaxed. Stella didn’t give away expressions like that unless they were deserved.

“Good morning,” Sela said.

“More like great morning. I loved your column. I was just reading it again.” Stella lifted her coffee mug. “I think it’s your best one yet.”

“Really?” Sela sat in the upholstered chair across from her desk, even though what she really wanted to do was jump up and down.

“Absolutely. The single women of this town are going to hang on every word.”

Sela leaned back in her seat. “Wow. Thank you.”

“Whatever you did this time, keep doing it.” Stella put her elbows on the desk and slipped clasped hands under her chin.

If Stella wanted her to spill what she’d done differently, she’d wait forever. She had no intention of sharing what had sparked her creativity: Luke. She didn’t even want to admit it to herself. But dancing with him last night, riding on his motorcycle and feeling invincible, had done insane things to her head. The person she’d wished for so long would stay away from her had wormed his way inside her thought processes and made her better.

No, not just better. Gutsy.

“Who is he?” Stella said, cutting into her musings.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Thank goodness Stella couldn’t see her foot tapping.

. But I’ll let you keep your secret. For now.” She shuffled some papers on her desk, drawing Sela’s eye.

“What’s that?” she asked, noticing a picture of Luke alongside some copy.

“We’re running a piece on Luke Watters. Hometown hero makes it big across the globe. Have you seen him? I hear he’s ridiculously hot.”

Sela’s stomach back flipped. “Yeah, I’ve seen him.”
And you heard right
. “What does it say there about a girlfriend?” She leaned over the desk, the word catching her attention.

“He’s dated professional athletes, models, an Australian actress, but it seems our Mr. Watters has no desire to be tied down. If I wasn’t still getting over my ex, I’d love to be up close and personal with him.”

It didn’t surprise her that Luke wasn’t boyfriend material. He probably thought The One was a climb up Mount Everest to photograph a hiker or a sail around the world to photograph a boater.

Her palms perspired, though, thinking that there were probably two dozen other women in town who would like to sink their teeth into him, too. As much as she didn’t want to be around him more than necessary, she didn’t want anyone else around him, either.

That didn’t make her jealous. It made her considerate of what little time he had to spend with his family.


Someone knocked on the office door. Sela turned to see one of the copy editors poke her head in. “Sorry to interrupt, but we need you, Ms. Muloway.”

“I’ll be right there.”

Sela stood. “I’m really glad you liked my column.”

“Any ideas on what you’ll write next?” Stella stepped around the desk and walked with her to the door.

“A couple.” Inspiration had hit earlier, thanks to Luke’s leather jacket. She’d forgotten to give it to him last night and found Beckham curled up on it when she’d padded into her kitchen for coffee this morning.

“Excellent. I look forward to reading it. Nice work, Sullivan.”


Sela’s cell buzzed on her way out of the
. She pulled it from her bag and noted the phone number. “Hey, Mom.”

“Hi, sweetie. How are you?”

“I’m great. How’s Maui? Have you gotten lei’d?” She waved to a fellow writer and then pushed open the glass door of the building. Sunshine wrapped in a cool spring sleeve greeted her.

“Sela Elizabeth Sullivan!”

. I’m talking about those beautiful flowers you wear around your neck. Sheesh. You and Dad
be having a good time. Happy day before your thirtieth anniversary, by the way.”

“Thank you.” She let out an audible breath and Sela smiled. “How is everything going with the wedding?”

“Good, I think. We had a dance lesson last night and Vanessa and Hayden looked amazing.”

“That’s wonderful. The hospital?”


“Your brother?”

“He’s good, too, Mom. Everything is okay here. No worries.”

Another sigh came across the phone line. “Well, the reason I’m calling is because your father and I have decided to extend our trip another week.”

Sela stepped through the entrance of Crem’s. She shrugged off her jacket as she walked to the counter. As usual, several people waited in line. “That’s terrific. You guys
having a good time.”

“Yes. And your dad intends to spoil me further with a stay on Kauai. We’ll be home on the first.”

“Enjoy it, Mom. You’re a very lucky woman.” She hoped to one day have what her parents had—a love unmatched. Her dad doted on her mom like they were still teenagers and her mom gave back with equal measure.

“I’m going to try Shane next, but if I miss him, please tell him hello for us.”

“Will do.” She smiled at Mrs. Witt, who passed by with a muffin in her hand. “I’ve got to go. I’m next in line at Crem’s.”

“Have a cinnamon scone for me.”

“Okay. ’Bye. Love you!”

“Love you, too.”

She stuffed her cell into her purse and eyed the pastries in the case. She always had a cinnamon scone. Today she’d try something different.

“Who do you love?” a man with a deep, sexy voice asked over her shoulder.

Her entire body warmed up like she’d been put in the bakery’s oven. Tingles traipsed down her spine. She’d been so occupied with her phone call that she hadn’t noticed who had stepped up behind her.

. Just thinking his name set every nerve in her body on alert.

“None of your business,” she tossed back without turning.

“What is my business?” He stood too near. His breath tickled the back of her ear. The
ear wanted equal attention.

“Last I heard, photography.” She rubbed the affected ear.

“Luke Watters. Is that you?” Candace Brewer strolled right up to him and wrapped her skinny arms around his shoulders.

“Hi, Candace,” Luke said, his voice void of the playfulness from seconds before.

Sela inwardly grinned and moved up to place her order.

A few minutes later she had a cup of coffee—with cream and enough sugar to make her dentist cringe—and a spiced-apple oatmeal muffin. Her first bite into the breakfast treat garnered a, “

She almost echoed that sentiment when Luke sat down across from her. Without invitation, his presence thrilled her. He wore a long-sleeved blue waffle shirt that stretched nicely to accommodate his broad shoulders and chest. His face was clean-shaven, revealing a handsomeness that was seriously unkind to the rest of the male population and made it difficult for her to breathe normally. She’d better come up with a plan. Something to keep her traitorous body from turning a hundred shades of want every time she was near him. Maybe if she pictured him with crooked teeth and a mullet…

“Something wrong?” he said.

You are too good-looking.
“No. What are you doing here?”

He lifted his coffee. “Needed my morning caffeine.” He reached over and broke off a piece of her muffin.

“I meant what are you doing at my table.”

“Keeping you company.” He popped the bite into his mouth. “I pegged you for a blueberry girl, but this is good, too.”

The idea that he’d pegged her anything catapulted goose bumps down her arms. She broke off another piece and gave it to him. “Don’t you have anything better to do this morning than bug me?”

“Sela. Is that any way to talk to me after last night?”

“Shh.” She cast a quick glance around the bakery. Mrs. Witt was pretending to read the newspaper at the table next to them. The mayor and his wife both waggled their fingers at her. Candace loomed by the condiments table, adding way too many packets of Splenda to her drink. “Don’t you remember how this town loves to know everything about everyone? And you, Mr. Hotshot Photographer, are at the top of the list right now. Once your story hits the newspaper, you can kiss your temporary freedom good-bye.”

Luke slanted his chin down, but his eyes stayed right on hers. “You…” His voice dropped a degree or two on the volume scale. “Never did like to draw attention to yourself.”

“And you liked to do it all the time.”

He smirked. “Attention can be a good thing.”

“It can also be very bad.” She slouched down in her chair, hoping no one had been listening too closely.

Something flashed across his face. Amusement? Interest? Desire? Her body went on high alert. This mutual whatever it was could not be investigated further in the middle of Crems!

“I don’t know. Sometimes being bad can also be very good,” he said, sounding all sorts of tempting and dangerous.

Had he forgotten about their kiss back in high school? Was Vanessa right and he hadn’t given their lip-lock a second thought?

Then, her bra unhooked.

Out of the freaking blue, the front clasp popped open. Like he’d commanded it to with his annoyingly seductive voice.

This was not the universe telling her to throw her concerns and inhibitions aside and take Luke up on his veiled offer to be bad with him. They’d been bad last night. And she was done being anything with him for the rest of his visit.

This was a reason to go shopping for a new bra, that was all.

She crossed her arms over her chest and prayed he didn’t notice—

“You’re blushing,” he said.

Dammit. “It has nothing to do with you.” She reached down and pulled her laptop out of her bag, hoping he’d get the hint that she had things to do and he’d leave. Then she could race to the restroom to fix her bra. “It’s warm in here.”

“So is this what you normally do on your days off from the hospital?” He glanced at her laptop. “And how did you know about the newspaper article? It’s scheduled to run on Sunday.”

Shoot. How did she answer that? Luke might have told her his secret, but she had no plans to share any of hers. “Don’t you have some bachelor party planning to do or something?”

“I’m glad you brought that up. I don’t know the first thing about putting one together and thought maybe we could join you girls. I mentioned it to Vanessa and she said I needed to check with you. Shane’s included so it would be a good chance for us all to be together.”

If her brother knew the kinds of thoughts she was having about his best friend, he would not want them together. “Did it sound like Vanessa was okay with it?” Bottom line, if it made Vanessa happy, she wouldn’t argue. “As MOH it’s my job to back up whatever she wants.” And if that included Luke, she’d make the best of it.

His brow furrowed. “MOH?”

“Maid of Honor.”

“Actually, she sort of panicked at first. But then Hayden walked into the room and he really liked the idea. I promised we wouldn’t get in the way of any specific plans you have. Shane said you had some things in mind for Vanessa, and I’m all for making it a night she won’t forget.”

A killer headache started at Sela’s temple. She ran a couple of fingers along her forehead. The town wishing well did not grant wishes. It granted trouble. The more time she spent with Luke the more she worried her maid of honor duties would slip because she’d be distracted by his friendliness. And his smile. And those eyes…

“Okay,” she said, hoping that he’d get up and go now. She really needed to fix her bra.

Luke sat taller and grinned, but the pleasant curve of his mouth lasted only a second before he pursed his lips as if in pain. The quick change in his expression killed her. “Are you all right?” she asked.

“Fine,” he said, his tone clipped. He picked up his coffee and stood. “I’ll see you Saturday.”

“Okay.” She almost shouted, “Take care,” to his back before remembering no one else knew about his injury.

He was obviously mad at himself for sharing his secret, if his quick departure was any indication. Maybe that was the way to keep her distance? Ask about his injury and hope he decided being around her wasn’t worth the risk of his accident coming out.

It could work, and she needed something to work since her wish had failed so spectacularly. Because one more minute of feeling like Luke was the last person she could afford to get close to, but the first person she wanted to know better than she knew herself might lead her to do something foolish.

Chapter Five

Sela put the last small vase on the table of the semiprivate area of the Moroccan restaurant and studied her handiwork. Filled with short-stemmed red and pink roses, the jewel-embellished vases she’d made last night looked perfect. The couches with oversized pillows in tones of gold and cranberry looked ultra comfy for sitting, and she hoped people used the Polaroid cameras she’d borrowed from Shane to take instant pictures.

“I can’t believe you’re making me wear this,” Vanessa said, returning from the ladies’ room.

Sela adjusted the small veil headpiece on her best friend’s head. “You look gorgeous.” Her cap-sleeved, short dark blue sheath dress looked stunning, too.

“I look obvious.”

“As it should be. And I’m telling you right now it’s going to get worse as soon as we leave the restaurant. So just go with it, okay? You only have one of these things, and it’s my job to make sure we’re on our worst behavior.”

Vanessa gave her the puppy-dog eyes.

“Sorry. Those are not going to work tonight. Tonight we’re going to be a little crazy, and there’s nothing you can do or say about it.”

“Just remember what goes around comes around and it will be your turn one day.” Vanessa smiled.

“I’m eloping with the man of my dreams and not telling a soul.”

“What the hell?”

Sela spun around. Shane’s eyes were wide, and his mouth was set in a grim line.

“You’re eloping? With what sonofabitch? I’m going to kill him,” Shane added.

“I was just making conversation.
Chill out
.” She playfully pushed her brother in the chest. “And my love life is none of your business, anyway.”

“Your love life is definitely my business. After the last guy you dated turned out to be a real jackass, the next guy you’re with has to have my approval first.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I can take care of myself. I’m…” She stopped. Luke and Hayden approached and she really didn’t want to have this discussion in front of them. Erin and Vanessa’s other bridesmaids followed right behind.

No matter how hard she tried not to look at Luke, she couldn’t stop herself. He wore an untucked, button-down beige shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, jeans, and an up-to-no-good smile. “Hi,” she said.

“Hey.” When his gaze stayed caught with hers, her palms grew damp and her pulse hightailed it to unsafe territory.

“Thanks so much for coming, everyone,” she said and turned away from Luke to talk to anyone else.

A few minutes later, their whole party had arrived. Sela chatted and laughed and picked up a camera to snap a few pictures.

“I’m insulted,” Luke whispered from over her shoulder, taking her by surprise. She gulped before turning around.

And wished she had a stuffy nose and blinders on because up close he smelled minty and manly and looked good enough to forget herself. “Afraid someone else will take better pictures than you?”

He laughed like that was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. “No. I wanted to be your first subject.” He pressed his shoulder against hers, lifted her arm so she held the camera out in front of them, and then pressed the side of his face against her cheek. “Say cheese.”

The stubble on his jaw, the way he touched her with familiarity and warmth, the close proximity of his mouth to hers, teased her heart into thumping with wild abandon. He had to feel it. She could barely take a breath.

His hand engulfed hers and his finger hit the button to snap a picture of the two of them.

The second after the camera flashed, she pulled away. “Insult remedied.”

“Yes, but I think something else ails me now.” He fanned the instant photo for a moment before putting it on the table.

“My turn!” Erin wrapped Sela in a hug from behind.

Grateful for the interruption, she put her hands on Erin’s arms and held tight. Luke took the picture and before he could say or do anything else, Sela stepped away. She willed her heart to slow its tempo and rubbed the spot on her cheek where his stubble had made contact. A waiter stopped by and asked if they were ready to get started. She nodded and made sure to sit at the opposite end of the table from Luke.

Large platters of roasted chicken and lamb with honey sauce were served. Bread overflowed. Couscous topped with shrimp kabobs and vegetables, olives and lemons arrived. Spicy scents mingled with the steam from the hot dishes. But the best part was eating with her hands and teasing Shane when he dropped food in his lap.

Sela caught Luke staring at her several times. He talked to the people around him, but his attention kept darting to her. She watched him, too. She wanted to skim her finger across his bottom lip. Delicately, and not so delicately glide bites of the spicy food into his open and waiting mouth. Heat rushed up her body. She downed her glass of water and focused on the flowers on the table.

Two belly dancers in beautiful costumes shimmied over to their table when they’d finished eating. The women encouraged everyone to get up and soon they were all swiveling their hips. With music coming out of wall speakers and castanets in the dancers’ hands, vibrations flowed through Sela. She relaxed. Her lower body moved in a circular motion while her arms swayed with fluidity.

Once again, her gaze clashed and held with Luke’s. Several feet separated them, but she’d swear she could feel him touching her. She couldn’t take her eyes off his—he seemed to be soaking in much more than her attempt to belly dance.

Her thoughts raced back to their dance lesson and how they’d moved together in perfect harmony.

The music stopped. She shut her eyes and collapsed back onto the couch.

Vanessa cozied up next to her. “That was so much fun. Thanks for picking the perfect restaurant.”

“The night’s just getting started,” she said. “Ready for dessert?”

Originally, when Sela had ordered a penis cake from Crem’s, she’d almost given Meredith Crem a heart attack with the X-rated request. But when Sela enlightened her to the goings on outside of Cascade when it came to bachelorette parties, Meredith’s wrinkled face had split into a wide grin and she said it would be her pleasure to make the cockamamie cake. No pun intended.

“What are you smiling at?” Vanessa asked.

“You’ll see in a minute.” She flagged down the waiter and asked him to bring out dessert.

After Luke had left the bakery last Thursday morning, she’d immediately asked to see Meredith. No way could she have a penis cake now that the guys were joining the girls. Meredith didn’t even blink and said she’d add a pair of boobs. She’d been on the Internet to get ideas and knew just the design.

Once word got out that Sela was the person who corrupted sweet, little old Meredith, she’d never hear the end of it. But for some reason that didn’t bother her as much as she thought it would.

The waiter put the cake in the center of the table.

“Oh my God,” Erin said. “That is perfect.”

Vanessa and Hayden laughed loud enough to turn heads. Sela sighed in relief that she’d gotten the reaction she hoped for, and then let out the laughter rising in her throat.

Luke picked up a camera and took a picture of the cake. Then he turned the camera on her. Sela hated having her picture taken. It ranked right up there with filling her car with gas and going to the dentist. But the waggish smile at the corners of Luke’s mouth made her forget her dislike.

Sela had told the guys they had to sit at their own table when they went to the Crown & Anchor. She had things planned for Vanessa that she did not want their input on. However, because she knew men thrived on competition, she had one game for both Vanessa and Hayden to play.

She and the girls sat in a large, raised corner booth of the pub. Sela waved to Kagan and the waitress hurried over.

“Happy Bachelorette Party,” Kagan said. “You ready to start things off with a little surprise Sela organized? Love your pink boa, Vanessa.”

Vanessa pulled the boa back and forth across her shoulder blades. “Bring it. Can’t be more embarrassing than this penis candy bracelet I’m wearing.” She let go of the boa and lifted her arm to show Kagan the edible phallic jewelry. “There is a reason for this, right?”

Sela nodded. “There’s a reason, and you’ll get it soon. First we need something to drink.”

“I’m on it,” Kagan said, turning and striding away.

“These are for each of you,” Sela said, handing over pink “I do” favor bags.

Thank-yous rang out and Erin took the honor of pulling everything out for a little show and tell. She’d helped Sela put them together and had been anxious to share the gifts ever since they’d left the restaurant.

“We’ve got edible finger paints, body shimmer lotion, bath salts, a penis-shaped lollipop, a Humm Dinger pleasure ring—” Erin paused and looked around the table. “It’s not worn on your finger, ladies. And my personal favorite, handcuffs. I might even use these tonight. Did you see that guy at the end of the bar? Holy smoking hotness.”

Sela looked toward the bar, but her gaze hit a brick wall when it landed on her own personal holy smoking hotness. Luke raised his eyebrows as if he could see all the R-rated favors lined up on the table.

She whipped her attention away, just in time to see Kagan return with the pink peni-magnum squirt guns. Sela had stopped by the bar earlier and dropped off the eight-inch penis-shaped guns and asked that they be filled with tequila, Vanessa’s drink of choice if she had to. And tonight she had to.

“What is
?” Vanessa shrieked.

gun loaded for action,” Sela said, taking one from Kagan. “Open wide.” She aimed the gun at Vanessa’s mouth. This first time would be easy, since Vanessa’s mouth was already opened in a giant

The bride-to-be took it in stride and drank down the alcohol, only choking once. “What’s wrong with shot glasses?”

“They’re boring,” Erin said, high-fiving Sela and then putting everything back into her gift bag. “Let’s empty these babies quick and start round two.”

Amidst giggles and jokes about a guy’s “size,” they emptied their guns into one another’s mouths.

“This is from those two at the end of the bar,” Kagan said, nodding toward two good-looking guys and putting a pitcher of beer down on the table.

“Tell them thank you,” Erin said, waving in their direction.

“Oh, I love this song.” Vanessa moved her shoulders back and forth. “Come on. Let’s dance.” She pushed Sela out of the booth and dragged her toward the dance floor.

One gun of tequila and her best friend lost all signs of shyness. Sela glanced over at the guys, wondering how much longer Hayden could stay away.

Probably a while, given that a girl was lying on their table, Luke was pouring some kind of gold liquid into her belly button, and Shane was drinking it up. Hayden and the other guys cheered him on.

The second Vanessa’s head turned in Hayden’s direction, Sela grabbed her and hauled her back to their table. Time to get a little attention of their own.

“Everyone take out your lollipop,” Sela said. “We’re going to play a game.”

“Yum. Watermelon,” Erin said. “I wonder how many licks—”

“Exactly.” Sela pulled the wrapper off her strawberry-flavored candy. “This is a game where we race to see who can finish their sucker first. No biting. Only licking. And we need to do it in a way that gets some of the guys in here noticing.”

“I can’t—”

Sela pushed a glass of beer in front of Vanessa. “Drink this and then you can. I’ll join you.” Sela took a few gulps of the pale ale. Out of the corner of her eye she looked in Luke’s direction again. A different girl was lying down and exposing her stomach. Something sparkled, probably a piercing. The guys seemed mesmerized by it.

“Ready, set, go!” Sela put her sucker in her mouth.

It took less than a minute for the two guys at the bar who had sent the pitcher of beer to notice something going on at their table. They sauntered over.

“We couldn’t help but notice—”

“That we’re having a sucking contest?” Erin said.

Vanessa and two other of her bridesmaids choked. The guys’ eyes widened before they both broke out in grins.

“My money’s on you,” one of them said, unable to take his eyes off Erin.

Sela wondered if he was the hottie Erin had set her sights on earlier. Last year Erin had been dumped by her college boyfriend of three years—he’d cheated on her and told her he’d stopped loving her months before they broke up. The heartbreak had wrecked her faith in men, and ever since, she’d treated the opposite sex like she had no desire for anything of substance. Sela had a feeling it was to protect herself and hoped Erin didn’t let one guy ruin her for another chance at love.

“What’s going on here?” Hayden said, bumping the table and shouldering their male company out of the way.

Sela sighed. So much for separate parties now. “How about a scavenger hunt?” She pulled the lists for both of them out of her purse. “From now until we leave, Vanessa and Hayden have to try and get these items and do the tasks. The person who accomplishes the most wins whatever he or she wants from the other.”

“Could you stop doing that?” Hayden said to Vanessa. “It’s very distracting.”

Vanessa pulled the lollipop out of her mouth. “Sure, baby.”

“What’s on the list?” Luke asked.

Sela jumped. She’d known he was standing next to her; his arm had grazed the back of her neck when he laid it across the raised booth. But she’d been trying her damnedest to focus on Hayden, so the question surprised her.

“They’re identical but specific to male or female. Meaning on Vanessa’s list it will say a pair of boxer shorts but Hayden’s will say a G-string.”

Luke leaned over her shoulder and she fought the compulsion to turn her head and put her lips on something besides her lollipop. “It also lists a condom, five men’s business cards, an empty shot glass, dancing on a table, an object that unintentionally resembles the male anatomy…”

Sela turned the list over and handed it to Vanessa. “Time starts now. Good luck, you guys.”

BOOK: Kissing the Maid of Honor
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