Read King of Clubs Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #Science Fiction/Fantasy, #Romance, #Scientific/Technical/Professional, #Erotic

King of Clubs (7 page)

BOOK: King of Clubs
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“Do as the sorceress instructs,” he said with a firm look at Awai. “She will ensure you are ready for me.”

Awai bit the inside of her lip to keep from telling him to fuck off. “Yes, Your Majesty,” she murmured as docilely as possible.

He gave a kingly nod, turned on his heel and strode out the door.

“First a bath,” Kalina said as she started for the bathing room attached to the chamber. “The King instructed that you use special soaps to relax your body for him,” she added as Awai followed.

The sorceress’s words sent a shiver down Awai’s spine. Her body was being conditioned for Ty as if she was his property.

Which, in fact she was. As long as she chose to submit to him, she belonged to Ty.

The bathing room was gorgeous—made of marble, crystal, and glass, with a ninety degree view of the flower strewn hillside and wash of cherry blossoms. The crystal tub at the center of the room rose up from the green marbled floor, and Awai could see the steamy water through the clear sides.

After she stripped off her clothing and handed them to the sorceress, Awai started for the tub. She was not embarrassed at being seen naked. She had a taut, firm body and enjoyed appreciative glances. Kalina was no exception, her amber eyes watching every move Awai made.

She eased up the crystal steps, climbed into the tub, and slid into the incredibly warm cherry blossom perfumed water. “Oh, god, this is heaven.” Awai sighed as she relaxed against the smooth side of the tub and stared out at the amazing view.

Awai allowed herself to be pampered while the sorceress washed her hair with almond-scented shampoo, and then bathed her with a soft sponge and a gel that smelled like whipped cream and cocoa.

Good lord, I’m an ice cream sundae.
Awai smirked. Maybe Ty would want to sample a little of everything she had.

When Awai had finished bathing, the sorceress dried her off in a thick, soft, white towel with Ty’s Club crest embroidered on it, then set the towel aside.

“Sit here.” Kalina pointed to a crystal bench close to one of the windows.

Awai slipped onto the bench and felt its coolness beneath her bare ass and pussy. Kalina wore her clinging black robe, but Awai was still naked. She wasn’t ashamed or embarrassed. Quite the opposite. She found she enjoyed the excitement of being naked when others were clothed—much like how her subs had enjoyed being naked when she was fully dressed. With the club charms still dangling from her nipples, the nubs were tight and hard. Her skin glistened, damp from the steamy room.

Kalina retrieved a crystal brush from a small nearby table, moved behind Awai, and began brushing her hair with slow methodical strokes. In no time at all, her hair was dried…like magic. Awai shivered, her excitement mounting from being “prepared” to go to Ty.

“You are a beautiful woman,” Kalina said as she came around to stand before Awai. The sorceress’s nipples were erect through her silky black robe and Awai wondered if Kalina wore nipple rings, too. “The King is right—your eyes are as blue as the leaves of a

Awai gestured to one of the feathery blue-leaved trees outside the window. “Is that a

“Yes, Milady.” Kalina reached for a clear pot filled with a red creamy mixture. “The tree has magical properties.”

Before Awai had a chance to ask the sorceress about the magic of the tree and other magic she’d seen, Kalina was dabbing the crimson substance from the jar on Awai’s lips. It felt like lipstick and smelled of cherries.

Kalina smoothed a bit of the red stuff on each of Awai’s cheeks, and Awai was afraid she was going to look like a total slut wearing too much makeup. “Do you have a mirror around here?” she asked as Kalina stepped back to look at her handiwork.

“When I’m finished.” Kalina dipped a finger into the pot and surprised Awai by dabbing the mixture onto one of her nipples, around the charm, and covering the areola.

“I’m going to look like a tart,” Awai said as her gaze shot from her nipple to the sorceress.

Kalina grinned. “Strawberry or cherry?”

Awai had to laugh. “Today, definitely cherry.”

The sorceress made Awai close her eyes, then applied shadow to her lids and lash line. As she applied the makeup, Kalina explained how Awai was to greet King Ty and how she should stand as she waited for him to acknowledge her.

When she was finished with the makeup, and Kalina placed a mirror in Awai’s hands. “You may open your eyes now, Milady.”

Mirror, mirror on the wall…

Awai held her breath, afraid she was going to see a cheap tramp looking back at her. What she saw in the crystal-framed oval mirror would have put any Nordstrom’s makeup artist to shame. Her makeup was perfectly applied, subtle, yet artful. Her eyes appeared larger and bluer, her mouth full and lush, her cheekbones prominent, and her nipples… Well, they looked hot and she knew that Ty was going to love them.

Next came the clothing, and Awai’s excitement level mounted. The top was a three inch white leather strap that wrapped around her breasts and was fastened in the back and barely hid her rouged nipples and nipple charms. The white leather skirt was so tiny that it came well below her star charm at her belly button, and went only to the top of her thighs and barely covered her waxed mound. Next Kalina handed Awai a pair of thigh-high boots that would have done any Dominatrix proud. They were made of the supplest, softest white leather, and reached about mid-thigh.

When she stood in front of a full-length mirror in the bedroom, Awai figured she looked so hot that she’d do herself if she was a man. Or hell, a woman even. Her dark hair flowed around her shoulders, her complexion creamy and beautiful, her makeup perfect.

I look like another woman…in another world.

Behind Awai the sorceress smiled at their reflections and said, “Yes, the King has chosen well.”

Chapter Six


Ty paced the floor like a caged tiger as he waited in the breakfast chamber for his woman. He had no doubt she would choose to be his mate. Awai had already chosen, whether she realized it or not.

His boots thunked against the marble floor as he walked the length of the majestic dining table and back again. Beneath the white linen cloth was a table made of the finest crystal, with ten carved chairs from the same precious substance with white cushions. A swirling red vase graced the center of the table, and cherry blossoms spilled over its edges and onto the white tablecloth.

He paused in his pacing, stood with his feet square with his shoulders, hands behind his back, and stared out the window and down at his village. When he had taken Awai to the village yesterday, he was certain his subjects had been as taken with her as he was.

From behind him came Awai’s smooth as velvet voice, “Your Majesty.”

Ty hesitated only a moment, that fraction of time that a Ruler used to show he was in control. But when he turned and saw Awai, he almost lost all that control.

As in he nearly climaxed in his breeches.

Her lips were curled into a seductive smile, her chin high, her stance wide, and her hands behind her back as Kalina surely instructed her to. But her eyes sparkled with something that told him she knew what she was doing to him at that very moment.

Ty ordered his cock to stand down, and gritted his teeth when it refused to cooperate. His leather breeches were far too tight and little blood was making its way to his brain. So instead he focused on controlling his woman.

“Sit to my right,” he ordered her, gesturing to the seat beside his own at the head of the massive dining table.

“Yes, Majesty,” she said with her eyes lowered, a hint of a smile still curving her luscious lips.

Cool air brushed his naked chest as he pulled the high-backed chair out for her, then seated himself. In moments servants and chefs appeared, placing before Ty and Awai platters of roasted fowl, baked bread, vegetables, fruits, and pastries.

Once their plates were filled by one of the servants, Ty inclined his head to Awai. “You may eat now, my tigress.”

“Thank you, Majesty.” Awai speared a piece of a meat and vegetable filled pastry with her fork.

Ty took that moment to place his hand on her knee and slowly slide it upward to the inside of her thigh. Awai froze in mid-motion, her eyes wide as he moved up further, closer to her mound.

“Go ahead, my sweet,” Ty murmured close to her ear. “Eat.”

Awai tensed as Ty’s hand settled on her thigh.

“Eat,” he commanded again, and she slowly started in on the unusual food items on her plate. His hand remained close to her bare mound, and she had a hard time focusing on the meal or the conversation. He did mention sending messengers out to inform the Kings and Queens, telling them that Awai was now with him, but Ty did not know when his brothers and her nieces would arrive. Likely not for a few weeks.

With Ty’s hand teasing her mound, Awai’s desires for him increased by the second. By the time they finished their meal she was so ready for him that she wanted to jump the man.

When she set down her fork and looked up at him, Ty said, “The dungeon awaits. Follow me,” he added as he pushed back his chair and strode out of the dining chamber.

Awai’s belly flip-flopped as she wondered what he had in store for her.
I’ve been in countless dungeons
, she reminded herself as she slipped out of her chair to follow him.
This one can’t be any different

Ty walked ahead of her, the muscles of his naked back flexing with every powerful movement he made. His long blond hair flowed well past his shoulders, and the black leather pants molded his tight ass.

She couldn’t wait to get him out of them.

Maybe it was because she was used to the Dom/sub relationships she had witnessed in the BDSM clubs, and the fact she’d been a Domme herself—whatever the case, it didn’t bother Awai to walk behind Ty in a subservient manner. She had chosen this role—at least for now—and she intended to enjoy every aspect of it. She trusted that Ty would keep his word, and believed that if she was uncomfortable with anything, he would back off.

Although with everything she’d done to her subs—that they always enjoyed—and with everything she’d seen in other D/s relationships, she didn’t think there was much she’d be uncomfortable with. The only place she wouldn’t go was public humiliation or corporal punishment. Safe, sane and consensual, always.

Awai followed Ty through the airy palace. Warm sunshine poured in through countless windows and her boots made soft thunks on the marble tiles as she walked. Cool air caressed her naked shoulders, belly, the undersides of her breasts, and the part of her thighs not covered by her skirt or her boots.

At the end of one long hallway, Ty reached a large green wooden door, stopped, and waited for Awai to catch up with him. She expected a dark winding staircase leading down to an even darker dungeon, but when Ty opened the door the landing was brightly lit by skylights. The door softly closed behind them as she followed him down a wide set of green marble steps and into an expansive hallway. The floor was the same forest green marble, but the walls were white with many paintings of landscapes and seascapes. The sight of the paintings reminded Awai of Annie, and she couldn’t help but wonder how her niece fared these days.

The hallway was also lit by skylights. They were positioned to one side of the hallway where Awai could see grass and flowers blooming outside. She realized they had to be underground, but not entirely beneath the castle.

They reached a set of double doors at the end of the hallway. Ty grasped the gold club-shaped handles and flung the doors open.

It was the most amazing “dungeon” Awai had ever seen. The lighting was more intimate but not too dark, and everything was white instead of black. The devices—there were so many that Awai couldn’t begin to absorb them all. She heard the door close behind her as her experienced eye ran over items that seemed traditional, like a St. Andrew’s cross, spreader bars, seats with restraints, spanking benches, suspension gear, swings, a cage with glass bars, and much more.

Yet each item appeared to be different than she was used to. Like the swing that hung from nothing, as if invisible restraints held it in mid air. The St. Andrew’s cross was the centerpiece of the room, but what was incredible was that it was made of crystal and it actually seemed to glow. She could sense a sort of power radiating from it. All the other items seemed somehow different, too, but she was too overwhelmed to take it all in.

Along two walls were assorted floggers, whips, canes, paddles, white leather restraints and harnesses, tethers, ticklers, blindfolds, candles and that glittering golden rope he had used to tie her with earlier. Again, it was all close to what she was familiar with, yet not.

“Wow,” Awai said as she turned to look at Ty. At his frown, she lowered her eyes demurely and added, “Your Majesty.”

Within her line of vision, he held out his hand. On his palm a black collar appeared, with a gold club charm dangling from it. The club matched the charms hanging from her nipples.

“Will you wear my collar to signify that you are mine?” he asked in a firm tone. “You will be my slave until I have broken through the barriers that hold your heart and soul hostage.”

Awai paused, understanding the symbolism of the gesture, yet wondering if being his “slave” would help her heal. If she refused, this would end. But if she accepted the collar, then she also accepted whatever came next.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” she finally said. “I accept your gift.”

Ty moved behind her and she lifted her long dark hair so that he could fasten the collar around her neck. She shivered from the light brush of his fingertips against her neck as the charm swung against the hollow at the base of her throat.

When he was finished and she had turned back to him, she felt different somehow. A little nervous knowing she was truly this man’s sub, and she must do all that he asked of her. But she also realized that she held power over him—she was responsible for his pleasure as he was responsible for caring for her.

BOOK: King of Clubs
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