Kick to the Curves (Eastgate BBW Romance Series Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Kick to the Curves (Eastgate BBW Romance Series Book 2)
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              The sensei came around to help another gal with her stance. We were learning eight basic defensive blocks in case someone was to attack us. He touched the lower part of her back and as she leaned, she fell a little. The sensei had to nearly jump to catch her in his muscular arms.

“Oh my!” said the woman as she lay in the sensei’s arms. I saw her bat her eyes at him as he helped her back up. “I almost made a fool out of myself.”

“Almost?” Susan said to me under her breath. “She literally just threw herself at him.”

I giggled a little as the sensei came around to us.

“Hello, ladies,” he said to us. Up close, I noticed how sharp and beautiful his light colored eyes were. I watched his chest rise and fall as he spoke. There was something about him that was magnetic and strong. His biceps bulged like softballs along his arm as he motioned what he wanted us to do.

“Got it!” Susan said as she took her stand. “Ready, Marcia?”

“What are we doing again?” I asked, wide-eyed. I had been too busy checking the sensei to notice what he was asking us to do.

“Where were you? La-La Land?” Susan rolled her eyes at me.

“It’s quite okay,” the sensei said to me. “Here, I can show you.”

He reached over and grabbed my hips. Then he swept his legs under mine to help me move my feet into place.

“Like this?” I said, holding my stance toward Susan.

“Very excellent,” he said. “Marcia, right?”

“Yes, sensei,” I smiled. Then I looked across to Susan who had a giddy look on her face.

“Now, slowly feign throwing a punch at her, Susan,”

“Do I have to feign it or can I really punch her in the boob?” Susan joked. A couple of guys in the back started to laugh when they heard that. “Oh, you like that fellas? There’s more where that came from!”

Susan curled her fist into a ball and slowly rolled it toward me.

“Now, swing your arm around to block, Marcia,” the sensei said as he watched my arms.

I moved my arm around in a clockwise motion, and pushed Susan’s fist away from me.

“Great job!” Susan said. “Now
try to punch me!”

“Continue like this, ladies.” The sensei moved away from us to the group of guys in the opposite corner.

“Looks like I scared him away,” Susan shrugged.

The class continued for another half hour until the sensei stood back at the front of the class.

“Thank you all for joining us today,” sensei Mason said. “If you would like to practice more, please see the front desk for my business card.”

Then he bowed and quickly left the room and down the hallway.

“That was fun,” I said, smiling.

“Looks like you had more fun than even I did,” Susan winked as we exited the room.

“What does that mean?”

“I saw the way you looked at sensei Mason. Not to mention the way he kept looking at you!”

“Whatever,” I denied as we passed the front desk. Though I didn’t want to lead Susan into believing that the sensei and I had a connection, I also felt like there may have been one only in my head.

“Have a good rest of your day, ladies,” said the good-looking guy at the front desk.

“Thank you! You too,” I said as I pushed open the door and exited the building.

“You’re not going to sign up?” Susan asked.

“No,” I was confused. “I had fun, but I thought this was a one and done event.”

“How are you going to ever get any of those guys you drool over, Marcia, without putting yourself in front of them?”

“Do you really think that the beefy karate instructor we just took a class from actually wants me?”

“It seemed like it to me.”

“I’ll think about it,” I said, walking off toward the SUV.

“Hold on,” Susan said before she sharply turned around and entered the building.

              “What are you doing?” I called out, but the door closed without an answer. After half a minute, she came back out of the door with a smile. “What did you just do?”

“I gave the receptionist guy your number to give to the sensei,” she smirked.

Phone S
creening For Dummies


              Initially, I was mortified that Susan gave Mason my phone number. However, at the end of the day, I started to find myself wishing that he would call. I didn’t know what was worse: waiting for the sensei to call or the fact that it had been three days and I hadn’t heard from him. I was starting to believe that it was a naïve notion thinking that he was going to call me at all.

I spent the night making dinner for myself before deciding which sappy movie to watch on instant replay. As I punched down on a salad with my fork, my phone rang. It was rare that I received a call from a number that I didn’t know that wasn’t a telemarketer, so I let it go to voicemail.


My phone sounded with a new message. I put down the fork and reached for my phone. Then I pressed play:

“Hi, Marcia, this is Mason from Eastgate City Karate. I hope you’re having a great night. My assistant said that your friend dropped off you number and so I thought I’d give you a call. To be truthful, I’m very glad that she did. You seemed like a lot of fun and I was hoping that you would like to join me for dinner this weekend, if you’re available. Call me back at this number if you are interested. Or reach me at the studio. I hope that you have a good night.”

              I was frozen. The hot instructor from the karate studio just asked me out on a date! My first instinct was to call Susan. I fumbled with the phone and dialed her number.

“Hey!” Susan said as she answered the phone.

“Oh, my, GOD!” I yelled.

“What just happened?” Susan responded, flatly.

“Mason, the super hot sensei, just asked me out!”

“Get out of town!”

“I’m one hundred percent serious.”

“You go, girl!”

“You go girl? We’re still saying that?” I asked.

“Whatever! I’m happy for you, bitch!” Susan replied.

“That’s better.”

“So,” Susan started. “When are you guys going on your date?”

“I think this weekend,” I said. “I didn’t know the number, so I let it go to voicemail. He just left a message saying that he wanted to do something this weekend.”

“Hold on there for one minute,” Susan said. “Are you telling me that you just got called by a hot guy to go on a date and you called
before calling him back?”

“Uh…” I didn’t know what to say. I felt extremely stupid. “I’ll call you in a second.”

“I swear, Marcia, you can be so–“

I hung up before Susan could finish her tirade. Then I found Mason’s number in my call log and rang him back.

“Hello?” he answered.

“Hi, Mason, it’s Marcia.”

“Hi, Marcia. Thank you for calling me back. How is your day?”

“It’s great! Thanks for calling me.”

“Of course; I didn’t want to miss the opportunity.”

“Opportunity for what?”

Mason laughed.

“To ask you out,” he said.

“Well, I’m free this weekend for dinner.”

“That sounds fantastic. I was thinking Saturday at seven o’clock at J. Wang’s Tavern.”

“J. Wang’s? I’ve never heard of it.”

“It’s a new fusion place downtown. If you’d like, I can pick you up, and we can arrive together.”

“That sounds great,” I said.

“Perfect. Message me your address and I’ll see you there.”

“Will do. Thanks, Mason.” Then we hung up the phone. I was extremely excited when I called Susan back to tell her. I didn’t think it was the sexiest reaction, but at least I got a date out of it.

The Date


When Mason picked me up in his black BMW outside of my apartment, his gaze was magnetic. He was wearing a gray button down, short sleeve shirt with the top button undone. The shirt was tight fitting and I could see every muscle bulging inside of it.

“You look incredible,” Mason said as he got out of his car.

“Thanks,” I blushed. I had put on a black dress that squeezed tightly around my hips. Susan had bought it for me for my birthday, but this was my first time wearing it. “You look very handsome yourself.”

“Then we’ll be the hottest date in the restaurant,” he smiled.


The date went well and the dinner was amazing. I learned that Mason studied karate for most of his life and went to the University of Eastgate for his business degree. I told him about my boring desk job as an accountant, which usually didn’t make for fun conversation. However, he seemed to genuinely enjoy hearing about me. Mason paid for the dinner, which, in the time, was a rarity. During the entire date, Mason couldn’t take his eyes off of me.

When he drove me back to my place, he stopped beside the curb. Now that it was completely dark outside, I could barely make out his light colored eyes that peered over me.

“Thanks for joining me tonight,” he said, softly.

“No, thank
for dinner,” I giggled. “It was absolutely delicious.”

“I hope we can meet again soon,” he said.

“That would be very nice.”

Mason walked around to my door
and let me out. We didn’t hug. Instead he just looked at me in the moonlight for a bit.

“You are so gorgeous,” Mason said.

“Stop!” I resisted the compliment. Though I must have also turned a very deep red.

being honest,” he stated. There was a pause, and then he shook away his intensity. “It was nice seeing you again, Marcia. We’ll talk soon.”

Mason got back into his car and watched me walk up to my apartment. As I unlocked the door, I turned and waved to him and he sped away. I
stepped into my apartment, a little disappointed that I didn’t get a goodnight kiss. This, however, was the first date. Not everyone likes to kiss during a first outing.

I sat my purse down on the kitchen counter. Then I ran some drinking water from my fridge into a glass and thought about the date. I couldn’t get Mason out of my head. His beautiful eyes and
muscular arms continued to run through my mind. Moving over to my bedroom, I found my favorite black nightgown. Wearing it always made me feel sexy. This was a time that I needed to feel this way. I put it on and examined myself in the mirror. Rubbing my hands along my sides, I looked at my full hips and large breasts. It was the first time in a long time that I had felt this good.

Out of nowhere
, there was a knock on my door. I wasn’t sure who would be at my place this time of night. Walking over to the door, I opened it and saw Mason standing there.

“Mason?” I asked. Then he rushed me, grabbing my by my sides and
then he kissed me.


BOOK: Kick to the Curves (Eastgate BBW Romance Series Book 2)
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