Read Kate's Crew Online

Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary, #General

Kate's Crew (2 page)

BOOK: Kate's Crew
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Chapter Three

Heat crawled up her chest then progressed onto her cheeks at the admission. She’d never had these kinds of urges before. Wel , maybe once or twice. But only in an abstract way. She’d never had anyone specific in mind, and she’d certainly never admitted the fantasy to a lover.

Kate had tried to discount her constant hunger for her new neighbors as a product of the steamy season, their often half-naked bodies or, even, her hormones kicking in as she got older. None of the lies held water.

Something about this man drew her like a bear to honey. And his friends sweetened the deal. Fear of his rejection had her mind racing so out of control, she didn’t realize he’d started laughing until he flopped to his back on the mattress beside her.

He flung his contoured arm over his eyes, burying his once-broken nose in the crook of his elbow. The tribal armband ringing his biceps jerked as he tried to stifle his amusement but failed. Kate’s face flamed even as her stomach cramped.

She slugged his shoulder. “What the hell are you laughing at? I know I’m nothing special, but I’ve seen the way your friends look at me when they think I can’t see. Hell, I can feel their eyes undressing me every time I bend over. It’s driving me insane!”

When she shifted—tucking her legs under her to scurry out of the bed—he rolled to his side, propped his scruffy jaw on his hand then grabbed her around her waist and refused to let go.

“There’s no need to get your pretty panties in a bunch, doll.”

“Good thing, since I’m not wearing any.” She thrust her chin in the air.

“True, that.” His pupils dilated. “But you’re missing my point.”

Mike coaxed her to recline beside him with languorous strokes of his fingers on her waist. Then he shook his head as if remembering what he’d been saying. “I can’t believe you made me chase you like a rabid dog because my crew turns you on.”

“It’s not just that they’re smoking.” She cleared her throat.

“No worries. I caught you the first time around, babe. You want to get it on with them.”

Kate clamped her bottom lip between her teeth then gave a reluctant nod. “I’m sorry.”

“Stop it. Stop assuming you know what I want.”

How had he ended up above her again? His laser stare sliced through the flimsy denials she’d hoped to construct.

“Ever hear the saying, ‘Work hard, play harder’?” Mike encroached on her personal space, filling every gap with his scent, his heat and his chal enge.

“What about it?” She gulped like a fish out of water.

“I’ve known the crew for ten years, ever since we suffered through trade school. There’s not much we haven’t done together. I’m a pretty open-minded guy. Would it surprise you if I said you wouldn’t be the first woman we’d shared?” He traced the ridge of her collarbone with the tip of his middle finger.

She tried to answer but couldn’t, her throat had gone dry.

“You think about it, Kate. Where’s your feisty spirit now? Do you have the guts to go after what you want? Al you have to do is ask.”

Just when she thought he would steal her inhibitions with another kiss, he sprang over her then headed for the shower. On the vintage-tile threshold to the bathroom, he turned. “And, one more thing, sweetness… You’re plenty special. Never doubt that.”

Where the hel had Mike disappeared to? Kate shouldn’t care, but she did. She scolded herself when she scanned the yard for the tenth time that minute. She’d spent the morning trying to ignore his insufferable smirk, as he strutted around the site, while mental y reciting all the reasons she couldn’t accept his unconventional proposition.

Despite this morning’s wake-up cal , affairs weren’t her style. The unwise urge to prevent him from walking away after one sweaty liaison had almost overwhelmed her sense of self-preservation. Instead, she’d driven her hand beneath her thigh to keep from reaching out to tug him into bed for another romp fol owing his shower. She couldn’t risk getting any more involved. No matter how she prayed she could change, she would always want more—something lasting.

of her forehead hitting the sheetrock patch she’d finished installing an hour ago almost drowned out her sigh. Her cell phone vibrated, alerting her to an incoming text message. Every hypersensitive nerve in her body jumped to attention.

She flipped open the phone. Mike.

Meet me in our laundry room. Come in through the garage. Quiet. Quick.

Ignoring his command would be prudent. Also impossible.

Kate sprinted along the hall then took the stairs two at a time before racing out the rear entrance. She hopped the low stone wal dividing their properties then snuck into the neighboring garage like a cat burglar working a world-class heist.

Her hand brushed the doorknob leading from the car bay into the house, where the washer and drier would one day go, but she got drawn inside before she could turn it. Mike’s powerful arms surrounded her, pressing her spine to his taut abdomen. The ridge of his constant hard-on fit in the valley of her ass, covered only by the thin material of her Capri sweats and her thong.



The astringent odor of sealant wafted up from his hand, which covered her mouth. In the pitch-black, the brush of his lips on the shel of her ear startled her. She flinched at his raspy whisper. “I want to show you something.

Everyone lusts. Everyone fantasizes. When your lover respects you, you should feel free to explore your desires. No matter how extreme.”

Her eyes began to adjust to the darkness. Slits of light gleamed through the louvers on the interior laundry-room door, which faced into the kitchen of Mike’s fixer-upper. Now that she could hear past the galloping of her heart, she froze. A masculine moan echoed off the tiled surfaces of the vacant living space. No, make that several moans.

“Want to see what it could be like?” The plane of Mike’s chest cradled her as he inched them closer to forbidden delights with shuffles of his steel-toed boots. His hands encircled her waist. The tips of his fingers teased the hem of her tank top. Then they slid beneath it to rub irresistible circles over the skin on either side of her belly button.

Kate shivered in his hold.

“Go ahead, take a peek.” He bumped her with his pelvis, grinding against her.

She worried her lip between her teeth as she debated. But the next primal grunt of pleasure dissolved all traces of resistance. Before she knew what she intended, her fingers tucked in the slats at eye level and her nose smooshed against the cool, painted wood.

Oh. My. God.

From this angle, she caught the strong profiles of both James and Neil. Tal and lithe, Neil leaned on the end of the countertop for support, his jeans unbuttoned. Framed in worn denim, his cock jutted from the vee of his fly. James hovered a mere half inch away from the head. His lips parted, glistening with saliva, as though waiting for permission.

“Suck it.” The gruff command reverberated through the space, causing a trickle of wetness to run onto Kate’s thighs.

In the kitchen, Neil buried his fingers in James’s sun-bronzed hair, using the grip to tug the kneeling man closer stil . With two fingers, he aimed his erect shaft straight for James’s open mouth. When he slid inside, bal s-deep with a single stroke, the look of rapture on both men’s faces stole her breath.

From behind her, Mike’s hands travel ed lower, dipping beneath the waistband of her pants. He shoved them over her hips until they pooled on the floor. “Mmm…you smel delicious. Wet already? I thought you might enjoy the show.”

He cut short her whimper when he tilted her face for a scorching kiss. But he didn’t steal her concentration from the other men for long. When she turned her head back, they had paused. Had they heard her?

Please, don’t stop!

As though they read her thoughts, the two men resumed their rough play. James’s stout throat worked around Neil’s embedded cock. She almost cried out again when his jaw slid forward, dragging his lower lip over Neil’s tight sac.

“Fuck! Where did you learn that trick?” Neil panted.

“From me.”

Kate’s eyes widened as Dave strol ed in from the living room. An impressive bulge tented the front of his cargo shorts. His hulking frame and towering stature might have been intimidating if he weren’t so quick to joke or lend a helping hand when needed.

“Son of a bitch. Can’t you two go five minutes without getting off?” Joe fol owed a step behind Dave. “We have a deadline…”


He should have saved his breath. James continued to give Neil what looked like a world-class blow job. She thought Neil’s gaze flickered toward her and Mike’s hiding spot, but he didn’t say anything.

Joe grinned, then shrugged at Dave. “Now’s as good a time as any for a break. We need them to concentrate when we snap the chalk lines for the patio or everything will be out of square, and we’l spend all afternoon fixing it anyway.”

The easygoing partner stripped his shorts off in two seconds flat. His cock, bare beneath the khaki, sprang free. He put one hand on the counter then hopped up beside Neil with animal grace. When his balls rested on the cool marble they’d upgraded to, he hissed.

“Come on, Dave. I see you checking out James’s ass. What are you waiting for?”


Chapter Four

James raised his hips in clear invitation. Each man embraced his sexuality without inhibitions. Every desire they expressed met with acceptance and trust from the others. The display caused a surge of hope and desperation in Kate.

What would it be like to explore her yearnings without fear of recrimination? The mere idea of such freedom had her arching into Mike’s roaming caresses, craving something more.

“Shh, babe. I’ve got what you need.” His fingertips completed their circuit around her swol en folds before retreating. The pause, filled with the faint rustle of him shedding clothes, gave her a moment to refocus on the scene before her.

Joe had braced one arm behind him. He reclined with his weight on his straight-locked elbow to give Neil the room needed to reach over and surround his hard-on with one fist. Neil had joined him on the countertop.

Their thighs pressed together from hip to knee. As she watched, Neil turned his head to claim Joe’s mouth in an aggressive exchange.

She’d never seen two men make out. Their whisker-stubbled jaws rasped together as their tongues clashed.

They devoured each other. Meanwhile, James continued to feast on Neil’s cock. His head bobbed with sure strokes on the other man’s tool, eliminating the hesitancy she sometimes experienced when she wondered what her ministrations would feel like. Should she suck harder? Use more tongue?

James made short work of the fasteners on his torn jeans. Dave had positioned himself behind James, who bent at the waist between Neil’s lightly furred legs. His meaty hand rubbed his crotch through his work clothes as he took in the trio of lovers before him.

The tendons in Dave’s neck protruded when the golden skin of his partner’s back gave way to the lighter flesh of his ass beneath his low tan line. Dave scrounged in his utility belt. When his hand landed on what he sought, he grinned.

“I was just about to start coating the bolts for the railing so they wouldn’t rust.” He held up a jar so Joe and Neil could see, then gave it a shake. “Let’s hear it for petroleum jel y, huh, James?”

James moaned around Neil’s erection then widened his stance. His steely cock bobbed between his legs. He ran his hands up Neil’s thighs then cupped the other man’s bal s in his palms, nuzzling them with his chin. The confident massage of his stained fingers had Neil’s hips bucking, driving his shaft farther into James’s eager mouth.

“Put your hand on me, Neil.” Joe grabbed Neil’s wrist then guided it to his stiff flesh. Kate didn’t blame Neil for being too distracted to function without assistance. James lapped the dripping head of Neil’s cock before returning to his enthusiastic sucking.

Kate fol owed the line of Neil’s toned arm to the juncture where it encased Joe. The flared tip beneath Neil’s fingers left a trail of pre-come that glistened in the afternoon light. While Neil’s lips travelled along the column of Joe’s neck to tongue his pebbled nipples, Joe’s gaze riveted to Dave, who swirled his index finger in the open jar.

Lost in her observations, Kate gasped when Mike’s throbbing cock nudged her swollen pussy. Then she rocked against him, clamping her teeth shut over a whine when he retreated on the cusp of entering her.

“With James, babe. Imagine it’s you out there, the center of al that attention.”

Her pulse spiked at the thought.

Dave scooped a generous dol op of the lube onto his cock. He stroked the substantial length until it made squishy sounds against his greased palm. Then he wiped the excess jel y over the clenching pucker of James’s ass.

Mike mimicked the sensation, swirling his fingertips across the mouth of her pussy, spreading her ample arousal over every exposed surface of her labia. The pleasure had turned to torture. She struggled to force him inside but he evaded her then pinched her ass.

Luckily, the men seemed oblivious to her squeak.

“No cheating.” To silence her protests, he circled her mouth with two fingers until her lips parted to admit them.

The sweet taste of her own arousal burst over her tongue. She realized his intent when he used the intrusion to tip her head forward, blanketing her back.

Kate sucked on his fingers as though they were Neil’s long, lanky cock. She swirled her tongue over his short nails then nipped the thicker, work-roughened pads.

“Yes, that’s right.” He adjusted her so she could see out a lower slat. The sensual recreation in front of her blazed to life once more.

Neil and Joe stared at Dave’s cock as he set the head against the tissue ringing James’s asshole. Dave’s hard-on, though proportional to his mammoth frame, appeared out of scale compared to James’s compact build.

How will he take all that?

Dave wrapped his fingers around the base of his shaft then bounced the heavy head against James—

sensitive flesh on sensitive flesh—in a series of quick slaps. The contact initiated a chain reaction. James moaned then swal owed Neil’s erection, his lips circling the root. Neil cursed then squeezed Joe’s cock, pumping faster.

She swore Mike trembled behind her with the effort of hovering on the brink. Almost penetrating. Yet he refused to bury his length in her.

Dave gripped one of James’s hips then used his other hand to guide his hard-on through the initial resistance of his partner’s ass. It seemed as though all six of them gasped in unison when the tip plunged past the broadest point to drive several inches deep.

Mike’s cock burrowed inside her before she’d recovered from the delicious vision. The shock of being filled to capacity obliterated rational thought from her mind. Both her and James writhed together beneath the assault of overwhelming pleasure.

“It’s been a while, my friend. Your ass is nice and tight.”

“No, Dave, you’re just fucking huge. Don’t hurt him.” Neil gritted his teeth but whether he held back pleasure—

or some sort of possessiveness—at the sight, Kate couldn’t tel .

A strangled groan drew her attention to Joe. “Oh, fuck. I can’t watch, or I’l have to put up with you shitheads ragging on me for coming in seconds again.”

The group laughed together despite the sexual tension arcing between them.

Joe bolted from his spot. He got to his feet on the countertop, straddling Neil’s splayed thighs. The motion presented his crotch—at chest level—to Neil, and averted Joe’s gaze from the other three guys’ carnal display.

Dave chuckled as his hand snuck around James’s waist to cup the man’s dangling cock and bal s. “Open to me. We’l go slow.”


“No!” James protested around Neil’s cock.

At the same time, she begged Mike. “Fuck me. Now.”

Without waiting for either Dave or Mike to move, James and Kate rocked backward, taking their lovers bal s-deep.

“Shit, yes!” Dave bellowed when his flat abs slapped James’s ass.

On the counter, Neil surrounded Joe’s cock in a double-fisted hold. He didn’t offer to suck the standing man.

Joe didn’t push beyond Neil’s limits. Instead, his hands clamped onto Neil’s shoulders, braced for the ecstasy generated by the firm touch. He thrust into the grip, which hugged his shaft.

Mike spread his fingers along her pussy on either side of his cock, now shuttling in and out of her. She forgot to stay quiet when his palm rubbed circles over her clit, matching the way Dave began to jerk James in time to his steady thrusts.

The force of Mike’s penetration shoved her forward. She continued to lave his fingers in her mouth while she studied James’s throat working around Neil’s cock. A quartet of desire filled the space with a symphony of masculine grunts and moans that sounded like music to her ears.

Kate ground her clit against Mike’s other hand. The contact compounded sensations pouring through her from the thril of witnessing such honest passion. She could’ve come in an instant but, somehow, it didn’t feel right to climax without James and the rest of the crew. The throb in her teeth alerted her to how hard she tried to hold on—to wait for them to join her.

“Good. Girl.” If his gravelly tone was any indication, Mike struggled, too.

The rapid flex of Joe’s ass grabbed her attention. Despite his attempt to block out the irresistible display, he seemed like he would be the first to cave. He hammered his cock into Neil’s tense grasp.

“Almost worse.” Joe groaned. “Can hear you guys. Smell you. Good imagination.”

Kate had to disagree there. Nothing could surpass watching this fantasy come to life.

Dave grunted as he plowed into James’s ass with measured strokes that Mike imitated one for one in her pussy. “Are you gonna shoot already, Joe? You know how it turns James on to see a dude come. He’l probably squeeze my cock in half if you give him such an up-close-and-personal show.”

The dirty talk nearly destroyed her resolve. The wal s of her pussy began to undulate, stroking Mike’s cock.

“Not. Yet.” Mike tweaked her nipple with his free hand. The pain should have helped her regain control, but it shoved her closer to the brink instead.

“Shit! Yeah, I’m coming.” Joe’s thighs bunched as he stood rooted to the counter. His pelvis jerked repeatedly, slamming into the side of Neil’s hands. His head dropped back, exposing the prominent bump of his Adam’s apple, which bobbed in time to the contractions of his muscles.

Neil angled his fists toward his lower abdomen, braced when the first hot rush of Joe’s semen splashed across his belly button. Al of them moaned at the contrast of the white strands decorating Neil’s olive skin.

When Joe collapsed onto the cool counter, Neil had a direct line of sight to the pure ecstasy etched on James’s face.

“Son of a bitch! You do like that, don’t you?” Neil clenched his jaw.

James’s cheeks hol owed as he answered with a renewed show of enthusiasm.

“Want more?”

From her vantage point, Kate knew James’s response to Neil wouldn’t matter. Neil had no hope of stopping himself now. Mike and Dave increased the tempo of their fucking—whether because their partners had reached the breaking point or because they couldn’t help themselves, she would never know.

She welcomed the powerful lunges, watching how Dave’s hips forced James’s cock through the circlet of the bigger man’s waiting fingers. Their tensing balls tapped together on every stroke.

James lifted his gaze to the trail of Joe’s come dripping toward Neil’s hard-on. He reached his tongue alongside the shaft, scooping up a hint of the viscous liquid. The hum of approval he made around Neil’s cock proved to be Neil’s undoing.

Neil grabbed James’s hair then rode his mouth hard as Dave slammed into his ass. Neil bucked against James’s lips as he released with a shout. James sucked him dry before lifting his well-used mouth from his partner’s wilting cock to clean the come from Neil’s abdomen with soothing strokes of his tongue.

Dave groaned as he watched James lap up Joe’s semen. He rode James harder and harder until the smaller man’s grip on the edge of the counter slipped. James’s cheek crashed into Neil’s slick abs.

Kate bit her cheek as Mike used both hands to anchor her against his violent fucking.

“Get. Ready,” he uttered between clenched teeth.

“Fuck. Yes!” Dave groaned as he continued to ram inside James. “Come now. Do it.”

The first jerk of James’s straining cock flung a jet of cream to the floor. It also shattered her restraint. All rational thought disappeared as sensation overruled her mind. Her torso went rigid in Mike’s secure grip. Her pussy milked him, begging him to join her.

By the time James had finished coming, a string of pearly fluid dangling from the tip of his spent cock, her orgasm had picked up steam once more. Mike refused to let her off so easy.

Dave pounded James. The base of his erection throbbed in time with his hoarse shouts. He fil ed James’s ass with spurt after spurt. Mike broke the parallel, about to pull out of her pussy. She chased him with her pelvis, refusing to let him free.

“Come. Inside me.” The ripples of pleasure amplified into another full-blown orgasm when he stiffened behind her then poured his seed into her welcoming grasp. He shifted his hands to her chest, cupping her breasts in his calloused palms. He continued to fuck her through his climax, setting off waves of unrelenting pleasure with the liquid fire fil ing her.

Either from the position, or the physical effects of her release, she grew dizzy. In the kitchen, the guys had started to clean up when Mike obscured her vision by settling her against his chest. Aftershocks continued to contract her pussy when he picked her up. She tried to focus on taking deep breaths as he dashed across the yard with her cradled in his arms, buck naked.


BOOK: Kate's Crew
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