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Authors: Dawn Martens

Kade (3 page)

BOOK: Kade
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The next day James and I walk into the house together, and I can hear Chase and Layla talking. Chase walks up to me, a crooked grin on his face. “Come out and eat with us, but hurry because Layla’s already starving.” He gives me a look that says ‘You know how she gets when she’s hungry.’ I grin.

To avoid grumpzilla, I yell out, “We better go now, people. Hurry up!” James nods, agreeing with me. We both grin at each other, and shake our heads. Who thought this day would come; us trying to mollycoddle a woman?

“I’ll be five minutes.” We all head to our rooms, getting ready as fast as we can. We don’t need the dragon lady coming out, although it’s hilarious watching Chase deal with her. The man gives her anything she wants, Layla is spoilt like crazy. Okay, I will admit, I spoil her too, but I also annoy her a lot so I think that’s evens it out. At least that’s my theory. I walk uninvited into James’s room and wince when I see a huge bruise on his back.

“James? What the fuck?” I hiss at him.

“Kade, don’t start,” he warns. Fuck. Do you know how frustrating it is to watch my baby brother go through these things, and not be able to do anything about it? And all because it's his choice. James chose this. I sigh heavily, and crack my neck from side to side.

“Come on, bro, can’t keep the princess waiting,” he says with a grin, trying to ease the tension. I clasp my hand on his shoulder and squeeze gently.

“Yeah, let’s go.”





I’m sitting at the pub, taking a swig of my beer when I see Crystal a few tables away with some friends. The woman is wild in bed and I could definitely go for another taste. Nikki is avoiding me and I’ve had enough. I’m too young to be sitting about waiting for a girl who doesn’t appear to be willing to fight for me. After a smile and a crook of my finger, Crystal comes over and is of course interested in coming home with me. We all jump in my car, Crystal gets in the back with Layla and Chase.

“What’s so funny, Chase?” I hear Layla ask him in a miffed tone.

“You are, baby,” I hear Chase reply smoothly. “You’re acting like a spoilt child.”

I look in my rearview mirror and notice Layla is, indeed, pouting. “What’s wrong, princess?”

“Nothing,” she grumbles, looking out the window.

Chase bursts out laughing, but I really have no idea what could be so funny. Chase must have done something.

James turns around in his seat and demands Layla tell him what’s wrong.

“Fine, you all asked for it! What happened to bros before hoes? I wanted us all to go out and have a good night together, but no, you had to go off flirting with anything with a vagina and ignoring me,” she says, visibly upset.

“You wanted it to be a family dinner?” I ask. I suddenly feel like shit. I did pretty much ignore all of them, giving all my attention to Crystal instead, thinking about what plans I had for her tonight.

“Yes!” she huffs. I give her a grin, trying not to laugh.

“Next time, princess, just the family, okay?” I assure her.

She nods, looking pleased. I hear Chase laugh, and Layla scoff.

Just when I think the crisis is averted Crystal has to go and open her big mouth.

“So Chase, do you remember me?” I hear her purr. Oh, fuck.

“Crystal. Not a word,” I bark out at her, hoping she takes the hint. She doesn’t.

“But I thought since you were taking me home, we were
going to have a little fun?” she says, the insinuation obvious. I hear Layla gasp.

I slam on the breaks. Fuck, no. She isn’t going to start shit with Chase and Layla. James hops out, reading my mind, opening Crystal’s door for her to get out.

“You aren’t serious?” she splutters.

“Get the fuck out of my car. Now!” I yell, losing my temper. I glance at Layla, and the look on her face. Well, fuck, we 're all gonna get it now.

After Crystal gets out, Layla exits the car too, storming off in a dramatic fashion. Chase jumps out straight away and follows her. James and I quickly follow.

“What are you doing, Layla?” Chase asks, his tone concerned.

“I’m walking home,” Layla tells him infuriatingly.

“The fuck you are!” Chase growls, now getting pissed.

“Get in the car, Layla,” James says softly.

Layla glares at the three of us. “I don’t deserve this shit!” Shit. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this mad. Guilt is not an emotion I’m too familiar with. This must be a sign.

“If you guys don’t respect me enough to avoid bringing whores you have all slept with, sitting them in the car
next to me, you can all go to hell!” She starts to take off again, but Chase runs after her. Then he picks her up and throws her over his shoulder. She squirms around, the hellcat.

“Put her in the middle, so she can’t try anything,” I say, biting back my grin. Come on, it’s kinda funny.

They both jump in the back with her, doing just that.

Layla gives us the silent treatment the whole way home, only scowling or shooting us daggers every time we try to talk to her. Pink’s ‘You and Your Hand’ comes on the radio. I groan. Apt, very apt.

As soon as Layla storms into the house, and into her room, Chase throws a punch at me and it hits me in the mouth.

“Fuck!” I curse. I know he didn’t hit his hardest, but it still fucking hurts. I pull my hand away, and see a few specs of blood.

“You better fix this, Kade,
!” Chase hisses.

He is so whipped
, I think to myself as I sigh out loud. I shouldn’t have brought Crystal in the car with me. But hell, she was hot and I wanted to get laid. I didn’t even think twice or consider the fact that Layla would get upset. Nikki's been avoiding me, and it's messing with my head. I just wanted one night to forget, to have some fun. A distraction. I fucked up. I care about Layla’s feelings, and I don’t want her upset. Chase is right, I need to fix this. Chase narrows his eyes on me.

“Let’s go get her some flowers,” he suggests.

Good idea, women like that shit. We head to the flower shop down the road and Chase picks out Layla’s favorite flowers which happen to be sunflowers. That is just like her; different, bright, and happy. James and I go with white roses. I can’t remember what they mean, but they're pure just like her. We knock on her door with apologetic expressions pasted on our faces. Let’s just hope she forgives us or my big brother might kill me.

Chapter Six




Tonight we are all heading to Layla’s and my favorite karaoke bar. Layla is riding with Chase on his bike, so I’m in the Hummer with Kade and James. I ignore Kade the whole way- childish, but whatever. As we pull into the bar’s car park I see Layla and Chase already there, making out. Those two need to get a room. Permanently. We walk into the bar together and order a first round of shots. After I do two, I’m ready for my turn on the mic. I choose ‘Single’ by Natasha Bedingfield. I can’t help it when my eyes find Kade’s, and the words come out of my mouth.


Don’t need to be on somebody’s arm to look good

(I like who I am)

I’m not saying I don’t wanna fall in love cos I would

I’m not gonna get hooked up just cos you say I should

(can’t romance on demand)

I’m gonna wait so I’m sorry if you misunderstood


God, this song is perfect! I totally suck at singing, but who gives a fuck? This song gets my point across.

When I come down from the stage Layla doesn’t even notice me standing beside her, she's too focused on Chase who is currently singing. I decide to make my way to the bar. Before I get there, a hand grips my wrist. I spin around and come face to face with Kade.

“Nice song,” he tells me with a sly grin.

“Yeah, I hope you got the message. Let me go,” I tell him.

He hesitates, then smirks, and lets my arm go. “Just because I let your arm go doesn’t mean that I’m letting
go!” he blurts out before walking away. I shake my head to clear it and order myself another drink.

As the night wears on, I start talking to some guy. He seems interesting enough; maybe he’ll help me get over this Kade funk. Kade keeps glaring our way, I have no idea why since he's chatting up some woman, too.

I’m about to make my way back over to Layla when I notice a man invading Layla’s personal space, putting his hands on her. I see Chase walk back into the bar after heading out to take a call. Instantly, the atmosphere in the room gets thick. I pull Layla away as Chase charges over, and starts to beat the shit out of this guy. Kade and James pull Chase off of the man, and after Chase cools down a little, Layla and he go home. Kade grabs my hips and pulls me into him as I try and walk back into the bar. “We’re going home.”

“Can you just take me to my house? I’ll get my mom to swing me by tomorrow to grab my car.”

“No, it’s too far away. You can just sleep in Layla’s room,” he says with a small grin.

“Right, like I’m
to trust that you won’t try anything with me,” I mumble to myself.

“For fuck's sake, Nikki, I’m not even like that. I want more with you. Yes, the sex is amazing, but I want all of you.”

He stomps off and James comes over to me and pulls me into his side. “I think Kade is more pussy whipped than Chase,” he says with a twinkle in his eyes.

With that, we both burst out laughing.

I hop into the Hummer and we head to Chase’s place. I go into Layla’s room and once I hear both Kade and James close their doors I do a detour. I head out to my car, jump in, and drive home.




I have never in my life been rejected by a woman before and I find that I don’t like the feeling. Nikki has been avoiding me, dodging my calls, and not coming over to visit. I even went to her class twice, but she wasn’t there- she always managed to leave early. I’m turning into a fucking stalker. I sigh, and run my hands through my hair in frustration. Nikki is the first girl I’ve ever considering something more permanent with and she doesn’t want me. The rejection burns.

After a week of her ignoring me, I’ve had enough. I’m sitting in my favorite bar having a drink. The place is quite shabby looking, battered leather stools, an old pool table, and it’s occupied by rough looking bikers. My gaze takes in the room and I cringe when I see three girls I’ve already had. Definitely can’t bring Nikki here. The thought of her causes me to take a huge swig of my scotch. I brought Layla here once. She stuck out like a sore thumb, it was funny as hell. A few of the men asked about her and I had to tell them she was not fucking available.

Liam, the bartender, pours me another drink. Liam is in his forties, salt and pepper hair, with a muscular build. No one messes with him. I haven’t been here in a while. I’ve been too busy chasing after Nikki. Here I am though, back at my bar, feeling sorry for myself; never thought I'd see this day. A few drinks later, I’m playing pool, pressed against some woman named Kelly. I even remembered her name- see how mature I’m getting? She's completely stacked with a body I’d like to get to know better.

“Wanna get out of here?” she purrs into my ear seductively, giving the lobe a little nibble.

Why the fuck not? We jump in a cab, because let’s face it; I'm way too drunk to drive. We rush from the cab into the house, stumbling slightly now and again. I open the front door and lead her straight to my bedroom. Our clothes are thrown messily on the floor and for an instant I hesitate. The face of a fiery redhead flashes in my head. I shake my head, getting rid of the image. Nikki doesn’t want me, but this woman does and I’m going to please her.

I wake up the next morning, not feeling satisfied, but feeling like complete shit. I shouldn’t have done this. I know Nikki and I aren’t together or anything, but it doesn’t feel right. I walk into the kitchen and make myself a strong cup of coffee
I hear the front door open; James must be home.

“Hey, Kade?” I hear Nikki say softly.





Kade has been calling me almost every day, but I have nothing to say to him, so I don’t answer. The truth is, I’m terrified. I’ve always had the upper hand with the men I get involved in, but not this time.

In the last week Kade has stopped calling, and I’ve realized how much of a dumb ass I’ve been. Time to man up, Nikki, or so to speak. I am going to visit him.

“Hey Kade,” I mumble as I walk into Layla’s house. Kade narrows his eyes on me silently. He's leaning against the kitchen table, bare-chested while pouring himself a cup of coffee. He looks edible.

I clear my throat. I feel so vulnerable right now, and it's taking all of my will power not to run. But I want Kade, I want this. So I need to suck it up.

“Layla’s not here,” he deadpans.

“I know, actually I wanted to talk to you,” I tell him in a soft voice.

He raises his eyebrows.

“I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you, the truth is…” I trail off. The truth is after a week of thinking, running, and hiding, I have decided I want this man. I want to take a chance on him. He’s not Ben. And I’m sick of being a coward.

“The truth is, I’m scared, Kade. But I want to try, I want you,” I say as I walk up to him, and wrap my arms around his waist.

“If you still want me?” I whisper in a soft voice.

His arms tighten around me. “Fuck, Nikki,” he says in a hoarse voice.

“Kade, come back to bed,” a high pitched voice coos from behind us. Kade’s fingers dig into my skin, and his whole body stiffens.

I turn, and see a half-naked woman walk out, only in her bra and panties. It takes me a moment to realize exactly what’s going on. It’s not like I expected Kade to be celibate, but, well, fuck. I don’t know what I thought, it just hurts. This woman looks shocked to see me, and then gives me a dirty look.

“You need to leave, Kelly,” Kade demands.

“Don’t bother,” I say, my voice small. I push away from Kade, and walk to the front door.

“Nikki, wait!” he calls out, storming after me.

“Kade!” Kelly whines, grabbing onto his arm. I see Kade glance down at the woman in disgust.

Kade lifts his head, our eyes connecting.

His eyes are pleading.

Mine are vacant.

When our eyes lock, I see him flinch. Fuck him.

I open the door and walk out.

I know I shouldn’t be upset. We had no commitment, and he made me no promises. But still, it hurts. Just when I was about to let him in, something like this happens. Maybe it's a sign.

When I get home my phone starts ringing. It’s Kade. I hit ignore.

Then I get the text messages.


K- Answer your phone

K – Nikki, if you don’t answer I will show up.

N- Stop calling me, stop texting me. I was stupid to think we could try this.

K- We can try this, Nikki. What did you think would happen when you kept avoiding me?

N – Stop texting me

K- No, we need to talk.

N-Fuck off, Kade, there is nothing to talk about. Not anymore.

K- Nikki, let me come over so we can talk.

N-For fuck's sake, Kade, I have shit to do, we don’t need to talk, leave me alone.

K- Tomorrow. We will talk, then.

N- Don’t count on it.


He doesn’t bother replying back, knowing I’m not going to give in. Not this time.

BOOK: Kade
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