Read Josie Dennis Online

Authors: Return to Norrington Abbey

Tags: #Romance

Josie Dennis (10 page)

BOOK: Josie Dennis
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Catherine’s cheeks turned pink, but the sparkle was back in her blue eyes. “Yes. I never imagined I could be so happy.”

Isabella thought for a moment, of her incredible sexual encounters with Frederick and James and the cherished tenderness she felt afterward, and knew she longed for what Catherine had.

“I want to be that happy,” she admitted on a whisper.

“Why do you believe you won’t be? My brother is a fine man, and if he set his sights on you I couldn’t be happier for the both of you. If you manage to secure Frederick, as astounding as that is to me as I sit here, surely you can have your heart’s desire.”

She shook her head. “I am not you, Catherine. I am not sweet and warm and kind.”

“What do you believe you are, then?”

“Selfish and arrogant. How I believed no man would ever touch my heart.”

Catherine watched her for a long moment. “They did, didn’t they?”

She closed her eyes. “Yes.”

She heard a rustling of Catherine’s skirts and felt her slender arms encircle her. “You are sweet and warm, Isabella.”

Isabella opened her eyes and stared at Catherine, shaking her head sadly.

“Yes,” Catherine went on. “And generous. You gave your friendship to me when I desperately needed it. You gave me your brother and became my sister. You shouldn’t be afraid to take what you want. What you deserve.”

She felt a cautious flame of hope sputter to life within her heart. Was she all Catherine said? Oh, how she hoped so.

“Thank you, Catherine.” She hugged her back. “I shall endeavor to be worthy of everything I want.”

“And why is that?” Catherine asked with a laugh.

She grinned. “Because I plan to have it all.”

Chapter 12


“We’re supposed to leave on the morrow, Frederick,” James said. “What do you propose we do?”

Frederick paced his sitting room, at a loss. “I cannot make our lady out, James. She was quite a puzzle tonight. Several times she appeared to gaze at us with desire, but at others she looked quite distant.”

“We need to formulate a plan if we are to secure her.”

“Secure her?” Frederick laughed at his choice of words. “Do you imagine she would accept my suit?”

“Have you spoken to your father?”

“Yes, but I believe Henry’s words will have more sway with the general.”

James was stunned. “Henry? What has Henry to do with this?”

“I went to him, hat in hand. I don’t know if we shall ever be as close as you and I, but I believe I’ve made a good start.”

James saw the sincerity on Frederick’s face, read the hope in this man who was now like a brother to him. “I pray we can see this through. I don’t want to give up what we have.”

Frederick sank into the chair beside the hearth. “I don’t know if I can convince her she is enough for me. What if she rejects us because in the very recent past I thought only with my cock?”

“She won’t,” James said, taking up his own pacing across the fine carpet. “She has to believe we both love her and want only her forever.”

“You do?” a voice asked, soft as a whisper.

Both their heads turned to find Isabella standing in the doorway, her hand gripping the knob. James felt his heartbeat double its rate as he drank in the enticing picture she made. Clad in a voluminous nightdress and wrapper, her golden hair in loose waves caressing her shoulders, she was never lovelier.

“Isabella,” he rasped.

Frederick sprang to his feet and hurried over to her. He pulled her inside and closed the door tight. He turned the lock and faced her. “What are you thinking, going about the abbey in your nightclothes?”

She trembled as her gaze shot between the two of them. James didn’t miss the signs of her arousal. Her pupils were dilated and her breath coming fast. Her nipples pebbled even through the soft-looking fabric, and his cock hardened.

“Isabella, why are you here?” he asked.

She lifted her delicate chin. “I want you both. I believed that you both wanted me. Are you saying that is no longer the case?”

“God, no,” Frederick said. He kissed her and James nearly tasted her on his own tongue. “We want you, love. Forever.”

“Forever,” she whispered. “What you said, James. When I first arrived. You truly love me?”

“Yes,” he said, joining them and taking one of her hands in his. “We both love you and want you. Only you. Say you want us, too?”


* * * *


Isabella looked at them again, these incredible men who loved her. Loved her! She could not erase the nagging thought that this would not last, but tonight she would have them to herself. She would have her answers as well, but after the loving. Her pussy was hot and throbbing, her breasts aching for their touch. She wouldn’t wait another moment to have them.

“I want you both,” she said, untying the ribbons at her throat to loosen her wrapper. She knew they could practically see through her nightdress and she watched them eye her with obvious hunger. Walking past them into the bedchamber, she let the fabric trail behind her. They followed, and she reveled in her power over them. Turning, she allowed the wrapper to fall to the floor. “Take me.”

They fumbled with their clothes, and she laughed at the comical picture they made. Her laughter died as they stood naked before her, however. Oh, they were so beautiful.

Falling to her knees, she took Frederick’s cock in her mouth.

“Jesus!” he groaned, cupping her head gently as he thrust into her mouth.

He was so hard, so thick and long. She tasted the spicy flavor of him, the salt of his arousal, and lapped at him as she sucked.

“Take all of him,” she heard James say, his voice rough. “Make him come, Isabella.”

She glanced over to see James sitting on the bed, his gaze hot on the two of them. He held on to his cock, a pained expression on his face as he grew thicker and longer before her eyes. Her body was boiling hot now, juices dripping from her pussy as she neared her own climax simply from sucking Frederick and eyeing James’s glorious cock. She couldn’t wait another moment.

She released her hold on Frederick, who moaned at the loss. “I’m seizing control,” she said, pushing him to the floor. “You shall do what I wish now.”

He leaned up on his elbows, his eyes round. She tore off her nightdress and impaled herself on his hard, wet cock. Grabbing on to his shoulders, she began to move up and down. He was high inside of her, thrusting upward as she rode him. “Yes, yes, yes!” she cried.

Every movement dragged her aching clit against his pelvic bone, sending shards of pleasure throughout her lower body. She was so close, her pussy clenching and tightening as she neared climax. She felt a kick, a sharp burst of pleasure, before she surrendered.

Writhing on top of his splendid form, she tried to hold herself upright. He was as lost as she, his head thrown back as his own release beckoned. James grasped her from behind, holding her as she burst free of any control. Again and again she bucked until Frederick exploded high inside her. It wasn’t enough. Falling to the floor herself, she spread her legs for James. “Fuck me, James. Now.”

He drove into her, as hard and hot as Frederick had been. His thrusts were deep, his movements measured until his own climax was upon him. She didn’t care how fast and wild this ride was. She was right there with him. They came in the next instant, crying out words of love and desire and everything she craved.

They were all a tangled mass on the floor when Frederick was the first to come to his senses. “Let’s get into bed, bride.”

That last word stilled her. She reared back to find him gazing at her with more love than she’d ever seen on his face. His expression was soft and tender and she found it so much more attractive than his usual mask of indifference.

“Bride?” she asked.

“Marry me, Isabella,” he said.

“But I just jumped you, Frederick.” She shot a look at James, who was grinning like a simpleton. “What of you, James? I just sucked his cock in front of you, rode him like a wild woman, and then ordered you to take me.”

James shrugged. “What can we say to that? It seems we are most fortunate in our choice of life mate.”

“We?” She scrambled to her feet, searching for her wrapper. “We? No. I dare not hope for it,” she murmured.

“Isabella, stop.” Frederick stood, holding fast to her arm. He was a gorgeous statue again, all smooth muscles and blatant sensuality. “We both love you.”

“What?” Her heart rose to her throat and she backed away from him. “James, tell me this is true?”

James stood, as dazzling as Frederick and just as dear to her. “Yes, Isabella. We both love you and want you forever.”

“I heard you say…” She shook her head. “I can believe you will stay true, but what of Frederick?”

Frederick closed his eyes with a wince then slowly opened them. “I have been a selfish creature for the whole of my life, Isabella. I promise I would never do anything to shame you. Be my wife and I shall keep myself only to you.”

How she longed to believe every blessed word. Could she truly be the woman Catherine insisted she was? Could she deserve to have everything she wanted?

“I love you both,” she admitted, letting the feelings bubble out of her at last. “Oh, I want to stay with you.”

Frederick let out a shout, a grin on his handsome face. “You shall not regret this a day in your life.”

James held her close. “You will marry Frederick, and I will stay on at the abbey to help him.”

“As Henry helps my brother,” she mused aloud.

“Do you doubt their happiness with that arrangement?” James asked.

Henry was devoted to Catherine, as much as John was. Catherine was the very picture of marital contentment, and in their part of Somersetshire there was no impediment to their union that she could fathom. There was a very big one in Isabella’s case, however.

“No, I am quite certain they are well and truly happy. But they do not have the general to contend with.”

Frederick flashed her his most handsome smile. “And you shall not, either.”

She shook her head. “You cannot make such a promise, Frederick.”

“But I can. Henry has spoken with our father and he will be setting off on an extensive trip, visiting his friends and colleagues in London and in the country.”

She chewed her bottom lip, eager to believe him yet afraid to think she could truly have what she so sorely craved. “The abbey is his home,” she softly pointed out.

“Yes,” James put in. “And when he does come home to Norrington Abbey now and again we shall be welcome at Thorne Manor.”

“Eventually the abbey will be ours, love,” Frederick said. “However, we do not have to wait for my robust father to turn up his toes to be happy.”

She clasped her hands to her breast then burst into tears. “I just don’t know if I can choose.”

They shared a worried look and held her close. She knew them by touch and taste and scent, and felt an equal affection for them both. She could never choose. That was the truth of the matter.

“Trust us to keep you safe, Isabella,” Frederick said.

She studied his face for a moment, then looked at James. “It’s as if you both…know me.”

“I daresay we do,” Frederick said.

“You and your heart,” James added. “Well, love? What is your choice?”

As certain as any thought she’d ever had in her head, she knew what her choice
be. She should make a respectable marriage. It was what was expected of a woman of her station. Yes, she should pick one of her loves for the rest of her life, but the prospect chilled her as if she’d lost both of them. Yet nothing about their liaison was what she’d expected when she’d come back to Norrington Abbey. Why should this, the most important decision she would ever make?

Instead she took in a deep breath, all doubt leaving her in a rush. “I choose you both.”

They both flashed their beautiful smiles and began to love her again. Soon they were each inside of her, moving to drive her to climax as they found their own pleasures deep within. As she came she knew this was what she craved. Body and soul, she hungered for them both.

As they joined her in fulfillment, their cocks pulsing in accord, she realized she’d nearly lost this. She’d nearly thrown away her chance at happiness worrying about convention and so-called guarantees of future contentment. They held her close, as tender and sweet now as they’d been hot and demanding moments before. She closed her eyes and sighed, knowing that she was the luckiest woman on earth to have the opportunity to make her choice.

She chose to cast off her reserve, that control she’d always valued, to the winds. She’d made the only choice she could to satisfy her heart and in return she earned both of theirs. The three of them were equals. It was amazing, but she and her men each held the power. They each held the control. And they each held each other’s hearts forever.

This return to Norrington Abbey was most fortuitous indeed.








Josie Dennis writes erotic romances for the discerning reader. Her characters find love in the most amazing places, and the Happily Ever After is a guarantee. Readers who like their romances hot and their heroes and heroines open to ideas they’ve only explored in their fantasies will find her erotic romances quite satisfying. Josie divides her time between Central Florida and New England.

Also by Josie Dennis


Ménage Amour: Classics Rekindled 1:
Wild Heights

Ménage Amour: Classics Rekindled 2:
Emmy’s Lesson

Ménage Amour: Classics Rekindled 3:
Tessa’s Redemption

Ménage Amour: Classics Rekindled 4:
Madison Park

Ménage Amour: Classics Rekindled 5:
Jane’s Heart

Ménage Amour: Classics Rekindled 6:
Norrington Abbey



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BOOK: Josie Dennis
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