Read Jinn & Toxic Online

Authors: Franny Armstrong

Tags: #Covert

Jinn & Toxic (14 page)

BOOK: Jinn & Toxic
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Tab pulled her close and held her still. “Jinn, it’s only for a short time. I need your help. Please.”

Chin raising a notch, she fought for control of her emotions. In his eyes she saw pleading, guilt, and pain. She had to admit to herself that he was right.

Being so close to him sent her hormones into overdrive. She wasn’t able to shut it down, but she could act like it didn’t bother her a bit. His scent made her wild and ready for more, but her heart wasn’t in it anymore. She was grieving for a sister she barely knew except by thoughts.

“Fine. I’ll help you catch the traitor, but in return, you let me go. My own commander will peel the skin off me when I get back anyway.”
If I get back.

Though knowing she might not return to the base alive didn’t make it any easier to accept being considered the betrayer. Each member of the team pointed the finger at her, but she was determined to prove her innocence, and Julie’s. Jinn wouldn’t give up on her quest. Anger stirred within as she prepared to work with him. “It’s a deal. Now, let’s go save the women and kick some ass.”

“My pleasure.” Now that she had purpose, Jinn chose not to escape but to continue the charade.

They were closing in on the enemy fast with deadly intent. Julie would be revenged, Jinn would find the traitor who caused her sister’s death, and God help whoever it was when she got her hands on him…or her.

Chapter Nine: The Battle Begins

The compound was silent, much too silent as the team moved in closer. Tab sensed the hairs on the back of his neck rise as he studied the parameters. With Jinn willing to stay by his side, he didn’t have to worry about her taking off and could focus on the job.

“I don’t like this. It seems wrong,” Jinn whispered in his ear.

“I agree.”

“They knew you were coming before. Maybe they’re expecting you again.”

“There is no doubt in my mind that the traitor is among us. I know it isn’t you, Jinn. You haven’t been out of my sight once.”

“Yeah, remind me to tell you how pissed off I am about that later.”

Even with all the stress, Tab chuckled quietly. “After this is over, I’d like to start fresh. Will you go out to dinner with me?”

Pain crashed through her heart.
If I’m alive.
Jinn swallowed a large lump in her throat, struggling to remain focused on the job.

“This is no time to make dates, buddy. Let’s open a can of whoop ass and get busy.”

“Your wish is my command.”

Tab motioned with his hand then moved in with Jinn by his side, their weapons held ready for anything as they edged closer. There wasn’t a person in sight, yet three large trucks sat in the dirt driveway in front of the massive building.

One by one, the team entered the gate then slipped around back of the structure to find a way to get inside. The lack of sound was eerie in the stillness. Not a bird peeped nor an insect buzzed.

“Something is wrong, very wrong,” Tab whispered.

“I agree.”

I will help you.

“Who was that?” Jinn asked, her lips inches from his ear. The voice was young, very young. It was hard to tell if it was male or female.

“I’m not sure but don’t answer. This just proves that they know we’re here. I wonder if the men we caught beat us here.”

“No, they wouldn’t have enough time. We took all their radios and cell phones. There was no way for them to get help.”

“I’ll take the left side of the main door, you take the right, and be careful, Jinn.”

“Likewise or I’ll renege on that date.”

“Ah, so you do like me. I can’t help that I’m a good catch, you know.”

“Oh, shut up and concentrate, you fool.” She bit back a nervous laugh. It was time for soldier mode. Stealth and deadly intent were the keys to success.

Jinn checked the clip on her gun and nodded. When Tab gave a hand signal, it took no more than ten seconds before the place came alive with shots and screams. The doors opened wide, crashing against the wall and a virtual army left the building, firing every which way. Jinn and Tab had just placed their backs against the wall beside the door so no one actually saw them when they started shooting.

One after the other went down in a hail of bullets.

“Get inside,” Tab yelled.

“Easy for you to say. Have you taken a look at the hallway?” she cried.

Tab took a quick peek and grimaced. More men came rushing out, aiming at nothing and everything.

Blackstone and Jennings rounded the corner on a run, keeping low. Chan and Gonzales came from the other side of the building. Together they all fought their way inside. Sweat poured down their faces, making it difficult to see. They kept on going regardless of their discomfort. The stench of fresh blood filled the air. No matter what, they moved as one.

In the hallway, they systematically opened doors and ensured the rooms were empty.

“Clear,” shouted Jennings.

Tab opened the next door. “Clear.”

“Clear,” Blackstone called.

Jinn shouted, “Not clear!” She dove to the side as two men took arms and rained bullets on her. Hit in the leg, she landed hard at Tab’s feet and rolled out of the way.

A few seconds later the two in the room were dispatched and Tab was kneeling at her side, his fingers working their magic to stem the flow of blood. The rest of the healing would have to wait until later, but at least she could walk on it though with a heavy limp.

Gonzales wasn’t as lucky. Hit in his chest a number of times, he dropped to his knees. Before Tab could make a move, the man pitched forward, dead.

“Damn it!” Tab knew they didn’t have time to stop and honor their compatriot, but he paused, acknowledging the loss with anguish.

“Tab. We have to continue.” Jinn’s gentle reminder snapped him out of it, and he stood, a lethal determination pushing him onward.

The next door to open had an occupant as well but not what they’d expected. The little Latino boy of about six years old stood in the center of the room seeming much too old for his age. He had adorable brown eyes that reminded Tab of a puppy. His expression held no fear though and that surprised Tab. This was the child Jinn had told him about.

“Jinn, stay with him.”


“That’s an order. I know you’ll keep him safe.”

For once she didn’t argue and closed the door, barring it from the inside.

When he was sure she was secured, Tab lead Blackstone and Chan to the next few rooms, but they were empty. At the end of the hall was a large area filled with people in the midst of battle. Jennings, Flame, and Murphy fought hard, though Tanaka stood back watching.

When Tab saw Seguire, he realized his mistake. The man was not dead, and he and Tanaka were fighting on the wrong side.
Damn traitors!
Outnumbered, Tab joined the foray in hand-to-hand combat, Blackstone and Chan right with him.

Tanaka grinned evilly at him as he prepared to fight, knife in hand.

“You and that bitch thought you were so clever, pulling the wool over our eyes as you fucked. Everyone knew. Everyone laughed at you for your stupidity. Dennison is mine, not yours. She’s been stringing you along all week.”

So, he did watch us.
“You maybe but not me. She knows a good man when she sees one. You’re dead, Tanaka.”

“Give it your best shot,

Cautious of the fights going on around them, Tab and Tanaka circled one another, ready for any move. Tanaka took the first swipe of his blade while Tab jumped back and avoided it neatly, returning the favor.

Iceman, Tara, and Burgess were nowhere to be seen. The room, though large, was barely big enough to contain the combatants as they swung, kicked, slashed and punched their way through until only a few remained.

Seguire was fighting someone from the team as well. When Tab took a quick glance, he saw that not only had Jinn disobeyed his orders, but also she was fighting with Seguire who was highly skilled in mixed martial arts. He was trained to kill, but so was Jinn.

The problem lay with her bum leg; she wasn’t as strong and fast as she could be. Tab knew he had to finish Tanaka off fast or she’d end up dead.

Distracted, he almost missed the thrust of the knife, throwing up his arm to catch it just in time. Blood flowed freely from the three-inch gash.

“You’re getting soft,
,” Tanaka taunted. “Distracted by a traitorous woman at that.” His laughter rang in the room around them.

Tab swung high then twisted and slammed his leg against the backs of Tanaka’s knees, dropping him hard.

Not giving the man time to get up, he jumped on top and hit him hard once, twice, three times. With him unconscious, Tab leapt to his feet, but it was too late.


Enclosed in the room with the young boy, Jinn became frustrated as her anger built. Being a woman had nothing to do with Tab ordering her to do this duty, she was sure, but no amount of waiting for the outcome would make her feel better. In fact, it was worse than a sore tooth.

The child didn’t make a sound but stared up at her with those sweet and kind eyes.

“I’ll help you,” he said.

“You!” Jinn was astounded. It wasn’t impossible that the boy had a gift, but such a strong one was indeed amazing. “You helped me before, at the other camp. Didn’t you?”

He gave a solemn nod. “
The panther was very angry and hungry. I didn’t want him to harm you so I held him back.”

“What else can you do?” she asked. “How far away can you use your telepathy?”

It was nothing short of a miracle to find him.

“Many miles. I want to go home now.”

“Kid, after what you just told me, I’ll get you there, but first I have to help my friends. Will you be safe by yourself?”

No one will touch me for fear that Iceman will kill them. I’ll wait here for you.”

“Thanks. What’s your name?”

Proudly, he raised his chin. “I am Jaques.”

“I’m Jinn. I promise that I’ll free you, Jaques.”

I believe you, Senorita Jinn.”

“Do you know where they are keeping the other two women are who are prisoners?”

“Yes. Niña is with Iceman and the other senorita is with Senora Salazar.”


“She is known as Tara. Iceman and his men kidnapped her from the resort.”

Jinn digested the news.

“And the other woman? Who is she?”

“She is
el jefe
, the boss.”

“Iceman isn’t the boss?”

“No, Senorita Jinn. He is nothing. She lets him think he’s the important one, but she is in charge and gives the orders.”

“Thank you, Jaques. Stay put. I’ll be right back.”

Jinn left the little boy and closed the door. She had to talk to Tab. When she rounded the corner and found sheer bedlam, she put her gun away and joined the melee. Tanaka fought against Tab! She was stunned to know that he was the traitor and that his partner, Seguire, presumed dead, was alive, though Tanaka had told them that he’d buried the man himself. She recognized him from his file, and he had strong hand-to-hand combat skills.

The first two men fell easily as they were no match for a skilled combatant like her, but when she faced Seguire, she found he was more than her match, especially with her leg in so much pain.

Jinn focused on him, ignoring the agony, and recalled her trainer’s words
. It doesn’t matter the size but the skill of the fighter. Find your opponent’s weakness and pummel it. Use your pain.

It was obvious that though he did take her seriously, he didn’t think her a threat. His iron-hard fist met with her stomach, knocking the wind out of her, but he gave her a few seconds to recover. His expression proved he was enjoying himself.

She took a step backward and fought back nausea as she caught her breath. Watching him move, Jinn realized he used his right side more, so she attacked on his left, hitting him hard across his jaw. She cried out in pain as her fist shattered, bone on bone. Though he dropped to the ground, her victory became short-lived as he rolled back to his feet and came at her again swinging.

Jinn ducked and sidestepped. She tried to use his own strength against him as he leaned in toward her then fell forward. Her boot kicked his ass as he went past, adding to his humiliation. Now he was raging mad when she faced him, her back to the wall.

When all else fails, fight dirty!

As soon as he was close enough, she reacted fast and kneed him in his groin.

“Oomph!” Down he went again, this time to stay. “Dennison…I’m going to…kill you.”

Triumphant, she grinned. “Not today, you aren’t.”

Tab and Tanaka still battled across the room, each man covered in blood and swelling bruises. She wanted to go help but realized Tab would be furious with her if she did.

Instead, she grabbed some cord from the table and tied up Seguire. He’d definitely be going home to jail. Tanaka too if he stayed alive.

Where is the boy?
Tab’s voice echoed through her mind.

Rather than answer, she rushed back down the hall, gun in hand, and found the room was empty. A vehicle was starting up outside. Jinn raced to the doorway, careful of potential gunmen, and saw the three trucks leaving.
The boy must be with them! Tab we have to stop them.

Taking aim, she shot at the tires but missed due to her broken hand. There was nothing more she could do. Before she could react, someone grabbed her from behind putting a chokehold on her. She fought as best she could but was unable to break away. Soon the lights began to waver and stars appeared behind her eyes as she fell into oblivion.


When the fighting died down and only Blackstone, Chan, and Jennings were left standing, they tied up the survivors and rushed over to tend to Tab. He was just coming to. Seguire still lay face down on the floor, struggling to break free of his bonds.

“Are you okay?” Jennings asked, wiping at the blood on Tab’s forhead.

His head pounding with the pain, Tab asked, “Where’s Jinn?”

BOOK: Jinn & Toxic
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