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Authors: Tattoos,Leather: BRANDED

Tags: #erotic romance

Jaymie Holland (2 page)

BOOK: Jaymie Holland
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Despite the fact that this was a gentlemen’s club, Drew slid onto a stool at the bar and smiled at the bartender as she settled her purse on her lap. “Heya, Max.”

“Hi, Miss Drew.” Max was lean, athletic, his head shaven, and he had the cutest smile. He was damned sexy and she wondered why she’d never been attracted to him. “What can I get you?” he asked

“Something cool and refreshing.” She rested her elbow on the bar, her chin in her palm. “What do you recommend?”

“One of our Fourth of July themed drinks. How about an Independence Day mojito?” Max made the best mojitos in the city, using fresh mint, limes, raw sugar, rum, and added his own magical touch. “I use watermelon and raspberries,” he added.

“Perfect,” she said.

He started to prepare the drink, using fresh watermelon cubes and fresh raspberries, muddling the fruit with mint. “How’re you doing?”

She gave him a winning smile. “Couldn’t be better.”

It wasn’t the truth but she wasn’t going to get into anything negative. She liked to keep things upbeat and positive. She didn’t want to dwell on things like overdue bills and struggling to make the rent, not to mention it was no one’s business but her own. What she needed was a roommate, but she hadn’t found the right one.

“There you are,” came Faith’s voice from behind.

Drew glanced over her shoulder and smirked at one of her closest friends. “Where else would I be?”

Faith grinned and sat on the barstool next to Drew. Faith wore a black corset that pushed up her breasts and emphasized her small waist, along with a short skirt that climbed up her thighs when she sat on the stool. “The men don’t seem to mind you here, although Jim would prefer it if you went into the back.”

Drew shrugged. “What would be the fun in that?”

With a laugh, Faith said, “You enjoy being the only female allowed in the club who’s not staff. All these sexy men with their eyes on you.”

“Of course.” A sly smile tipped the corners of Drew’s mouth. “What woman wouldn’t?”

“Here you go, sweetheart.” Max set the red watermelon and raspberry mojito in front of Drew. “Happy Fourth of July.”

“Bet you don’t get to say that often around here.” Drew wrapped her hand around the glass.

Max swiped his palm over his bald head. “Calling any of the clientele ‘sweetheart’ wouldn’t go over too well. At least not from me.” He jerked his thumb in Faith’s direction. “She, however, could get away with anything and the men would love it.”

“I’ll bet.” Drew sipped from her mojito. “This is freaking great.” She set down her glass and looked at Max. “You are amazing.”

He flashed a grin. “Hearing you say that makes my heart warm.”

Faith slid off her stool. “Come on in back before Jim has heart failure.” She nodded toward the door to the kitchen. “He just peeked his head out and gave me
the look

Jim was the manager, and because Drew was a woman and also not an employee, she was technically not supposed to be inside the club. However, Megan’s husbands had given the okay for Drew to be allowed in Spirits. She smiled to herself. It helped to hold the best friend card.

“Can’t have Jim getting upset.” Drew dug into her purse and peeled off a bill to pay for her drink.

Max held up his hand. “On the house.”

“Thank you.” She plopped a five on the bar. “That’s your tip.” Before he could refuse, she slid off the stool and grimaced as her skirt slid up too far, exposing her garters. She quickly tugged down her skirt but looked up to see that Colton and Dane were watching her.

For a moment she imagined being sandwiched between the two men, like a cookie with soft cream filling that they would devour. She could picture herself on her hands and knees, sucking Dane’s cock at the same time Colton fucked her from behind.

A zing traveled from her abdomen, straight toward that place between her thighs that ached for the two men. Her nipples tightened, her heart beat faster, and she swallowed. She couldn’t look away from them, as if their gazes held her hostage.

Drew tore her gaze from Colton and Dane, and she picked her holiday mojito off of the bar top. “Get me out of here,” she said beneath her breath to Faith.

“What’s wrong?” Faith’s voice held a note of concern.

“Nothing.” Drew shook her head. “Let’s go into the back before Jim has a stroke.”

“Yeah, we’d better.” Faith moved ahead of Drew, in the direction of the kitchen.

Drew felt as if holes were being drilled into her back as they walked away from the dining room. She did her best to force the images from her mind of being with the two men, but they were burned into her brain as if being with them had really happened.

She shook it off, gripped the strap of her purse in one hand, her mojito in the other, and followed Faith into the kitchen.

Chapter 2

Colton frowned and his gut tightened as he watched Drew walk toward the kitchen with Faith. Before she’d tugged down on her too-short skirt, after climbing from her stool, he’d seen her garters. The sight of the lace tops against bare skin on her sexy, endless legs had been enough to make his groin ache and his cock rigid.

His gaze lingered on her as she reached the entrance to the kitchen. Her neck appeared slender and delicate with her dark hair up, a few tendrils loose around her face. He loved a tall woman and her legs were long, toned, and fit. Between her knockout legs and her shapely arms and figure, it would have been obvious to anyone that she worked out.

Of course he and Dane knew that in fact she did work out in her apartment almost daily. She did fast-paced aerobics to videos, weight trained with hand weights, and jogged on the treadmill in a corner of her apartment. She also ran in the park when the weather wasn’t too cold, or too hot, as the case was now.

At this moment, Colton was more concerned with what she was wearing. A sleeveless and backless white Spandex top and that damned tiny black skirt did little to hide her assets. The snug Spandex outlined her nipples and he couldn’t help but wonder if she was aroused. He let his gaze drift across the room and noticed other men watching Drew walk toward the bar, and he wanted to growl his displeasure.

When he spoke, Colton’s voice came out in a low rumble. “She shouldn’t dress like that when she’s out at night. Alone.”

“Especially with a rapist on the loose.” Dane leaned back in his chair and took a drink of his bourbon. He set the glass back on the table. “She’s going to find trouble if she’s not careful.”

“I don’t like it.” Colton looked at his lifelong friend. “Any woman should be a hell of a lot more concerned about her safety, which includes dressing on the conservative side when she’s out alone.”

“Hell, she shouldn’t be out alone at night as it is.” Dane scowled. “She should be taking a taxi door-to-door.”

Colton’s muscles ached from the tension of knowing Drew was putting herself constantly in danger. “Having Louis follow her from the club every time she comes here isn’t enough. He should be escorting her
she wants to go.” Louis was their usual driver, and the bald, big, and beefy man could take care of himself and anyone around him.

“As independent and headstrong as she is,” Dane said, “fat chance she’d accept that.” He shook his head. “If she knew we had her followed every time she stops in here, she’d probably lose it.”

They’d experienced her stubbornness firsthand a couple of times. The first time was when they installed the security system. She hadn’t wanted it, but Megan had promised the Dorians that she would allow them the safety measure. Drew finally relented, but she hadn’t been happy about it.

The second time had been when they’d told her that she wasn’t safe going anywhere alone—especially with a serial rapist out there somewhere in the city. Drew had narrowed her eyes and told them she may have moved here from the Midwest, but she had lived in New York City for over ten years and she knew how to take care of herself. She was conscious of her surroundings and she carried pepper spray with her.

If she was so conscious of her surroundings, why hadn’t she noticed Louis following her whenever she’d stopped in at Spirits?

A folded piece of paper at the foot of the stool where Drew had been sitting caught Colton’s attention. He pushed back his chair, strode to the stool, and scooped up the paper before heading back to the table and taking his seat.

He frowned again as he unfolded the sheets. “Past due electric bill.” He handed it to Dane. “It’s Drew’s.”

Dane took it and frowned, too. “Like we thought, she’s having problems paying her bills.”

The expression on Dane’s face told Colton that they were thinking about the same thing. Their company was paid to keep an eye on Drew with the security system they’d installed, but she likely wouldn’t be pleased to know they watched her when they could. With the serial rapist still at large, each felt the need to make sure she was safe.

Colton looked toward the doorway that Drew was walking toward. “We saw her close to crying the last time she went through her bills.” His stomach churned. “But I don’t think she’d take kindly to us offering to help her catch up.”

“Drew is damned proud,” Dane said. “She’d be pissed if she knew we were watching her.”

“All the more reason to make our move.” Colton glanced toward the doorway through which Drew had disappeared. “We can stop watching her via her security system and take care of her in person.” Guilt stabbed at him. They shouldn’t be watching her like they were, but they were so damned concerned about the wellbeing of the headstrong, sexy woman.

“I’d be happier if we could take care of her and keep her safe.” Dane nodded. “I overheard Megan say she worried about Drew making it without her as a roommate.”

Colton tapped his fingers on the table. “From what Megan has said, Drew insists her business is going well.”

Dane tossed the bill on the table. “Is selling sex toys for a living lucrative?”

“According to Megan, Drew has done well with it.” Colton looked back to Dane. “A lot of horny women out there.”

“There’s only one horny woman I’m interested in.” Dane inclined his head in the direction Drew had gone.

Colton swallowed as he thought about Drew. Naked. On her knees. Sucking his cock. They’d tie her up and he’d move his shoulders between her splayed thighs, pressing them further apart, and go down on her. She would taste incredible.

He shifted in his seat to alleviate the increasing ache in his groin.

An image of Drew playing with one of her toys flashed through his mind along with more guilt. It was so damned hot seeing her bring herself to orgasm.

What the hell had they become? A couple of peeping Toms? Perverts?

Shit. It wasn’t about getting off by watching her. It was about her safety.

He ground his teeth. Oh, hell. He could rationalize all he wanted, but it was what it was—they were doing something they had no business doing.

“We’ve got to end this.” Colton shook off the thoughts. “Or rather, we’ve got to get started. We’ve waited long enough.”

“Yep.” Dane picked up his lowball glass. “It’s time we make our move.”

Colton swallowed a drink of his whiskey, enjoying the burn in his throat as his thoughts pondered Drew. “She comes off as a woman who is sexually liberal, but we know that’s not the kind of woman she is. She’s a forever kind of woman.”

“That’s exactly what I want from her.” Dane knocked back the rest of his own drink and thumped the glass on the table.

Colton looked at his friend. “You mean what
want from her.”

“Yes, what we want.” Dane nodded his agreement.

Colton’s thoughts returned to pleasuring Drew. He and Dane had shared women before and found that they preferred to dominate together, giving one woman the pleasure of having two men worship her body. Together they focused entirely on the woman. It wasn’t about a good fuck. It was all about the woman and giving her pleasure beyond her wildest dreams.

It made him so damned hot knowing that he and Colton gave a woman the ultimate experience every time they made love to her.

Since Dane had returned from the Navy, and Colton had retired from the NYPD, they’d had two relationships. One of those had ended when Sally had decided to move across the U.S. to California to fulfill her lifelong dream of having an acting career.

The other relationship had ended abruptly when they’d discovered that Anne had cheated on them with a Dom, Buck, who she’d met at the BDSM club they all frequented. Colton had wanted to kick Buck’s ass, but Dane had made it clear that Anne wasn’t worth it. After all, she’d done the cheating. Still, it didn’t mean it hadn’t hurt like hell.

Over the past year, Colton had come to terms with what had happened with Anne. Meeting Drew six months ago, and then watching her over the past weeks, had done a lot to prove to him that Anne definitely wasn’t worth the effort it would have taken to pound Buck into dust. Drew was worth the effort, anything it took.

“Just how much convincing do you think it would take?” Dane’s question brought Colton’s attention back to the here and now.

Colton gave a not-so-casual shrug. “I think she’s interested. In both of us.”

Dane looked thoughtful. “She just might not realize we’re a package deal.”

Colton swirled his whiskey in his glass. “She will.”

Over the next half hour, Colton kept an eye out for Drew. Most of the time she didn’t stay long, as Faith only had so much time to take a break or her boss, Jim, would likely blow a gasket.

Colton had found himself irritated on more than one occasion at Jim’s behavior. Colton wondered if the Dorians were aware that Jim could be a real ass, but figured it wasn’t his place to get involved and share that fact with the twins. Unless they had reason to ask and then he’d offer his opinion. But if Jim stepped way out of line with the women, all bets were off.

While they waited for Drew to leave the kitchen, Dane called Louis to make sure their driver was ready to follow Drew when she left.

When Drew finally appeared, Colton let out his breath. Damn, she was gorgeous. She looked directly at him before turning her gaze on Dane, and gave each of them one of her sultry, inviting expressions.

BOOK: Jaymie Holland
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