Read Jaxson's Angel Online

Authors: Serena Pettus

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Paranormal, #90 Minutes (44-64 Pages), #Single Authors, #Inspirational, #Werewolves & Shifters

Jaxson's Angel (5 page)

BOOK: Jaxson's Angel
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"So, if a man could offer you all of that, then you would simply embrace it? You'd be able to accept any anomalies or secrets he may have?" He sounded so skeptical that Angel was mildly insulted.

"Do you think I'm so shallow I couldn't love a man that was different from the norm? Listen, Jaxson, when I love a man it's with my whole heart. I don't know how to do it any other way, and it's caused me my fair share of pain in the past," she admitted. "Don't you realize I'm falling for you?" Angel snapped her traitorous mouth shut. She really hadn't meant to blurt that out and was blushing clear to her roots in embarrassment.

Jaxson's eyes dropped to the ground, but not before she glimpsed a bit of emotion. Was it hope?

"When I first met you, I never would have imagined I would have such strong feelings for you. I never would have thought I would have dreams about you or miss being by your side or get butterflies in my stomach when someone mentions your name." Jaxson leaned in close, his eyes now locked on hers, showing all of the tender emotions he spoke of. "When I first met you I never would have thought I would love you."

Tears welled in Angel's eyes. No one had ever said anything so sweet to her before, and she simply didn't know what to do or say…so she kissed him instead. It was no small thing either, and she soon found herself pressed up against the wall with Jaxson devouring her. And oh, how she wanted to be devoured.

"Angel," her name was a tormented plea spilling from his lips. "We have to stop. I can't do this, not yet." He was panting now, as was she, and his face showed just how much discomfort stopping was causing him.

"Why? We're both adults, Jaxson, and I think it's fairly obvious I was okay with where this was heading." She couldn't help the aggravation that leaked into her tone but wouldn't apologize either. She was ready to move their relationship forward and he was running from her like he was scared!

"I need more from you, Angel." He shook his head as if searching for words.

"What do you need?"

"Everything." His eyes were deadly serious now. "I need all of you, body and soul. I want a relationship with you like the ones in Colton's books, and I can give that to you, but you have to be willing to accept it." He locked his eyes with hers, trapping her in his pale blue gaze. "If we do this then you will be mine forever, not just for a week. Do you understand what I'm asking of you?"

He wanted a relationship? Marriage?

Sure, she was falling in love with him, but did he expect her to just drop everything and move in with him now? She had to admit the thought was tempting. After all, she really didn't relish the idea of going back to the city and you could be a literary agent anywhere.

Could she do it from Florida?

For a man like Jaxson, yes, yes she could. In fact, she would start looking for an office space immediately. When she made to tell him, he placed his hand over her mouth and shook his head.

"Don't give me your answer yet. I want you to think about things tonight, and we'll talk again tomorrow. Forever, Angel. It's a long time, and you need to be sure you can handle it because once I have you then that's it for me.
it for me."

Angel nodded, accepted a final kiss, and watched as Jaxson quickly made his way back to the sidewalk and headed to his own home.

* * * *

Colton was absolutely no help. Angel had asked him for his take on things and was rewarded with awkward stammering and grudging advice. Basically, he wanted to remain neutral in the situation and not become involved in any final decisions.

"I'm sorry, Colton. It wasn't fair of me to try and get information from you regarding Jaxson, but he's got me so confused right now I don't know what I'm doing. He says he can give me a relationship like the ones you describe in your books, but how can that be possible?" she sighed. "I'm falling in love with him, Colton. I want to stay here and be with him, but what if he's trying to give me an out, hoping I take it so he doesn't have to be the one to end things?"

He chuckled. "I can assure you that's not the case. He's tied up in just as many knots as you are right now. I think you two should talk. This is something to be worked out between the two of you."

"Can we go down to the docks? I'd like to walk, though. I think the exercise will do me good." Angel found a good workout always helped her to clear her mind, and she had a feeling she would need a clear head to deal with what was sure to be an intense talk with Jaxson.

"Sure, we can."

They arrived at the parking area for the dock a little over an hour later with Angel feeling slightly off balance and fuzzy. She'd started the walk going strong, but a little over halfway through she began to feel sluggish and tired. Having been up most of the night before, she figured it was just from lack of sleep, but Colton immediately became concerned when he pointed out her pallor and the lack of perspiration. She was in danger of a heat stroke according to him, and then had to endure his profuse apologies for not noticing her predicament sooner.

They were almost to the docks when she assured him, "I'm fine, Colton, don't worry about me." She swayed and Colton scooped her up, walking to the boat with an urgent stride. He told her he had to get her out of the sun and hydrated before she got any worse, the edge of panic in his voice causing her to worry.

"Hang in there, Angel. You've got yourself overheated, that's all. The heat down here can really suck the strength out of you, and you're dehydrated. We'll get you cooled down in no time, so just stay awake for me."

"I'm all right. I'll grab a drink of water and I'll be good to go," she promised.

"Did you eat anything today?" She shook her head, and he cursed softly. "Have you drunk anything?" She thought for a moment before she ducked her head and shook it once more. She'd been so wrapped up in her thoughts regarding Jaxson she hadn't done much of anything else.

"I'll set you down in the cabin of the boat and get you something to drink. Jaxson will have my hide for letting this happen to you."

"It's not your fault."

"I should have noticed you weren't feeling well instead of being lost in my own little world," he grumbled as he opened the cabin door.

Colton's arms stiffened around her, no doubt seeing the same thing she was; a large gray wolf in the boat's cabin, sniffing around. Before they could utter a sound, the wolf shimmered out of shape, leaving Jaxson standing with his back to them…buck naked.

* * * *

"Bud's been on our boat, Colton," he snarled. "I don't know what he was after, but…" Jaxson's words died on his lips when he turned just in time to see Angel slump in Colton's arms. "What in the world happened to her?" he demanded.

"Well, she was overheated and unsteady on her feet, so we came inside to get her out of the sun, then you had to do your shifting routine and she passed out," Colton explained, clearly irritated with the situation.

"For Pete's sake, put her down over here. How did she get so overheated?" Jaxson demanded as he made short work of the buttons on her blouse.

"We were sitting on the beach, just talking, and I suggested she talk to you about all of this stuff between the two of you. She wanted to walk up here and we did." Colton ran his hand over the back of his neck. "I admit I wasn't paying close enough attention, or I would have noticed she wasn't sweating. She did manage to tell me she hadn't eaten or had anything to drink yet today, before she passed out."

"I haven't either," Jaxson replied. "My nerves have been too on edge."

"I would imagine that was her problem as well."

Jaxson had her blouse off, leaving her in just her bikini top and a pair of denim shorts. He continued to brush a damp cloth over her skin to cool her, as he whispered soft, encouraging words in her ear, begging her to wake up.

"She told me she loves you, Jaxson. Maybe her seeing this is a good thing. The shock is over, and now you two can talk things through."

It sounded like a bunch of fluff, even to Jaxson, but Colton was trying to help and Jaxson appreciated it nonetheless.

Now, however, all either of them could do was wait for her to wake up and hope she could accept who and what they were.

Jaxson just sighed, scooped her tiny body up in his arms, and said, "Let's take her back to the house."

* * * *

Angel awoke to the evening sun streaking through the window and covered her eyes. Wow, was she glad Colton had been with her today. Who would have known getting overheated could make you hallucinate?

She was sure the guys would get a laugh out of what she'd imagined and would no doubt blame it on Colton's books.

While she slowly sat up, she realized she wasn't in the boat's cabin, or at her beach-house for that matter. No, she was in Colton and Jaxson's home, judging by the pictures and such scattered about. What was she doing here? She'd been at the boat with Colton before…she must have passed out because that's all she remembered. Well, that and her hallucination of a large wolf turning into Jaxson.

Angel made her way through the house, following the sound of voices to the kitchen, but paused before either brother came into sight.

They were talking about her.

"Do you think she'll freak out? I mean, she's read your books and said she would embrace a bonding, but do you think she could accept me?" It was Jaxson speaking, and his voice was hoarse with fear.

"Just breathe, bro. You can't do anything but wait and see at this point. She'll either accept you're a werewolf, or she'll leave. The one thing you have to do is just let her know your feelings and then the decision is up to her, and you know that." Colton's voice was soft and soothing, sort of like one would use with a small child or a frightened animal.

"Of course you can sit there and be all calm. It's not
future on the line. If she rejects me, Colton, then I don't know what will happen." His voice was lower, almost too low for Angel to make out, but the pain was there to hear and it tore at her heart.

"Nothing will happen because I won't lose you," Colton snapped. "I'll be with you every second of every day to ensure you don't do anything stupid."

"Thanks, man." Jaxson sounded rough and Angel just wanted to rush over and hug him, to reassure him, but something they'd said had her feet rooted to the ground.


"She's already seen your wolf and she didn't scream, so that's got to be a good sign, right?" Colton hedged.

Jaxson snorted. "She didn't scream because she passed out, you fool. It's kind of hard to scream when you're unconscious."

"Yeah, but she's good with weird. I've read some books by a few of the other authors she used to represent, and trust me, there are some pretty strange things running through the minds of writers."

"Well reading it is one thing, but living it is another. If I sleep with her, then that's it. We'll be mated then, and I'll be little better than a deranged stalker if she leaves me. I refuse to do that to her, so I need her to make the choice. Now, though, I'm not so sure of the outcome."

"Listen," Colton cut in, "I pretty much described the mating process to a T, and I can tell you, based on my fan mail alone, women all hope for that kind of relationship with their man." He snickered and added, "I remember one woman said it would be perfect because she could
send him to the doghouse when he ticked her off."

Angel fought to stifle her giggle. She remembered the letter as well, but could she really jump into a relationship with a werewolf? None of this was making sense to her.

Was she still asleep? Perhaps this was all a part of some fevered dream?

No, she just needed to get away from here and think. Once she grabbed her purse, she quietly exited through the door in her room that led to the porch. Angel made it to the road and began to head back to the beach-shops and bars, intent on having a drink or two and figuring out her next move.

Even though her heart had clearly already decided, her head was still trying to understand, and until those two came to a consensus, she was stuck.

* * * *

"She's been asleep for a long time, Colton."

"She's had a shock, Jaxson. Just leave her be. She could even be awake in there, thinking about what she's seen and trying to process everything."

"All the more reason for me to check on her," Jaxson said as he rose from the table to do just that. But what he found nearly stopped his heart.

Her scent was out in the hall, almost to the kitchen. It was faint, she'd been there a while ago, but as he followed it back to her room, he already knew what he would find. His chest ached when he glimpsed the empty bed and the open door to the room.

She'd left.

He couldn't believe it. Pulling out his phone, he quickly typed in a message and prayed she would answer, if only just the one time.

Are u okay? Baby we need to talk. Please call me back.

Even if it's just to tell me to leave, I just need to know that you're alright. J.

* * * *

Angel stared at the text message on her phone and smiled. A few of those yummy little milkshake drinks like she'd had when she'd first arrived, and her heart had managed to bring her head over to its side.

Jaxson was everything she could ever hope for in a man. He was strong yet sweet, protective without being overbearing, and most of all, he was her other half. Knowing he was hers, that her love would be returned with the same passion, was an amazing thing.

She quickly typed out a response, requesting for him to meet her at the boat, so they could talk, before she headed over herself. Angel was on cloud nine, feeling like she was walking on air, when she arrived at the dock.

She was a few boats away from
Reel Deal
when she noticed a dark figure emerge from the cabin and clamber up onto the dock. Whoever it was, they weren't very steady and probably had stumbled onto the wrong boat in a drunken stupor. Nevertheless, she felt compelled to follow just to be sure they hadn't done anything to the boat and to make sure they didn't fall into the water.

BOOK: Jaxson's Angel
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