Jaguars' Reward [Impulse 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Jaguars' Reward [Impulse 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You were afraid?” Vadim asked. “That’s highly understandable. After all, you don’t know who or what you are, or what we are, come to that. And yet you sought us out. I’m glad you felt you could do that.”

She was surprised by his intuitiveness. “I couldn’t sleep. It felt strange.”

“It must be weird,” Zayd agreed from her other side, sliding a finger softly down her thigh. “Not knowing anything but your name, I mean.”

“Let’s see if we can make you feel a bit less strange, shall we?”

Vadim, still wearing his harness, appeared to be hardening again. These guys were insatiable. He leaned up on one elbow and kissed her with raw carnality, his velvety-smooth tongue firm and seductive. Before Talia could respond he started trailing hot, wet kisses down her neck, across her collarbone, and down to her tits. He captured a nipple between his teeth and bit down gently.

“Move with it, sweetheart,” his voice purred in her ear. “Just wait and go with the tingling.”

She was conscious of Zayd’s hands sliding between her legs and stroking the insides of her thighs. It felt
good. She groaned and her legs fell open, giving him easier access.

“Get on your hands and knees, darlin’,” Vadim instructed. “Let us take care of you.”

Talia did as she was told as the guys changed places. Zayd was now beneath her, feasting on her tits, sucking, nipping, and molding them between his large hands. She couldn’t see what Vadim was doing, but she could sure as hell feel it. His hands circled the globes of her ass with large, competent sweeps, warming the flesh and ratcheting up her expectations. His hand slid between her legs and long fingers lingered on the lips of her pussy. She was soaking wet, a circumstance which he couldn’t have failed to notice. She canted her head sideways and saw him stick a slick finger into his mouth and suck it dry. Then he dipped it right back into her flowing juices and held it to her lips.

“Taste yourself,” he said.

She sucked his finger deep, ingesting the musky liquid that had flowed from her desperation, and smiled. “It’s pungent,” she said.

“You taste sweeter than dessert wine,” he murmured, sliding two fingers into her cunt while his thumb agitated her swollen clit. “Hmm, you’ve got some serious needs, I can tell.”

Talia almost cried with frustration when he withdrew his fingers. Almost immediately she felt something cool being squirted over her backside and rubbed into the crack between her cheeks.

“Lube,” he explained. “Don’t suppose you can remember if you’ve ever had anal sex.”

She shook her head, unsure if she wanted to try it. One of his fingers rimmed her anus and her doubts might never have existed.

“I’m guessing that you have,” Vadim said, sliding a slick finger into her ass. “You like this too much for it to be new to you. You do like what I’m doing to you, don’t you, sugar?”

“Yes,” she said breathlessly. “It feels like heaven.”

Vadim chuckled. “And we haven’t even gotten started yet.”

She felt something slide into her ass and instinctively closed against it. “What’s that?”

“Don’t fight me, darlin’. It’s the balloon I used on Zayd earlier. Something tells me you can take it and that it’ll blow your mind.”

She felt the toy expanding inside her ass and expelled a startled noise. “The sensation’s pretty wild,” she said, wiggling against the toy.

Zayd made a choking noise round the nipple he was feeding on. Vadim chuckled. “Want more?”

“Yes,” she said breathlessly. “Yes please.”

Zayd inflated the balloon until it filled her back passage. He left it there, fully inflated but with the vibration switched off, and returned his attention to her clit.

“Did you know that the tongue is the most versatile sex organ that we humans possess?” Vadim asked her.

“I can’t say I’ve ever thought about it that way.”

“It’s the conduit to thousands of taste buds, made up of an array of muscles and nerves glued together with a sensitive membrane. It’s effective whether hard or soft and never gets overheated.”

“I…I suppose you’re right.” She gasped when Vadim flicked her clit with the body part under discussion.

“You get to have sex and an anatomy lesson with us, no extra charge,” Zayd said, chuckling.

“A woman’s clitoris is one of the wonders of the world,” Vadim said in a mesmerizing tone that caused her entire body to convulse. “It needs to be treated with respect, to be nurtured and carefully brought to life, a bit like a delicate flower. It would be a sin to rush.”


Vadim placed both hands beneath her buttocks with a firm grasp and partially separated her legs. He then did a long, slow stroke of his tongue, from the bottom of her pussy all the way to the top. He then did vertical halfway licks, followed by a long tongue stroke that brushed her clitoral head and almost levitated her from the bed. He lifted his head and laughed.

“Guess I hit your labia and frenulum,” he said.

Talia didn’t give a damn what he’d hit, just so long as his aim stayed true. With one hand straddling both her butt cheeks, he inserted two fingers of his other hand into her cunt and carried on licking her, alternating vertical and horizontal strokes, grazing the bottom of her clitoral head without fully hitting it. Her pelvic muscles flexed against the fingers inside her. Hell, now his other hand was touching her vulva and perineum.

“You’re damned good at this,” she said on a fractured moan.

“Baby, I’ve waited a long time to do this to you.”

“But we only just met.”

He smiled, like he knew something she didn’t. Then, without warning he pressed his tongue against her clit and held it there whilst the fingers inside her pressed against her vagina’s ceiling, feeling for her clitoral cluster.

“You ready to come, darlin’?”

She groaned. “More than ready.”

Vadim chuckled. “Just checking.”

He reached behind her and switched the anus pump to a low setting of vibration. Then all four fingers disappeared inside her cunt while his tongue worked her clit. Zayd’s hand lightly spanked her butt as he feasted on her tits. These guys were sex on legs. All solid muscle and lithe coordination put together with a not entirely civilized male aura that made her wish that time could stand still and she could stay here with them forever. Her memory banks might be empty, but there was nothing wrong with her sensory reception. Whatever they were doing to her, it felt like heaven.

The thought had barely crossed her mind when Vadim sucked a mind-blowing orgasm out of her. The rush that had rumbled below the surface ever since the guys had started working on her now ripped through her body like a thunderhead. Her body jolted as it hit her from all sides at once, stealing her breath away as the mayhem swept her to a place she was absolutely certain she’d never visited before. She closed her eyes and allowed the sensation to consume her. Crying out, she bucked against Vadim’s hand, then the balloon, milking both until the thrilling ride subsided and finally came to an end.

When she came back down to earth, two handsome faces were smiling down at her.

“Better?” Zayd asked.

“Thanks. I guess I needed that.”

“I guess you did, too.” Vadim stood up, stepped out of his harness, and disappeared into the bathroom. He came back with a washcloth, removed the balloon, and cleaned Talia up. “Come on now, honey, get into bed between us two. You won’t have any bad dreams that way.”

He was right. Talia’s head had hardly hit the pillow when, comforted by the feel of two solid bodies protecting her, she fell into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter Six


Talia was still sleeping when Vadim and Zayd woke early the following morning. Vadim glanced at her, overwhelmed by her beauty. The strength of the connection he felt toward her intensified and he died a little inside. Waking up with her between them felt so right. Whoever had sent her had done their research well. It was their enemies’ latest stab at tempting Vadim and Zayd off the rigid path they’d walked for so many years, of course. Their responsibilities for the protection of Impulse had always been their

absolutely nothing had come between them and that—until now.

Their enemies enjoyed their little joke, but Vadim wasn’t laughing. Instead he felt like hitting something, or someone—anything to rid himself of the gut-wrenching frustration that ate away at him like a cancer. Talia was perfection—everything he and Zayd most desired in a mate. But she was part goddamned shifter, and therefore off limits.

Life could be total shit sometimes.

Sighing, he slipped out of bed before he could give way to temptation and fuck her senseless, the hell with the consequences. Zayd rolled his eyes and threw the covers aside, too. They hit the shower together, turned it to frigid, and endured the freezing jets until their mutual arousal diminished. It was the first morning Vadim could remember when the two of them hadn’t screwed one another awake. He figured they must both be beyond preoccupied, anxious about what revelations might come to light when—if—they managed to unblock Talia’s memory.

Once he made it to the sitting room Vadim felt slightly more in control. He picked up the phone and checked in with Giron.

“Everything’s quiet as the grave, boss,” Giron said. “Nothing suspicious to report.”

“Any mumblings about an attack?”

“No, that’s what’s so odd. Perhaps the girl’s arrival was an accident after all.”

Like hell it was!
“Anyone reported someone missing overboard?”

“Well, no.”

“There you are then. You get off and have some rest. The day shift know what to do.”

“Okay, but call me if you need me.”

“You know I will.”

Zayd had prepared their breakfast by the time Vadim was satisfied with security arrangements. They ate quickly, mostly in silence.

“I guess I’ll run across to Feline Fashions and pick up a few things for our houseguest to wear,” Zayd said when they’d finished.

“Good idea.”

Zayd stood, leaned over Vadim’s shoulders, and kissed him long and deep.

“I know how hard it was for you not to fuck her awake this morning,” he said when he broke the kiss. “I felt it, too. That gorgeous body sandwiched between us, just like we’ve always imagined it would be when we met our mate. Shit, it was hard.”

“Not as hard as I was,” Vadim said, shaking his head. “Damn it, it’s so fucking unfair!”

“I hear you, lover. I hear you. But we’ll get through this—somehow.”

Vadim breathed deeply. “Yeah, what choice do we have? You go and get her some clothes. I’ll check in with Kane, see if he found anything about that boat

Kane and Tyrone were the colony’s alpha leopards and knew just about everything there was to know about the ways of the Internet. Their skills extended to hacking without leaving a trace. If there was anything about
to interest Vadim, Kane would have found it by now.

“How’s Talia?” Kane asked when he answered Vadim’s phone call. They could have pheromoned, but that took mental energy if the sender and receiver weren’t in the same room—energy that Vadim preferred to conserve.


Kane chuckled. “Not all alone, I hope.”

“She’s got shifter blood.”


“Yeah. So, did you find anything about

“The boat’s owned by a guy called Edward Finch. Mean anything to you?”

“Not a thing. Was that the name of the guy who took the mooring in Clearwater?”

“Yep. I hacked into their database and found all they had on record about him. Fortunately they take photo ID and I’ll e-mail you the guy’s picture right after this call. I also hacked into the Department of Highway Safety. That’s where all Florida-owned boats have to be registered. Finch is listed as the boat’s owner there, as well.”

“Does he have an address?”

“Yeah, but it turns out to be a box in Bradenton.”

“Which makes me suspicious.”

“Me, too.”

“So basically, we’re no further forward.” Vadim put Kane on speakerphone, went down on all fours, and arched his back and indulged in a slow, lazy feline stretch. “Unless I, or Talia, recognize the guy’s picture, we’re screwed.”

“Oh ye of little faith.” Kane chuckled. “The mooring fees are paid quarterly and—”

“And you’re running the account details down.” Vadim’s mood brightened. “I never should have doubted you, oh great one. Let me know what you find out.”

“Will do.”

“Did you find anything on Talia Regan?”

“Not a thing.”

Vadim rolled his eyes. “Life couldn’t be that fucking simple.”

“If you unblock her and get any more names for her, let me know. Talia might just be the name she’s been programmed to give you.”

“If we unblock her, she can tell us that herself.”

“If she’s being honest with you. Be careful, Vadim. Try and think with the brain that’s situated above your waist.”

BOOK: Jaguars' Reward [Impulse 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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