Read Irreparable (Wounded Souls) Online

Authors: Amanda Lanclos

Irreparable (Wounded Souls) (17 page)

BOOK: Irreparable (Wounded Souls)
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“Samantha Lynn, do you want me to tie you to my bed like a caveman?” I stand up and walk over to her as I notice her chest rises faster. “Oh my, you naughty girl, you do.”  I chuckle as one side of my lip curves up into a smirk.

“NO! No I don’t.  That isn’t for me, especially after well…” she trails off and I immediately pull her to me. I forgot about the experience she had, and I couldn’t imagine being bound by someone else’s hands and used.

“Baby, I was only teasing. I would never in a million years want to tie you up.  Now I may want to put you over my knee and spank your sexy ass for not listening to me or calling me back when you found out the truth.  But no, I would never do that.  I am not into that, at all.”  I kiss her forehead and she scrunches her face again.

“You are still not off the hook, mister!  I’m still angry with you!” She looks up at me and bites her lip, and I can’t help it.  She knows she is doing it. I groan and wrap my fingers into her hair and pull my lips to hers. She moans and that’s all I need.

“Wrap your legs around my hips Sam.” She jumps up and does as I ask. It’s been far too long for this.  I need this woman more than I need the air to breathe. I push her back against the wall and I slide my tongue into her mouth, tasting the sweet essence of Sam. She tastes of chocolate peppermints, which is funny because growing up she hated anything minty. I moan into her lips and slide my hands up her scrub top to her stomach, over her belly button and up until they graze the underside of her tits.  I moan into her mouth, both of us breathing heavily.

I pull away and breathe in a lung full of air; my chest rising and falling fast and hard. “Sam, if you don’t want this, tell me now.  If I keep going, we aren’t going to stop.”  I watch her eyes as I wait for her answer but she doesn’t say anything. , Instead, she grabs the back of my head and pulls my lips back down on her.  That’s all the invitation I need. I pull at the edge of her top and lift it over her head.

I lean down and kiss the tops of her smooth tits, over the silky curve.  I meet her eyes as my hand slides up and pull down the cup of her black lace bra and pull her pink hardened nipple into my mouth.  I moan and swirl my tongue around it before softly biting down.  I revel in the fact that she starts bucking against the wall. I pull the other cup down and repeat the same extensive exam of her nipple with my tongue.

Her hands are in my hair and I groan as she pulls my head up and attacks my lips with her own. We both are losing control and I know if I don’t try to slow it down this will be over before it has even gotten a chance to begin.  We meet eyes and she bites that damn lip again.

I pull her hair into my hands and kiss her as I turn and carry her to our room.  I am going to do the best I can to make sure this woman never leaves me again.  I put her on the bed and slowly pull those scrub pants and that sexy little barely there lace g-string down her legs.  She lifts her hips and helps me and then I slowly untie her tennis shoes and take them off her feet.  I snatch the scrubs off her feet as she laughs and I look at her and bite my lip.  She moans and I chuckle... “Good, now you know what it does to me.”

I lean down and run my hands up her smooth legs and up her thighs. I look at her and kneel on the floor. I grab her behind her knees and pull her to the edge of the bed.  “God Sam, I have been missing this.  I can’t get enough of how you taste.  It’s the sweetest taste in the world.” I lean down and run my tongue over her swollen lips. 

“Jameson!” She jerks a bit and I smile, it’s nice to know that I am the only person who has made her feel pleasure like this. The bastards that took that from her should be six feet under. As that thought runs through my hand I growl and she jumps.

“Sorry.” I meet her eyes and wink then go back to licking her clit. I moan as she arches into me. I swirl my tongue into her entrance and lap at the sweet nectar that’s dripping out of her.  Damn, she tastes so good.  I could do this all day, every day and never get bored.

“Jameson!” She sits up really quick. “Listen.” I stop and lick my lips, listening.  That’s when I hear it.  Someone is knocking on the door.  That better not be my mother.

“SAM!! OPEN THE DOOR NOW!”  It’s Luke and he sounds scared to death.  I get up and throw Sam her clothes.

“Put those on, I’ll go see what he wants.”  I walk to the front of the house adjusting my damn dick.  Wait until I see him with Skylar; I am going to cock block so fucking bad.

I open the door and he looks at me with fear in his eyes. “Where is she?” He looks around and then down. “Oh, shit. Sorry.” He blushes and walks in.

“Yeah, your ass should be.  We were making up.” I smile and he makes a gagging sound.

“She needs to hear this.” He looks up as she walks out. It takes her one glance to realize something isn’t okay.

“What is it? Is momma okay?” She looks at him and then at me. I shrug because I have no clue.

“Sammy, sit down.” He pats the couch next to him and I know this isn’t going to be good. “They got out today, on good behavior,” he says and her face goes pale.

“WHAT?” I roar, pissed because I know exactly who ‘they’ are. “I’m going to kill them all!” I jump up and walk around the room.

“What do you mean? They got out? How?” Sam barely speaks louder than a whisper. Her hair is in her face and I can’t see what she’s thinking, but I can tell she’s crying.  I walk over to her and put my arm on her shoulder.  She shakes off my arm and stands up.  “I, I have to go.”  She starts to reach for the keys and Luke takes them.

“You’re not going anywhere Sam, at least not without me.”  He puts his hands on her shoulders and starts to pull her towards him in a hug. 

“GET OFF ME!” She starts to thrash into his arms, and Luke and I both stare at each other. “Please, just let me go. I can’t be around anyone right now. I’m going to go home. I’ll call Jameson as soon as I am ready for someone.  Please, just please let me be alone.”  Luke lets her go and she runs out of the house and gets into her car and drives off. 

I look at Luke not sure what I can do. “Get in the car,” I say to Luke and we both storm out of the house. I get into the car and put it into first and start following Sam. Once we see that she’s home, I turn and make my way to the court house.

“What are you doing, Carter?”  Luke asks as I turn into a parking spot at the court house.  I just get out of the car.  Why do I need to explain?  He already knows exactly what I am doing.  I see Mason pulling up on two wheels beside us, and I know for sure Luke knows what I’m doing.  No one is going to hurt my girl and get away with it.

“I need to speak to the judge.”  I look up and see Karla, one of the girls we went to high school with. 

“Jameson, I wish I could let you in there, but I can’t.” She looks at me sympathetically behind her square shaped glasses.  Her brown eyes are filling with tears.  “I feel awful for what happened. I don’t think they should have been let out.  There is nothing we can do.”  She looks down and then looks up at Mason and shrugs.  He pats her hand, and I wonder what is going on with ole Mase and Karla.

“Thanks anyway. I mean Karla shouldn’t they have been given another trial or a parole meeting? Shouldn’t Sam have been able to fight it?” We all stand there looking for answers.

“I didn’t tell you this, but they come from rich families. The kind where someone says jump and you say how high.” She sighs and looks at us. “So, no. I don’t think there is a chance to keep them in jail.”  She wipes at a tear and then smiles. “I need to take the next people.  I’ll call you later Mason and I will let you know what I can.”  She waves at us then looks at the lady behind us.  “Can I help you ma’am?” She gives me a sad smile as I turn and walk to the door.

“Well Mason, you gonna explain that?” Luke pats Mason on the back and stares at him waiting for a response.

“What? Karla?  There isn’t anything going on.  We’re just friends.” He blushes a little and I laugh.

“Nope. Definitely more than friends.” I elbow him in the ribs and we walk until my phone starts to ring.

“That’s Sam. I’ll see you guys later. Oh shit.” I turn to Luke and he just smiles.

“Go, I’ll ride with ole’ Mase. I’ve got to find out the dirt on him and ole four eyed Karla.”  He smirks and I swear I hear Mason growl.  Just friends my ass.


I use the key Sam gave me and walk into her apartment.  I see Sam huddled on the couch. I immediately walk over to her and lift her into my lap. I rub her arms and try to soothe her.

“Baby, I’m here and I promise you those bastards will never ever touch you again. I will kill any one of them that tries, do you hear me Sam? I will put a bullet between their eyes.” I rock her and she grabs my shirt sobbing into it.

“Jameson.” She grabs my shirt and just breaks down.  Her shoulders are shaking with such force I’m afraid she’s going to break something. I can’t seem to make them slow down.  I am at a loss just waiting for her to continue on with what is going on in her head.  “I, I don’t know what to do.  I mean, these people, they took from me, something I can never get back.  They, they deserve to rot in jail.” Her eyes look up to meet mine, and I am met with a stormy gray; like a cloud when the storm is approaching, dark and dreary.  The look in her eyes scares me.  This is not my Sam.  This is the Sam that went through something she doesn’t believe will ever go away. 

I smile and wipe some of her tears away, and then kiss her nose. “Sam. Those men do deserve to rot in jail, you’re right about that. But if there is one thing I can be sure of and I can promise you. It’s that those men will never ever set foot near you again. I will kill them.” I grab her head and pull her to me so she knows that I mean business.

“I love you,” she whispers and grabs my neck and kisses me. She puts everything she has into this kiss and I know exactly what she is trying to do. I unwrap her hands from my neck and pull her off my lap and sit her down. “What are you doing?” She looks at me, her head cocked to the side a little in confusion. 

“Baby, I know you’re trying to take your mind off of what’s going on. I just can’t do that right now. Not with you in the state you happen to be in right now.” I wince after I say that because I know it’s going to be a fight. The blue in Sam’s eyes is non-existent right now; all that’s left is anger and sadness.

“MY STATE?” She stands up and storms towards me the sadness gone, it’s now rage. “You better have a damn good explanation for that Jameson Nathan!” She hits me in the chest and I let out a grunt.

“I just meant that you’re upset at the moment.” She hits me again and I grab her hands.  “Dammit Sam!  It’s not that I don’t want you, but forgetting isn’t what you need to do.  You need to be ready to fight these bastards when the hearing comes about.  You need to be calling the courts and making a stink because they didn’t have a hearing or give you notice before they let these assholes back out into the world.”  I look her in the eyes and watch her reaction.

“You’re right, but Jameson.”  She looks at me frightened.  “What if they find out about Isabella?”  Her face pales and she falls to the floor.  “Oh, God! I can’t let them find out about her.” I sit beside her and grab her face, making her look at me.

“Sam, even if they do, there is not a damn thing they can do to her.  They raped you.  Do you honestly think they would hold a chance in court trying to get her?”  I make her look at me because she knows I’m right.  She is just trying to find the worst possible outcome for the situation.  But the only outcome I see is Sam getting over her fears, because I will kill them if they try to touch her ever again.

“You’re right.   I just want to go to bed now.  Will you stay with me please?”  She stands up and I get up with her.  I follow her to the bedroom and I pull off my t-shirt and jeans as she changes into a tank top and pajama bottoms. I pull the duvet back off the bed and I wait for Sam to climb in. Once she gets, in I slide in behind her and wrap my arm around her waist.  Her shoulders are tense, but at least they aren’t forcefully shaking from the sobs that ripped through her earlier. 

She takes my hand and wraps hers inside mine, intertwining our fingers.  “I love you, Jameson.”  She sighs and turns her head closer to her pillow just about to fall asleep.

“I love you too, Samantha.”  I kiss the back of her head and just hold her until she finally dozes off.


I wake up the next morning and slip out of bed before Sam does.  I walk over to the phone and notice there are about fifteen messages from Luke, Mason, and Blake.  I text each of them the same message
meet us at the bowling alley at twelve.
I walk into the kitchen in just my black boxer briefs and start making Sam some waffles.  I grab the peanut butter chocolate chips out of the drawer she hides them in and pour them into the batter I made.  I reach down and grab the waffle iron out of the bottom of the drawer and stand up to see a very sexy and rather rumpled Samantha. 

“Morning.” She walks over, slides her arms around my hips and stands on her tip toes to kiss me. “You should wear shorts more often. You should be proud of the scars you bear. It will be another healing process for you. Also, it will show people you are strong.”  She smiles and kisses me again before walking over to the batter.  “Mmmm, peanut butter waffles?  My favorite!”  She eats a peanut butter morsel off the counter and then starts a pot of coffee.

“I may just wear some shorts today then. If that will help you take your mind off of everything.” I smile and grab the bowl and the whisk, mixing it again before pouring the batter into the waffle iron. I finish the waffles and then sit two in front of Sam. I watch as she pours the syrup on the pancakes and then takes a bite.

“Mmmm, and yes, seeing you be proud of what you are will make me extremely happy Jameson.  You have nothing, and I mean nothing, to be ashamed of.  You almost died to help people like them be free.  You should be proud of your wounds, and you should let others see what you gave up.  Maybe then they may care about more people around them.”  She smiles at me but what she doesn’t know is that she just pissed me off. 

BOOK: Irreparable (Wounded Souls)
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