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Authors: Trinity Marlow

Irish Cream (7 page)

BOOK: Irish Cream
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"Tell me what you want," he said, careful to keep a conversational tone, rather than stating it as a command. "What would you like to do with your life?"

She gave him a quizzical look. "I'm not sure what you mean - isn't that for you to decide now?"

He sighed. "Weren't you listening at all the other night? I want to know what you want, what you feel. We need to be open and honest with each other if this is going to work - and that means you need to talk to me."

She looked down at her hands. "I want to work," she said quietly, raising her head just enough to peer at him through her lashes. "A job, I mean."

He thought about it for a minute. "You don't have to, you know. I have plenty of money--"

"It's not that." She leaned forward, her eyes imploring. "I don't like just sitting around all day, waiting to be...used. And honestly I'm not all that fond of housework either. I want to do something that will challenge my mind. Something I can be proud of. I need..." she paused, obviously struggling to find the right words.

"Mental stimulation," James supplied, earning a nod in agreement. He thought about it for a minute. "That shouldn't be a problem. In fact, I know of two positions you might want to check out. Unless you have something already."

She stared at him, her mouth open in shock. He smiled, pleased at the glimmer of hope in her gaze.

"You don't mind?" The tightness in her shoulders eased visibly and he felt like he'd just passed an important test.

He shrugged. "I don't see why I should - but I do think we need to talk about why you think I want you here. Because it's not just for the use of your body, Brianna - and it's my fault I didn't make that clear."

She frowned. "You want me as your submissive, right? A sex slave?" There was no malice in her tone, no sarcasm, just genuine confusion - and maybe a hint of sadness.

James braced his elbows on the desk, one palm extended toward her. "I know you feel it, this connection between us. It's not just a physical attraction, or at least not for me. I want you, Brianna - the whole you, not just your body."

She reached out to fit her hand in his. "I think I knew that," she said, not meeting his gaze. "I--I do feel...something for you. I wouldn't be here otherwise. I'm just..." she didn't finish the sentence, her cheeks reddening under his watchful stare.

"You're just what?" he asked, squeezing her fingers. "Honesty, remember? Tell me what you're thinking."

Chapter 8

Brianna tried to remember the last time a man had asked her that.

"I'm confused I guess," she said finally, taking her hand back. "And a little scared. This is all kind of...overwhelming. I feel like I have more invested, if that makes any sense."

"Which means you have more to lose."

She met his gaze, wondering how he could read her so easily. "You always seem to know what I'm thinking or feeling. How do you do that? It's a little disconcerting."

James smiled. "Do you believe in fate? Soul mates? People who are meant to be together?"

She hesitated a moment. "I want to..." She never had before, but as uncomfortable as she was, it felt like for the first time in her life she was exactly where she was supposed to be.


He stood up and moved around the desk to stand in front of her. "I've only kept a few submissives in the past, because I thought they might be what I was looking for. I thought they might fill the empty spot inside, but none of them ever did. But with you..." He knelt down in front of her, taking her hands. "I can't explain it, but you're different. You fit. And I'd never forgive myself if I didn't try to keep you with me."

Brianna swiped a tear away and nodded. "I want you to keep me too, Master. I'm home."

He stood, helping her up and pulling her into his arms. She closed her eyes, reveling in his strong embrace as she listened to his heart beat under her ear. Her body hummed in time with his, the tension between them changing, deepening into something she'd never experienced before.

When he released her, she knew what he needed. It was what she needed too. Stepping back slightly, she dropped to her knees and assumed the proper position at his feet. Finally confident, she looked up at him and smiled.

"How may I please you, Master?"

He looked down at her, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Are you ready to wear my rings?"

She answered without hesitation. "Of course, Master."

"Good girl," he said, his praise sending a thrill under her skin and straight to her core. "Go upstairs to my bedroom and undress. I'll be there shortly."

"Yes Sir."

Brianna left his office as he picked up the phone. Expecting the fear to set in at any time, she was surprised when it didn't, even as she entered his room and noted the modifications he'd made. On the floor beside the bed was a thick blue velvet pillow, large enough for a person to lay on comfortably, with a blanket folded neatly to the side. A thick chain with a wide, jewel-encrusted manacle attached to the end had been welded to the bottom of one metal bedpost, and thinner leather cuffs hung from each of the four bedposts. On the dresser, two pairs of smaller metal-looking manacles with jeweled inlays to match the larger one on the floor rested near a similar, more delicate collar with a ring in the front and another rainbow of stones set around the perimeter.

It seemed that James took bondage pretty seriously, and Brianna flushed as a wave of moisture flooded between her legs. Drew had only ever used ropes - the scratchier the better, he figured. Cuffs were definitely a step up, in her opinion. She removed her clothes and folded them neatly, placing them on a chair. Then she faced the door and got to her knees, spreading her legs and clasping her hands behind her back with her breasts thrust forward to wait.

* * *

Brianna's knees were starting to hurt when the door finally opened. James entered first, followed by a tall, broad-shouldered man carrying a leather case in one hand. She didn't break position though...Drew had often shown her off and occasionally even shared her with other men, so while she was nervous that James had chosen to do so the first day, it felt...well, not abnormal.

James stood in front of her, a look of approval on his face. "Well done, my pet." He extended a hand to her and she took it, standing with his help. He turned her to face the other man, his hands remaining on her shoulders.

"This is Marcus. He's going to do your piercings."

Unsure whether she should speak, Brianna merely nodded, curving her lips into a demure smile. He smiled back, and then his gaze dropped directly to her chest.

"How many are we doing today?" he asked. Brianna shuddered. Wasn't two enough?

James' fingers moved down her arms to slide off and grasp her waist. "It's up to her, really. But definitely both nipples."

Marcus glanced up again, and must have noticed her confusion. "Many women prefer to get several piercings done at once, so the aftercare is all one shot. Others prefer to spread it out - normally the ones who get off on the pain and adrenaline rush," he explained, reaching out to lightly pinch one of her nipples, pulling it out and then letting it retract before repeating the process on the other side.

Brianna peered over her shoulder at James. "How many would you like me to have, Master?"

"Three," he said without hesitation. "I have some beautiful chains for you that require hardware for anchoring. In addition to your nipples, I'll eventually want your navel done too, but that's not necessary for today, if you'd prefer to wait."

She considered it for a moment, then turned back to Marcus. "I'll get them all done now, if that's okay."

He smiled again. "My pleasure." He looked over her shoulder at James. "Let's get her settled. I assume you have the jewelry?"

James released her and stepped to the side, motioning for her to get on the bed. "There's a blue box on the dresser. Everything you need should be in there."

Marcus turned away and James waited until Brianna lay on the bed, then he buckled a leather cuff around each wrist and ankle. Adjusting the chains, he shortened the length so she was spread-eagled on her back, her hands and feet held just above the bed. When he was done, he ran a finger down the center of her body, starting at her neck, and finishing in a tight circle around her throbbing clit.

"We're going to make this as painless as possible," he said, his low voice thick with the promise. Reaching above her head, he took a black scarf from a hook and dusted her skin with it, trailing the ends over her nipples until she was practically writhing. Then he placed it over her eyes and knotted it firmly behind her head.

Brianna almost protested the blindfold, but something made her hold back. She wanted to trust James, wanted to believe that he would make the best choices for her, and this seemed like a good time to demonstrate that.

The men were talking in low voices off to the side, and it seemed like other sounds were amplified. The rustle of clothing, the crackle of plastic, the occasional ring of metal objects colliding. It should have scared her, but she found herself more aroused with each passing second. A flood of moisture pooled between her legs as she heard the snap of plastic gloves.

"That turns you on, doesn't it sweetheart?" James chuckled as his hot breath tickled her ear. "I'm wearing gloves too, so you won't know whether it's me or Marcus touching you. Just relax and enjoy the ride."

She nearly laughed at the suggestion. Her body was strung so tight she felt she'd explode any second, and it had little to do with her restraints.

A finger drifted down the center of her neck as lips closed around one the tip of one breast. He worked the nub with his tongue, swirling and licking as someone else started in on her other tip. Warm, wet and constantly moving, she barely registered the fingers sliding down either side of her belly and delving into the folds between her legs. But when one found her clit, and the other pushed inside her creaming sheath, she arched up, her senses overloaded as someone deftly clamped one of her nipples. The sharp pain sent a quick impulse to her core, where a second finger had joined the first, maintaining a slow, steady rhythm even as she begged for more.

Her other nipple was tugged forward and clamped as well, teeth just barely grazing the tender tip when it was done. Something wet smoothed over it, cold this time. And then those lips were moving south, trailing tiny kisses and little bites in their wake. One tongue dipped into her navel, then the other, taking turns until a tight clamp bit down on her there as well, followed by the same cold sensation. Her body hummed with the mixture of pleasure and pain, her mind trying to keep up, and failing. The pain from the clamps subsided quickly, leaving only a delicious feeling of weight that tugged at her breasts and stomach.

Then someone's mouth - James, she hoped, closed over her clit and began to suckle and lick and tease and bite and...


She yelped at a sharp pain through her left breast at the same time something long, hard and vibrating slid into her pussy. Her nipple went numb as the vibrations between her legs increased, and after a few quick tugs, her breast was released. Prickles of discomfort radiated out from the tip, quickly forgotten as a second vibrating object was pressed hard to her clit, and another sharp, stabbing pain went through her right breast. She cried out again, trying to arch up, but unable to move much in her bonds. More pulling, more prickling, and the vibrators were turned up to full speed, ensuring she couldn't think about anything aside from the sensations quickening between her legs. She bucked her hips, moving restlessly against the toys, knowing it wasn't enough.

"Please master," she said, turning her head side to side. "I need..."

The buzzing stopped and she was suddenly empty. Fear and doubt brought tears to her eyes, and she noticed her breasts were throbbing and sore. Struggling against the wrist cuffs, she wanted nothing more to touch them, press on them, make the pain go away.

"It hurts," she said, her voice raspy as she pulled at her bonds again. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean..."

"Shh...I know." James' voice was soothing, and she stilled. Bare fingers traced the inside of her thighs as the end of the bed dipped, and she focused on him - the feel of his legs moving between hers, his scent surrounding her as he positioned his cock at her entrance.

"It's okay, love," he crooned, his tone more tender than before. "We're almost done. Just let me give you what you need." He slid inside, slowly, easily, filling her completely in a way that no toy every could.

With each thrust, everything else faded away, and Brianna reveled in the welcome haze. A low buzz caught her ear just before the vibrations settled over her clit, and she grabbed the chains at her hands to anchor herself as the tension in her body built again. James rocked faster between her legs, taking her higher, pulling her thighs up over his knees with his hands to open her more fully to his onslaught, holding her still as he pummeled her soft channel.

Brianna's head fell back as she felt herself getting close. At the last minute, she remembered to ask, shouting her question without a care for who might hear.

BOOK: Irish Cream
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