Intimate Kiss (Bend To My Will #3) (3 page)

BOOK: Intimate Kiss (Bend To My Will #3)
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Chapter 3

Vivienne was anxious about her first weekend with Jacob, but she managed to push thoughts of him out of her mind. She took one day to catch up with Lana, and to get organized, then she was back at Vee’s. Although she arrived early, Michele was already at the shop.

“Vivie.” Her assistant rushed over for a big hug. “You’re back.”

“It feels good. I missed this place,” Vivienne said. “It seems like I was away longer than I actually was.”

Michelle had her brown hair twisted up, and a couple of stray curls brushed her neck. She looked like the hardworking assistant that she was. Her pale blue eyes and heart-shaped face gave her a friendly look. Her cheerful smile succeeded in raising Vivienne’s spirits.

She missed Jacob, but that had to wait. Vee’s Scents was her passion and her livelihood, and it was great to be in the shop. “You did an excellent job of covering while I was gone,” Vivienne said. “Any issues I don’t know about?”

“No, I coped with anything that came up.” Michele brushed away a strand of hair. “But it’s good you’re here. There are new orders for items that are delayed from the supplier. I’ll let you handle that. And there are a couple of other things. I put notes on your desk.”

“Great, that’s fine,” Vivienne said. “When we take a break I’ll tell you more about my trip.”

“Yes, I want to hear.” Michele beamed. “The texts and pictures you sent make me want to go to France.”

After a glance around the shop to see that everything was in order, Vivienne sat at her desk to catch up. A couple of orders were sticky, but she would come up with a solution for the customer. Once she handled the priorities, Vivienne reviewed the agreement that Alfred Dunham had emailed.

Yesterday afternoon, Vivienne had spoken to her attorney. She’d consulted with him on business decisions before, and he’d given her sound advice, so she sent the agreement over. Once he had a chance to review it, Vivienne would meet with him to resolve any remaining questions.

So far, the offer looked good. The partnership between Dunham Enterprises and Vee’s Scents was an opportunity to expand. There was a lot to set up, including deciding on a name for the new company. Yet Vivienne expected the new venture to be profitable, since online perfume sales were gaining in popularity.

Any startup had inherent risk. Vivienne wished that she could talk it over with Jacob, since he was savvy on business matters. But she wasn’t about to call him. Jacob would have to originate the call if they spoke during the week. Plus, she valued her independence. She had made her own decisions for a long time, and she would do so now.

After emailing Alfred with a status, saying she would contact him once she met with her attorney, Vivienne went to the storeroom. Luke Jensen was unpacking some new deliveries. He was young and fit, so he was a good choice for handling the shipping aspects of the shop.

Luke had dark, wavy hair, hazel eyes, and was good looking. He was a valued team member, willing to assist where needed, and not balking at the tasks demanded of him. Vivienne scheduled him for part-time, since he attended the community college. But it was enough to cover the required job duties.

When Vivienne walked over, he looked up. “Hey, Vivie. Welcome back,” Luke said. “I’m just putting this stuff away.”

“Hi, Luke. I don’t want to interrupt you,” Vivienne said. “I just wanted to tell you I appreciate the backup you gave Michele while I was away. I know the temp was only here for a few hours a day, so it was good of you to increase your hours last week.”

“Sure, no problem,” Luke said. “I worked it out.”

Vivienne smiled. “Okay, I’ll let you get back to what you were doing.” She walked back toward the shop. Running a business depended on employee support. Without her staff, as few as they were, Vivienne wouldn’t be able to handle everything.

Michele was a real asset, and had management potential. When Vivienne went inside, she overheard her assistant interacting with one of their regular customers. Hearing the way Michele handled the transaction confirmed her opinion. As the business grew, Vivienne envisioned her assistant taking on more responsibility, which would assist with Vee’s expansion in the industry.


The rest of the week was busy, which was a welcome distraction. Jacob didn’t call, nor did Vivienne expect him to. Still, as each day passed without a word, Vivienne’s disappointment grew. Even though she had agreed to the weekends-only stipulation, she had hoped Jacob would relent.

On Friday morning, butterflies fought in Vivienne’s stomach, and she began to wonder if the weekend was going to happen at all. Maybe Jacob had had a change of heart. Twice she picked up her phone and almost called Jacob, but her pride prevented her from doing so.

Before lunch that day, Vivienne’s phone vibrated and she was relieved to see a text from Jacob.

Ian will pick you up at your apartment at six. I’m looking forward to our weekend together.

Stunned at Jacob’s confirmation that they would soon be together, Vivienne almost forgot to reply. She took a moment to recover, then answered.

I’ll be ready. I can’t wait to see you.

Vivienne hit send then second-guessed what she’d said. Maybe she sounded too excited, which she was. But there was no need to reveal that to Jacob, since he already had the upper hand. But there was no sense dwelling on it, because there was no way to retract her text.

Leaning back in her chair, Vivienne looked up at the ceiling. She let out a long sigh. It was really going to happen. She planned to leave the shop early to pack and get ready.

The last few hours of the day seemed to drag. Vivienne’s attention was on Jacob, and she was a bundle of nerves. Michele knew she had a date, and finally she said, “You can take off, Vivie. I’ve got things covered.”

Vivienne nodded. “Okay, I’ll see you on Monday. Have a great weekend.”

The walk to her building helped to settle her down. But once Vivienne was in her apartment, panic set in. She couldn’t decide what to wear, what to pack, or what to feel. If only Jacob had invited her for dinner at a restaurant, like a real date.

That would be so much easier. Vivienne would be on familiar ground, but instead she was lost and vulnerable. As it was, going to Jacob’s penthouse was intimidating. It was his turf, and he was the one in control. Yet wasn’t that what she wanted?

When she was ready to go, Vivienne sat in a chair by the window taking some deep breaths. Just before six, Ian rang the bell. She greeted the driver, allowing him to handle her bag. His calm demeanor reassured her. She was overstressed, and it was unnecessary. Vivienne was simply going to Jacob’s apartment. His driver transported guests routinely, so she should sit back and relax. It wasn’t such a big deal.

Yet when Ian pulled into the underground garage at the penthouse, Vivienne’s excitement rose. The driver took her up in the elevator to a private landing on the ninetieth floor, a marble foyer outside the front door. Ian pushed the intercom button and said, “We’re here.”

A woman in an apron opened the door, not Jacob. “Welcome, Ms. Lake,” she said. “I’m Colette. Please come in.” Colette took Vivienne’s bag, and the driver closed the door as he left. “I’m the cook,” she said, then motioned toward the main room. “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll let Mr. Rinaldi know that you’ve arrived.” Then the cook disappeared too.

With one look, Vivienne knew she was way out of her league. The penthouse could only be described as palatial. The pure white walls contrasted with dark wood floors. White furniture and a square marble coffee table were on a thick ivory-colored rug. Assorted pillows in bright hues were positioned on the sofa and chairs.

Vividly colored modern art adorned the walls, and two massive crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, which was open all the way to the second story. The stairs were wide marble steps, encased with glass panels topped with brass railings. Vivienne could see up to the next level. Thick white pillars rose from the ground floor, through the floor of the upper story, and all the way to the ceiling above. The second story hallway was bordered with white half-walls for privacy.

Floor-to-ceiling windows came together at one corner of the room, and Vivienne could see the city and Central Park below. The part of the penthouse she viewed was probably just a fraction of the space. She turned from the windows and wrapped her arms around her waist, gazing about wide-eyed.

Movement on the stairwell caught her eye, and Vivienne looked up to see Jacob. The sight of him calmed and reassured her. She knew this man intimately, and watched the way he came down the stairs, descending to the main-level room like he must have done so many times before. This was his home, the place where he was comfortable.

Vivienne could see it, and, sensing his familiarity with the surroundings, was instantly less intimidated. Jacob wore a light blue sweater and tightly fitted jeans. When he walked into the room, Vivienne forgot to breathe.

His short hair was sexy-messy, not gelled. And from his casual attire, Vivienne sensed it was to be a relaxed evening. Despite the luxury surroundings, Jacob was at home and had dressed in accord with that, making her glad about the comfortable outfit she wore.

Jacob’s blue eyes sparkled, and he opened his arms to her. His welcoming embrace dispelled her anxiety. “Vivienne,” he said, digging his hand into her hair. “I can’t tell you how glad I am that you’re here.”

If she didn’t know better, Vivienne would have thought she was visiting her boyfriend. Jacob’s warmth and gentleness threw her off guard. It wasn’t what she expected. If he was so glad to see her, then why hadn’t he called…
all week?

But Vivienne didn’t go there. She was with Jacob now, and that was what mattered. “I am glad…that you’re glad.” At least in the beginning, she would mute her reactions, needing a chance to take it all in. The situation was thrilling, but mystifying.

Agreeing to be Jacob’s submissive wasn’t the same as actually doing so. Since Vivienne had no experience to fall back on, she would have to follow his lead. Being so dependent didn’t come naturally, so she’d have to take it one step at a time.

Jacob took her hand. “I’ll show you around later. I’m anxious to sit and talk.” He was so suave, so charming. “Would you like some wine?”

About half a bottle might calm me down
. “That would be nice,” Vivienne said, and let Jacob lead her to one of the padded chairs by the windows. He sat on the sofa, adjacent to her, and leaned back, crossing one ankle over the opposite knee.

Jacob’s eyes roamed, making Vivienne feel naked. The cotton blouse and knee-length skirt were inadequate to protect her from his gaze. “You are so beautiful,” Jacob said, looking into her eyes.

Before Vivienne could respond, Colette appeared with the wine. “Would you like me to pour, sir?”

“I will take it from here,” Jacob said, motioning for her to set the wine on the table. When the cook left, he filled their glasses.

“What are we drinking?” Vivienne said, hoping for some light banter while she regained her composure.

“It’s a Riesling that we import from Alsace. I think you’ll like it.”

Vivienne took a sip, and then another. It was refreshing, with a hint of ginger. “It’s very good.” She took one more sip.

“I want you to be comfortable here, Vivienne. This arrangement is for both of us, and now is a good time to talk about everything,” Jacob said. “If you have any questions when we aren’t in the playroom, I encourage you to ask.”

After two more sips of wine, Vivienne put her glass down. The alcohol had relaxed her a bit. “What about
the playroom?”

“When we are in the playroom, I am in control and you do not question,” Jacob said. “It will take a while for you to develop enough trust for that to seem natural. But questions are not for the playroom. Your trust and obedience is required.”

“Required by you?” Vivienne reached for her glass and took another sip, needing fortification. She had a premonition that discussing what to expect would require more wine.

“For the relationship,” Jacob said. “I will guide you, but without your trust I cannot do so. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. You must know that. But in the playroom, you will show respect, and not question me when I ask you to do something. Any hesitation is a punishable offense.”

“What if it’s…uncomfortable?”

“It will be,” Jacob said, his blue eyes flaring with desire. “I can guarantee that.”

Vivienne’s panties were wet, and her nipples were stiff. A voice inside her whispered that she should rebel, regain control. But her body disagreed, and she was more turned on with each word Jacob uttered.

“You’ll hurt me?” Vivienne’s hand shook when she set the wine glass down.

Jacob scooted to the edge of the sofa and took her hands in his. “No, I will not do anything to cause permanent harm. Pain is a part of it, and is necessary to push the limits of pleasure. But, at any time, you can take back the power you have granted me.”

“How would I do that?”

“You will choose a safe word. It’s a word that you can say if you want to terminate play. If I push too hard, beyond acceptable limits, just say the word. I will immediately cease all activity.” Jacob squeezed her hands.

“What should the word be?”

BOOK: Intimate Kiss (Bend To My Will #3)
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