Indigo Nights: A Sexy, Contemporary Romance (25 page)

BOOK: Indigo Nights: A Sexy, Contemporary Romance
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That was better.

“Hello,” she said, cupping my face with her hands and placing a small kiss on my forehead. I didn’t know which part of her to touch first.

“Tell me it’s just you and me now for a few days.” I stroked my fingers into her cleavage, relishing her warmth and softness.

“It’s just you and me. I have food; I’ve baked. We don’t need to do anything but—”


She pressed her hands to my chest and swiveled her hips in that wicked way she had. She dipped her lips to my ear. “All night and all day.”

I knew it still wouldn’t be enough. “How long to your apartment?”

“Not long.” She grazed her teeth up my jaw, sending spasms of pleasure right to my rock-hard cock. To my surprise and disappointment, she climbed off and sat next to me, clasping my hand in hers.

“We’d better wait until we’re in private,” she said, staring at my crotch. The outline of my erection in my pants was hard to miss.

“I thought you liked an audience?” I raised my eyebrows. I wasn’t too keen on getting my dick out in front of the driver, but I wasn’t sure I’d fight her off if she insisted.

She laughed. “It’s different. I don’t want to see my audience.” She nudged me in the ribs. “So my brother liked you. And the others—well they were always an easier sell.”

“Good.” I grimaced, leaning my head back onto the seat, trying to focus on something other than the throbbing of my cock.

“Thank you for agreeing to meet him.”

“You don’t need to thank me. I wanted to. I want to know all the people who are important to you.”

She sighed. “It’s stuff like that.”

“What is?” She wasn’t making sense. I turned my head toward her.

“When you say stuff like that”—she shrugged—“it sounds like you mean it.”

I smiled and pulled her to my side. “Of course I mean it. I told you, I don’t lie.” I bent, dropping the softest of kisses on her lips. “I meant it when I said I’m serious. And I think you are, too.” We were on the edge of saying more, close to taking a final step onto more solid ground. The cab came to a halt and Beth glanced around. “We’re here.” She scrambled to open the door and climbed out.

We fought over who was going to pay the driver, which I loved. I won, of course, and I handed the driver some money and pulled out my suitcase. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting when it came to Beth’s place. It seemed odd that we were so far along in our relationship in so many ways but I’d never seen where she lived. What would I discover? That she was into taxidermy and her walls were littered with pictures of old boyfriends?

We walked up a small ramp to some glass doors that slid open as we approached them. The lobby, all granite, glass and low lighting. The entire wall to our left had water trickling down it, lighting up the bumps and spikes of the granite.

“Hey, Barney,” Beth greeted the security guard behind the desk. “This is Dylan James. He’ll be staying with me, so he’ll be coming and going.”

I nodded at Barney.

“No problem, Beth. Have you kissed Sophia for me?” Barney said.

“My niece has a way of making everyone fall in love with her the instant they meet her,” Beth said to me before turning back to Barney. “I just saw her. She’s missing you no doubt.”

We made our way to the elevators and as the doors shut, I turned to her. “Does Barney go to dinner with you?”

“No, silly. Jake and Haven have a place here. The penthouse, of course. For years Jake and I lived together in his old student place, then we each bought an apartment in this building.”

That made a little more sense. “And they still use this place?”

“Less and less. It’s big, but not very child friendly. My place is teeny in comparison. It’s only got one bedroom.”

One was all we needed.

The doors opened and I followed Beth out. “Here we are.” She opened her door and kicked her shoes off as soon as she was inside. Goosebumps prickled my skin. Being here was the next step in our relationship. I liked her so much, loved her so much, that I didn’t want anything I found out to disappoint me, to make me like her less.

The floors were dark, almost black, and everything was sleek and modern.

Beth glanced behind her at me. “Is it what you expected? It came furnished.”

I nodded. I’d thought there was a bit of a disconnect; it didn’t feel like her. I’d expected more vibrancy and plenty of color. “It’s nice. Beautiful views.” It was nice, and it did have a beautiful view, but something was missing. I left my suitcase and headed over to the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking west and south London.

“Do you know, I really love it? I didn’t expect to; I thought it would be more of a struggle to live alone than it has been.”

My gut twisted. I didn’t like the thought of her enjoying time away from me. Did she see us living together? And if so, where? Chicago? London?

“Can I get you a drink?” She walked over, her head tilted to the side in question.

“All I need is you.”

She grinned and I could almost feel the atmosphere thicken. “Well, Mr. 8A, you have me. So what are you going to do with me?”

I growled and pulled her into my arms, bending to taste her neck. “Show me your bedroom.”

She pulled at my shirt, freeing it from my pants, and slid her hands over my back. Her fingers were hot and eager. “I thought you’d never ask.” She led me by my shirttail back down the corridor and into her bedroom.

There was more color, pinks and reds, in her bedroom. It felt more like the Beth I knew. “More windows,” I said, lifting my chin in the direction of windows on one whole side of the bedroom.

“Wanna close the blinds?”

I pulled at her top, lifting it over her head. “No, I don’t think I do.” I dragged my thumbnails over the lace of her bra, relishing the feeling as her nipples hardened. How had I been with her all these hours without touching her like this?

I walked forward until she was trapped between me and the bed. She grinned as she undid the buttons of my shirt, then sat so she was perfectly positioned to take my dick in her mouth.

I was rock hard instantly. Just having that beautiful pout so close to my cock was too much. I shrugged off my open shirt and growled as she undid my pants.

She took my dick in both hands, twisting in opposite directions as she watched my reaction. Did she see my desperation for her?

“You seem pleased to see me, baby.” She swirled her tongue over my crown and slid her lips until the tip of my cock was in her mouth. Her hands fisted around my cock with the perfect pressure.

“You’re going to make me come,” I said.

She took me deeper, as if she was daring me. She grabbed my ass, urging me closer and deeper. Was she trying to please me or herself? I wasn’t sure it mattered.

I couldn’t hold back as I stabbed forward, hating myself for losing control. For the first time in my life, I didn’t want this to be about me getting off. Before Beth, getting a woman off was ultimately self-gratification. It turned me on to know the effect I could have on a woman. With Beth, I wanted her to climax because I wanted her happy; I needed to give her what she wanted. That desire went beyond sex and seeped into everything I did for her.

“I’m sorry, my sweet, you just look so perfect wrapped around my cock like that.”

She released my dick. “Never apologize for wanting to go deeper. It’s what I dream about.”

As if to demonstrate she took me to the back of her throat as she glanced up at me, her eyes full of lust.

“Jesus, are you trying to kill me?” I cupped her face in my hands and wiped my thumbs across her cheekbones and that precious beauty spot. “That image right there is something I’m taking back to Chicago with me.”

I pulled away, kicked off my boxers and pants, grabbed a condom out of my wallet and leaned over her, pushing her gently back on the bed.

“Hey, I thought I was in charge.”

I balanced over her, between her legs. “I don’t remember making you any such promise.” I was always in charge in the bedroom, as I was in all aspects of my life.

“Can I try something?” She traced her index finger over my chest.

How could I resist that beautifully swollen mouth? “Anything.”

She pressed her palms against my shoulders and I let her push me off her. What did she have planned?

I collapsed on my back, shoving my hands behind my head, not taking my eyes off her for a second.

Tentatively she climbed over me so she could straddle me. “Is this okay?”

I’d never let a woman ride me, not even Alicia. I liked to be in control, but I wouldn’t deny Beth anything. I wanted whatever she did. I grinned. “Sure, knock yourself out.”

She raised her eyebrows at me, reaching between us for my dick.

I held out the condom for her, and she pursed her lips. “Maybe you should do that bit.”

She shifted back as I tore open the condom. I watched her, mesmerized by her hands on my dick. “It’s all yours.”

“I like that,” she replied, her voice breathy.

“I like that you like my dick.”

She rose to her knees and rested my dick right at her entrance. She threw her head back as she sank down. “I like that it’s all mine. No one else’s.” Her voice was strained, as if my dick had pushed all the oxygen from her lungs.

She was so tight and warm and fucking perfect.

“That’s right. All yours. And ready to fuck you all night.”

Her eyes found mine as she gathered her breasts, teasing me as she pushed them up and together, grinding her hips in small circles above me.

It might just have been the best view I’d ever seen. I reached for her, smoothing my hands up her thighs and around her ass, encouraging her thrusts.

“It feels so good.” Her words sounded like a prayer.

“It’s always so good.”

She screwed her eyes shut. “Always.” Her movements became bigger, less controlled.

My racing heart took my breath away, and my skin thrummed everywhere it touched her.

“I love fucking you,” she choked out.

That wasn’t what we were doing. “I love making love with you,” I replied.

I fucked
women; I made love with Beth. I felt her seep through my skin and become part of me from the moment I touched her. And I knew that no other man had heard the sounds that passed from her lips when I made her come. During our first encounter I’d marveled at how responsive she’d been, but I’d come to realize it was
who did that to her, and in turn she opened me up and I allowed myself to feel more than I ever had.

She opened her eyes and gasped. She tightened and pulsed. I wasn’t going to last long. “Dylan.”

I couldn’t hold back any longer. I needed her to know how I felt. “I love you, Beth.”

I watched, fascinated and full of love as her orgasm exploded over her body. Her limbs shook and she collapsed on top of me. I rounded my hands over her ass and thrust up, desperate for my own release after witnessing hers.

“I love you, too,” she whispered into my ear. “I love you. I love you. I love you.”

There was nothing I wanted to hear more. A guttural noise exploded in my throat and my orgasm shot up my spine as I spilled into her, wrapping my arms around her, wanting her as close as possible.

I panted into her hair, breathing in the scent of almonds.

I needed to hold on tight. Beth was the only woman I’d ever need.

I could never lose her.



Don stood behind me with my case as I unlocked Dylan’s door. It felt odd to let myself into someone else’s house.

After Dylan’s trip to London, it’d seemed ridiculous to insist on staying in a hotel. When he asked me to stay with him again, I said yes. If I’d known he’d smile as though I’d given him the whole world, I wouldn’t have been able to resist in the first place. We loved each other; there was no need to pretend we didn’t want to be with each other every second.

I stepped inside and grinned at the thought of being so close to Dylan. His scent surrounded me instantly; I could almost feel him. He’d stayed with me in London, and now here I was in his. We were beginning to share each other’s lives, become more entwined, more together. And it felt easy, as if my anxieties got farther and farther away, my trust in myself and Dylan growing every time I heard his voice. There might be an ocean between us, but I’d never felt closer to any man.

BOOK: Indigo Nights: A Sexy, Contemporary Romance
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