Hush - Fighting Fate #2 (4 page)

BOOK: Hush - Fighting Fate #2
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I sighed. I needed a drink.

Walking over to the small table I’d set up under the window, I poured myself a glass of bourbon – straight. Turning so my body was half facing her, I lifted the glass suggestively. “Want a drink?”

Her eyes darted to the glass then back to me. She shook her
head. Once.

I sighed again and sank into my armchair, sitting forward and leaning my elbows on my knees, caressing the glass between both hands.

“You can sit if you want,” I said, nodding towards the bed.

I watched as her breath froze inside her chest. “No
, thank you,” she said, her voice barely a whisper.

I needed to get to the bottom of how she came to be here. I just couldn’t understand why someon
e like her would willingly come. Maybe she liked a little party drug every now and again. “Do you want something to help you relax? Weed? Ecstasy? Coke?”

Her eyes widened with shock. She didn’t say anything
, just shook her head again. Fuck. She really was as innocent as they came. I needed to get her some protection.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

She swallowed, seeming to consider my question. I guessed she was deciding if she should give her real name. “Kaeli,” she said quietly.

I couldn’t be sure if she was telling the truth. “Interesting name. How do you spell it?”

Her eyebrows creased. “K.A.E.L.I,” she said quickly. Too quickly to be false.

“Is it the money
, Kaeli?”

I had to ask. Ninety percent of the time it was the promise of big dollars that enticed people into the drug game. Who knew? Maybe she had some college fees she wanted to pay off.

But I saw the confusion in her expression instantly. “What money?” she asked.

Damn it. What
the fuck was he holding over her head? “Ken’s not paying you to come here?”

Her expression cleared with understanding, then soured into a very spiteful look. “No. He’s not paying me,” she said with a clipped tone.

I felt like I was getting nowhere. Maybe I just needed to be direct. “So, you’re not doing it for the drugs, and you’re not doing it for the money. What
you doing it for?”

Her eyes dropped to the floor, pain and distress clearly evident within her. She knotted her fingers together in front of her. Something inside my gut twisted with her sunken demeanor.

“Tell me,” I said soothingly.

glanced up, meeting my gaze. She looked so vulnerable right then, I wanted to fold her into my arms. What the hell? ‘
You’re a bad ass drug dealer, Noah. Not a sympathetic guy!’
I warned myself.

“He threatened to hurt my mom.”
Her voice was so soft, so delicate and fragile.

I instantly felt my jaw clench. “Does he know your mom?”

She nodded, her eyes filling with tears. “He’s her husband.”

, fuck no. That couldn’t be right. “He not your-”

He’s my stepdad.”

I inhaled deeply, needing to calm myself down. Not much pissed me off more than a wife bea
ter. That low life fucking asshole!

I had to admit, Ken hadn’t really interested me before
now. I knew he would come down with the rest of them when they fell. I didn’t even think about the shit they might be subjecting others – their family – to. Now I was just pissed. I was determined to make him pay for what he was putting Kaeli and her mom through.

“Why didn’t you just go to the police?”
I asked when I felt calm enough.

She looked at me
dryly. “I don’t know if you know Ken very well, but he hurts my mom a lot. I don’t doubt he’d kill her if I didn’t do this.”

That fucker!
If he was anything like TJ, I didn’t doubt it either. I really needed to get some detail on her. “You still go to school Kaeli?”

She gazed at me wearily.

“Where abouts?”

She swallowed uncomfortably. “Westside.”

. That was a nice school. She couldn’t be too far from finishing though. She looked too mature to be a junior. “Senior?” I asked.

She nodded.
“Yes,” she said quietly.

“What subjects do you do?” I knew I was being intrusive, but if I could get someone in undercover, I needed them in some of her classes.

“Um…” I could tell she didn’t want to answer me, but either fear or an ingrained sense of politeness overrode it. “Biology, Chemistry, Algebra, Statistics…” She shrugged. “That kind of thing.”

Shit. She was smart too. She definitely shouldn’t be here
. I’d make sure I got a message to the Captain later tonight. I wanted protection on her like yesterday.

I pushed her for as much information as she’d give me while I downed another two glasses of bourbon. When I thought I’d gathered enough to pass on,
I looked down at my watch, surprised to see how quickly the time had gone.

I exhaled hard. Fuck.
This was going to hurt. I closed my eyes and said a silent prayer for what I was about to do to her. I hoped one day she would understand and forgive me.

I stood up and strode towards her.


Chapter 7





After almost an hour of idle questions which didn’t seem to make much sense to me, Mitch checked his watch and stood up.

“We better get this over and done with,” he said, moving swiftly towards me.

I tensed, panic quickly rising to the surface again. He dragged his shirt over his head and tossed it behind him, his eyes locked on my panicked ones. Fleetingly, I noticed he didn’t have anywhere near as many tattoos as I thought he did, but that thought flew right out my head when his purposeful strides continued straight for me.

No! Please...

I scrambled to the side, knowing escape was virtually impossible, but desperate to try just the same. B
ut before I got very far, he caught me, pinning me between the wall and his large, firm body. I gasped, and before I could do anything else, he forced his mouth to mine.

I lashed out at him, trying to push him away, but he was too strong. His other hand pulled at my clothes, grabbing my shirt tightly in his fists as he pulled me harder against him. I hit at him, and tried scratching, but his hand easily caught both my wrists in his, holding them prisoner as he continued to crush his lips to mine.
I was powerless. And I couldn’t do a damned thing about it. Tears poured down my face. Please, God. Please, help me!

Then just as suddenly as he came, he released me, stepping back without a word. I stumbled slightly, my head a whirling mess of confusion and fear. Silently, he picked his shirt
up off the floor, and strode to the door.

“Come on,” he said, his voice
more than a little rough.

With my head still reeling, I
ran after him, praying that was it and I could now go home. As he moved down the stairs, I watched him shuck his shirt back on over his head.

I knew I must’ve looked a mess. Tears were still falling down my cheeks,
my chest was heaving from fright, and the wild panic that had been with me since the moment that Pock guy answered the door was forcing my gaze in a different direction every beat of my heart.

It wasn’t until I came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs behind Mitch, that I noticed the other guys standing around watching us. They laughed at
my pitiful appearance and gave Mitch a fist bump along with various vulgar comments directed at me.

TJ pushed Ken’s bag at Mitch with a serious expression. “What do you think?”

Mitch gazed at me then back at TJ. “She’ll be fine. Ken’s holding her old lady’s life over her head.”

laughed and clasped his hands together like that was the best news ever. “Crazy fucker’d do it too.” He looked over at me, amusement clear in his eyes. “You know it too, don’t you?”

I felt sick that someone could be so delighted knowing my mom’s
life was in danger. Bastard. His eyes suddenly turned dark and his gaze cut into me like a razor blade. Panic flared inside me as I wondered if he’d somehow read my mind. Crazy, but that was where my head was at.

“Do I need to tell you what will happen to you or your mother if you so much as think about this place or what you’ve seen here in front of another person?”

I gulped and shook my head. “No.”

He stared at me for a long minute,
his terrifying gaze reinforcing his threat. “Mitch, I want you to take her home. I don’t want any unnecessary risks with this lot,” he said, indicating to Ken’s brown bag. He turned back to me with hard eyes. “And you can tell Ken that if he sends anyone but you from now on, he’s going to regret it.”

My heart sank to the floor.

Mitch jerked his head, indicating I should follow him, and my exact state of mind became clear when I found myself willing to do exactly that.

Taking a wide berth around the others, I trailed behind Mitch’s fast moving form, never so relieved to leave a place in my whole life.

Leading me out the back door, he walked over to a very plain looking white Camry parked under a dilapidated carport and threw the bag onto the backseat. Opening the front passenger door, he held it open until I climbed inside, then closed it softly behind me.

My whole body felt like it was hanging by a thread. I knew it wouldn’t be long until I fell apart completely.
It was only a matter of time. I could already feel everything rushing up at me, ready to push me into a complete emotional breakdown. My stomach roiled with it, needing the release.

The silence in the car didn’t help either.
Every now and again I thought I could feel Mitch’s eyes on me as he drove, but each time I’d chanced a look at him, his eyes were set straight ahead, his jaw set tight and his hands gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were white.

When he p
ulled the car into the alley behind our house without asking for directions, I wasn’t surprised. It should’ve made me feel uneasy knowing criminals like TJ and his gang knew where we lived, but I thought I might be too numb to feel anything just then.

He glanced at me as he flicked the car into neutral. “I thought it’d be better if you went in this way
. Do you need help climbing over the fence?” he asked.

I wasn’t sure if my voice would work, but I
tried it anyway. “No, there’re a few loose palings I can squeeze through.”

nodded then passed me the bag.

My legs shook as I climbed from the car. I knew I had to have been in some kind of shock or something. Mia always seemed to shake after having an anxiety attack
, so I figured it was maybe something similar. I just knew I needed to be alone.

Without a backwards glance at Mitch, I slipped
inside, finding Ken watching TV in the den. Not wanting Mom to see me in the state I was in, I chose not to say anything at all. Instead, I just gave him a stare I hoped told him just how much I hated him, and dumped the bag in his lap before turning to dash up to my room.

Pausing on the bottom
step, I drew in a steadying breath, praying my voice wouldn’t betray me. “Hi, Mom! Sorry I’m late. I’m just going to jump in the shower!”

Without waiting for a reply, I ran up the stairs,
no longer able to hold it all in. The second I stepped under the flow of the shower, it all came crashing down on me.

Hard and
life shattering.

I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know how to get myself out of the mess I was in. The whole thing had been so terrifying, so chilling. I didn’t want to go back there. I couldn’t.

Sobs wracked my body. Big, uncontrollable
shudders that destroyed a tiny piece of my soul with each painful breath.

I wanted someone to save me. Take me away from
the horror of it. I wanted to curse my mom for marrying someone so ugly. I wanted to curse my dad for leaving us to deal with this hell. I wanted to scream at the unfairness of it.

As my soul splintered
, I sank to the floor, huddling my knees to my chest, trying to protect myself the only way I knew how. I’d never felt such despair, such hopelessness. It was a huge vacuous cavern. Pitch black and utterly devoid of life.

Lying there
, I allowed it to consume me. To swallow me up and take me. My body shuddered under its heavy hands and heaved.

The water ran cold, and still I lay there.
If not in weakness, then to simply feel something other than despair.


Chapter 8





I felt sick as I watched Kaeli slip through the
gap in the fence. She’d been trying so hard to be strong while she was in the car with me, but I could tell she was close to crumbling.

BOOK: Hush - Fighting Fate #2
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