Read Hunted (FBI Heat Book 1) Online

Authors: Marissa Garner

Hunted (FBI Heat Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Hunted (FBI Heat Book 1)
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“Believe me, I’ve tried to jog their memories. Are they being deported?”

“I talked ICE into holding them for another week.” Rex shrugged. “For the express purpose of wringing more intel out of them.”

“You’re getting soft, Boss.”

Rex grunted. “Good thing you didn’t add ‘in your old age,’ or I’d have to kick your ass.”

“As I recall, last time we worked out together, I—”

“Leave it, Agent Alfren. Now get your butt home and take the rest of the day off.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re right. Forcing myself to finish the damn reports isn’t going to change the raids’ results. Must be doing it as punishment.”

Rex snorted. “Get outta here.”

Ben saluted.

As he called Amber on the drive home, a smile came to his face for the first time that day.

“Hi, Ben,” she answered unenthusiastically.

Were his 24/7 hours already taking their toll? Or had something happened after he spoke to her yesterday afternoon?

“You sound down. Did you get fired?”

“Thanks for helping me see things could be worse.” She chuckled. “No, I didn’t get fired. I just had a frustrating meeting with… someone this morning.”

“Want to talk about it over a picnic dinner at Tidelands Park?”

“Will there be wine?”

“Sorry, no alcohol allowed without a permit. We can have some at my place before we walk to the park and more when we come back.”

She hesitated.

“Or… not.” He grimaced. He must’ve tripped her self-defense wire again.

Chapter 10

When Amber looked into those incredible blue eyes on the other side of the peephole, her mood brightened. The weight of disappointment from the Dream Makers meeting lifted from her shoulders. The effect Special Agent Ben Alfren had on her was unsettling.
Keep it real
, she reminded herself. They were just casual friends, nothing emotional, definitely nothing serious. She put away the can of pepper spray and swung the door open.

Ben stood there in cargo shorts and a tight black T-shirt, which clung to his sculpted muscles. A dark scruff of whiskers covered his chiseled jaw and cheeks. His tousled hair beckoned her fingers to bury themselves in the thick strands. And of course, his keen, penetrating gaze seemed to take in everything about her, even seeing deep inside.

She gulped. Who was she kidding? For the first time in ages, a man was revving up her libido and tempting her to want more.

“Hey,” he said, raising the cooler in his hand. “You want to head over to the park now or have a drink first?”

“Let’s do wine here. Do you want merlot or chardonnay?”

“Merlot, thanks.”

He brushed past her as she stepped back, her nose catching a whiff of his musky cologne. After reengaging the three locks, she turned to find him studying her. Warmth crept up her cheeks.

“I really wish you’d talk to me about… that,” he said, nodding at the fortified door.

She shrugged. “No big deal. I’m a single woman. I live alone. I believe in being careful.”

His probing gaze evaluated her for several moments. It told her not to screw with him, that he knew there was more to it, but he’d let it go this time. “Right,” was all he said out loud.

Crap, he thinks I’m paranoid. But it’d be worse if he knew the truth.

She forced a bright, non-paranoid smile and headed to the kitchen. “It’s gorgeous outside. Wanna sit on the balcony?”

Five minutes later, they relaxed on the chaise lounges, sipping wine.

“Want to talk about your frustrating meeting?” Ben asked.

Do I?
What did it matter? He’d probably never meet anyone from SDSA or Dream Makers, so what could it hurt to vent a little?

“Sure. Remember I mentioned I might get laid off?”

“Yeah. But you said you didn’t get fired.”

“True. However, I’m pretty sure I’ve figured out why our clinic is losing business.”

“I take it this loss of business is why your job is at risk.”

“Absolutely. We’ve had so many cancellations, the company is in a financial bind.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“Me too, because SDSA is an awesome clinic.”

“Then why is it losing business?”

She sighed. “There’s a new company in town. It’s claiming to offer the same services for tens of thousands of dollars less.”

Ben whistled. “That’s a lot of money. How can they charge so much less?”

“Exactly what I asked myself.”

When she didn’t continue, he arched his eyebrows. “And the answer is…?”

She huffed. “I don’t know. I couldn’t get any information when I went to my appointment today.”

It took only a moment for Ben to put the pieces together. “You visited this new clinic as a prospective client. Incognito, I presume. Let me guess: short, curly, red hair and mirrored sunglasses.”

“No, actually, a brunette with hazel eyes, lots of makeup, and ugly black glasses.”

“How many disguises do you have?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I mix and match a lot. And I’m always buying new stuff. Anyway, how I looked isn’t the point.”

Ben gave her a grin that said they’d soon be revisiting the disguise issue just like the paranoia issue. “What is the point?”

“The woman who talked to me told me virtually nothing. She acted so secretive. I understand part of the reason was because my hu… um… significant other wasn’t there, and they can’t be bothered to go over the same information twice. My clinic, on the other hand, is happy to provide the information multiple times if the partners have to come in for separate appointments because of their busy schedules. It’s a huge decision, after all.”

“I can only imagine.”

“Ah, you sound like a confirmed bachelor.”

“Hardly. Just not ready for kids yet. Call me old-fashioned, but I’d like to have a wife first.” He took a long gulp of wine.

She rolled her eyes. “Geez, don’t get nervous.”

“I’m not. Tell me more about your meeting.”

Thoughtfully, she sipped the chardonnay. “It’s hard to describe. The place looked a little cheap, but that wasn’t what really bothered me. It was more how the place… felt.”


“There was a weird vibe, almost like fear. But that can’t possibly be what it was.” She frowned. “The management could just be very strict about the rules.”

“Give me an example.”

She smiled. Ben seemed genuinely interested. And venting lightened the load. She had so few friends these days because of her nomadic and solitary lifestyle. Talking to someone who cared was a great relief.

“Okay. The receptionist seemed nervous that Ms. Rodriguez—the lady who met with me—was overhearing our conversation. And then, when we passed staff in the hallway, no one made eye contact or spoke to her.”

“Maybe she’s a hard-ass.”

Amber shrugged. “Yeah, could be. But there was another older woman scolding what appeared to be four potential surrogates. One of them was crying, and the others looked scared.”

“That sucks.”

“Usually, my clinic is bubbling with chatter and excitement. This place just felt… wrong.” She shuddered.

“C’mere.” Ben spread his legs wide on the lounge and patted the space between them.

Amber pictured
flashing in neon lights above his head. She gulped.
Oh, what the hell.

She climbed onto the chaise and scooted between his legs. He placed his hands on her shoulders and massaged her tight muscles. She moaned.

“Relax, babe. You have knots the size of golf balls.”

Warm, strong fingers kneaded the base of her neck and worked upward to her scalp, and then tunneled through her hair. Tingling shot from her head to her toes, igniting lust at the appropriate spots. Her nipples peaked against the silky fabric of her bra, and her thighs clenched together. Her breathing quickened along with her heart rate. Savoring the sensations, she let her head loll to the side.

Ben growled deep in his throat before placing his lips on the side of her neck. A gentle kiss sent more tingles through her. She started when he gave her a love bite and then soothed the spot with his tongue.

His hands left her head to slide across her ribs, his thumbs brushing the underside of her breasts.

“More,” she whispered.

Understanding what she wanted, he cupped both breasts, molding, caressing. She moaned her appreciation.

Pushing back against him, she discovered a rock-hard erection. She wiggled her tush. His hands dropped instantly to her hips.

Placing his lips next to her ear, he whispered, “If we don’t stop this second, we’ll never make it to the park for our picnic.”

“I’m okay with that.”

When he chuckled, warm breath fanned the side of her neck and the flames of her desire.

“Let’s take this inside before we draw an audience,” he said.

He grasped her hand and tugged her inside, but they didn’t go far before she was in his arms again, her breath being stolen by a bone-melting kiss. Without breaking the lip-lock, he hoisted her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. As he carried her, she rode the ridge of his dick. He stopped abruptly in the living room.

“Babe, that feels great. But if you don’t quit it, our first time is going to be right here, right now, on the floor. And I really prefer first times to be slow and… meaningful.”

Is he for real? I didn’t think such a perfect non-creep existed.

“Just hurry. Please,” she pleaded, nuzzling his neck.

“Okay, you win. But I insist it not be on the floor.”

He set her down on the bed. Squatting in front of her, he looked her straight in the eyes. “You’re okay with this, right?”

“Yes. No strings. Nothing serious. A fling. Casual. Whatever you want to call it.”

He cupped her chin. “I’m asking about
. Is this what
want? I don’t go any further until you tell me.”

The bulge in his cargo shorts was the only sign he suffered from any urgency. Otherwise, he appeared calm and composed. As though he could wait all night or pass altogether. This was her call. She had total control.

She framed his face with her hands, sank into the fathomless blue of his eyes. “Yes, I want you, Ben.” The word
flitted through her mind, but thankfully, it didn’t escape her lips. “Make love to me, please.”

He answered with a growl and a kiss. His hands slipped under her blouse, and he rolled her already puckered nipples between his thumbs and index fingers. She dropped her head back and moaned as the sensations raced to her groin.

After lifting the blouse over her head, he sucked the hypersensitive tips beneath the silky bra. One hand molded to her crotch.

Time to hurry this along before she melted into a puddle on the bed. She unzipped his fly and reached inside. Her fingers traced his engorged dick under his boxer briefs and then wrapped around his balls. He came up for air with a groan.

And he got the message. While she fondled him, he undid her zipper and pulled down her shorts. Then he stripped off his T-shirt and tossed it aside. He gently lifted her hands from his groin before he removed his pants and underwear.

Her breath caught at the dark-haired, blue-eyed god standing naked in front of her. Her gaze traveled from his feet up his long legs, past his package, over his six-pack abs, across the sprinkling of hair on his chest, up his strong neck to his face. The desire burning in his eyes ignited the same in her.

He leaned down and nipped at her ear while unfastening her bra. She scooted back on the bed so he could slide off her panties. He snagged his shorts, found his wallet, and retrieved a condom. After rolling it on, he studied her with obvious admiration.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmured.

Her whole body heated even more with the compliment. She spread her legs in welcome.

He crawled up her body, nipping, licking, tasting. She coiled tighter with each touch.

“Please, Ben,” she said, writhing with pleasure, “now.”

“Patience. Anticipation is everything.” He hovered over her.

She raised her hips to touch her hot, wet entrance to the head of his dick. “Not everything.”

“You vixen,” he growled.

He thrust inside, stretching her, filling her. He pulled out, pushed into her again, deeper. Her muscles clenched around him. He pumped slowly and deliberately at first, but increased the speed and intensity with each thrust. Changing his angle slightly, he lit her fuse.

“I… I’m… gonna…”

“Come, baby, come. This is for you.”

Unbearable pressure built. She gripped the sheets. Minutes later, a mind-blowing climax engulfed her.

“That’s it, baby.” He thrust a few more times and groaned with his own release.

* * *

The ringtone didn’t register through the sexual haze for several seconds. When it did, Ben bolted upright.

“My boss,” he blurted out in explanation.

“It’s almost midnight,” Amber said.

“Twenty-four seven.” He found his shorts on the floor and grabbed the cell from a pocket. “Yeah, Boss.” Running a hand through his tangled hair, Ben glanced down at his naked body and rolled his eyes.

“Pedro attempted suicide,” Rex said without greeting.

“Shit! You said, ‘attempted,’ right? He’s okay?”

“‘Okay’ is overly optimistic. He’s not dead, if that’s what you mean.”

Ben dropped onto the bed. “When I spoke to him this morning, he was disappointed, but he took the news about the Friday night raids as well as could be expected. What the hell happened after that?”

“One of the ICE agents informed him and the other four that there would be no more raids.”


“Down, Alfren. The agent said it in the context of the guys getting another week’s reprieve from deportation
even though
the raids were discontinued. He wasn’t being a prick.”

“Where is Pedro now?”

Rex gave him the name and address of the hospital.

“Tell me they have him on suicide watch.”


“All right.” Ben glanced at Amber’s alarm clock. “I’ll be there ASAP.”

“Not necessary.”

“It is to me.”

After disconnecting, he pinched the bridge of his nose. Dammit, he should’ve anticipated Pedro’s reaction. The kid was crazy in love with Maria, and losing her had shattered his world. Ben could relate a little. When Marissa broke up with him, he’d been devastated also. In fact, he’d had those feelings until recently.

He slid a glance to the blond-haired beauty waiting for him to come back to bed. Yeah, he’d definitely recovered.

Ben sighed. He hated to do this to her. “I have to go.”

“I gathered that,” Amber said.

“I promise to make it up to you. Somehow.”

BOOK: Hunted (FBI Heat Book 1)
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