How to Seduce a Billionaire (8 page)

BOOK: How to Seduce a Billionaire
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“She looks wonderful,” Julia said after finishing the last sip of her wine. “What did she do to herself?”

Baffled, Brandon shook his head. “Some kind of makeover. Not sure why. Who can figure these things out?”

Trish laughed. “Women love to get themselves made over. It’s fun.”

Brandon shot her a skeptical look. “If you say so. I’ve got to tell you, though. I love women, but I’ll never understand what makes them tick.”

Adam chuckled. “Whereas, we men are an open book.”

“Exactly,” Brandon said, jabbing the air with his finger. “No games. No subterfuge. No
” He used air quotes to emphasize the last word.

With a laugh, Julia turned to Trish. “Kelly went to Orchids, didn’t she?”

“That’s right,” Trish said. “It’s supposed to be fabulous. Didn’t Sally go there last year? I think I remember her raving about the seaweed massage one day when we were sitting around her pool.”

“Wait, Mom went to a spa?” Brandon asked, incredulous.

“Yes,” Trish said easily. “Just last summer, with Bea and Marjorie.”

Brandon felt a chill cross his shoulders. “To the same place Kelly went to?”

“I think so. You should ask her.”

Brandon watched as Adam’s wife rubbed her ever-expanding stomach. He thought of the eight-month-old baby waiting inside there, all set to emerge and be spoiled silly by its aunts and uncles and one doting grandmother.

“God,” Trish said, “I would love to spend an entire weekend getting pampered and rubbed and polished and primped.”

“Sounds like heaven,” Julia agreed with a happy sigh.

Brandon had worked in hotels and resorts long enough to recognize the allure of an elegant spa for female guests. And hell, after having spent ten years in the NFL, he could readily admit to the restorative benefits of being pummeled by a physical therapist. He even enjoyed relaxing in a hot tub once in a while. But that had little to do with therapy, he thought, as the vivid memory of a naked Kelly in his own spa almost made him double over.

He gritted his teeth and continued to listen to his sisters-in-law wax poetic over this fabulous spa his mother had recommended to Kelly. They made it sound like some magical realm where dreams came true. His eyes narrowed. “What was the big deal about that place?”

“Oh, there’s every type of wonderful massage, of course,” Julia said. “You feature several of them here, along with your mud baths and yoga classes. But this place Sally found is designed for women only, and even though they offer more rigorous activities like hiking and horseback riding, they also concentrate on every aspect of a woman’s body and mind. You’re pampered from the minute you walk into the lobby. But that’s not the best part.”

Brandon exchanged glances with his brothers, who both looked clueless. “Go on.”

“It offers total makeovers,” Trish explained. “They do hairstyling and give makeup tips and even offer clothing advice, with suggestions for colors and shapes that will better suit one’s body type and season palette.”

“Season palette?” Brandon said. It was like they were speaking in a foreign language.

“Oh, and don’t forget the meals,” Julia added. “They serve these artfully designed portions that look beautiful on the plate but contain maybe fifty calories total.”

“That’s why I wouldn’t last more than one weekend,” Trish said, laughing.

“You and me both,” Julia said.

Brandon had heard enough. Why hadn’t he known that his own mother had been giving Kelly advice on this makeover nonsense? Of course, now that he was aware of the reality of the situation, he had to admit he shouldn’t have been completely surprised that his mother had taken Kelly on as her latest matchmaking project.

Didn’t it just figure? Sally had made no secret of the fact that she wanted all three of her sons married with children, and she’d accomplished two-thirds of her goal. Now there was just Brandon left to fall.

He knew his mother, knew how sneaky she could be, so he’d been hypervigilant for months now. But Kelly had no idea about Sally’s nefarious plotting and had innocently played along with her to such an extent that she’d actually taken two weeks of vacation to the very place his mother had recommended.

Kelly had returned from her holiday a completely new woman. And, lo and behold, her return to the office had signaled the beginning of an affair that he—against his better judgment—didn’t want to end.

Brandon scowled. If his mother thought Kelly could lure him to the altar with a change of hairstyle and a few wardrobe modifications, she was sadly mistaken.

And how much did Kelly really know about his mother’s desire to marry him off? Frankly, he hesitated to lay any blame at Kelly’s feet. This situation had Sally’s fingerprints all over it. And, yes, Kelly had told him that the makeover was all about getting Roger back. But had she been telling him the truth?

“I don’t like that look at all,” Adam said, studying him carefully.

Brandon picked up his wineglass and swirled it thoughtfully. “Tough.”

“What’s going on in that bizarre head of yours?” Cameron said. “You look like you’re about ready to chew on some nails.”

“I’m about ready to chew on something,” he muttered.

There was a knock on her door and Kelly’s stomach tingled. She couldn’t help it. She’d spent a quiet evening catching up on reading and watching television, secure in the knowledge that now that his family was on the scene, Brandon would no longer be spending his nights with her. She’d accepted it and insisted to herself that the only emotion she felt was gratitude. She would be grateful for the rest of her life for the past few wonderful nights with Brandon.

But now he was here and she was bubbling with happiness. That was absurd. Okay, yes, she liked him and all, but she really needed to calm down. It wouldn’t do to behave like a giddy schoolgirl every time she saw him. Besides, he probably just wanted to assure her once and for all that they would no longer be spending their nights together. She was okay with that.

She took a few quick, deep breaths and forced herself to walk calmly to the door instead of racing like the wind to greet him.

“Brandon,” she said. “I didn’t think I’d see you tonight.”

“I need to ask you something,” he said as he walked in, immediately filling the room with his masculine presence and his faint but intoxicating scent of leather and spice.

“Of course, anything,” she said. “Did you enjoy your dinner?”

“What? Oh, yeah. Dinner was fantastic. Jean Pierre outdid himself.”

“I’m so glad. It was nice to see Trish and Julia again. They both look so beautiful, and your brothers look so happy.”

“Yeah. Nice. Beautiful. Happy.”

“Is something wrong?”

He stared at her and frowned. “You’re beautiful, too.”

“Thank you, I think.”

“No, you are,” he assured her, studying her features. “You always were, but I guess I didn’t realize it before. But you are beautiful, Kelly.”

“Brandon, what’s wrong? What happened tonight?”

“Nothing.” He paced a few steps, then returned to stand directly in front of her. “Let me ask you something. Did my mother suggest that you get a makeover?”

“Your mother? Heavens, no.”

“She didn’t give you the idea?”

“No.” It was Kelly’s turn to frown. “Why?”

“Didn’t you go to the same place where she went a year or so ago?”

“Well, yes, I did.” She led him over to the kitchen area and grabbed her water glass. After taking a long sip, she said, “Your mother only recommended Orchids after I told her I was interested in finding a spa where I could…” She stopped and glanced up at Brandon’s expression. “Brandon, what’s this all about?”

He stared at her for a moment before looking away. He stalked slowly in one direction, then another, like a caged animal, then stopped and met her gaze again. “You’re sure my mother didn’t suggest that you needed to get a makeover?”

Kelly blinked. “My goodness, Brandon. Your mother is the sweetest woman in the world. She would never say anything like that to me.”

“You’re sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. She simply recommended a place after I asked her for suggestions.”

His eyes continued to focus on her, then he nodded briefly. “Okay, good.”

“I’m surprised you would think so poorly of your mother.”

“Whoa.” He held up his hand to stop her. “Believe me, I love my mother and don’t think poorly of her at all. It’s just that she’s been known to manipulate a situation or two, and I was just concerned that she might’ve given you some unsolicited advice.”

“Well, please don’t be concerned on my account. I simply mentioned my interest in, you know, making a few changes to my hair and…well, other things, and your mother gave me the name of the spa she’d visited. I took it from there.”

He seemed satisfied with her explanation. “Okay, I’m glad to hear it.”

She shook her head, realizing he was in a mood and she wouldn’t get much more of an explanation from him. “Would you like a glass of wine or something?”

“Yeah, something. Come here.” With that, he reached out to her with both hands, pulled her against him and wrapped his arms tightly around her. He stroked her back slowly, spreading tendrils of heat up and down her spine.

She rested her cheek against his shoulder. “But we weren’t going to do this anymore, remember?”

“Yeah, I thought so, too,” he muttered, glancing down at her. “But I changed my mind. Just this once. That okay with you?”

“Oh, yes, more than okay,” she murmured, feeling at home in his well-muscled, broad-shouldered embrace. “This is nice.”

“Yeah, it is,” he said. After a moment, he added, “I missed you at dinner.”

“Oh, Brandon,” she said, blinking rapidly so he wouldn’t notice the sudden sheen of tears in her eyes brought on by his sweet words. “I didn’t want to interfere in the time spent with your family.”

“You wouldn’t be interfering.” He touched her chin and angled her face so that he was gazing into her eyes. “My family’s great, but it would’ve been more fun if you’d been there.”

Feeling ridiculously pleased, she smiled up at him. “Well, we’re together now, so let’s make the best of it.”

“Babe,” he said with a grin as he led her toward the king-size bed. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Early the following morning, both Brandon and Kelly hit the ground running. The first guests began arriving at noon, excited to be a part of the highly anticipated grand opening.

The official ceremony was performed and executed with precision, flair and happy celebration. Brandon’s knowledgeable sommelier stood by to pour champagne for everyone as they checked in. Wine tasting tours were recommended, hot air balloon reservations were taken and guests were whisked away to their rooms without a snag. As Brandon watched things unfold, he felt a whole new sense of pride in his employees, each of whom was in outstanding form today. So outstanding that Brandon was beginning to feel almost redundant. Strangely enough, it was a great feeling.

What added to the good vibe was the news his reservations manager had shared with him. The resort was already completely booked for the entire season. Brandon knew the Mansion would soon be recognized as the hottest destination spot in Napa Valley. And he was confident that he’d be able to walk away in a few weeks, leaving the duties of running the small, luxurious hotel to the experienced service experts he’d hired.

It was early afternoon when his mother and her two girlfriends finally arrived. Brandon met their limousine outside in the elegant
porte cochère
and ushered them into the lobby.

“Oh, it’s beautiful, Brandon,” Sally said as she and her friends gazed around in awe. They were all dressed in light, casual clothing and looked ready to vacation in style.

“I love the colors,” Marjorie said.

He’d known his mother’s two best friends, Beatrice and Marjorie, for well over twenty years. They were like favorite aunts, and Marjorie was also one of his employees. She’d headed Duke Development’s human resources department for years. Now as the women strolled around the well-designed lobby, Brandon tried to see the spacious room through their eyes and concluded, not for the first time, that he was justifiably proud of what he’d accomplished here.

Brandon had been in charge of the Mansion on Silverado Trail project from day one and every decision had been his, including the design and overall concept of the place. All the rooms featured the best of California style blended, as their sales brochure stated, “with Tuscan flourishes and Provençal sensibilities.”

The guest rooms were light and warm with rounded, Old World-style fireplaces and cozy hearths, terra-cotta tile floors, elegantly rustic furnishings and bold tapestries on the pale stucco walls. At one end of the wide lobby, French doors opened on to a wide terrace where colorful umbrellas shaded teak patio furniture and plush cushions. A stunning view of the vast acres of vineyards and olive groves that spread across the valley completed the picture.

“I can’t wait to take the ‘vine to barrel’ tour,” Beatrice exclaimed. “Do we get to taste the grapes as we pick them?”

“Wouldn’t you rather taste the final product?” Sally asked her.

Beatrice grinned. “That, too.”

“You can do it all,” Brandon said. “Let’s get you and your luggage settled and then you can take your pick of afternoon activities.”

“I’m definitely up for wine tasting,” Sally said.

“Oh, me, too,” Marjorie agreed and Beatrice nodded enthusiastically.

Brandon grinned. “Then I’ll show you to your suite so you can get started.”

“I want to stay here forever,” Marjorie cried as she turned in a circle to take in every inch of the cleverly designed and furnished two-bedroom
“All this and champagne on ice? Brandon, it’s so beautiful. I’m so proud of you, and you must be proud of yourself, too.”

“I’m feeling pretty good,” he admitted with a chuckle. “It’s nice, isn’t it?”

“Nice?” Beatrice said as she opened the glass doors that led out to their private balcony. “It’s glorious.”

“I’m glad you think so.” After showing them the button that would automatically light up the fireplace, then pointing out the secluded walkway that led to the spa facilities, Brandon headed for the door. “I’ll leave you to unpack and relax. If you need anything, including me, just dial the front desk and ask.”

BOOK: How to Seduce a Billionaire
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