Read Hot Bouncer Online

Authors: Cheryl Dragon

Tags: #Male/Male Erotic Romance, Gay

Hot Bouncer (2 page)

BOOK: Hot Bouncer
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“Owners pay me to keep the things in line and enforce the rules. You got bounced. Go in the right side or go home.” Nash pulled out his cell phone and snapped a picture of the guy just in case.

“What the hell is that for?” the guy demanded as he lunged at Nash.

Nash stepped out of reach. “Making sure you’re not a repeat troublemaker. Go.” Nash folded his arms.

The rage registered in the customer’s face. He balled his fists and took a swing at Nash. The trained Marine blocked the punch and twisted the man’s arm behind his back. “Get out before I call the cops.”

When the guy walked off toward the parking lot, Nash went back inside and resumed his position near the door. The crowd was going wild but in a safe and orderly fashion. Nash looked at the naked Peter and faced down his lust. A nice package and a rounded ass tempted Nash, but he didn’t look away immediately. Peter had great muscle tone and a quick smile for the crowd.

Shaking his head, Nash scanned the women. It’d take time to desensitize himself to the sexy dancer, but he’d do it.

Three hours later, the customers were all gone. Nash set the door, so it was exit only and headed backstage. Half-naked and fully naked men so close drew Nash’s eyes in every direction. The scent of so many men together got under his skin. Finally, he found Peter talking to Ken.

“Got a second?” Nash asked.

Ken wandered off, but Peter smiled widely. “Sure, what’s up?”

“A guy snuck into the women’s side today. Said he’s your fan. I kicked him out, but I wanted you to know. He might be trouble.” Nash showed Peter the picture.

“What was trouble?” Carl walked up with Ken at his side.

“This guy. I didn’t get a name. He wasn’t drunk, but he was on the women’s side. Overly loyal Peter fan, it seems.” Nash showed Carl the picture.

“Forward me that, please.” Carl nodded. “Peter, do you know who he is?”

“He’s a fan. A regular.” Peter shrugged. “He’s never been a problem. Good tipper.”

“I’ll make sure all the bouncers and bartenders have this picture so we can keep an eye out for him. If he’s getting obsessed with you, it can escalate fast.” Carl patted Nash’s shoulder. “Good call.”

“You’re going to ban him?” Peter asked.

Ken and Carl exchanged looks. “Was he violent?” Carl asked.

“Not really. He took a swing at me. I didn’t see any weapons. I kicked him out and threatened to call the cops,” Nash said.

“Okay, we’ll just watch him for now. But Peter, a bouncer walks you to your car every night until we know exactly what the deal is.” Carl wagged a finger at the slender dancer.

“I can take care of myself.” Peter stood a bit taller.

“Let the bouncers do their jobs,” Ken said.

Nash nodded. He was eager to help Peter and prove he could do the job. Also, if he thought of Peter as someone who needed protection and not a potential lover, the fixation would fade faster. “I’ll wait. Take your time, but don’t try to get by me.”

“Fine. Thanks.” Peter’s face went red, and he turned back to his duffle bag. Ken and Carl moved on, and Nash gave the dancers some room, stepping back to forward the photo to Carl from his phone. Hopefully, it was nothing, but Nash wasn’t getting paid to ignore potential problems.


Chapter Two



Getting Nash out of his mind last night had been hard enough. The fact that Nash was stationed on the men’s side tonight annoyed Peter to no end. No doubt, Carl had done it intentionally to intimidate the rabid fan. Nash was intimidation squared. Today he wore a T-shirt that read
Once a Marine, Always a Marine
. On the back, it said simply
Semper Fi

Peter kept on dancing but glanced over at the bouncer repeatedly. Broad shoulders and muscle that rippled when he moved, the man was, so intense Peter wanted to explore him. Did the guy ever smile? Filthy ways of making Nash grin, or at least show some emotion, filled Peter’s head as he played the crowd. Then Nash’s posture changed from alert to something more akin to the Hulk.

The dark head of the super-fan made his way through the crowd, and Peter knew Nash was on top of the problem. Peter felt like climbing off the stage to diffuse the situation. This wasn’t a war zone, it was a strip club. They were here to entertain. But Nash didn’t approach the patron; he just followed him and watched.

Peter glanced at the door, and Carl’s boyfriend, Hunter, was working it. Great, Carl had called in reinforcements, for nothing. The customer had a few drinks, and the group dance ended. Peter went backstage and waited his turn.

“The new bouncer is working out.” Ken nodded to Peter in the mirror.

“Good. I don’t know why Hunter is here.” Peter was in nothing but a flesh-colored brief that fit him like a glove while Ken put on a tux, only to rip it off again in a few minutes.

“For backup. You know why. That overzealous fan spooked Carl.” Ken shrugged.

“Tell him it’s nothing. He won’t listen to me,” Peter said.

“I don’t think it’s a bad idea. The guy went into the women’s side just to see you? That’s not healthy. We both have seen the stalker fans in action.” Ken sighed. “Better to let the bouncers send the right message now.”

“I don’t think he’s that bad. He hit on me a few times.” Peter didn’t want to think of himself as a target. “Fine, let them be overly cautious. I just don’t want it to hurt business.”

“No one wants that. Nip it in the bud,” Ken said.

“Seriously?” Peter stood up to head for the stage. “Nip it in the bud? You need to learn some new slang.”

“Calling me old, that’s a good way to get me on your side.” Ken shook his head.

“Just saying.” Peter stood behind the curtain, and once the applause from the last routine died down, he went into his handstand.

Walking out on his hands got the crowd going, at least the regulars. Once in the middle of the stage, he turned so his ass faced the audience and lowered his legs together to be parallel to the floor. The control and discipline of ballet was something he’d kept up, even if one ankle had betrayed him.

When he rotated his hips, opening his legs, the crowd screamed and cheered. He finally turned around and somersaulted back into a full split. Peter grinned but refused to look up at the crowd as he shifted his pose until both ankles were behind his head.

This routine worked best on the men’s side. Men as flexible as he got a lot of attention. He wondered if Nash liked the show. Hell, he probably wasn’t even watching. Peter flipped and did a side split, then reversed with his back to the crowd, jiggling his ass just enough to keep them cheering.

“That’s mine!” someone shouted above the crowd.

The voice made Peter freeze for a moment. He turned and backed up on the stage. Nash moved in and grabbed the now-drunken customer. Peter stood on his good leg and stretched his other leg up as straight as possible in the air. His eyes caught Nash’s as the bouncer dragged the guy away.

Unsettled, Peter finished his routine and headed backstage. He sat down and felt the jitters of opening night of a new ballet. The customer got drunk, and he was mad at Nash for last night—no doubt.

When Ken came back from his performance, he sat next to Peter. “They called the cops. Carl has them out there now.”

“Damn.” Peter shook his head. “He’s overreacting. The guy asked me out, and I tried to be nice about it.”

“Bev never played loose with our safety.” Ken shook his head. “Don’t be modest or a fool. We all get our loonies.”

“You’re welcome to mine. This is my first, anyway. I get hit on but never by the out-of-control ones.” Peter rubbed his eyes. He wanted to go home.

He did his best to hide his unease, but couldn’t make himself move to change. Instead, Peter watched the other men get ready.

“Take it as a compliment, but don’t let your guard down.” Ken changed for the finale.

Nash walked up before Peter could make a joke about Ken being jealous. The guy still looked good, but he didn’t have the crazed fans as often anymore. Peter admired Ken’s work ethic. Still, Peter had plans to teach dance before he hit retirement age.

“You okay?” Nash asked.

“Yeah, I just need to get ready for the finale.” Peter stood up and broke out of the funk.

“Sit this one out,” Ken said.

“He’s right. Carl said you’d be shaken up.” Nash nodded.

“I’m fine. I love being on stage.” The stage was always his safe place. Where no one picked on him for not being a big, brawny guy or tried to push him around.

“You can take one performance off,” Nash said.

“Fine. Do I need to speak to the police?” Peter watched as the backstage area cleared out until it was just him and Nash.

“No, Carl took care of it. The guy never got to you, but he caused a disturbance. That’s all. The police won’t even do anything yet.” Nash sat down. “But that guy has his eye on you, and it’s not safe. If he escalates, it’ll at least have a paper trail.”

Peter had a hard time thinking about the stage or the man in the crowed when Nash was so close. The clean smell of Ivory soap mixed with raw male energy made Peter feel weak.

“It’ll blow over.” Peter sat down.

Seeing the fear in Peter’s eyes, Nash put a hand on his shoulder. “The guy got drunk. He’s not necessarily violent, but we have to take it seriously.”

“Some customers get too into things. Carl won’t let him back in after that stunt.” Peter took a deep breath. “The best thing is for me to get back out there. Be normal.”

“Not now.” Nash blocked his path. “Tell me about the guy. Has he been after you long? Tried to ask you out?”

“I can do this with Carl. You’re still new.” Peter shook his head.

Nash nodded. “Okay, fine. I’ll wait and walk you to your car. Hunter has everything under control out front. Terry has been the only problem.”

“So you found out the guy’s name?” Peter asked.

“Sure. We’ve got his picture up in the office. Every bouncer has it. Carl’s got his full name and information from prior credit card payments. Cops gave him a warning.” Nash saw Peter’s eyes darted from the mirror to Nash and then to the ground. The guy was shaken up by the police.

“Good, then he’ll probably find another strip club.” Peter smiled. “Thanks for the help.”

“You really think it’s over?” Nash didn’t, but he’d seen the determination and lust in the guy’s eyes.

“I hope so. Between you and the police, I think this man Terry got the message.” Peter stared at Nash’s powerful arms.

“I think you need to be careful for a bit.” Nash had so far been able to ignore his attraction. When faced with action, he could push all his needs and wants down and focus on the problem. Now his body relaxed, and the desire rippled under the surface.

“You have amazing definition.” Peter ran his hands up Nash’s forearms.

“What?” he asked.

The tingle of contact continued up as Peter squeezed and rubbed his hands over Nash’s upper arms. “Your muscles are impressive. You must work out all the time to maintain this.”

“I work out. Showing off the strength probably helps with being a bouncer.” Nash took a step back. “Just let me know when you’re ready to leave. I’ll wait by the bar and relieve Hunter.”

“No, wait. You’re not going to leave me all alone. You’re my hero, you saved me.” Peter grinned.

Something had changed, and Nash knew he should get out of there. “I did my job. By the looks of your act, you’ve got plenty of muscle, too.”

“Lean muscle. Ballet dancers couldn’t get too bulky—not like you.” Peter tugged Nash’s shirt from his jeans and pulled it over his head in a quick, smooth movement.

“What are you doing?” Nash grabbed the shirt but couldn’t keep Peter’s eager hands off his hairy, muscled chest.

“Checking out the package. Abs, pecs, and shoulders are well-defined. The crowds would go crazy for you.” Peter ran his hands down Nash’s chest to the edge of his jeans.

“The crowds? No. I’m a bouncer. Not a dancer.” Nash put his shirt on and mentally kicked himself for thinking the attraction was mutual. Peter needed fresh meat for the stage.

“The money is better. All that work to keep up this body and you want to stand in the back?” Peter leaned in and kissed Nash.

The shock of the connection threw Nash off guard. One minute Peter was sizing him up for the stage, and now a kiss. In seconds, Peter had Nash’s pants pushed down and pulled his cock out of his briefs.

“What the hell?” Nash shook off the kiss. “What’s wrong with you? You’re too young and foolish. Don’t mess around with me.”

“I’m thirty-two, and you’re not that scary.” Peter smiled and kissed Nash again. The commanding way Peter gripped the back of Nash’s head with one hand and worked his dick with the other made Nash gasp.

It could also be the fact that Peter was older than Nash by five years that shocked the Marine. The blond didn’t appear to be a day over twenty-five. Looking over Peter made Nash’s dick rock hard. The expert touch didn’t hurt either.

“You need to stop this before someone comes in, and I get fired.” Nash grabbed Peter’s shoulders and wanted to shove him back.

“I know how long the finale runs. Stop acting as if you don’t want this.” Peter raised Nash’s shirt and licked all over his chest. Those muscles tightened and rippled in response.

Nash could overpower Peter, but that wasn’t the right move. Peter moved lower and focused on the most-in-need parts. The view of Peter’s blond head bowed as he sucked Nash’s balls nearly knocked Nash off his feet. Nash sat in one of the chairs as Peter’s confident touch and teasing tongue made the bouncer weak in the knees.

Peter knelt on the floor and nuzzled along Nash’s shaft. The ache built in him as he let Peter take control. As much as Nash wanted to touch the former ballet dancer, he didn’t. It might break the spell or prove it was all just a dream. Eventually, Peter would realize Nash wasn’t a teddy bear; deep down, he was rough and guarded. What you saw was what you got.

When that talented tongue teased his balls as Peter swallowed on Nash’s cock, Nash cursed under his breath. All the time in the military taught him to be quiet when he was hooking up. Peter’s shameless moans and groans only drove Nash to the edge faster.

BOOK: Hot Bouncer
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