Read Hook Up Online

Authors: Miranda Baker

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotica

Hook Up (9 page)

BOOK: Hook Up
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“Sorry,” he said.

She shrugged, which did nothing to help his raging hormones. Okay, maybe he would rush the dress off. He couldn’t wait to see her breasts, cup them, hold them in his hands as his belly pressed against her back and he leaned over her. “Jesus Christ,” he said, sliding into a parking space with a screech. He hopped out of the car and slammed the door.

She already had her door open and he held out his hand to help her out of the car. She ignored it. Irritation made his jaw ache. Standing in front of him in her heels, she only had to tilt her face to meet his eyes.

“Ryan, if I take your hand right now, we will fuck in the middle of the parking garage. One of us has to have some restraint. Now lock this ridiculously expensive car and let’s get going. You are giving me a headache again, and I would much prefer other things to ache.” She stepped around him and headed for the elevator.

He followed, a smile on his face, half in appreciation of her sense of humor, half in appreciation of her spectacular ass. And legs. Her legs were long with well-shaped calf muscles and sculpted hamstrings that made him want to run his tongue—

“Ryan.” She didn’t look at him as they waited for the elevator to arrive. “Not here, either.”

“Sorry.” With effort, he dragged his eyes to the floor indicator and thought about numbers, the only thing that could possibly keep his mind off of Crystal right now.

“Good boy.” Her voice held approval and it made his cock twitch, even though he usually couldn’t stand to be patronized. He was used to calling the shots in bed, at work—well, everywhere—but he could see the advantage of obeying a woman in a short black dress and high heels.

The elevator dinged and the door opened. She stepped inside and walked to the far back corner. He smiled, entered the elevator and inserted his key into the control panel, staying at the front with his back to her. The doors shut.

Neither one of them spoke.

It was a long ride up to the top floor. He could feel the air thicken between them until every breath took effort. His throat felt like it had a boulder in it when he swallowed. His skin felt tight and sensitive. Finally, the doors opened and he held them for her.

He stepped in front of her to slide his key into the lock that opened the penthouse suite. She brushed against him as she walked through the door and the quick touch of her body made him inhale sharply. It was a good thing he’d bought an entire box of condoms this morning. They were going to need them.

He stepped into the room and flicked the light switch. She stood in the entryway with her back toward him. He moved forward and placed his hands on her hips, dropping his lips into the curve of her neck as he had longed to do this afternoon. Her skin was soft and she smelled like heat, a scent that went straight to his head—and groin. He pressed into her, fitting his erection into the cleft of her ass, smoothing the satin of her dress over the curve of her hips, reaching around to caress the slight, womanly curve of her belly.

She relaxed against him, tilting her head to accept his mouth on her neck, arching her back to rub against him in a rhythm that made him growl. He surged forward, walking her toward the couch. Yes, she’d be keeping those heels on for a while. He could picture her bent over the couch, dress pushed above her hips, legs parted…

She twisted to face him and put her palms against his chest just as they bumped the back of the couch. “Not so fast.” She held him at arm’s length. “You promised I could read you.” Her voice was low and rough, and her breath was uneven.

He wanted to roll right over her protests, tumble her over the back of the couch and press her deep into its leather surface…but a deal was a deal.

He took a step back. “Sorry, you go straight to my head. Any chance you can make it fast?”

For some reason, that made her laugh as she led him around to the front of the couch and gave him a gentle shove. He hit the leather and groaned, looking up at her towering above him in her high, high heels. “Okay, on second thought. This is fine. Take your time.” He shifted and gazed up at her. “How does it work? Do you need to touch me? God, I hope so.”

“No, but I want to touch you.” Gracefully, she straddled him, settling onto his lap with one knee on each side of his thighs. He looked down and saw that her skirt had risen to the top of her thighs. If she moved forward a few inches, she’d be riding his cock. Even through clothes, that sounded like an excellent idea, but he remained still, allowing her to run the show. Restraint was a new exercise for him and he found it didn’t decrease his arousal one bit. In fact, the harder he fought to remain still, the more turned on he became.

He wasn’t sure what had changed her mind since this afternoon, but he didn’t care. He knew exactly what she would find when she delved into his emotions—a man who wanted to fuck her until they both collapsed—but he could give her a few minutes to get comfortable with the idea.



Crystal gritted her teeth. The pull of his desire was so strong she fought the urge to lean backwards just to remain upright. “Are you ready?” she asked.

“I’m ready for anything as long as I get my turn when you’re done.” His eyes flashed like dark fire in the light of the desk lamp. “Am I going to get my turn, Crystal?”

“Yes,” she said faintly, raising her hands to his face.

Tenderness stole over her, and she couldn’t resist tracing the fine lines around his eyes, the changes a decade had wrought on his face. The wide planes of his cheeks were rough against her palms. His jaw was set and firm. She slid her hands greedily into his thick, blond hair. Then she closed her eyes and slipped into him.

The impact stole her breath and soaked her panties in a wet rush. She buckled and felt his hands grasp her hips as she rocked forward. Ryan’s lust was as commanding as an ocean wave. It knocked her down. She ground into his lap and followed the undertow of pure, naked desire deeper into him.

Anger scorched her.

Her eyes snapped open and locked with his as she pushed his shoulders sideways and drove him down onto the couch. His chest was hard beneath her hands as she bent over him and struck. Her kiss was a bruising invasion, meant to punish, and he met her lips with the barest suggestion of teeth. He didn’t struggle, but Crystal could feel his urge to master her. She rose over him, howling, determined to break his tight control. She would not let a man control her. Never again. She would teach him about mastery.

She braced her arms on either side of his head and stretched herself full-length on top of him. Her dress inched up to her waist as she slithered over his body and rubbed her hips against him. Even through his pants and her underwear, Crystal could feel him throb against her.

Ryan bit his lip, groaned, and Crystal caught the elusive edge of another emotion. His anger was a thin veneer over the swirling mass of something else. Did he think he could hide from her?

She pushed.

He gave.

Waves of longing crashed through her. She arched above him, her eyes shut tight, transfixed by a pain so acute she thought her heart might break. Loneliness overwhelmed her. Emptiness stretched out around her, and she longed to fill it, fill him. She would do anything to ease his pain.

She sat up, reaching wildly for his belt buckle.

He caught her hands and rolled, easing her to the floor and gently pinning her beneath him. They fit together precisely, lock and key.

Ryan brushed tears off her cheeks. “My turn,” he whispered, as he claimed her lips.



She gave, opening her mouth, spreading her legs and cradling him with her body. He couldn’t wait to be naked inside her, and yet he didn’t want to rush their pleasure. Her hands were urgent on his back, forcing him closer to her. Perversely, he slowed down.

He sat up and pulled her into his lap. She made a distressed sound, not quite a whimper, not quite a growl, and he laughed softly. “I like the way you’re thinking, but I want to see you bent over the couch, wearing nothing but your shoes.”

“Done.” She stood and reached behind her. He heard the sound of a zipper. She shrugged and her dress slid to the floor. His breath left his lungs in an open-mouthed groan of appreciation as he took in her nearly naked body.

He pushed himself to his feet as she unhooked the closure of her black strapless bra and tossed it onto the couch. He reached for her. Her full breasts overflowed his palms and were the sweetest weight he had ever held. He bent to suck a dark pink nipple into his mouth, circling it with his tongue until he felt her fingers grasp his hair. He moved to her other nipple, but continued to lightly pluck the first between his fingers and thumb while she clutched his head to her chest.

He knelt before her, reaching up to cup the swells of her ribcage and run his hands over the slight curve of her belly. Her body was a revelation of soft skin and smooth, sleek bone. He reached behind her to squeeze her ass and realized her thong underwear was held on by ties at her hips. Groaning, he pressed a kiss just below her belly button.

He worked one finger under the elastic of her underwear, and she angled her hips to meet his hand. Her folds were wet and silky. She rocked her hips, silently begging him to go farther, delve deeper, and he gave her what she wanted by adding another finger.

He plucked the ties at her hips and her panties fell away from her body in a shiny ribbon of black fabric. He could hear her gasping above him, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her beautiful, nearly bare pussy. Her mound was smooth except for one small patch of black curls just above her slit. He traced the path between her legs with one finger. Her skin was as smooth as her bottom.

In slow motion, holding her heavy-lidded gaze, Ryan leaned forward and licked between her swollen, pouting lips, catching her sweet moisture on his tongue. He explored her with his mouth and she swelled against him, moaning. Her clit felt like a ripe bud, flowering between his lips and tongue. He used his whole mouth to suck her while he thrust one finger, then two, inside her.

Crystal clamped around him, inner muscles tightening around his knuckles. She began to pant, and he felt a subtle ripple against his fingers. He slipped his fingers out of her, continuing to lick her gently and caress her with soft fingers but ruthlessly avoiding her clit. He wanted it to be his cock, not his hand, filling her when she came. He waited for her to come back to herself, his vision filled with her smooth thighs, round belly and perfect breasts.

She made a sound that might actually have been a word.

“What was that, darling?” Ryan asked.

“Bed.” She cleared her throat. “Couch. Whatever. But if you are going to torture me, I need something to lean on.”

“Picky, picky.” Ryan stood and lifted her into his arms.

“Hey! Put me down!”

“Hmm, you didn’t used to be this bossy.” He carried her into the bedroom and tossed her onto the bed, momentarily giving up his couch fantasy in favor of comfort. He sat beside her and reached for her foot, removing first one shoe and then the other. She scrambled toward the pillows at the head of the bed.

He removed his tie, unbuttoned his shirt and tossed them both toward the chair in the corner of the room. He kicked off his shoes, shed his pants and boxers in a heap and crawled after her.



Crystal wanted Ryan’s weight on top of her but he paused between her legs, licking into her in hot, wet strokes. She pressed her hips toward him and gave herself up to the waves of pleasure flooding her body. He drove her skillfully up to the peak again and left her hanging there, fisting the comforter and digging her heels into the mattress while he prowled up her body.

She blinked as his erection brushed her stomach. Panic flared bright until he kissed her, spreading desire through her limbs like a wild, crazy fire. Her pussy clenched, seeking stimulation, and she reached between their bodies to grasp his hard cock and pull him to her center. She felt his wanting would split her apart.

“So impatient.” Ryan forced her hands above her head and let the weight of his hips press her into the bed.

“Isn’t ten years of waiting enough?” Crystal’s question ended in a low moan as Ryan shifted to catch her lips in another soft kiss. It was her snapshot memory of him all over again.
Mahogany eyes, bittersweet and reverent
. The thought of having him inside her made her shudder with the first tremors of orgasm.

“Oh, no, not without me. I’m coming with you,” Ryan said, leaning over the side of the bed. She writhed in impatience as he opened a bag, a box. She watched him sheath his cock. Oh, God, was she really going to do this? Ryan settled on top of her and leaned to kiss her again. His mouth opened hers. His tongue brushed against her slowly as he sipped at her mouth.

Each kiss told a new story, the beginning, middle and end shaped by need. His lips spoke of his years of longing for her. The rhythm of his breath and the pulse of the blood in his veins told her that he wanted her still. Was that why she was doing this? Had his desire forced her to want him too? She couldn’t draw the line between them. Where did his desire end and hers begin?

His tan, muscled chest was hot against her breasts. There was tension in his body, but there was also tenderness. She had hurt him and she couldn’t tell him why, but she could give him this and ease his hurt. In doing so, she could ease her own. She ached for the girl who had waited for Ryan to call, who still wanted him, who could have him now.

BOOK: Hook Up
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