Honor Reclaimed (All About Honor) (11 page)

BOOK: Honor Reclaimed (All About Honor)
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“Did I hear you correctly?
Did you just say you were in love with
me?” Eirian asked her throat choked with tears.

“Yes, I am in love with you.
I did not want to be.
I have always loved you.
I think you have always known that, but
I never expected to fall in love with you.
I fought it as hard as I could, but I cannot fight it any
I think Johane would want
it this way, don’t you?”
He had
finally come to grips with his emotions and it was such a relief.

“Yes, I know she would.
I have always loved you too, but I have
been in love with you for as long as I can remember.
As much as I loved my sister, I have always regretted that I
was too young for you to consider when you came to court Johane.
I never wanted to be married to anyone
but you.
I love you with every
fiber of my being.”
This time her
tears were tears of joy.

John stretched out next to her on
the bed and gathered her in his arms.
He pulled her head over on his shoulder and stroked her hair back from
her face.
He held her gently in
his arms and rested his cheek on the top of her head.

They lay there quietly for several
minutes until Eirian rolled over on her side and pulled his lips down to
“Madame, are you trying to
seduce me?”
John asked with a
smile on his face.

“Absolutely, is it working?” she

“Positively, although as large as my
son is getting we may have to use a creative approach.”
John grinned.

“Your daughter won’t mind at
Eirian challenged.

The next morning found them waiting
for a berth at the docks in London.
Eirian could barely contain her excitement as she had watched the sites
of London flow past.
She had never
seen anything as magnificent as the site of the
Palace of Westminster, which now housed
Parliament, and stretched
along the banks of the Thames.
She could see the white tower of His Majesty's Royal Palace
and Fortress – the famous Tower of London up ahead.
She knew that was where so many
traitors, including a couple of King Henry’s wives were beheaded.
She could not wait to see what other
wonders the city held for her.

They were met at
the docks by a Lewis Shipping Company representative
He led them to two waiting carriages, one for them and one
for the baby and their servants.
He assured them that their luggage would be delivered in a timely
Dennis would wait and
accompany the luggage.

John instructed the coachman to take
the scenic route to the townhouse.
He wanted Eirian to see Parliament, Westminster Abbey, the residence of
the King at the Palace of St. James, and the Duke of Buckingham’s large estate,
which was very near St. James.

Eirian was like a little child in
her excitement and it thrilled John to watch her.
On occasion he had to remind her not to lean too far out the
window so that she did not fall out and get crushed beneath the wheels of the
carriage, as if her large belly would fit through the window.
She had never seen anything as magnificent
as these buildings, nor had she even imagined they existed.
She felt very much like the preverbal
country mouse in the city.

Eventually they reached the
townhouse, and once again, Eirian was impressed.
The exterior was impressive, but the interior was absolutely
They were greeted at the door by Jefferies, the
Lewis’ London butler
in turn, introduced Mrs. Edwards, the housekeeper, who introduced the staff and
then took Eirian on a tour of the place. The staff had been informed to anticipate
their arrival and everything was in immaculate shape.
The wet nurse and baby John were installed in the
John had found his way to
the study so Eirian was free to explore.

The master suite was located on the
second floor.
The servants placed
her belonging in the Lady’s suite assuming that they would follow the customary
arrangement of most gentry.
had never been their way nor had it been the way of Johane and John.
She did not want to draw attention to
their arrangements.
She would just
use the room as a dressing room until the baby came and then she would move in
temporarily so the baby’s feeding did not disturb John’s sleep.

Mrs. Edwards informed her that,
“Dinner is well under way so there is no need for you to worry tonight.
Tomorrow we can go over the week’s menu
if it pleases Madame.”

“It pleases Madame just fine.”
She said with a smile.
“I would be open to your suggestions as
I am not sure what is readily available in the City.
We are not terribly difficult to please.”
Eirian assured her, still feeling more
like a guest than the Lady of the manor.

“I have taken the liberty of
ordering you up a bath.
I am sure
that with traveling the last several days you would enjoy a good soak.
Does that meet with Madame’s approval?”
Mrs. Edwards inquired.

“Mrs. Edwards, I believe that you
might just turn out to be a gem.
Thank you so much.
Afterwards I believe I will rest.”
Eirian smiled at her.

“Thank you Madame.
Do you mind if I ask when the wee one
is due?”
Mrs. Edwards suddenly
lost the strict no holds barred attitude and took more of a grandmotherly

“I believe it will be some time in
late February or early March.”
never occurred to Eirian to lie about the due date in order to guard the date
of conception.
Her mind just did
not work that way.

“The master must be really proud of
How old is the baby? He
could not be more than six or seven months old.
You did not waste anytime.”
She gave her mistress a wink.

“Mrs. Edwards, I am my husband’s
second wife.
His first wife was my
She died giving birth to
baby John.
We have another son and
two daughters in addition to Johnny and the coming baby.
We were married shortly after my
sister’s death.
I know people
talked, but the children and John needed me.
I was their aunt and no one could love them more than I,
after my sister that is.”
was visibly distressed.

“Oh Madame, please do not think I
was passing judgment.
I think the
master and the children are very lucky to have someone who will love them and
take care of them.
Now you just
sit over here on the lounge while the maids prepare your bath.
I must check on the progress of
Mrs. Edwards excused

“Oh there you are Betsy.
Please have the boys bring the water
Your mistress is weary and
needs to bathe before she goes to bed.”
Mrs. Edwards directed them to prepare the bath in front of the

“Good day Madame.
I’m Betsy.
I am one of the upstairs maids.
If ever you need anything-just call for me.
Can I help you get ready for your
Joan is still a little green
from the ship.
Mrs. Edwards put
her to bed.”
Betsy cheerful banter
made Eirian feel better already.

Eirian sat at the dressing table
while Betsy pinned her hair up.
“Madame, you have the most beautiful hair.
I have never seen so pretty a color.
It is like a shiny copper kettle, only
softer being streaked through with blond as well.
You are so lucky to have natural curls too.
Now let’s get you in the bath.”

Betsy took her robe and helped her
step in the tub.
“Careful now, you
do not want to fall especially in your condition.
Do you want me to scrub your back?” she asked.

“No Betsy.
I am quite capable of washing myself, but thank you.
I would like to rest and soak for a few
Would you mind returning
in about 30 minutes to help me out of the tub?” she asked looking forward to
the first few minutes of privacy that she had enjoyed since leaving home.

“My pleasure Madame”, she curtsied
and left the room.

Eirian lay back against the back of
the tub and relaxed as the warm water soaked into her travel weary
In no time, she had dozed
It seemed like she had just
closed her eyes when she felt John’s lips brush hers.

”, she moaned as he reached
out to caress her breast.
behave yourself.
Betsy could walk
back in any minute.”

“Not to worry wife.
I am afraid I probably scandalized the
poor girl, but I told Betsy that I would play chambermaid to you this evening,
and I locked the door.
I told the
girl that her services would not be required until time to prepare for
By the way, dinner is
served later here in the city.
usually dine about 9:00 so I had Betsy send up a tray for us with cheese and
bread to tide us over until dinner.
You may need some nourishment to replenish yourself after I get through
with you.”
John surprised her by
removing his clothing and joining her in the tub.
He slid in behind her straddling his legs on either side of
He pulled her body back
against his so that he could reach around and place his hands on her
ever-growing abdomen.
He was
rewarded almost immediately by a strong kick from his child.
They both laughed and waited to see if it
kicked again.
It did and then it
settled down and was quiet.
waiting a few more minutes John raised his hands to cup her breasts, which were
floating so invitingly on the surface of the water.
“They are so full, do they hurt?” he asked not wanting to
cause her pain.

“Not anymore.
They did at first as they began to get
larger, but now they are fine.
have no cause for concern,” she encouraged him.

He needed no more
He loved her breast
before she had gotten large with child.
He loved them even more now.
He began to play with the nipples, which gave him the desired effect as
he nuzzled and nibbled on her neck.

lets go to bed.”

He stood first and stepped out of
the tub quickly toweling off then wrapping the towel around his waist.
He assisted her to stand and then out
of the tub insisting on toweling her off as well.

Soon they were in bed and in each
other’s arms.
Eirian had a
tendency to feel self-conscious about her growing belly, but John was quick to
dispel her thoughts.
“I love
seeing my child grow in your belly.
It is truly a wonder.
think a woman never looks as beautiful as when she is growing with child.”
He leaned over and fondled her belly
and he kissed it gently.
came to her eyes and she wondered what she had done to deserve such joy.

Previously their lovemaking had
always been hot and tempestuous.
It had been about release and excitement at least for John.
Today he made sweet and tender love to
She felt as though he was
worshiping every aspect of her body.
It touched the very core of her being and, when they were through, she
was left in tears she was so very moved by the experience.

John gathered her in his arms, “Baby
what is wrong, did I hurt you in any way?”
He was clearly concerned.

“No, my love, I am just so
We have been married six
months and this is the first time you have made love to me.”
She replied.

BOOK: Honor Reclaimed (All About Honor)
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