Read Holidays Are Hell Esther Egg Hunt Online

Authors: Sam Cheever

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Holidays Are Hell Esther Egg Hunt (8 page)

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Esther did the same, leaning her head against his shoulder with a sigh. “I love this cabin.”

“Me too.”

She lifted her head and kissed him, drawing the kiss out until he opened his lips for her. He tasted of champagne and sandalwood. Esther’s favorite combination.

The gentle kiss quickly turned to a fevered exploration, tightening her nipples and making her sexual core pulse with need. Luc took the glass from her and placed it on the nightstand. He dragged the T-shirt over her head as she fumbled with his jeans.

Suddenly the knowledge that they had all the time in the world didn’t seem to matter. Esther would never have enough time with Luc… never get enough of exploring the physical cravings they shared. Moments later, Esther was naked and lying on her back with a sexy, hot devil kissing his way over her body, a taut sense of urgency riding her hard.

Luc nibbled his way down her throat and across her shoulder, gently nipping it before easing the sting with his tongue. She skimmed her hands down his back and over his firm buttocks, thrusting her hips up to grind against his hard shaft. Her pussy throbbed with pleasure at the feel of him. She wrapped her legs around his hips and deepened the sensation. Luc growled softly in her ear. “If you keep that up, I’m not going to last very long, Esther Egg.”

She nipped his earlobe and then sucked it into her mouth, causing him to shudder with pleasure. “I want you now, Luc.”

He shook his head. “There’s no hurry, honey. We have forever to enjoy each other. I’m not rushing this.”

He slipped down her body, kissing her breasts, licking the tender valley between them, and then working his way down to taste the quivering flesh of her belly. “Oh, yes, that feels wonderf -- ah!”

His firm, soft lips covered Esther’s mons, sending fire crackling through her belly and limbs. She threaded her fingers through his hair and held on, reveling in the soft brush of his tidy beard on her tender skin and the delicious pull of his lips on her hungry clit.

Each heated tug drew her inexorably closer to the bright light of release just beyond her reach. She cried out with delight, writhing under his mouth, and sighed at the pleasure of having her own little piece of heaven, which consisted of only her and Luc, with his talented mouth and thick, rock-hard cock.

Lust spiraled in her core, tightening and heating until the moment when it couldn’t coil any tighter, and then it exploded outward on a soft cry, her limbs twitching under its power. With her release, heat washed over her, stinging her cheeks and infusing her sexual core. Esther reveled in the inferno her sexy devil stoked, letting him guide her through two more raging orgasms before begging him to fill her with his own special kind of fire.

Luc slid up her body, stopping only long enough to suck each rigid, brown nipple into hot, moist heaven, and then moved between her legs.

He captured her lips in a ravenous kiss as his cock drove deep between her thighs. Esther gasped against his lips, savoring her own sweet-salty taste on his mouth, and gave herself up to the inferno he created.

Slanting his lips over hers to deepen the kiss, Luc slipped his tongue through to tangle and play, his fiery sandalwood scent enveloping her. He grasped her hips, pulling her higher so he could seat himself even more deeply within her. Luc pounded her hard as he consumed her lips in a bruising kiss. Esther held him in the kiss, her body climbing higher with every taste, every thrust of his hard flesh into hers.

Luc grasped her hands and held them over her head, imprisoning her with his body. She cried out as his thrusts turned voracious, and screamed his name when she flew over the edge into release. Her body milked his, begging him to follow her over, and Luc was happy to oblige. He thrust one last time into her pussy and his head went back on a long, low groan of delight as he came inside her in violent, prolonged bursts.

He painted her face and throat with tender kisses. “Exquisite,” he murmured against her throat.

Feeling like the proverbial cat with the cream, Esther smiled. “I can’t believe this is real. I’ve wanted it for so long.”

Luc pulled back, smoothing a damp curl off her brow. “Believe it, Esther. You’re home now and so am I.”

She placed a soft, lingering kiss on his lips. “I love you, Luc.”

“I love you too, Esther Egg.”

She shook her head. “If anybody but you ever called me that, I think I’d deck them.”

His grin took her breath away. “I’m proclaiming a brand new way to celebrate the holiday.”

She tugged one of his nipples and matched his grin with one of her own. “Oh, yeah? What exactly did you have in mind?”

“An annual Esther Egg hunt, of course. I discovered I loved chasing you around the countryside. You look really good from the back.”

Despite the horror they’d endured on their little adventure, Luc’s words managed somehow to turn it all to a fun memory. “You sure you can catch me this time?”

“Of course. Just try to get away from me.”

Esther’s competitive streak reared up and roared at his words. “You’re on, buddy.”

He nodded. “Let the games begin, then.”

“Bring it.” Esther smiled, trailing a finger down his sexy, golden torso. “But in the meantime, I was thinking of heating up a big, fat sausage to go with my egg. You interested?”

As she licked her way down his body and captured said sausage in a moist, sucking cave, Luc happily gave in to her demands.

After all, what good is an egg without sausage?

Sam Cheever


Sam writes as Sam Cheever for mainstream romantic suspense and fantasy, all heat levels; and Declan Sands for m/m romantic suspense and fantasy. She lives on a hobby farm in Indiana with eleven dogs, two horses, and one husband. She writes books she’d like to read and reads books she wishes she’d written. Her books are fast paced and fun loving. Not one of them will solve a single world problem, but you definitely won’t be bored while reading them!

Sam’s published work includes 40+ works of romantic suspense, and fantasy/paranormal. Her books have won the Dream Realm Award for fantasy, been nominated for and/or won several CAPAs, were nominated for Best of 2010 with LRC and The Romance Reviews, and won eCataromance’s Reviewer’s Choice award. Sam is published with Changeling Press; Ellora’s Cave, both Romantica and Blush; Musa Publishing; Electric Prose Publications (her own imprint); and Red Rose Publishing.

Visit her websites to find out more about her work and activities:

for more titles by Sam.

BOOK: Holidays Are Hell Esther Egg Hunt
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