#Holiday: A Hashtag Series Short Story (Hashtag #6.5) (7 page)

BOOK: #Holiday: A Hashtag Series Short Story (Hashtag #6.5)
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She nodded. “I’ll go change.”

She disappeared, and I carefully got up off the couch, supporting Nova’s body. Trent appeared and settled himself into the cushions nearby.

“Baby duty,” I announced and gestured to him.

He held out his arms, and I handed her over. Nova barely opened her eyes as he settled her against his chest.

A few seconds later, Drew sat near Trent, staring at the way he was holding the baby. It made me glance down to be sure she was comfortable before turning away completely.

She was fine, and so was Trent.

I had a feeling I knew what Drew’s look was about, but I wasn’t saying shit.

In the kitchen, Ivy was sitting on the counter and B was standing between her knees, holding her face as he kissed her.

I grunted. “Getting in the hot tub with Rim. Baby’s with Trent.”

B gave me a thumbs-up but didn’t lift his mouth off Ivy’s.

When Rim and I stepped out onto the expansive back deck, I wondered if maybe I was fucking insane to be out here to get in the hot tub. Snow fell harder than it did earlier, and our breath came out in great white clouds in front of our faces.

Rim was wearing my Alpha U hoodie over her bathing suit and clutched a towel. I swung her up into my arms and rushed toward the entertainment area of the deck.

In the center was a sunken-in round hot tub. The water was already bubbling and lit up because I’d come out here earlier to turn it on.

Nearby was a stone fire pit that ran on gas. One switch and it roared to life. That was going as well. A few lamps made to look like lanterns illuminated the space and the wintry air was tinted with the scent of chlorine from the water.

I stood Rim near the edge of the tub and shucked the shirt I was wearing. I’d forgotten my swim trunks, so I was just dressed in a pair of dark boxer briefs.

Rimmel watched as I stepped into the warm, bubbling water. It wasn’t overly hot like some tubs. I’d been in a few that were almost unbearable, but this one was perfect. The heat on my legs was a direct contrast to the cold on my upper body. Snow gathered in my hair, and I rubbed my palm over the messy strands, feeling the snow soak in and make it damp.

I held out a hand to my wife, and she pulled her eyes off my body so she could remove the hoodie.

My mouth ran dry.

“Holy shit,” I said, my hand falling down to my side.

She was wearing a red bikini. It left very little to the imagination. Fuck, her panties were bigger than the strings on this thing.

I was hard instantly.

I got hard so fast the world around me spun from the lack of blood to my brain.

I plunked down in the water, my ass hitting one of the bucket seats. I barely noticed how good the jets felt because my attention was totally on her hardened nipples, which were fully visible through the fabric.

“You like?” she asked, shy.

I laughed.

She shivered a little, and I stood abruptly and picked her up. Her legs wound around my waist and her front plastered against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her tightly at the same time my tongue delved between her lips, seeking out hers.

She groaned and opened, and I kissed her with more heat than this hot tub could ever generate. As we kissed, she rubbed her chest against mine and moaned every time her nipples hit me just right.

Snow swirled around us, melting the second it touched our skin. The bitter winter wind threatened our passion, but the steam from the hot tub rose up and created a veil around our bodies.

I sank slowly, taking her with me until I was back in the bucket seat and she was in my lap. Eagerly, I reached for the red string at the base of her neck and tugged. She gasped and pulled her mouth free.

“We aren’t alone!”

“Yes, we are,” I murmured and sucked at her collarbone. She moaned and arched into me. “I told them all to stay the hell in the house. And they can’t see the hot tub from the windows.”

“They know what we’re doing out here,” she whispered like it was some big secret.

“Baby, they know we have sex.” I chuckled.

“But not when.”

I answered her rebuttal with another kiss. A deep one. The kind that made her body boneless, and I felt her surrender. Moving deliberately, I reached up and dragged the red top off her chest. The second it hit the water, I let go and it was carried away by the current.

“You knew exactly what my reaction would be when you put that damn bikini on,” I growled and bent my head toward her perky breast.

She whimpered when I latched on and suckled it into my mouth.

“Merry Christmas,” she said between pants and rolled her hips into me as I worked her breast.

Best gift ever. Rim in a tiny bikini had been on my bucket list, and now… now it was crossed off.

I slid my hands up her back and palmed her shoulder blades, motioning for her to arch back, to offer herself up to me. She did, and I damn near shot a load in my boxers. Her creamy skin was completely exposed with two perfect mounds in the center with pink, tight buds just begging for attention.

Steam rose and snow fell. I scraped my teeth over her midsection and then dove into her breasts once more. I sucked and kissed every last inch of her chest. I did it so well she moaned my name and begged me with the movement of her hips. She ground against me so insistently I almost lost control.

But I wasn’t done with her yet.

No way in hell. I set her away, in the seat directly across from me. Her eyes were unfocused and hazy. The confused sound she made felt like an award.

“Not yet, baby,” I murmured and shoved my hand in the center of her legs. She shuddered, and I smiled. The silky wetness her body produced just for me was so prominent it mixed with the water in the hot tub.

I pulled back, and she watched me with hooded eyes (her glasses were in the house). The ends of her hair floated out around her, almost concealing her from sight.

I took it as a short reprieve and tried to bring the pounding of my desire down to a dull roar. I floated back to my seat and held her eyes, and I reached beneath the water and stripped off my boxers. The dark fabric floated to the top when I released them.

She bit her lip.

“You make me so effing hard,” I whispered and took my throbbing cock in my fist.

She stared at the water, right where I was jacking myself, with rapt attention.

“I’ve never wanted anyone more in my entire life,” I said rough as I ran my fingers over the tip of my head.

She pushed out of her seat and came toward me. I released my cock and arched forward so she could grab it instead.

She jacked me slowly, up and down, paying extra attention to the swollen head every time she drew near.

My hand went between her legs, and she opened for me. She was still beyond wet, and it made me happy. I thought by now the water of the hot tub would have washed it all away.

“We might need to get out in a few, baby,” I said, hoarse, as she continued to work my rod. “Sex in a hot tub might not be too comfortable for you.”

“I wanna try,” she murmured as her fingers trailed down to my ball sack and squeezed lightly.

My head fell back, and I pushed two fingers inside her.

She played with my balls, and I played with her entrance until I was literally gritting my teeth to not come.

“No more, Rimmel.” I pulled my hand away and gently pulled hers away as well. “I can’t take anymore.”

She reached beneath the water and untied one of the red strings. The fabric of the bikini bottom floated to the surface, and it was all the invitation I needed.

I gripped her hips and pulled her close. Her legs anchored around my waist, holding her there, and I surged upward in one great movement.

I penetrated her instantly. She cried out but then buried her face in my neck, likely afraid she’d been too loud.

I held myself still as a groan rumbled deep in my chest.

“I’m not going to be able to last,” I said for the second time that night.

I couldn’t help it. She was way too fucking hot. I was going to have to take a cold ass shower in the morning, then take my time making love to her by the fire in our room tomorrow night.

“Me either,” she gasped and rocked against me.

I felt her body start to shudder lightly.

“You okay?” I asked, just needing to be sure. “In the water, it’s okay?”

Her answer was a more thorough rock of her hips. My fingers dug into her thighs when I spread her legs a little wider, thrust up, and then gripped her ass. She came apart right there. I didn’t even need to move. My cock was pulsating inside her so much it did all the work for us both.

Her teeth sank into my shoulder, and I clutched at her as an orgasm pulled us both under. When it released me from its sweet clutches, I was still hard, so I began to move. She met my movements with her own, and we rocked in blissful rhythm.

My cock was beginning to soften when she started to tighten up in my lap once more. Swiftly, I pushed my hand between our bodies and rubbed at her swollen bud.

Another climax took over her body, and I moaned along with her. She was fucking amazing.

She collapsed against me with a shudder, and I held her, keeping my cock tucked up inside her body for a long time.

I stared out at the falling snow, watched the crackling flames, and whispered to Rimmel how much I loved her.

When the heat of the tub started to grow uncomfortable, I pulled her back, and she made a sound of protest.

“Time to get out,” I told her. “Too much heat. I’ll hold you in bed.”

Once I managed to put my wet boxers back on and wrap my waist in a towel, I held out a towel and motioned for her. She stood with the bikini clutched in her hands, and I wrapped it around her naked body and lifted her in my arms.

I carried her with me as I shut off the fire pit, hot tub, and outside lanterns. Once we gathered up our clothes, I made a dash for the house.

“You think everyone’s still up?” she worried, looking down at her towel-covered form.

“Don’t know.” I stepped in the door off the kitchen.

Everything down here was quiet and no other voices could be heard. The only light in the whole downstairs was that of the Christmas tree.

“Looks like they’re all in bed.”

Rimmel gestured toward the clock on the microwave. “It’s Christmas.”

“Best Christmas I ever had,” I said without doubt.

“Already?” she asked as I walked toward the stairs.

I stopped beside the glowing tree and kissed her gently. “Absolutely.”

“Mine, too,” she whispered.


Nova was spoiled.

At three months old, she’d barely been in the world, and most of that time was spent sleeping and eating.

Frankly, I admired that about her.

All she had to do was breathe, and every person in the room was wrapped around her tiny little finger. Even though she had no clue it was Christmas Day and didn’t know what a present was, she had more of them under the tree than anyone else.

Hell, than all of the rest of us combined.

She was the first one up, of course. I’d heard her fussing in the bassinet right beside the bed and jumped up to get her before Ivy was awakened.

“Shh,” I told her softly, lifting her and cradling her against my chest. I grabbed up an extra blanket and tucked it around her before strolling toward the window on the other side of the room.

She looked up at me with wide blue eyes that were so much like Ivy’s I was amazed.

“Mommy doesn’t have to compete with you,” I told her. “Because Mommy is the one who made you. It’s like I said a long time ago, before you were even a thought. She’s number one’s mom.”

Nova smiled.

There was nothing like it. I was the first person she smiled at.

It was because she liked me best.

When I announced that, there was voiced doubt she even smiled. Gas they said. A fluke. She was too little to smile…

Blah, blah, blah.

“Who loves her daddy?” I asked.

She smiled again.

See? She was totally smitten by me.

Her lower lip began to wobble, and I made a sound of distress. “Don’t be starting that,” I told her. “You know I can’t handle it. You’re all good. We’re chilling.”

I reached over and tugged the curtain back. The sun was up, which I thought was a bonus, and it had snowed all throughout the night. A fresh coat of thick white covered everything, making as far as I could see look like an untouched painting.

I tucked her a little closer into my chest, and she turned her head toward me, seeking a bottle. She was hungry, but I wasn’t done holding her yet. Gently, I rocked her back and forth while I stared out at the snow and detailed all the things we would do when she was old enough to go out in it.

She was only a few months old and already I couldn’t imagine my life without her. I couldn’t imagine not loving her.

Sometimes it was a bittersweet feeling.

It made me reflect on what I didn’t have with my own father. It made me wonder why he never felt this way about me.

I could only conclude that something was broken inside him.

It didn’t matter, though, not anymore. He had passed. He’d never know the sweet girl in my arms, and though it was harsh, I counted it as a blessing.

I’d love this little girl enough for both of us, and she’d never know what it was like to have a father who didn’t care.

She started fussing at me again, louder this time.

“Shh,” I murmured. “Mommy’s sleeping. We don’t need none of her baby momma drama up in here on Christmas.”

“I knew it was something you’d say.” Her drowsy voice came from behind.

I glanced over my shoulder and smiled. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.”

Her laugh was throaty, and it reminded me of the sounds she made late last night when I woke her with my mouth between her thighs.

She pushed herself up to lean against the headboard and held out her hand.

Me and Nova climbed on the bed and settled beside her. Ivy cooed at the baby and laid her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head and reveled in the moment.

Yeah, I guess I still had darkness in me.

But there was light now, too.

So much light.

Nova started crying, and Ivy leaned sideways to grab her pacifier off the nightstand and slip it into her eager mouth.

“I’ll go make her a bottle,” she said and started to slide away.

“Not so fast,” I growled and towed her back with my free arm. When she was against my side, I tilted up her chin and covered her mouth with mine. Before fully pulling away, I pressed one last soft kiss to the center of her slightly swollen lips. “Merry Christmas, baby,” I murmured. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, B.”

Nova made a noise, and we grinned at each other and got out of bed. I waited for Ivy to put on a pair leggings, furry slipper boots, and a fitted hoodie with some old-school holiday pattern on it. Even at the crack of dawn when I kept her up half the night making love, she still managed to look put together.

I merely slung a pair of sweats over my shoulder and followed her downstairs.

Nova spit out the paci and started waking up the entire house.

“Someone wants her presents!” I called as I walked down the hallway filled with closed doors.

Once her bottle was made and she was hungrily sucking at it, Ivy put on a pot of coffee, and everyone started appearing in the living room.

Rimmel was her usual unruly self, looking like she slept inside a tornado, and Rome looked at her like he didn’t even notice.

Hell, I was beginning to think he didn’t.

Drew was the last one downstairs, yawning and scratching at his unshaven jaw. He grunted, and Ivy pointed toward the kitchen where the coffee was.

Once Nova finished her bottle, she was passed around to everyone in the room for her Merry Christmas hugs and then promptly fell asleep on Drew’s shoulder.

For some reason, she liked the guy.

It had to be in the genes she got from her mother.

He was just as in love with her, though, and he spent lots of hours holding her. He was a good uncle. Hell, all three of my bros were.

A mug of coffee appeared beneath my nose, and I smiled in appreciation, wrapping my hands around the cup. Ivy dropped down beside me, bouncing around all excitedly.

I chuckled and reached for her, but she pulled back.

“Hey,” I intoned, looking up from the mug.

Her face was split in a huge smile, her straight white teeth all on display. In front of her she held a small green box with a huge red bow.

“Open it!” she rushed out.

“You mean there are presents for other people and not just the baby around this place?” Trent joked.

Romeo laughed.

“I told you not to get me anything,” I said, even though I was charmed by her enthusiasm. I wrapped a palm around the back of her head and pulled her in. “I already have everything.”

“Except for this.” She held up the box and gave it a little shake. Whatever was inside rattled.

It got me curious.

I grinned and reached for it. She snatched it back. “What do you say?”

I lifted an eyebrow. She patiently waited.

“Please?” I prompted.

“B’s whipped!” Romeo announced.

“Hells yeah, he is.” Trent agreed.

“I’m giving you the mental equivalent to the finger right now,” I told them all. “I’d do it literally, but I can’t be having my daughter see such things.”

“Whipped,” Romeo whispered.

Rimmel giggled.

“What you laughing at, tutor girl? Can you even see around all that hair?”

She gasped and threw a pillow with a moose on it at my head.

Ivy cleared her throat impatiently, and I turned back. Even though she’d slept on her hair, it was smooth and shiny, and it just begged for my hands.

I leaned forward and kissed her softly.

She surrendered the box.

I glanced between her and it, trying to take a guess as to what it could be. “It’s from all of us, not just me,” she said.

Everyone was waiting, and I admit it made me curious as hell. I made short work of the bow and then tore off the green wrapping. A quick lift of the lid, and I stared down.

It was a key. One single key. Looked like an ordinary house key, one that wasn’t brand new either.

I glanced up, and Ivy smiled bigger. “It unlocks something in this house.”

I looked at Romeo for help. He shook his head. I turned to Rim. “Help a brother out?”

“I would, but I can’t see past my hair,” she cracked.

“Aww, don’t be like that, sis.”

Ivy tapped me on the shoulder. “There’s only one locked door in this entire house.”

I felt my face screw up. Snatching the key, I wandered into the kitchen, past the island, and toward the single door that opened into the garage. Everyone followed behind me. I could feel their anticipation and near giddiness.

What the hell were they up to?

I slid the key into the lock on the door and turned.

The bolt slid free.

Ivy clapped, and Romeo laughed at her. “Don’t pee yourself, princess.”

“I’m opening up the garage now,” I announced. “If something lunges at me, I’m gonna be pissed.”

The door swung open, and I reached around to turn on the overhead lights inside. They flickered to life almost instantly, and they were so bright it was almost blinding.

Or maybe it was the thing sitting inside.

Shock rendered me immobile.

I didn’t speak or blink. Or breathe.

I couldn’t do anything but stand there and stare at the most fucking beautiful thing I’d ever laid eyes on.

Except my wife and daughter of course.

Unable to contain herself anymore, Ivy lunged at me, wrapping her arms around my waist and squealing. “Do you like it?”

My mouth went dry.

I glanced at Romeo.

Was this for real?

He nodded.

“Fucking hell,” I muttered and rubbed a hand over my face, then blinked up at the object I was sure would disappear.

It was still there.

Behind me, everyone started to snicker.

“Does that mean he doesn’t like it?” Ivy worried and pulled back to look behind us.

I snagged her around the waist and pulled her back in.

“This is for me?” I asked, hoarse.

“We lied about the garage being for the owners of the house. We’ve been hiding this here since we got here!”

“Are you fucking for real right now!” I whooped out.

“Hells yeah.” Romeo came to stand behind me, and we both admired the view.

It was a brand new truck.

But not just any truck.

A Ford F-150 Tuscany Shelby Cobra.

It was like the baddest bitch of all trucks. A souped-up Mustang in truck form. I’d never seen one in person. They were hard as hell to get ahold of. There were only twenty in Canada and not many more here in the States.

Most people had to preorder them just to get one.

And it was sitting right the fuck in front of me.

“That’s mine?” I asked again, wanting to be sure.

A set of keys appeared. Romeo dangled them over my shoulder and in front of my face.

I snatched them and ran out into the garage. The cement floor was cold as ice, but I didn’t care. Fuck the cold. This truck was the shit wet dreams were made of.

I looked it over almost frantically, trying to take it all in. It was bright blue with a silver-toned racing stripe that stretched across the hood, down the honeycomb grill, and all the way across the tunnel cover over the bed and down the tailgate.

It was a seven hundred horsepower, which meant it owned the freaking road.

The name Shelby was on the side, and there was a cobra logo on the front grill. It was lifted off the ground with suspension kits and boasted eighteen-inch wheels.

The interior was like the finest ass I’d ever seen. It made me want to cry. Climate controlled seats, logo embroidered headrests, and just about every bell and whistle a guy could imagine.

It was a four door, which meant it had seating for five, and I could take Nova for a ride.

Drew, Trent, and Romeo all came forward, and we went total guy mode and basically went over it with a fine-tooth comb.

It. Was. Awesome.

BOOK: #Holiday: A Hashtag Series Short Story (Hashtag #6.5)
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