Read His Love Online

Authors: Jennifer Gracen

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

His Love (8 page)

BOOK: His Love
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He wondered what she’d do or say if he made a play for her. Was there a chance she might be open to a little summer fling? He knew she liked him fine; they got along splendidly. But as for something more… he had no idea.

He sighed. Maybe, if he could pull his bruised self-esteem up from the gutters, and be the man he was before Siobhan steamrolled him, he’d be bold enough to find out. Lord knew he hadn’t been able to get Toni out of his head from the moment he’d met her.

Chapter Six

ater that night,
when the sky was dark and fireworks shot brightly overhead, everyone oohed and ahhed as they watched the show. The town of Long Beach had hired barges to shoot them from out in the ocean, so many could see them, but not have debris raining down on them while they did. Someone had put on an old Led Zeppelin album, and the music was a welcome accompaniment to the light show in the sky. Halfway through, the slower, dreamier song
Ten Years Gone
came on, and Gavin smiled as he sank back further into his plastic deck chair. He’d always loved this tune; it was one of his favorites by them. To watch incredible fireworks overhead, out at sea, on a beach in New York while listening to this song made him deeply happy, content to his soul. Life was good.

He glanced to his left where Sean and Cassandra sat together, her curled on his lap, his arms around her waist. They were so connected, so in love… it was heartening to think that existed. Then he glanced to his right, where Anna sat looking up at the sky with childlike wonder. He leaned over and ran his hand over her hair to say hello. She gave him a huge smile and a pinch on his cheek before looking back to the skies.

Then he stealthily looked across Anna; Toni sat on her other side. She also had her face tipped up, and reflections of color from the fireworks covered her in an ethereal glow. She’d pulled on a red and white striped T-shirt and denim shorts at some point, which he found adorable. Her long, dark curls streamed down her back and her smile was pure glee. He wished he could pull her onto his lap the way Sean had Cassandra. He wished he could string his fingers through her curly hair, nuzzle the spot where her neck met her shoulder, and just breathe her in.

She must have felt his stare, because she turned to look at him. Their eyes met and she smiled at him openly. There was even… no, he must be imagining it. But damn if there wasn’t a hint of flirtation in her expression. Her gaze held his for a long beat before she looked back up to the fireworks.

Gavin exhaled hard, realizing then that he’d stopped breathing for a minute. With new warmth inside, he smiled as he sat back in his chair, crossed his long legs at the ankles, and watched the rest of the show in the night sky.


On the lounge
chair, Toni breathed in the salty ocean air and stared at the stars. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore lulled and soothed her as she laid still. Damn, she’d had too much to drink after all. She couldn’t go to bed just yet, or she’d be in horrible shape when she woke up. The slightly swirly feeling in her stomach was testament to that. So, even though she was exhausted, she’d opted for some time in the fresh air, warm though it was.

It was so quiet now, at two AM. Such a nice contrast to the noisy day. The party had ended around midnight; early by their usual standards, but they usually didn’t start early in the afternoon like they had today. It’d been a great time. She’d eaten too much, danced and talked and laughed with her friends, and drank a little too much. As soon as her head stopped spinning, she’d go upstairs to the comfort of her air-conditioned room and soft, wide bed.

She leaned over to sip some more water from the large cup at her side and looked around. The deck was littered with paper plates, plastic cups, and empty soda cans and beer bottles. What a mess. They all had their work cut out for them in the morning, but with all of them pitching in, it would get cleaned up quickly.

The sound of the glass door sliding open made her jump. Her head whipped around to see Gavin coming out to the deck.

“Gavin?” she said.

He peered into the dark and spotted her. “Toni, hi. I didn’t know anyone was out here.”

She gestured to the empty lounge chair beside hers. “Join me. It’s a gorgeous night.”

“Aye, it is.” He stretched out on the chair, crossing his long legs at the ankles. Her eyes ran over his body, clad in only a white T-shirt and loose navy shorts. Something pinged in her belly and warmth spread through her veins. The breeze off the ocean ruffled his short hair as he glanced over at her and said, “Truth be told, I’m still a little drunk. Thought getting some air would be good. Why are you out here?”

“I’m still a little drunk, too. I knew I couldn’t go to bed yet, or I’d get sick.”

“Ah. Smart. Getting sick in your bed would be… unpleasant.” His eyes twinkled at her from behind his glasses as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ve done that, it’s the worst. ’Cause then you’re so tired, and all you want to do is go to sleep, but ya have to clean up the mess first… which is enough to make ya sick again. So you boak in your bed again, and it’s just an endless nightmare.”

Toni couldn’t help but laugh. “You’ve done that?”

“Aye, I just told ya so, didn’t I?” he grinned. “Did plenty of right stupid things when I was at university.”

“You seem so… grounded. I can’t picture you doing things like that.”

He was quiet for a minute, his eyes on the stars. She didn’t think he’d answer. Then he murmured, so low she almost didn’t hear it over the waves, “Careful, Toni. I just might surprise you.”

Her stomach did a flip. The tone of his voice had her melting inside. More brazen with liquid courage in her, she sat up to stare right at him. “Oh really? How?”

He grinned and shook his head. His hand came up to take off his glasses. Slowly, he cleaned the lenses with the edge of his shirt.

She poked his arm and purred, “You’re a big tease.”

His eyes captured hers. “Not at all. I’m a sure bet.” The corner of his mouth lifted ever so slightly as he added, “I only tease when in bed. But not for too long.”

Her breath caught. Well,
. “Doctor McKinnon, are you flirting with me?”

“D’ya want me to be?”


He reached over and put his glasses on the ground, under the chair. His gaze intensified as he sat up to face her, but he said nothing. Their knees touched as they stared into each other’s eyes, and the air around them seemed to crackle with electricity.

“You’re still drunk,” he said quietly.


“So in the morning, you might regret anything you say or do right now.”

“I doubt it. You’re a sure bet.” She edged a little closer, her heart pounding in her chest as she licked her suddenly dry lips. She watched his eyes flicker to her mouth before meeting her gaze again. “Besides… I don’t know what you’re thinking of saying or doing.”

His eyes flared, pure blue fire, as he murmured, “Yes, you do.”

Neither of them moved, and their eyes locked. The only sound was that of the waves, crashing rhythmically on the shore out in the darkness. Then, in a swift motion, his hand cupped the back of her neck, pulling her to him, and his mouth pressed onto hers.

He kissed her with such passion that it stole her breath. Her mouth opened to welcome him and their tongues tangled in an erotic dance. His lips were so insistent, so warm, and felt so good… her arms snaked around his neck and she melted into him. But the position was awkward; she shifted, moved, and straddled his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and broad shoulders as she kissed him with no restraint.

He groaned softly into her mouth as his hands slid down her back, holding her tight. They gripped her hips and yanked her closer as his mouth left hers to trail down her throat, scraping her skin with his teeth. His mouth came back to hers and possessed her, consuming her, while his fingers dug into her hips and held. She arched into him, wanting to feel every inch of him against her. He was already rock hard, she could feel him between her thighs, and a rush of powerful lust zipped through her entire body. She ground her hips against his and they both moaned from the delicious friction.

“Sweet lord, I want you,” he whispered roughly against her skin. One of his hands tangled in her hair while the other pressed against her ass, holding her pelvis to his as he rocked against her. “You sexy, beautiful creature…”

She gasped at the feel of him between her legs, then again when his hand left her hair to squeeze and fondle her breast.

“I want you, too,” she said on a sigh. “You have no idea…” She tangled her fingers in his short, soft hair as he kissed and nipped down her neck to her chest.

Through her shirt, he bit her nipple, his mouth hot through the fabric as he suckled one breast, then the other. Her head fell back, the pleasure rippling through her. Mindless, writhing against him, she moaned his name and held on.

Suddenly he lifted his head, breathing heavily. “Toni. Wait. Wait…”

“No.” She grasped his face between her hands and kissed him, deep and demanding. He groaned into her mouth, kissing her back with matching hunger, then tore himself away again.

“Make no mistake,” he panted. “I want you. But… not like this.”

She frowned, confused, also breathless. “Like what?”

“You’re drunk, sweetheart. You said so yourself.” With a slow hand, he brushed her hair back from her eyes, even while his other arm stayed locked around her waist. “I can’t do this. You might regret it in the morning, and that would kill me.”

Her heart still hammering in her chest, the throbbing need between her legs almost unbearable, she looked into his eyes. “I won’t regret it. I’ve been wanting this since the night I met you, Gavin.”

“Christ, I have, too.” She saw the look of wonder in his eyes, a mixture of carnal desire and disbelief that touched her. “Thing is, you’re saying that now. I want to believe you. But, Toni…”

She leaned his forehead against his. “I know I want you.”

“And I want you, too. You don’t know what ya do to me. But I want you sober.” He kissed her lips with such tenderness it made her shiver. “Tell me tomorrow you still want me? And I’m yours. But tonight…” With gentle hands, he pushed her back a bit. “Tonight, I’m not going to let this go further. For your sake.” A wry grin twisted his lips. “Ya think I’m mad, don’t you.”

She shook her head and softly kissed his mouth. “No. I think you’re a really, really good man.” She kissed him again. “A really, really good man that I’m going to jump tomorrow. And have my wild way with you when I prove this isn’t the alcohol talking.”

He stared into her eyes and whispered, “God, I hope that’s true.” His fingers played along her cheek, trailed down the side of her neck. “I won’t come to you, Toni, I’ll leave ya be. You come to me when you’re ready. And if you don’t, that’s all you’ll have to do. I’ll know you simply don’t want this, and that’ll be that. I won’t bring it up again. I don’t want this to get awkward and—”

“Stop.” She kissed him again, then nipped at his bottom lip. “You’re very gallant, and I appreciate that. Honestly. But now that you opened the door, I’m going to come charging through. You’re hot as hell, I want you, and now that I know you want me too? Be ready for me tomorrow, Doctor McHottie.”

His bright eyes rounded. Then he laughed and kissed her soundly, still cradling her on his lap as he murmured, “Believe me, Toni, I will be.”

Chapter Seven

BOOK: His Love
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