Read His Black Wings Online

Authors: Astrid Yrigollen

His Black Wings (7 page)

BOOK: His Black Wings
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“Then why did he give you all that money? I mean, figure when a gent give a lady like yerself so much money, he must be on the pounce, or the two of you are already pouncing?” I had to stop and think about what she meant before I answered. When I did answer I was astonished to see tears in her eyes.


“No Mary, do you mean, are we sleeping together?” She nodded and let her tears fall freely as she rubbed her eyes fiercely.


“No Mary, not at all! We’re not doing anything like that. I think of him as a father, more than an employer. You see Mary, I have no parents and Mr. Brighton knows this. I feel that he may feel compassion for me because of this.” She nodded tearfully.


“Can ye firgive me miss? I…I mmm…” She trailed off and looked at the floor.


Instantly I knew why she asked me.


“You are in love with him aren’t you Mary?” She didn’t say anything, which told me everything.


“That’s okay Mary, you have nothing to worry about. Mr. Brighton is a very honorable man. A very generous man, as you should know as well. He lets you live here rent free doesn’t he?” She nodded.


“And it kills me when he is away miss! I miss him so, I do! I just turned twenty and am plenty old enough for a man the likes of him.” It shocked me to learn she the same age as I. She was so small.


I knew it was pointless, but I asked her why she never said anything to him.


“Saay anything miss? Ah couldn’t. Sometimes he looks like he hates me, other times he looks like he wants to eat me up and still, this has to be the worst, he looks right through me. It’s like ah don’t exist.”


I knew enough about the type of man Fredrick was to know he would never consider having this girl as a partner, even a lover. She was very sweet, but very dumb and something about Fredrick told me he liked women with brains.


Which brought another thought to mind. Was there any truth to what Mary was asking? Did she see something I didn’t? I don’t consider myself a scholar, but I have always been told I was bright for my age. Fredrick was always complimenting me, but did that make me a candidate for his mistress? Either way I could not feel that way about him. I almost felt angry, as I felt the seed Mary had planted in my mind begin to grow roots. I decide to view him closely tonight and weigh his every word.


“You look lovely tonight! Is that one of your new dresses?” Mr. Brighton asked over dinner.


“Yes, it is. I thank you very much for giving me the means to purchase it. I made sure to leave the excess in an envelope on the hall table for you.” He waved his hand in the air between us.


“Do not mention it again. Even roses need petals and leaves. You are just as lovely as your aunt.” A strange silence hung between us as he said this. I thought this an odd comment to make. He looked at me and smiled.


“I am sure she was a beautiful woman, as your mother was as well.”


“Thank you.” Was all I managed to reply. He didn’t know my aunt or my mother, why would he say such a thing?


He frequently tormented me, if you will, with strange comments like these. I noticed he was spending more evenings at home during the week, not just on Fridays. We would always dine in front of the firelight Sometimes he took a meal with me, while others, he sipped on wine or cognac.


We spoke about everything from fashion, politics and music to liquor. He would nod his head frequently accompanied by a “Hmmm…I see” or an “Interesting”. I would sometimes speak for hours without realizing it.


In moments of clarity, I realized he knew far more about me than I had wished. He had a gentle, comforting disposition when we spoke.


I had not completely forgotten what Mary had told me, but I nevertheless filed it away, until this evening.


“Now, tomorrow evening you must prepare yourself to accompany me on some errands.”


“Yes, of course Sir.” He smiled warmly at me, but there was always something behind those eyes that warned me of something secret, something hidden. I shivered.


“Not catching a cold are you, Lily?”


“No Sir.” I was surprised he noticed me shiver. “What sort of appointments do you have?”


“Oh, just a meeting with an old acquaintance. I received word he has taken ill. While I am doing that I am sending you on a mission.” He smiled playfully.


“Mission Sir?”


“You are to find the most splendid gift for a young woman that you can. Something beautiful, something every woman would like to have. Will you do that Lilly?”


A heat arose from my neck to sting my cheeks and warm them.


“Yes.” He stood up to leave.


“Good, then I will see you around,” he glanced at his watch, “say 5:30.”


I nodded. He patted my shoulder and left to his basement.


I puzzled over his actions and words but they still did not give me any indication to what Mary thought she saw.


The carriage wheels clacked softly on the road as I felt the shock of Mr. Brighton’s statement sink in.


“Lilly, are you feeling ill?”


I regained some composure and shook my head.


“Did you say St.Marhen?” I asked in a small voice.


“Yes, that is where my acquaintance resides. In addition, they have some nice shops, are you disappointed?”


“No, I just didn’t know we were going so far.”


“It may seem far when all you have done for the past month is stay indoors with an old man for company.” He laughed. I said nothing but stared on. A thousand thoughts flooded my mind. What if someone recognizes me? I fought to keep the rising panic at bay. Mr. Brighton was silent the rest of the way. Not until I saw signs and buildings that were familiar to me, did my eyes begin to water slightly. I still had a wealth of emotions that had not yet been spent. If my employer noticed, he said nothing.


We passed into the heart of the city, all excitement and blurred movement. I saw shops that I used to frequent just a few short months ago. It all seemed strange to me now. I felt like an out of place alien. The carriage stopped abruptly, jolting me out of my reverie. The driver was holding the door open for me with his hand outstretched.


“Lilly? Are you sure you are alright?” Fredrick asked me when he noticed my dazed look. I nodded and got out of the carriage.


He handed me a small fabric envelope. It was black velvet and felt soft as fur.


“That should be enough for whatever you find. I will be around for you in an hour or so. Stick to these shops on this main street only so that I may find you easily. If you happen to finish before the hour is up wait for me at the park on the corner. Find a bench and perch.”He smiled warmly.


I nodded numbly as the carriage drove off. The streets seemed darker than I remembered them, the roads wet and slick looking. The night was upon me in more ways than one. I breathed in deeply and for one strange moment felt optimistic. The night air invigorated me. Perhaps it wouldn’t be as bad as I’d imagined. I could find some trinket quickly, then seek refuge with my employer. I browsed several small shops, not seeing anyone I knew. The last shop I entered was getting ready to close but I already spotted what I wanted in the window. A dark onyx box with intricate carvings on the lid held my interest. It was smooth and cool to the touch. I was delighted to open the lid and hear the soft chimes of a music box. It played “Bleeding Heart”, a soft and strange melody that was a favorite of mine since childhood. I knew I must have it, if I couldn’t keep it, then at least I knew it was in the safe keeping of my employer. I hurried outside with my purchase. Night had already fallen as I circled a large lamp post to cross the alley and ran directly into another pedestrian. My package clattered noisily to the ground, and sounded as if it might have been broken. Dismayed, I barely mumbled my apology as I knelt down to pick it up first. It seemed like my mind tried to warn me of something about to happen, or perhaps it was his voice that I unconsciously recognized. From my kneeling position I looked up and in to the eyes of Kurten Wandsworth. I felt the icy cold hand of dread grip my heart as I looked into his eyes.


“Watch where you’re going, Tart…” He trailed off as we both stared at one another in silence. His face registered shock, then anger. Pure black anger and hate radiated off of him. The bitterness that welled up in my throat also soured my stomach. My heart began to beat fast and I felt light headed. I scolded myself for being weak. I should just continue walking, ignoring him. But instead I froze in my kneeling position. He kicked my parcel away towards the open street and for the first time I noticed he was using a cane. I gasped, knowing I was responsible.


“You…” He growled. I stood and backed up a few steps wondering what he would try to do. It was night and there weren’t many people around. Would he raise an alarm? He must have read my mind for he leaped toward me and enclosed me in his embrace covering my mouth with his gloved hand. He wrestled me into the alley with much difficulty as I was squirming and trying to cry out. He was panting at the effort and leaned me heavily against the alley wall.


“I thought I would never see you again Claren.” He whispered in my ear.


“I’ve prayed for this day. Do you know how hard it’s been, do you know the pain I’ve gone through because of you!? I will never be able to walk right again because of you!” He still held on to me tightly. My heart was beating so loud I was sure he could hear it. Adrenaline was being shot out in to my veins giving me extra strength to keep him at bay.


“Don’t struggle, whore. To think we would’ve been married…” He spit on the ground. He grabbed the front of my dress and tore it down.


“No Kurten!!” I screamed as I tried to fight him off. The next thing I knew Kurten released me and I heard a horrible cry. I must have passed out because when I opened my eyes, Mr. Brighton was standing above me and a crumpled form was on the ground at his feet. He reached down to me as my vision blurred and I blacked out.


When I again opened my eyes, I was back in the carriage. My employer was sitting across from me with a stern look on his face. He saw me open my eyes. He immediately waved his hand in front of my face.


“Sleep Lilly, rest.” Was all he said. I closed my eyes and did.


I awoke in my own bed with Naza staring at me. I was still in my ripped traveling clothes. I sat up quickly and looked around.


A knock at the door made me jump. Mr. Brighton came in and looked at me sternly. He hesitated then came to stand at the foot of my bed.


“How are you feeling?” He asked.


“I…I…” I stammered, “tired…scared.” He nodded.


“Can you tell me what happened?”


“I just left the shop, and I dropped my package and there he was.”


“Did you know him?” He questioned with a peculiar look on his face.


“No Sir.” I said looking down.


“Did he say anything to you? Anything at all?”


I shook my head.


“Well then, we must report this to the St. Marhen authorities.” I panicked.


“Why? He left me alone…”


“He wasn’t going to my dear girl. He had more in mind for you than you could probably guess.” He walked over to me and tugged briefly at the torn material of my dress. I looked down, not knowing what I should do.


“Tell me Lily, if you saw this man again, would you recognize him?”


“No.” There! I had said it too quickly and he must know that I was hiding something from him.


He looked surprised, then looked out the window.


“I see. Well you should get some rest then.” He turned to leave.


“Fredrick?” He stopped and looked at me.


“Fredrick, how did you find me? In the alley?”


“I heard you scream from my carriage.”


“Did you strike him?”


“Yes, I used some force on him...only when I saw you were in danger. He’ll live though.”


I looked down remembering Kurten’s words.


“Thank you Sir. You saved me from great harm.”


“I am only glad I could do so.” He turned on his heel and left.

BOOK: His Black Wings
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