His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One (5 page)

BOOK: His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One
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I call over at Amy, trying to get her attention, but she’s too wrapped up in Dominic to hear.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” I say to Evan, trying to get out of here.

He just nods his head and says, “Ok, I’ll be here when you get back,” licking his bottom lip.
Damn it!

I roll my eyes again as I walk away. Damn he’s sexy as hell. I wonder if it is like this with women everywhere he goes. Of course how can it not be, he’s a freaking stallion. Bringing women to their knees is probably his mission in life. I’m not going to be dropping anywhere for him though.

Chapter Three


“Hey, I’m Olivia.”

I’m watching Abby walk away as a girl that has been staring at me since Abby and I got here struts her shit over and sits in Abby’s chair. She isn’t bad, but nothing like the masterpiece that has just walked away.

“Hey.” I don’t want to be rude to this chick, but it’s not gonna happen. The only person I’m going home with tonight is Abby. My dick is getting hard just thinking about that woman.

“It’s your turn.” She pauses.


“Your name? I told you mine now you tell me yours. That’s how this works.” She seems a little intoxicated.

“Evan.” I don’t really give a shit if she knows my name. Clearly I’m not interested, but she doesn’t seem to notice or care.

“Oh I like that name. Do you want to go somewhere and hang out? I have something fun we can party with.” She pats the red purse thing in her lap.

Ok so this chick wants to party and is trying to nonchalantly tell me she has drugs in her purse. She has no fucking idea who I am and what I do for a living.

“Not interested.”

“Oh really? Well, what if I say there are two of us that want to party with you?” She looks at her friend that’s sitting across from us.

“I’m good thanks.” I turn my head, trying to get a look at the line leading for the bathroom, but I can’t see Abby from here.

“Come on baby I really think you’re hot and I totally want to see what’s underneath all of this.” Her hand lands on my cock.

Shit! If this was a year ago I would fuck her into next week, but I’m not interested in that shit anymore. I’m a man on a mission now.

“Hey bitch, get your
nasty skanky
hands off of my best friend’s date!” Amy saves the day. She glares at me, waiting to see if I’m going to protest, but I won’t.

“Oh please that little nothing that was just here? Pfft she isn’t what
stud needs,” she mumbles as she stands.

“Evan?” Amy isn’t playing around, she’s going to beat the shit out of this skinny chick any second.

“Ok. Listen, I’m not interested in you now nor will I ever be so…” I look back to the line that leads to the bathroom to see Abby, but I can’t.

“So, kick rocks bitch.” Amy finishes my statement.

“Yea what she said.” Oh Jesus are we in the third fucking grade? “I gotta go,” I say as I stand. I’m not paying any attention to the group that stands here.

I walk through the crowd and I look up and see Donovan Damassi on his balcony staring in my direction. I approach the bathroom line, but I don’t see Abby anywhere.

“Hey baby,” I hear from behind me as I turn around to walk in the direction I have just come from. This is the place to go to get laid that’s for damn sure. Tits and ass everywhere.

I turn to my right and see Natalia standing in a corner giving a nod in Damassi’s direction.
That Motherfucker
. I can’t believe I’m responsible for bringing Abby here. Well partly responsible anyway. This gun dealing scum knows exactly who Abigale Hayes is. Well he knows the name, but I haven’t figured out if he knows what she looks like.
Add another stick to the fire in my hell if he finds out.

Damassi knows about Abby because of Marco. He didn’t bring her around anyone in this life so I don’t think anyone dangerous has ever seen her.

She was Marco’s girl and even though he fucked everything that breathed, he made it obvious that she was off limits. Don’t misinterpret his feelings in the matter though because it was and is purely selfish. He thinks it is ok for him to be a whore, but he doesn’t like his
to want anyone, but him. That’s all she ever was to him, “property”. How he kept her in the dark I’ll never fucking know.

Marco was only here at that time to set up his territory in the U.S. made possible with a student visa. His family is smart and because they have gotten away with a lot they think they are smarter than the ATF, CIA, and FBI. Yea not so much.

The CIA was on them long before the ATF and FBI got involved. When they crossed the border all bets were off. Yea I know what you’re thinking.
Why did the government give the visa?
That’s simple, we want to stop them, but we need to get all of the dirty we can before we end them. These things take a long time to come together. Sometimes years.

I met an agent in the FBI a few years ago that had been deep undercover for ten years before the crew he was with had finally been taken down. I don’t know how he did that shit to be honest. I should just kill this prick Damassi and get this over with.

I look back to Natalia who has just pushed some douche on his ass.

Ha, he should probably leave that one alone

Natalia is only one of two people I call a friend. She has my back and has been helping me take care of some business that’s let’s just say, “
Off the books
”. But, since my business isn’t something you bring up in mild conversation we keep our friendship in the dark, especially since Nat is working on something that can potentially burn the one person I care most about.

I guess I should consider myself lucky that Damassi and his goon’s haven’t figured out who I am
It means that I can come and go as I please, but if Nat is on her game and I
she is, then what she says about Marco knowing something about me is concerning because his biz partners will soon know something too, especially since I’m here close to Abby and he isn’t. I know for a fact that Marco Silva is working with Donovan Damassi on importing guns and drugs from Brazil.

Damassi’s a powerful man that enjoys a nice bourbon, a Cuban cigar, and a beautiful woman. If he finds out who Abby is he will only want her so that he can show up Marco, or maybe he will see what I see in her. Then I
kill him. End of.

Marco and Damassi are both manipulating men that hold power in their own right. Each one pissing on every bush they can, marking their territory. I think that’s called “
small dick syndrome
”. Something I know nothing about.

Abby is so much more than beautiful though, she’s pure heaven. She loves with her whole heart and that makes this whole thing hard. She’s so at risk of getting hurt. The repercussions are going to be hell. I have never cared about anyone like I do her. No let me rephrase. I have only cared about one other woman and that was and is my mother, Cynthia Young-Carter.

I walk around for several minutes until
I see Abby on the dance floor.


Her eyes are closed and her hands are traveling all over her tiny body. Her hair is pulled to the side and I can see the reflection of sweat running down to her beautiful breasts as she dances to some rap shit. This is ok, but damn how about some AC/DC or some Falling Down? I have just the song in mind that I would like to see her dance to. I adjust myself.

Well here goes everything.
Fuck! What if she rejects me?
I don’t think I will take that well.
No definitely
going to take that well at all.

I know that she’s not like the girls in this place though. Most of them are only looking for a fuck. She hasn’t even looked in the direction of another man since Marco left. She’s loyal and honest.
An angel

Guilt washes over me as I think of all the shit she has no idea is going on around her. I’m going to protect her from it, but she’s going to find out one way or another. I just don’t know how she
find out.

I stop in front of the crowd that has gathered around her. I make direct eye contact with her. Her body stills and I see that I’m affecting her. I’m going to take her into my arms and I’m never going to let her go.

Chapter Four


I walk to the bathroom feeling the alcohol take effect. I look over to my left as I adjust my top that’s out of place from all of the pushing and bumping. I turn my head and open my eyes wide when I see the same man I saw at LAX earlier.

Oh my God!
I think, because he sees me too. I turn, trying to hide my face. I lean against the concrete, closing my eyes, wishing I could become one with it. As I stand there contemplating my escape plan he approaches me in his dark denim jeans and black dress shirt, his hair just long and messy enough for me to grab ahold of. I blink my eyes, removing all of the sexy thoughts running through my mind, well trying to anyway.

All of the women in the line notice him too, but he ignores their laughter and continues towards me. I melt against the wall losing all feeling in my body.

He’s approaching very slowly, seductively, and damn he’s definitely hot.

“Hello, didn’t I see you earlier at the airport?”

“Um, I’m not sure,” I say as I turn my head and bite my bottom lip.

“I saw you in the VIP area. I wanted to talk to you, but you were with someone and I didn’t want to intrude. I would intrude, however, if I thought you wanted me to,” he says, leaning up against the wall next to me.

His eyes wander over my body and suddenly I feel underdressed. He takes my personal space as his own and I want to run.

The women in the line definitely want him. Oh my, he’s sexy, and arrogant; his cologne is a clean scent. He’s probably a man-whore and probably has had half of these women already. There is no way I’m doing whatever it is he is thinking. I blush. Crap now he probably thinks I’m getting hot because of him.

“Well, I’m actually just here with friends, and I really don’t know that guy,” I reply. I’m not lying. I am here with him, but I’m also here with Amy and Dom.

Just as I say that it’s my turn to use the bathroom and I feel so relieved.

“It’s my turn, have a good night,” I say as I quickly turn and walk away, taking a deep relieving breath.

I use the bathroom and freshen up in front of the sink pulling my gloss out of my clutch. As I look into the mirror I see a couple of girls walk in giving me dirty looks.

“Don’t waste your time little girl. Donovan isn’t interested in…” she stops to look me up and down. “Wasting his time.” She ends her statement with her bony finger pointing at me and making pouty fish lips. She and her drunk friend walk to the bathroom stall.

I roll my eyes.
What the hell is wrong with me?

I do a once over. I decide it’s time to go back and see what my friends are up to.

I once again push my way through the crowds and then two men appear in front of me, both very large in fitted suits, definitely not cheap, big and tall versions either. They push everyone out of the way. I figure what the hell, so I follow. As we reach the VIP area I left Evan in, the men stop and usher me in. One of the men stops at the entrance and the other walks ahead of me and stands by the private dance floor. Their dark suits are accessorized with earpieces. I stare at them, but they just look ahead and don’t pay attention to my curiosity.

I spot Amy on the big dance floor dancing to Macklemore’s
White Walls
. I figure what the hell and stand from the seat I just sat down in to join her when I don’t see Evan. I really need another drink. I decide it can wait since I love this song so much.

I am dancing and getting a little bit of my sexy back for the first time in a
long time. Amy and Dominic are practically having sex on the dance floor, which truthfully isn’t a surprise. When those two are in a room together there is always some steamy stuff going on.

I’m dancing on the dance floor when my inner sexy girl does more than announce herself, she comes out to play in full force. The alcohol takes its perfect effect and I let my inner sexy girl take over. After all, I do just want to be free.

I glance up to see the mysterious man from the airport, and then the bathroom, standing on a balcony watching the crowd. I would like to smack this guy and his whores. Those skanks don’t need to be rude to me. I shake my head.

is the next perfect song to hum from the speaker system. I can’t help but move my body back and forth running my hands up and down my silky ensemble feeling sensual and ready. This song definitely reminds me of Marco and the sexy Latino lust he has when he dances and every other minute of the day.

I open my eyes to see Evan slowly walking through the large crowd that now surrounds me. His arms reach out as he approaches, making his final descent onto my body, sliding from my shoulders down to my ass and then my thighs, very slowly making his way back up, this time a little tighter. I close my eyes as a chill, a very wanted chill, caresses me like a ribbon. Together our bodies produce an electricity that could very well power this whole show.

Evan’s eyes never leave my body and neither do his hands. Something about the way he looks at me makes me feel confident and wanted. I haven’t felt that for a long time and I need it, I crave it.

We move our hot sweaty bodies in perfect rhythm and, oh yes, there is a rhyme to our reason. Evan moves into my body leaving no space in between, nowhere for the air to escape.

His lips meet mine with dominant power as he pulls my neck back gently by my braid. Chills run over my skin, once more leaving me to forget about the other people in the club.

“Abby- you are so fucking beautiful.”

I shouldn’t be able to hear him in this very loud club, but our bodies are so connected all I need is his hot breath against my skin to know what he’s saying. A chill covers my skin, causing a shudder.

BOOK: His Angel: The Angel Trilogy Book One
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