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Authors: Tilly Greene

HighlandHeat (10 page)

BOOK: HighlandHeat
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It was intense to be so frantic for an orgasm, especially
knowing one was right there just beyond her reach.

She suddenly realized she couldn’t do anything
except wait for him to give her the pleasure she sought. He promised he would
and she believed him.

Grace tried to listen to what was happening around her, only
couldn’t seem to focus beyond her body’s cry for satisfaction. There was
nothing she could distinguish other than her own heavy breathing and the
muffled sound of the two balls clanking against each other. Something was
definitely happening in front of her, she could sense movement. Unfortunately
everything was stifled, which meant she had no idea what it was or what to

“Here, lass, I’m going to help you stand up.” Again he stood
behind her and, using his hold on her waist, lifted her to her feet and
patiently waited while she gained her balance. Her arms hung down in front of
her, loose and relaxed. Then the whirring began again and slowly her limbs rose
above her head. She was startled, but the passion high she was on didn’t allow
her to be concerned.

A hard, hot body rested flush against her softer one. His
stiff cock rode up from her ass to the center of her back, tempting her to ask
him to bend his knees and thrust it deep inside her slit. The balls in her ass
had settled, although she knew they’d knock again when next she moved and she
would shift because she wanted to experience more of the decadent and erotic
sensations this man offered.

She couldn’t hold back the gasp when his hands came around
and cupped her large breasts. His thumbs strummed the hard tips, bringing them
to an even stiffer state. The way he played with her breasts was everything she

“I adore your breasts, you should always be naked and their
hard tips ready for my mouth or fingers.” Giving the two nipples a firm twist,
he let them go and smoothed his hands down to her hips and moved away.


“Easy, my love, easy. I’ll not leave you unsatisfied.”

“I know, but please—” She stopped speaking when they took a
step forward together and she felt something hard push against her mound.


An indefinable sound followed by the now familiar whirring
noise and her arms were being pulled forward. She had no means to protect
herself from falling, but there was no need to worry, Hamish was there. Strong,
capable hands wrapped around her waist and held her steady as her arms were
pulled, bringing her upper torso down to rest against a smooth leather plane.
When everything stopped moving, she was laid flat across a padded board that
ran from before her mound down the center of her chest, leaving her breasts to
dangle on either side. Her head rested in the center of a round cushioned donut-type
shape. There was a memory of a padded bench that she’d seen resting against the
wall, but hadn’t explored. This must be it.

“Lovely.” Hamish’s hand stroked over her ass, pausing to
give it a gentle swat. The two finger tap was enough to send the two eggs
slamming against each other and the smaller metal beads knocking wildly against
their confining space. She cried with frustration and pleasure.

“Do you feel this, Grace?”

She felt a thin plastic item moving from the back of her
knee up her thigh before it slipped inward and teased the bare lips protecting
her slit.

“Yes, yes.”

“This is the wrapper of the condom I’m putting on.”

“Oh, yes, fine, but Hamish?” She heard the rip of paper
telling her he was taking the rubber out of the package. Next she felt the
slinky sheath dance over her ass before he moved, bringing his rod up to rest
against her leg.

“Yes, baby?” He answered and ensured she could feel him
rolling the thin layer of latex over his hard-on.

“Would you fuck me, oh man, please, just—” Before the words
were fully out of her mouth, she felt the knob of his cock lodge itself in the
opening of her slit.

Finally, she thought, finally she was going to be sent to a
place she inherently knew would be heaven and only he could send her there.

Hamish looked down to where he teased a few inches of his
cock in and out of her cunt. She dripped honey, coating his rubber-covered rod.
For the first time in his life, he wished nothing separated his cock from a
woman’s feminine clench. Especially this woman’s pussy.

There was a need inside him to look into her face as he
pleasured her, except he couldn’t, not tonight. Maybe never.

Already he cared too much, his heart, mind and
body, all knew she was his mate. Soon he’d have to jump that particular fence,
see if he could bring her to his side for all time despite his more unique
qualities. But right now he was in paradise and wanted to wallow in the
pleasure they created together.

The ram horns that had been pushing for freedom since he
first set eyes on her had finally burst from his temples. Seeing her on her
knees with his cock in her mouth was incredible. Feeling her suck him dry had
been more than he could handle. They curled elaborately on each side of his

There was no way to hide them, nor was this the time or
place to tell her about them either. Nothing mattered right now except him and
her. They were in a spotlight together and he could see his possession of her.
It was a beautiful view. He chased all thoughts of the future away for the time
being. He would have her, bound in the dark and facing away from him for hours,
days, however long it took to ensure she needed him as much as he did her.

With purpose and desire raging within him, he slowly slid
into her channel. Nothing could stop him now from possessing her fully. In one
steady stroke, he packed his cock inside her until he hit bottom. He nudged a
bit further, allowing his balls to rub over her clit. Her very feminine
reaction to the pleasure he gave her was exactly what he’d needed to hear.

“Are you okay?”

“So big,” she whispered on a groan.

“Is that good?”

“Oh yes, you fill me up.”

“Your pussy grips me tightly, it’s fucking delicious. Now
hold on because I’m going to ride your sweet body.” Warning given, he wasted no
more time and worked on pleasuring them both.

He started with a long slow pull until again, only the knob
rested inside her wet heated opening. It was almost too much desire to handle
and he thrust back inside her tight clench. His balls rolled over her excited
nub before he pulled out. In and out he plunged, over and over again because he
had to. Grace herself inspired him to give more fully of himself than he’d
wanted to before.

On the next stroke, he swore he heard the eggs in her ass
knocking against each other. They must be driving her wild.

“Yes!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.

“You’re so wet, easing my way through your tight slit.”
She’d mentioned earlier how much she liked his dirty talk, so he kept at it.

Already he was ready to blow. With each hard and fast thrust
of his cock, he was closer to losing his control again and coming. Apparently
having climaxed not too long ago hadn’t taken as much of the edge off his need
as he’d wanted. Her tight, wet cunt captured him in its clasp when he returned
and made it even harder to leave. He looked at his hands, large fingers spread
out, clenching her delicate and soft ass cheeks. Manipulating the full globes
kept the balls continuously shifting inside her back channel as he took her to
the edge of sanity.

“Uhhh. Ha-mish!”

“Here you go, beautiful.” He jack-hammered in and out of her
pulsing slit, using all his pent-up need to fully possess this woman.

“I’m close, lover, so—uhhh!”

“Let me feel you come. I want to know what it feels like to
have you climaxing around my rod.” He thrust again, searching for more depth
and when he found a small amount, filled it with his cock.

“Yes! Ha-a-mish!”

Her loud scream was music to his ears. The tight pulsating
beat her slit treated his rod to as she orgasmed was all he could focus on. She
said she was close to coming and she hadn’t been lying. He closed his eye and
tried not to let it end so soon. Unfortunately, his actions managed to bring
her climaxing grip more to the front of his thoughts and he was lost to its

“Oh shit, Grace!”

Just like that his orgasm sneaked up on him. He threw his
head back and thrust hard, trying to send his cock even further into paradise.
He gloried in each throb of his rod as he came. The way he fit within her cunt,
gripping and clenching around him, was like his soul was speaking with hers.

A strong beating rhythm sent his cum to rest at the end of
his condom. Even the thought of the barrier couldn’t diminish the pleasure he
had shared with this woman.

His woman.

The satisfaction of coming inside her was intense and Hamish
grunted with contentment. He leaned over, needing closer contact with her, but
was careful to keep his horns from touching her in any way. He kissed a path
along her delicate spine, cherishing her being there with everything in him.

Despite enjoying their time together, he couldn’t stop the
frustration at the limitations he was forced to endure with his mate finally in
his arms. He wanted to rail against the injustice of his life, but didn’t.
There was no way he’d waste a second of his time with her holding him perfectly
within her body. Not on something he couldn’t change.

Normally once his passion was spent, his horns would go
down. Not so with Grace beneath him. He had a feeling that as long as she was
in his life, they’d never be far from the surface. It was the nature of his
beast to want to preen before his mate, show his prowess through the
majestically curled horns.

Chapter Seven


An insistent thumping rode through her body. It eased its
way into Grace’s subconscious and tried to gently pull her from sleep. Like
most mornings, she was lying on her side, legs pulled up to her chest, hands
folded together and sandwiched between her knees. Although she wasn’t quite
awake, she knew something was different. That there was some reason why she
should be up, she just didn’t want to.

The pillow beneath her head was soft against her flesh, not
like her favorite crisp cotton pillowcases. It was also fuller than normal.
Usually, a heavy duvet covered her because she was always cold at night. While
she dozed between sleep and wakefulness, it felt like there was nothing more
than a light sheet covering her. Then she realized what was wrong. There was
something resting against her back. That was definitely different and didn’t
sit well.

The inconsistencies kept nudging her before finally pushing
the veil of sleep away.

When everything pulled together and settled in her mind, she
was wide awake, eyes open and staring into an abyss of blackness. Because she
couldn’t distinguish anything clearly, she knew immediately that this wasn’t
her bed or bedroom. She had sheers on her windows, so even on the dreariest of
days there was some sort of light coming in. Things weren’t adding up and now
she was worried, tipping ever closer to being scared.

Where was she? What happened? Who was sleeping behind her?
Did she know them? Should she scream for help? Would anyone come if she did?

No answers came forward, just more questions.

As the panic feeling grew, suddenly it felt like the
oppressive blackness was going to swallow her whole. She had to move, find some
light so she could figure out where she was and who was in bed with her.
Stretching her legs until the toes pointed immediately brought everything she
needed to know rushing back.

Her entire body screamed, not with pain, but with remembered
pleasure and that brought the memory of one very sexy man.

Grace remembered most of what happened last night and she
instantly relaxed. It must be him, Hamish Buchanan, sleeping behind her. The
man had been amazing. He was everything she’d ever hoped to find mixed into one
body. Surprisingly it had seemed as if he had a link into her soul. He’d been
that in tune with her and everything she enjoyed.

What she found hard to believe was that he was the same
person who’d pissed her off at the charity ball. The man who’d perfectly
seduced her was so different from any other she’d been with before and she
wanted to spend more time with him. It was possible whatever was between them
could go further than sex.

There was, however, one thing she knew for sure and hoped to
find a way to have it. She wanted more of the passion and caring he’d offered.

As smoothly as she could manage, she scooted back to place
her ass against his groin in a bid to encourage him to wake up. Grace wanted to
feel his arms wrap around her, pull her closer to him and take her again. Maybe
not exactly as he had before, she was still feeling a little sore, but there
was no doubt in her mind he’d know exactly what she wanted.

She kept moving back until it finally dawned on her that he
wasn’t in the bed. Shifting onto her stomach, she reached a hand out to feel
for him and found nothing except for a pillow tucked against her back. Grace
looked around in the darkness and its thick inkiness left her disoriented. Eventually
she noticed a sliver of light coming from what must be the door.

Once she slipped her legs over the side of the bed and her
feet sank into the lush carpet, she stood leaning against the bed for a minute
until she had her equilibrium back. It was impossible to see anything in the
room, although she distinctly remembered the light switch on the wall next to
the door. If she could make it there and turn the lights on, she’d be able to
find that man and remind him he’d made promises, like taking her without the
blindfold on. Maybe he had, but she couldn’t remember him fulfilling it.

Waving her hands blindly out in front of her, she carefully
made her way toward the sliver of white coming in from beneath the door. Once
she made it to the wall, she ran her hands from side to side, up and down until
she found the switch and turned it on. Feeling proud of her accomplishment,
Grace turned around with a smile and ended up with a frown on her face.

Hamish wasn’t here, but resting on the chest were the
clothes she’d stripped off downstairs. The man was definitely tidy. He’d folded
each article perfectly and brought them up here. It was thoughtful, could even
be viewed as sweet, except she didn’t see a note from him resting on top.
Nothing telling her how much he’d enjoyed their time together or how he wanted
to see her again. Not even a few words saying he was sorry for not being here
when she woke up in a strange place and terrified.

That was a big mistake on his part.

Suddenly she was starting to feel used for the sex, which in
turn made her angry. Simply because she enjoyed allowing herself free rein when
it came to her desire didn’t mean she went with just anyone. In fact, she was
pretty strict about who was invited to share her body. One thing she required
without a doubt was respect and this didn’t feel like respect.

Picking up the pile of clothes, she made her way into the
bathroom attached to the room and took a quick shower. Squeezing a dollop of
tea tree and lime body wash into her hand, she held her head out of the water
and scrubbed the suds all over. He’d mastered her body and teased her heart to
come out to join the party. No man had ever done that before and she’d liked
how it felt. At least she had until this morning when she woke up alone in the

Rubbing her hands over her body, she finished washing before
turning the water off with a hard twist. Stepping out of the stall and onto a
soft mat, she grabbed a large, soft, brown towel. She didn’t bother looking at
or enjoying the sumptuous room. Instead she quickly dried off and ran her
fingers through her hair before finally looking in the mirror.

There were love marks visible where her shoulders and neck
met. She remembered him spending a great deal of time with his mouth right
there and she’d loved it, begged him for more. Seeing them and remembering how
he’d thoroughly possessed her brought the passion right back on high. She
wanted him all over again.

Quickly looking away from her neck, she found red slashes of
embarrassment, or possibly anger, marking her cheeks. There were also tears
building in her eyes. If she let them, they’d start seeping out as well.

Turning away from what she’d discovered in her reflection,
Grace gave herself a firm talking-to. She would not feel ashamed of her
actions. He was the one who should be embarrassed by his behavior. Even though
she knew this, she found it difficult to accept. Damn it, the man was close to
making her regret the time they’d spent together and she didn’t want to do
that. She really liked him.

Hamish Buchanan was special and that was a problem.

In a few short minutes she finished dressing in her clothes
and jewelry she wore here. Slipping on her shoes, she smoothed hands over her
hips and took a deep breath. Maybe she wasn’t giving him enough credit. It was
possible he was downstairs waiting for her and not the cad her overactive
imagination was making him out to be.

Before walking out to the bedroom, she took another look
around. There were quite a few toys they hadn’t had a chance to try out and she
was sure there were even more in the cabinets. There was no doubt in her mind,
their time together had been spectacular, and in her heart, she hoped to be
back in here with him again. Soon, if her body had anything to say about it,
very soon.

Going with this new positive outlook, she walked out of the
room and down to the main floor without seeing or hearing another person.
Seriously, he wouldn’t have left her here by herself, would he? Making her way
into the room where they’d had a lovely lunch, spent time getting to know each
other, she was drawn to the window. Looking outside, she found a typically
drizzling day in London. It was impossible to judge the time because his
neighborhood was a quiet enclave that defied the surrounding city bustle.

The house was silent as she stood there and tried to figure
out what to do. She couldn’t see his car parked out front. Obviously he wasn’t
here and she needed to phone a cab firm for a ride, except she had no idea of
the address. Disappointed in misjudging the man and being left in such a cold
way encouraged a self-pitying sigh to escape.

No, she wouldn’t feel sorry for herself. There was too much
going well for her to waste time on that negative emotion. Besides, he was the
one who’d be missing out on all she had to offer. Moving away from the window,
she made her way toward the front door, only to be brought up short by its

Feeling both awkward and scared to be found in this man’s
house, she didn’t know what to do. Screaming was one idea when she didn’t
immediately recognize the man stepping into the foyer. On her first real
breath, she realized he was the one who’d been with Hamish at the party.

“Hello, Grace. I’m sorry to be so late. Hamish sends his
apologies. He was called away and asked me to come over to see you make it home

“Who are you?” The emotional roller coaster she was riding
finally took its toll. While she knew the man must be family and knew his way
around the house, by no means did this mean she felt at ease being alone with
him. What kept her somewhat steady was that she noticed he kept his hands in
the pockets and didn’t walk fully into the room. If it was on purpose, then
she’d say he was thoughtful, unfortunately, it didn’t matter. The
nonthreatening body language didn’t lessen the tension she felt in being
stranded in a strange house with a strange man.

“I’m Alain, Alain Buchanan, Hamish’s cousin and business

“I recognize you from the other night.”

“Are you all right? I’ve startled you. Here, sit down.
You’re as white as a ghost. Let me get you a glass of water.”

Stunned, she watched him dash off and return with a glass
full of water. She took a sip of the cool liquid and then another. By the
third, she felt calmer and seriously ridiculous.

She looked up to thank him and found him watching her with a
gentle smile. There was something in his eyes, or maybe it was there on his
face, she wasn’t entirely sure what it was except that she saw a flicker of
something that made her feel at ease in his company. For the first time since
she’d woken in a dark room, she felt on stable ground.

Grace took another drink and tried to find a good conclusion
to her time with Hamish, only she was having a difficult time doing it. No
matter how she felt about what they did together or how she’d like to remember
it, this was her life and on it went.

She had a million questions to ask and finally settled on
just one.

“Does he usually leave his guests to wake up terrified to
find they’re all alone in a strange dark room?”

“Never, and trust me, he’ll be very upset when he finds out
you were scared.”

“Oh, come on.”

“No, Grace, please listen to me because I’m giving you the
truth. I won’t put any words into my cousin’s mouth. Trust me. He’s big enough
to tell you what’s on his mind all by himself. However, I will say one thing I
know for sure. The man never went after a woman with such single-mindedness,
until you.”

“I’m sure it’s because no woman walked away from him

“You’re right, there haven’t been many who have turned him
down, but that isn’t why he came after you or why he wanted a friendly face to
greet you when you woke up. For him, you’re in a totally different, never fully
defined, category.”

Lifting the glass to her lips, she watched and listened
carefully to what he had to say. There was an aura of sincerity coming from
him, which made her think he believed wholly in what he was telling her. This
didn’t make it true, though, and Hamish’s absence was speaking louder than his
cousin’s comforting words.

Damn it, when had she become so cynical? This wasn’t like
her at all. Before any further damage was done, it would be for the best if she
cut her losses and left.

“Would you mind calling me a cab? I don’t know the address
and need to get home before heading in to work.”

“Grace, you have to trust me about Hamish.”

“Thank you for everything you’ve had to say, but really it’s
your cousin who needs to do the talking. In the meantime, I left work early
yesterday and should get back. Hamish knows where to find me if he’d like to
explain his behavior.”

An odd look came across Alain’s face. If she didn’t know
better, she’d say he was trying not to laugh.


“Well, Grace, you’ve actually been here for two days.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“No, I’m not. The charity ball was Friday night, Saturday
Hamish came to apologize to you and apparently brought you back here. It’s now
almost eleven o’clock on Monday morning.”

“What did that man do to me?”


“Stop! Don’t answer that. I
what we did, what I
meant was where did all that time go? Ooo!”

“Do you want me to answer that one?”

“No, please don’t. All I ask is that you call a cab so I can
get home and try to get back to reality.”

“I’ll drive you myself.” Any sign of a smile had been wiped
from his face.

“That isn’t necessary.”

“Of course it is, so please, do us both a favor and don’t
bother arguing.”

“Fine, not many people would be willing to drive to Old Bond
Street in the middle of the day.”

“That’s where your shop is, where do you live?”

“My apartment here in London is above the shop.”

BOOK: HighlandHeat
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