Read Highlander's Bride: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 1) Online

Authors: Joanne Wadsworth

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Ancient World, #Medieval, #Scottish, #Historical Romance

Highlander's Bride: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 1) (17 page)

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Chapter 10


Sprawled naked across Ronan’s chest within their golden canopied bed at Carron Castle, the warmth from the crackling fireplace washing over her, Kyla had never felt so blissfully at rest, no matter the late hour of the night.

“I’m surprised Isaiah and Grace finally allowed us to leave the great hall.” Ronan played his fingers through her hair, his muscled body rippling with strength underneath hers.

“You tossed me over your shoulder and carted me upstairs so fast you didnae even give them a chance to wrestle you to the ground as they did last eve.” A week her parents had been here and during that time they’d all become so much closer.

“I’m getting faster, wiser, and more devious.” He caught her hand and threaded their fingers together before running one thumb over her sparkling sapphire and diamond ring, the gold band having been adjusted by the armorer and its fit now perfect.

“Speaking of being devious.” She wriggled up, hooked one leg over his hips and straddled him. Such intense emotions swamped her, the most wondrous of all being love. It filled her heart and overflowed it. “I’m expecting.”


“We’re going to have a family of our own.”

“Are you certain?” He stared at her flat belly then with slightly shaky hands, rested his palms gently upon her, his touch so reverent. “I see naught.”

“I’m very certain since I’ve no’ had my courses since you returned to claim me. We will be parents ourselves afore too long.”

“Incredible.” A smile lifted his lips as he traced around her breasts then lifted up, his elbows pressed into the mattress as he swept his tongue over one nipple and then the other. “Your breasts are fuller. That I most definitely noticed.”

“They are?”

“Deliciously so.” He sucked her nipple deep inside his mouth and flicked the tip with his tongue before toppling her onto her back and thrusting inside of her so fast, she almost came from his fiercely powerful stroke alone. She certainly fought to hold onto her control, her body tingling the entire length where they touched.

Gasping for breath, she arched her back, tried to speak only he moved so deeply inside her that she hadn’t a chance of forming a word. With no other choice, she gave herself fully over to their love, held onto him in every way, with both her body and her mind.

Aye, since the day of her birth, she’d been bound to him and would be until the very end of time. Her mate, her chosen one, the man who’d made her his bride.


Chapter 11


Standing cloaked and unseen on the battlements of Carron Castle, Cherub gazed out over the rippling waters of Loch Carron with Kirk at her back, his deliciously strong arms wrapped snugly around her. The full moon blazed within the midnight sky and the air swirled and brought to her all the secrets it held.

Soon a new day would dawn, one overflowing with an abundance of hope as never before. Ronan and Kyla, currently ensconced in their chamber while the rest of their kin feasted in the great hall, had begun to bridge the gap between two warring clans, and now ’twas most certainly time for the fae to live. Duncan and Coll included.

“Ronan has completed his hunt. Where to next, my elusive imp?” Kirk twirled her around to face him then smothered her in his heavenly heat, his body a shield of strength around hers. “Do you sense any more lost souls this night?”

“I do, and that of two men, one right here at Carron Castle and the other still searching MacKenzie land in his quest to gather more warriors to his cause.”

“You mean Duncan and Coll?”

“Aye, they’ve been so loyal to their fae kind even though I never knew it, and they shall be the ones to lead clan MacKenzie forward into a new future, although soon they’ll feel the urge to seek out their chosen ones and when they do, you and I will be right here on hand to guide them in the right direction. ’Tis time they learnt more about their mother’s Matheson clan, that we fae always stand beside our own. Beth may no’ be here to care for them, but we are.”

“Then this is one mission I cannae wait for.” He seized her mouth with his, his desire flaring hot and strong, the same as her desire flared for him.

“Neither can I.” She laughed and sent them both soaring high into the skies and toward the radiant stars above, her heart and soul singing at the incredible joy of having her chosen one with her. This is what she wanted for all of her fae kind, for them to bind their mates to them, her duty one she’d never release.

Aye, aiding both Duncan and Coll in their coming hunts would be a chase of the most delicious sort. What a journey those two men had ahead of them, one of discovery and love, of learning when to battle, and when to accept fate.

Sweet love. May it soon be theirs too.


Coming Next in This Series


Highlander’s Caress, (Book 2)

Duncan’s Story

Available late May 2016


Love these characters and want more?


Don’t miss
The Matheson Brothers
Clan Matheson
series where I bring you stories from across time and those within the Matheson fae village.


Begin with
The Matheson Brothers
, (
3 Book Series

Then continue with
Clan Matheson,
3 Book Series


In particular, you can read about Ronan and Niall’s initial capture in
Highlander’s Sword
, Annella and Alec’s story.


* * * *

If you don’t wish to miss any of my upcoming releases, both within this series and others, then feel free to sign up to my newsletter to catch those dates.

Author’s Note


In the twelfth century, clan Matheson settled around the area of Loch Alsh, Loch Carron, and Kintail, and gave their allegiance to clan MacDonald whose chiefs were the Lords of the Isles. Clan Matheson became a large and powerful clan with a force of around two-thousand men, although by the middle of the sixteenth century they’d diminished greatly in size and influence due to the blood feuds raging across the isles at that time. This warring left them to possess less than a third of their original Matheson property on Loch Alsh.

It's also well known in history that clan Matheson also forged an alliance with clan MacKenzie during the middle ages, which meant at times the two clans fought side by side, yet also against each other when clan Matheson found themselves stuck in the middle of the feuding between the MacDonalds and the MacKenzies. Within this series titled
The Fae,
my hope is to capture the difficulties faced between these two great clans, and all while spinning stories in my own unique way.

Certainly across all the series I’ve written involving the three clans of Matheson, MacKenzie, and MacDonald, I’ve tried my best to show how their feuding and alliances made, moved back and forth throughout the years. I dearly love all these clans, can understand their struggles and losses, their conquests and wins, as well as how they attempted to remain as honorable as they could throughout it all.

This story is woven with as much accuracy to the period and locations as possible, although any mistakes made are mine alone. Please feel free to search for any of my other works. I simply adore strong heroines, and have a ton of fun matching them with their honorable alpha heroes.


Joanne Wadsworth


I love reading romance, but even more, I love to write it. My characters hound me, demanding their stories are told. I’m happy to oblige, giving them the romance they’re after, provided they can accept a little angst and adventure along the way.

In beautiful New Zealand, I live with my hubby and four energetic children, and adore using the stunning countries of Scotland and the South Pacific as backdrops in many of my books. One day I hope to travel further afield, to visit the Scottish Highlands, America, and everywhere between.

With several series underway, I write historical Highlander romances featuring strong heroines whose paths collide with their delicious Highland heroes, as well as fast-paced YA/NA fantasy romance, and heart-pounding romantic suspense.

There is no greater feeling than seeing my characters come to life, so come and join me...where romance meets fantasy and adventure.


To learn more about Joanne and her works, visit:


Amazon Author Page:

Newsletter Signup


For exclusive details on new releases.


The Fae Series


Highlander’s Bride, (
Book 1

Highlander’s Caress, (Book 2) Coming May 2016

Highlander’s Touch, (Book 3) Coming Jul 2016

The Matheson Brothers Series


Highlander’s Desire, (
Book 1

Highlander’s Passion, (
Book 2

Highlander’s Seduction, (
Book 3

Clan Matheson Series


Highlander’s Kiss, (
Book 1

Highlander’s Heart, (
Book 2

Highlander’s Sword, (
Book 3

BOOK: Highlander's Bride: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 1)
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