Hiding Away (Anchored Hearts #1.5) (4 page)

BOOK: Hiding Away (Anchored Hearts #1.5)
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hapter Six


“I’m never going to forgive my sister for this.”  I checked my tie and hair in the mirror backstage.  Why the hell did I let her talk me into coming to this stupid event?  I wasn’t even sure how many bachelors there were and where I was in the lineup.  I spotted James checking his cell phone.  Once he put the phone away he headed my way.

“Calvin, how are you?”  We shook hands.

“Good, man, and you?  Cass know you’re one of the bachelors?”

“Not yet.  Does Jane know you’re up for grabs?”  I shook my head and we had a few laughs.  James told me that the ladies would be all over me, especially Jane.  This just started to sound a little better.  

“Cass told you about Jane?”  I couldn’t help but wonder what gave me away.  

“She did.  You should know one more thing.”  I looked at James interested in what he had to say.  “Jane and I are cousins.  She’s been through a lot in the last year.  Don’t hurt her.”

My jaw clenched at the news.  They were cousins?  Why was it a secret?  I scoffed and told him that I could say the same to him before changing the subject.  “Cassidy’s really done a great job with tonight’s events.” 

“Yes.  She’s excellent at what she does.” 

My ears started burning as I caught his innuendo. 
  “Have you told her yet, James?  I really think she’ll take it better than you think she will.”  James had done so much for Cass these past few months and she was clueless about it.  Then there was Dan.  I couldn’t even think about that fuck-wad without wanting to hunt him down and kill him.  I had confronted James on Monday morning, after spotting his motorcycle parked at my sisters.  Yes, I ran the plates.  I was convinced he was all wrong for my baby sister.  After confronting him and hearing him out, I had decided that I liked the guy. 

  James nodded as the backstage attendant ran over and pulled me to the side of the stage.  I must be up.  James waved his hand at me saying, “We’ll catch up later.  They’ll love you.”

I didn’t care if they loved me.  I said a silent prayer that Jane was still here and prayed she’d save me from these cougars.  The backstage attendant pushed me onto the stage as the MC began describing me.  I’m sure I had Cassidy to thank for the nonsense and the exaggeration of my stats.

“Please welcome Calvin Charles to the stage.  Calvin is 6’3” likes long rides on his Harley, camping, and enjoying the more natural things in life.  Laid back and easy going, he prefers a night in rather than a night out.  You can tell by how well he wears that suit that he’s a fitness buff.  He’s also an elite member of our police squad and an Army Vet.  Ladies let’s hear it for Cal!  Let’s start the bidding at $1000…yes, do I hear $1500, $1750…”

~ JANE ~

Cal walked on stage and I almost began hyperventilating.  He seemed out of his element at first, but as the ladies started cheering for him he loosened up.  Removing his jacket, before throwing it over his shoulder, he started strutting across the stage.  Before I knew it he had removed his tie and threw it at Cassidy.  She was appalled and laughing at the same time.  My eyes went back to Calvin.  He started unbuttoning his shirt and before I could stop myself I yelled out, “$3000!” 

Now in a bidding war with some cougar in the back I was determined that there was no way she was getting him.  He was mine. 
Whoa Crazy, tone it down!
  Cal was smiling at me enthusiastically as he continued to strut his stuff.  The bidding continued to climb and at the moment Calvin was mine for $3750.

“Once, twice, sold!
  Congrats to the lovely lady in red!  I believe the lucky lady is Miss Jane Whitford.  Congrats Jane, and welcome home.” 

Mom was clapping like a giddy schoolgirl, but I couldn’t be bothered with her right now.  I headed over to the side of the stage as Cal walked down the stairs.  He took my hand and led me to the back of the ballroom. 
Oh shit, oh shit.  What did I just do?

“Looks like your mom’s money just came in handy and man, am I ever thankful!  Who knows who I could’ve ended up
with.”  He was grinning from ear to ear and dropped my hand to put his jacket back on.

Knowing that he was teasing me I smiled at him, aware that my pulse was throbbing
.  We both turned our heads to the stage as James was welcomed out.  I should’ve known he was up to something.  Cassidy was probably pissed.  We watched the spectacle that James and my mother put on.  After the bidding was over and James was given to Cassidy, the MC announced all the couples to the dance floor. 

I was about to tell Cal we could skip it when he placed his hand on the small of my back.  “May I have this dance Jane?” 

How could I possibly tell him no?  Nervous beyond belief, I turned to face him once we were on the dance floor.  I hadn’t danced with anyone in, well, I didn’t know how long.  I smiled broadly so he wasn’t aware of how uncomfortable I was.  He wrapped one arm around me as the other held my hand and brought it to his chest.  He placed my hand right over his heart, covering my hand with his.  Placing my free arm on his upper arm, I took a deep breath. 
He smells so good. 

The Sundays
Wild Horses
began playing overhead.
  From the corner of my eye I spotted James and Cassidy kissing.  It warmed my heart.  James had never been one for public displays, so this was huge.  Calvin pulled me closer and I could feel his warm breath on the top of my head.  His hand travelled up and down my back until he found the edge of the dress on my upper back.  His fingers snuck under the fabric and lightly caressed my skin.  A shudder ran through me that I couldn’t subside, but if Cal noticed, he didn’t let on.

Once the song was over I gently pulled away and looked up at him.  Before I could thank him for the dance, he grabbed my hand again and pulled me out of the ballroom.  In the lobby was a photo booth, and he was headed straight for it.

“Oh, no!”

He looked back at me and said, “Oh, yes!”

I tried to resist but I was no match for him.  I
getting my picture taken.  He sat down and his muscled body took up almost the entire booth.

“See, no room!” 

He yanked me onto his lap while saying, “There’s plenty of room.”  He pulled me close and my body stiffened and lit on fire at the same time.  His arm snaked around my waist as he placed it on my thigh.  I was tucked into his side as I viciously pinned my thighs together.  They were between his and my panties grew wetter by the second as my clit pulsed over and over again. 


The pictures started snapping and I was surprised by the flash.  After it was over he pulled the pictures out as we examined them.  I groaned at the look of shock and awe on my face.

“Alright, let’s try this again.”

“What?  No thank you.”  I tried to get up and he started laughing. 

“Camera shy?”  I nodded and he said, “Just have some fun.  We can make silly faces.”  I groaned but didn’t resist him as he pulled me back down to his lap.  He leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Smile pretty.” 

His hot breath had me quaking and I felt myself blush.  Kissing my cheek, the first flash went off and then he proceeded to start tickling my hip which set me off.  When it was over we had some pretty cute pics.  He put them in his front chest pocket before I could put them in my purse.

“You can fight me for them later.”  He winked at me as I stared into his beautiful blue eyes.  Those dimples of his should be categorized as lethal weapons.

I swore he was about to kiss me when some drunk cougar threw open the curtain.  “Sorry, are you done?”

“Sure thing, we got our pics.”  Cal responded before I could.  He placed his hands on my hips and pushed me out of the booth, walking right behind me.  He led me back to the ballroom and out to the terrace. 

We didn’t get any alone time the rest of the night.  Mom wouldn’t leave Cal alone and I think he liked the attention.  She made sure to introduce him to everyone she knew.  After a few hours most of the crowd had disappeared. 

“You want to get out of here?  No expectations.”  I couldn’t speak just nodded my approval.  “Let me go say bye to Cass.  I’ll be right back.”

Watching as he made his way through the ballroom to Cassidy, I started giving myself a pep talk.  I reminded myself that he looked like fun, and that was all I wanted, a little fun, nothing more.  Before I knew it, he made his way back to me and grabbed my hand, yanking me toward the nearest exit.

We walked hand in hand to the parking garage and once we reached his truck, he opened the door for me and I hopped up in my seat.  He climbed in behind the wheel and started it up, turning down the radio before I could identify what country song was playing.  It was definitely country though. 

“So where to Jane?”

His question caught me off guard.  “Umm, well my place isn’t an option.”  I was wringing my hands together in my lap.  I knew where I wanted to go and was working up the courage to say it when he asked if his place was ok. 
“As long as you behave.” 

“Scouts honor.”  I laughed at his response as he pulled out onto the dark city streets.




hapter Seven

~ JANE ~

When we made it to his place and inside, he offered me a beer or water and I opted for a little liquid courage.  “Do you have anything stronger?”  He seemed a little surprised with my question and opened up the freezer. 

Laughing he said, “All I have is some blue fruity shit Cass left in the freezer.”  He waved the bottle at me and I agreed.  It would have to do.

“Hit me!”  He pulled out a shot glass and filled it to the top.  I slammed it back and said, “Again!”  His expression said he wasn’t sure, and I said, “I’ve had water all night.  Hit me.”  Licking my lips as I set the glass back down, for the second time, I was aware of his eyes on my lips.  “I’ll take that water now.”


Reaching into the fridge he pulled out a bottle and handed it to me.  I grabbed the bottle and went and sat on the couch.  He removed his tuxedo jacket and threw it on a bar stool before sitting down in the middle of the couch.  Not too close, but not too far away.  We sat in complete silence just staring at each other before he spoke.

“So since you purchased me what do you plan to do with me?”  His tone was completely serious but his eyes were teasing.  And those damn dimples were mocking me. 

“I haven’t decided yet!”  I could tease back too. 

“So tell me about yourself.  Likes, dislikes, favorite foods.”

We spent the next hour or two chatting like the best of friends.  While I became completely relaxed with him, conversation wasn’t why I went home with him.  I was looking for some fun.  Maybe he didn’t feel the same way.  There was only one way to find out.  I decided to go big or go home.

I looked right at him, never losing eye contact and said, “So what does a girl have to do to get a kiss around here?”  I swore his pupils dilated before he started laughing. 

God dammit! 
That’s not how I was expecting that to go.  Blushing, I turned away.  Contemplating whether or not I should leave and how I was going to get home.  I then felt him slide closer to me.  I felt him lightly pull on the ends of my hair and it sent a shiver down my neck.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh.” 

Putting my ‘everything is fine’ smile on my face I looked up to find his face only inches from mine.  My breath caught as I softly said, “Its ok.  I just thought you wanted to but were afraid.”

He tucked some hair behind my ear and searched my face.  “Jane, I’ve wanted to kiss you since last Saturday when you walked into my sister’s living room.”

“So what are you waiting for?”  I could feel my breathing quicken and my panties grew damp.

“I like the element of surprise!” 

He leaned in a little closer and I could feel his hot breath on my lips.  He was fucking teasing me and I loved it.  Cal continued to play with my hair and leaned in and kissed my cheek.  Jesus, he was going to kill me with angst.  Not sure where to put my hands, I placed them on his shoulders and began rubbing my thumbs over his collar bones.  Working his way back to my ear, his hot breath undid me.  I let out a guttural moan.  I don’t think I had ever been so turned on in my life.

“I’m convinced you’re trying to kill me.”  I was panting against his neck and enjoying his smell.  I let my tongue slip out and licked him from the base of his neck up to his ear.  I was about to suck his ear into my mouth when he pried me off of him.  Shocked, I wasn’t sure what was going on. 

I started to pull away when he said, “Surprise.”

Before my muddled brain could process that he was teasing me, his lips came down on mine.  His hands were on the side of my face, holding me to him, before they sunk into the hair at the back of my neck.  His lips were soft and warm, seeking permission to consume me.  I moved my hands to the stubble on his cheeks as his tongue lightly traced my upper lip.

It was all I needed to lose control.  I opened my mouth to him while moaning.  My tongue sought out his as we both fought for control.  Gently, I sucked his bottom lip between my teeth, gently bit down, and he groaned.  Pushing him away from me forcefully, he opened his eyes startled.  I climbed onto his lap before pouncing on his lips once more.

“I like surprises too,” panting as I settled into his lap. 

His hands dug into my hips at my words and pulled me closer to him as I felt him smile against my mouth.  My lips were already tender and I was quite aware of his arousal beneath me.  I could feel my dress twist higher up my thighs as I pressed myself closer to him.  Finally his hands began to travel over my body.  Up and down my sides and around to my back, his hands were large and possessive.  My breasts were aching as I silently begged for him to squeeze them. 

Slowly his hands moved from my back to my front and cupped my breasts in unison.  I couldn’t help the moan of unreserved approval that escaped my lips.  I kissed my way across his face and down to his neck, nipping and sucking as I went.


God my name sounded hot coming from his mouth.  I lifted my head to look at him.  His eyes were questioning me and I said, “Yes.”  

I climbed off his lap, stood and grabbed his hand as he stood.  He led me toward a hallway and up some stairs.  As we passed the bathroom I released my hand from his, causing him to look at our hands and then to me.

“Just give me a minute.  I’ll meet you in there.”  He nodded as I closed the bathroom door.

After I took a deep breath I looked in the mirror.  My lips were swollen and I couldn’t get the smile off my face. 
You can do this!  He’s not Derek.  He’s a fucking hot ass cop.  Just some fun, you wanted some fun. 
I took a deep breath again before leaving the bathroom. 

I made my way to the room with the light on and found him with his back to me.  He turned as he heard my heels click on his hardwood floors.  His shirt was completely unbuttoned and he was undoing the cuffs.  I walked to him and started to guide the shirt off his shoulders.  He was wearing a tank underneath and as I pushed the tuxedo shirt further down his arms, tattoos greeted my hungry eyes.  He was covered in ink and it was the sexiest fucking thing I’d ever seen and never expected.

“Wow.”  It was the only word I could form.

I looked to his eyes and he just smirked, flashing those dimples at me.

BOOK: Hiding Away (Anchored Hearts #1.5)
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