Hidden (To Love A Killer #1) (7 page)

BOOK: Hidden (To Love A Killer #1)
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              The light must have changed in the apartment. The sun must have shifted because she could see Ash’s face completely free of shadows, all the features, the texture of his skin. He was no longer in silhouette. She gazed up at his lips. She had never been more comfortable than she was in his arms. She raised her gaze to meet his, and stared deeply into his steel blue eyes.

              He leaned in, his eyes gently closing as he did so, and gently pressed his smooth lips against Hunter’s, kissing her. She yielded, hungry for the caress of his lips against hers, eager to feel his soft tongue explore the curves of her desiring mouth.

              It took Hunter’s breath away. Ash’s lips were absolutely exquisite. The way he brushed them over hers, sliding smoothly across her upper lip, then lower, sent waves of warmth rippling through her. He seemed to breath her in with the ebb and flow of each kiss. She had never felt so desired, so at home, at peace, content, as she did in Ash’s arms, melting into his tender kisses.

              He held her tightly still, though his large hands rubbed up the length of her back, relaxing every inch of her. He then ran his hands down the length of her, pulling her even closer. Hunter brushed her fingertips down the side of his face, over the gentle arch of his cheekbone until her index finger rounded the curve of his jawline in a slow smooth caress. 

              His lips tasted salty, with a hint of cigarettes, a lingering flavor that reminded Hunter of life on the streets. He tasted rugged and masculine. A total bad boy. Yet she knew he wasn’t, not really. He was her protector, and it turned her on to no end.

              He could tell she wanted more, and so did he. Ash wanted to roll on top of her. He wanted to pull her skirt down, and have all of her, sinking his hips between hers, claiming his place inside her.

              But they had a lot to figure out. And they needed to be well rested to deal with whatever attacks might be coming their way. They needed to sleep, to stay sharp, to be prepared.

              “Hunter, we have to get some sleep,” he whispered after freeing his lips from hers. “It’s so important. Can you close your eyes for me and find sleep?”

              Hunter exhaled, sinking into his arms, and nodded her head. She was tired anyway. Her eyelids would barely stay open on their own.

              She let Ash roll her over to her other side so he could cradle her tightly from behind. She felt safe and warm, and eventually sleep wound around her gently in a downward spiral towards the peaceful recesses of deep rest.

              For a long while Ash lay awake holding Hunter in his protective grasp.

              If only she knew why he was really here. Would she love him? Or would hate fill her heart?

Chapter Five

              By the time Hunter woke up the apartment was flooded in daylight. It was so bright she had to squint, slowly allowing the brightness into her eyes in order to glance around the room. The white walls were glaring, so she pinched her eyes closed for a moment, getting her bearings.

              Her walls were normally dull yellow, not white, and she had pictures and photos placed sporadically around the studio. Something wasn’t right.

              Then it all came flooding back, the long night with Ash, showering in his apartment, falling asleep in his arms. She must be really groggy. She needed to shake off the sleep.

              At least she had slept well. She felt rested. Whatever exhaustion had accumulated inside of her over the months felt completely gone.

              She rolled over onto her back, curious if Ash was still there. He was. She face the length of his bare back, glanced along the slight curve where his waist met his hips, a spot so sexy it begged to be touched. She reached out, placing her palm flat against the surface of his body, feeling the warmth. She didn’t want to wake him, but couldn’t resist sliding in close, and tracing her fingertips down his arm.

              Ash laid there with his eyes awake, savoring Hunter’s soft touch. It was sweet how she was touching him delicately, believing he was still asleep. He wondered what else she might do, but there probably wasn’t time to find out. Ash knew they should get up, regroup, and make a plan.

              He needed to connect with Twitch. It had greatly concerned him last night that Hunter had witnessed his little friend get beaten in the alley, and it had concerned him even more when Twitch didn’t responded to any of Ash’s text messages. Twitch hadn’t even answered up his phone. Ash had always told himself not to get personally involved, not everyone would make it, but he was starting to seriously worry about Twitch.

              But Hunter’s hands on him were making it difficult to get motivated. She was running her long fingers through his hair, combing back the shaggy strands. It was relaxing, arousing, and Ash liked how his body was stiffening in response, growing hard for her, resuming where they had left off the night before.

              He rolled over onto his back, facing her, and before she knew it he was holding her gently at the nape of her neck. His fingers tangled in her hair, his grip strong and commanding, his eyes brooding with darkness, smoldering with desire. The edges of his mouth curled slightly at the corners in a way that drove her wild. He had something on his mind, she could tell based on his expression, and whatever he was thinking, it didn’t reach farther than this bed. It didn’t go beyond her body.

              Ash gently guided her face close to his. He brushed his lips across her cheek, breathing in deeply the scent of her skin. Finally, his lips found hers. She was so incredibly soft. Her skin smelled sweet and feminine. It had grown familiar to him. She was starting to feel like his.

              Hunter couldn’t help but smile as he lifted her on top of him. The shape of his body beneath her sent a rush of warmth rippling through her core until eventually she began throbbing in heat.

              They kissed, nose to nose and lips to lips, staring deeply into each other’s eyes. His body felt hot and hard under her. His chest was straight and smooth, muscular and firm, his legs long and delicious. His boxer-briefs left little to the imagination in terms of his size. Feeling him grow bigger in response to her resting weight on top of him made Hunter wet for his touch. 

              “You’re beautiful,” he said so quietly it was barely more than an exhale.

              She lowered, pressing her lips against his perfect mouth, and kissed him again. They seemed to breathe each other in as their lips moved, gliding over each other’s, exploring the curves of their rhythmic kisses.

              Her legs fell open, spreading around his hips, falling to the mattress, resting snuggly on the outside of his legs. Their bodies were aligned in a flawless fit. He felt so good. Hunter began thrusting her hips almost without realizing it. Her body was taking on a mind of its own. It was as though they were created for each other. 

              His hands ran the length of her back, pressing firmly into her muscles, massaging her into an erotic state. A slight moan escaped her lips. To Ash it was the sweetest sound. He wanted to know what other sounds he could get out of her.

              When he drew her back up, lifting her so that Hunter rose straddling him, Ash slid his warm hands under her tee. His fingers clipped her bra.

              It crossed Hunter’s mind to take her shirt off, and maybe her bra.

              Ash’s hands found their way back down the length of her body, lowering further and further down until they were cupped around her ass. He held her tightly against him, squeezing her ass. Hunter could feel him straining through his jeans, growing hard for her. His bulge was pressing into the aching heat between her legs. He continued squeezing and releasing her ass in a tender, massaging rhythm. The heat was mounting, aching sweetly between her legs. The combination of his lips on hers as he kissed her more and more deeply, and his hands caressing her body was making Hunter feel like she wanted to go with him wherever he was thinking in this moment. He felt too good. He was too sexy. There was no way she could hold back.

              She pulled her tee off, lifting up momentarily. Her black bra, the thin lace of the cups, the gradual hardening of her nipples beneath, all amounted to an extremely sexy sight. Ash didn’t want her to move. He liked looking up at her. He held her hips and instinctively she sat up taller, arching her back, pressing her breasts out, rocking her straddling hips more sensuously against him.

              Looking up at Hunter, seeing her wild mane of brown hair fall in waves over her shoulders, studying the curves and roundness of her petite breasts through the black lace, tracing the smoothness of her soft stomach with his eyes, made Ash rock hard and throbbing in need for her. He wanted her so badly. He had wanted her ever since he first laid eyes on her. She was a creature unlike any other, and he felt instinctively that she was made for him. She was smoldering. Her gaze was intoxicating. The way she was looking down at him made him hungry. He wanted to lift her, pull her panties aside, and penetrate her. He wanted to watch her expression shift from surprise to pleasure, a reaction he hoped she would enjoy as her body would get used to having him deep within her.

              Hunter’s hips began to thrust on their own, almost as if she had no control of the effect he was having on her. She could feel that she was slippery wet for him. The sweet ache between her legs was starting to burn, pulse, throb in need of being filled. It was a fiery heat that only Ash could put out.

              All of a sudden, there was a harsh pounding on the apartment door. It startled Hunter, who froze, staring down at Ash with wide eyes confused at who would be outside, knocking on his front door.

              “It’s okay,” he whispered as he motioned for her to climb off so he could get up and see who was there.

              Hunter found her tee and quickly pulled it over her head. Then she scurried to the far side of the studio and put her heels on. She had left her gun in the alcove where the milk crate met the radiator, so with a few quick paces she reclaimed the weapon, tucking it back into her purse and slinging the bag, across her body and over her shoulder. Her heart was racing. She couldn’t believe Ash hadn’t collected himself in the same manner.

              He stood barefoot and in his boxer-briefs in front of his door, face pressed against the peephole. Again, the person on the other side pounded loudly, three harsh bangs. Hunter couldn’t see much from her vantage point in the studio space behind Ash, but she kept her hand on her gun anyway.

              Ash glanced over his shoulder at her. She couldn’t quite read his expression, but he didn’t seem alarmed. She trusted he would dole out fast and decisive instructions if they were in danger, but he did nothing of the sort. Instead, he unlocked the door, deadbolt and doorknob, with a series of speedy flips and turns, then pulled the steel door open.

              A short man, a kid in fact, fell towards Ash, spilling into the apartment. The kid was unsteady on his feet. He moved with drunken sorts of motions, but after a few seconds of observing him, Hunter realized the kid wasn’t drunk. His left eye was nearly swollen shut, black with bruises. There was blood crusted to the side of his face. His head, which was partially shaved down one side in a punk mohawk, had a deep laceration where short hair met long.

              Ash shut the door behind the kid and locked up before anyone said a word. When he turned back, he guided Twitch to the armchair and sat him down. His friend looked as though he had been walking all night. He looked completely drained, exhausted, and Ash noticed after a long moment of staring down at Twitch that the kid smelled briny and sour. His clothes were damp. The jeans he was wearing seemed to be stiff with water.

              “There’s a first aid kit under the sink,” said Ash to Hunter without so much as turning his head from Twitch.

              “In the bathroom?” she asked.

              “Kitchen, sorry,” he clarified. “Could you get it?”

              He didn’t even have to ask. Hunter had picked up on the implication and was in the kitchen looking for it immediately.

              Twitch squinted up at Ash through his one good eye, though it was also swollen badly and red from blows, ready to say something, but after a long moment of silence still no words came. 

              As Ash looked down at him, he thought he caught Twitch looking surprised, maybe even shocked. Ash kneeled down in front of the little man.

              “Can you talk?” he asked delicately.

              Twitch nodded. It was clear he was saving his voice. His neck was black and blue. The bruises striped across his throat in thick horizontal bands. The men from New Hampshire had wanted Twitch dead. Ash knew beyond a shadow of a doubt judging by the rope marks around his friend’s neck.

              He also knew they had dumped him in the East River. They had probably thought he would die there, drowning.

              “That girl,” Twitch whispered, finally testing whether or not speaking would be too painful. “I know her. I know all of them.”

              Ash didn’t want to have to connect the dots for Twitch. It was more important that he recover. But that wasn’t going to be possible. Twitch knew Hunter, and the second she returned, Ash knew, she was going to realize that as well.

              Twitch shook his head, indicating that it hurt too much to talk. He needed a minute.

              Hunter approached with the first aid kit and handed it to Ash. The little man was staring up at her. His face looked smooth, very young, as though he was someone who probably wouldn’t be able to grow facial hair even if he tried. His mouth was round and his jaw narrow, almost feminine.

              “Remember me?” Twitch asked, having recovered his strength to once again speak. He directed the question at Hunter.

              Hunter continued to stare, but was confused at his familiarity with her. She didn’t think she remembered him from anywhere, but she worked at the coffee shop. It was possible she knew a lot of people.

              “I’m afraid I don’t,” she said, raising her eyebrows, trying to get a read on this kid.

              Ash rummaged through the kit, pulling out alcohol pads and other disinfectants.

              Twitch reached under the neckline of his shirt. His movements were slow and labored, as though it pained him to lift his arm. He winced when he reached deeper down and grunted lowly, as he pulled a long chain up and out from the fabric. Hunter watched as he extracted a necklace, until finally its pendant emerged. It was a bullet. It was exactly like hers.

              “Carolyn?” She asked in a whisper.

              Ash looked up, forgetting the importance of what he was doing.

              Twitch nodded. His eyes floated closed, then opened once again.

              “I thought you were dead,” said Hunter.

              “I was,” he said with a snort of laughter saturated in pain.

              “You cut off all your hair,” said Hunter as she kneeled down beside him, taking his hand, which was little, feminine.

              “It looks better this way,” he said. “You didn’t know I was a dyke?”

              Hunter smiled up at him, as it began to sink in that her childhood friend was alive. He had escaped, just like Hunter did. Hunter had so many questions.

              “When did you get out?” Hunter asked.

              “A year ago or so, I can’t remember. There was no sense of time in that place,” said Twitch, who immediately began coughing.

              After a few heaving coughs into his hand, he spat out blood. Hunter winced at the sight and headed for the bathroom to find a towel or at the very least some toilet paper to clean him up. She couldn’t believe anyone else had escaped. When she had a fresh roll in her hand from under the sink, Hunter turned back.

              “There are a lot of us that got out, Hunter,” he said, calling back towards the bathroom, as Ash wiped the antiseptic down his cheek. “We made it out. After you left, you know, it’s like we saw it was possible. You showed us it wasn’t impossible to escape, and we left.”

BOOK: Hidden (To Love A Killer #1)
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