Read HerEternalWarrior Online

Authors: Marisa Chenery

HerEternalWarrior (3 page)

BOOK: HerEternalWarrior
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“In that case, I’d better hang around to see this knight in
shining armor who saved you from the idiot. So what does Tor look like?”

“Tall, dark, handsome, and as Nick would say, built like a
brick shithouse.”

“Oh, he sounds delicious. I can always go for some eye
candy. You know old married ladies like me need to get some of that every now
and then.”

“As if you don’t have any of that every day. I’ve met your
husband, remember? Malcolm is gorgeous, and you know it.”

Carol laughed. “True, but I can still appreciate other
good-looking men.”

“That’s true,” Kenna said with a laugh.

“And I think your tall, dark and sexy just arrived,” Carol
said as she jerked her head to a spot behind Kenna. “Wow. With that tanned skin
and dark looks, he really is exotic-looking.”

Kenna turned around to see Tor headed toward the reception
desk. “Yeah, he is. Plus, he has a slight accent I can’t place.”

Carol nudged her in the side. “Hon, whatever you do, don’t
let that one go. There aren’t too many like him around, especially ones who
aren’t taken. If you’re not careful some other woman will snap him up.”

She watched Tor come closer. “Don’t worry. I plan to hold on
to him. I just have to make it past this first date.”

“You’ll do fine. He’s about five minutes early, but you can
go. I don’t mind covering until the next shift starts. Have fun.”

“Thanks, Carol,” Kenna said as she grabbed her purse. She
then walked around the counter to meet Tor.

He was dressed in a dark-gray, button-down shirt tucked into
black jeans. He looked sexy as hell. Kenna wanted to sink her hands into the
sides of his thick, black hair and plunder his mouth as she rubbed up against
his sinfully hard body. Her pussy clenched just from thinking about it. Maybe
sleeping with Tor on the first date wasn’t such a bad idea, after all. It had
been a while since a man had given her a good orgasm.

“Hey,” she said as she closed the distance between them.
“You made it.”

Tor smiled, flashing straight, white teeth. “Of course. I
wouldn’t stand you up. Are you ready for our date?”

“Yes. My manager let me leave a little early. So which
restaurant do you want to eat at?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve never eaten here before. You must be the
expert since you work here. Which one do you suggest?”

“How about Tender Steak & Seafood? The steaks are to die
for. I also called and made a reservation just in case you wanted to go there.”

“Okay. Sounds good. And nice thinking ahead to make a
reservation. I never thought of doing it. Shall we go?”

Kenna nodded and fell into step beside Tor. He was so tall
he made her feel short, even in the high heels she wore. Not that that was hard
to do since she was on the short side, anyway. When they reached a group of
people who blocked their way, he took her hand in his and steered her around
them. He kept hold of her even after they’d passed the obstacle. A thrill shot
through Kenna. God, she had to be hard up.

At the restaurant, Kenna gave her name for the reservation
and they were taken to their table. Once they were seated, they opened the
menus in front of them. She already knew what she wanted, but the food here was
on the pricey side. And she didn’t want to order too much just in case Tor
hadn’t expected to come to a place like this.

As if he’d known what she thought, Tor said, “Order whatever
you want. Don’t worry about the prices. I have more than enough on me to cover
the bill.”

If he insisted, she’d be more than happy to oblige. “All
right. Then I’m going to have the raw oysters to start, then the porterhouse

Tor’s gaze met hers across the table. “I guess I’d better
have the oysters as well. Them supposedly being an aphrodisiac and all, I don’t
want to be left out if you’re eating some.”

He gave her a sexy look that had Kenna’s toes trying to curl
inside her shoes. She hadn’t even thought about what oysters were known for.
She just loved them and had them whenever the opportunity came up, which wasn’t
very often since they were expensive. She swallowed and licked her suddenly dry
lips. Tor’s gaze seemed to follow the movement of her tongue. A jolt of desire
shot through her in response.

Their waiter came and took their orders, then left them
alone again. Kenna was the first to break the silence that had fallen between
them. “So, you never said if you were a guest here or not.”

Tor shook his head. “I’m not. I live in Las Vegas.”

“Do you come to the Luxor often? I don’t remember seeing you

“No, I don’t. Actually, today is the first time I’ve come
inside the hotel. I’ve driven by it many times, though.”

“Not into the casino scene?”

“No,” he said with a chuckle. “I’m not into gambling. I
thought I’d finally see what the Luxor looked like from the inside.”

“Well, I’m glad you did. I have to thank you again for
getting rid of that guy. Though he did call later and complain to my manager.
He wanted me suspended without pay, and you and others like you never allowed
inside the Luxor.”

Tor laughed. The deep baritone of it went straight through
Kenna to her pussy. Seeing this date end with Tor and her in bed together
looked better and better.

“He did?” Tor asked, still chuckling. “What did your manager

“I’m sure she told him the exact same thing I did. She also
thought he was an idiot. I love my job, interacting with all the different
people who come to the hotel, but there can be some who I wish wouldn’t come

“I guess.”

Tor and Kenna fell silent as the waiter brought them their
appetizer of oysters. Kenna’s mouth watered just looking at them. She loved
seafood. She picked up the wedge of lemon on her plate and squeezed the juice
over the oysters. That done, she lifted the first one to her mouth and sucked
it down, tipping the shell to get all of the liquid still on it. Once finished,
she licked her lips and reached for the second. Before it met her lips, Kenna
looked over at Tor. He hadn’t touched his first one yet. His gaze appeared
glued on her.

“You’re not eating your oysters,” she said as she placed the
one she held onto her plate. “Have you had them before?”

“Yes, I have, and I like them. I was just enjoying watching
you savor yours.”

Kenna’s cheeks heated, and not from embarrassment at the
thought of Tor watching her so intently. No, they warmed with arousal. The way
he looked at her, appearing to focus solely on her, had her thinking about
doing dirty things to him. Like run her tongue over every inch of his skin and
taking his cock into her mouth to see just how far she could push him before he
lost control. She squeezed her legs together under the table, trying to
alleviate some of the ache that built deep inside her pussy. Yup, she’d gone
too long without sex.

Feeling a bit naughty, Kenna picked up the second oyster
again and brought it to her mouth. She slowly parted her lips and tipped her
head back and allowed gravity to slide it inside. She swallowed it down with
the juice, then licked her lips with a satisfied sigh. Tor made a quiet sound
that almost sounded like a groan. Kenna smiled to herself. If he was going to
get to her, she was going to get to him. It was only fair.

Tor pounded back his oysters in no time flat while Kenna
took her time, eating each one as she had the second. Once she’d finished all
six, the waiter appeared with their main course.

Kenna and Tor talked about everyday things, learning more about
each other. Though she found he didn’t talk too much about himself and that she
seemed to tell him more about her family and what her life had been like
growing up than he did about his. What he said in regards to his childhood was
very little and vague at best. One thing she did learn about Tor was that he
was considered rich and worked most nights. At what, she wasn’t entirely sure
since he sort of sidestepped the whole question about his actual career. Not
that she really cared. If he didn’t want to talk about his work, that was his
decision. It didn’t make him any less attractive to her.

“I guess since you have to work tonight, you’ll want to
leave after we finish our meals,” she said, hoping that wouldn’t be the case.

“No.” Tor reached across the table and captured Kenna’s
hand. “I don’t have to work until it’s dark. There is still time for me to get
you alone somewhere and have you all to myself.”

Kenna swallowed, riding out a wave of desire. “Then how
about you come to my apartment?”

Chapter Three


Tor grinned, more than pleased with Kenna’s offer. He
enjoyed being with her, and given the fact she’d turned him on while eating her
oysters, he couldn’t wait to get her alone and kiss her senseless. And he was
pretty sure she’d known exactly what she’d done to him. He’d seen the hint of a
knowing look on her face as she’d sucked back each one.

Now he sat with his napkin strategically placed over his lap
to hide the raging hard-on he wasn’t sure he’d be able to tame before they got
up to leave. So far everything he’d tried, picturing the most mundane of
things, hadn’t brought his wayward cock under control. He couldn’t remember
aching so badly for a woman as he did for Kenna.

Bringing his thoughts back to her question, he said, “Sure,
I’d love to go to your place.”

She gave him a smile that was downright sexy. “Good. I have
some beer in the fridge. I’m not much of a wine drinker so I don’t have any. I
hope that’s okay.”

“Beer is fine. I prefer it.” In ancient Egyptian times, Tor
had drunk a lot of beer. It was a big part of his culture. And he was pleased
Kenna preferred it as well. Something they had in common.

After they finished eating, Tor caught their waiter’s
attention and asked for the bill. He paid it, leaving a generous tip for their
server, before he guided Kenna out of the restaurant. He walked them toward the
hotel’s exit.

“You can follow me to my place,” Kenna said as they headed
for the parking lot.

“All right.”

Once they arrived, Tor couldn’t help noticing how Kenna’s
steps had slowed and that she seemed to keep searching the area as if she
expected someone to jump out at her.

“Is anything wrong?” he asked, not sure he would like the
answer. He hadn’t forgotten how he’d first seen Kenna here in this parking lot
being accosted by an evildoer wielding a knife, trying to rob her. She
shouldn’t remember anything from that night. He’d wiped it from her mind.

Kenna gave him a half smile. “I’m fine. For some reason the
past three days, I’ve had a weird feeling wash over me when I come here. And
the strange thing is it only happens when it’s at the end of my shift. I’m fine
when I arrive in the morning. I haven’t a clue why I feel so freaked out.”

Tor wasn’t sure if that was normal or not. He hadn’t exactly
sought out a mortal after he’d wiped their memory of him to find out if they
had echoes of what he’d taken. He figured it could be possible, but it also
could be just Kenna who experienced it. Could it be a sign she was his mate and
that eventually she’d remember what he’d wiped from her mind? Until he knew for
sure whether she was his or not, he’d have to watch her, though he wouldn’t be
able to wipe her in this form. He could only do that while in his half-human
and half-jackal one. And with no evildoer around, he wouldn’t be shifting any
time soon.

“Hopefully it will pass,” he said as he walked with her down
a row of cars.

“I hope so. I don’t like the feeling. I’m not usually the
skittish type.” Kenna stopped at a silver sedan. “Here I am.”

“I’m just over there.” He pointed to his red sports car at the
end of the row.

“Nice car. Makes mine look like a rust bucket,” Kenna said
with a chuckle. “When we get to my apartment, you can park in the visitors
parking, then get in my car. It will be easier if we both take the elevator
from the garage.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Tor waited until Kenna had her car unlocked before he
hurried over to his. Once they were on the road, he easily kept up with her.
Since Kenna’s building was located close to the Strip, it didn’t take them very
long to arrive at her place. As she’d instructed, he parked in the visitors
parking, then got into the passenger side of her sedan for the ride down to the

They took the elevator there up to Kenna’s floor. She led
him to her apartment and unlocked the door before she stepped inside. Tor
followed her in, pushing the door closed behind him. Her place was light and
airy-looking. The flooring was white slate tiles and the walls had been painted
cream. There was a matching black suede couch and loveseat with an LCD TV
hanging on one wall.

“Make yourself at home,” Kenna said as she led him into the
living room. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to get out of my work clothes and
change into something more comfortable.”

Tor would have loved nothing more than to ask her if he
could come with her and help her take off her clothes, maybe even suggest she
just stay naked, which would definitely be more comfortable. But he said
nothing of the sort. It was a little too soon for that. Maybe after they’d had
a beer he could steer things in that direction.

“Go ahead,” he replied. “I’ll wait right here.” Tor took a
seat on the couch.

As Kenna disappeared down the short hallway off the living
room, she said, “You can watch some TV while you wait. The remote is on the
coffee table.”

Tor reached for the remote and switched on the television.
He needed the distraction. Knowing Kenna was in her bedroom undressing, he
could almost picture what she’d look like under each article of clothing she
took off. His cock, which had settled down enough back in the restaurant to not
embarrass him, went rock hard once more. If he didn’t get to touch her soon, he
was going to lose his mind. Her scent, the way she teased him, drove him crazy.

A few minutes later, Kenna came back wearing a pair of black
yoga pants and a pink t-shirt. Her feet were bare. She went to the kitchen and
took out two bottles of beer, then headed back to the living room.

Tor accepted the one she held out to him. “If you want a
glass, I can get you one,” she said as she sat beside him. “I usually just drink
mine out of the bottle.”

A woman after his own heart. “So do I.”

“So, what are you watching?” she asked, then took a sip of
her beer.

He had no idea. He really hadn’t paid too much attention to
what had come up on the screen. “I was just flipping through the channels.”

“I have The Movie Channel. Why don’t we see if something
good is playing?”

Tor nodded and passed Kenna the remote. Their fingers met
and a shot of awareness surged through him. He took a swallow of his beer,
hoping it would calm him down a bit. Having her next to him, her scent filling
his nose with each move she made, made him hunger for Kenna even more.

He forced himself to focus on the TV. Kenna turned it to an
action flick, one he’d seen before. It was one he’d enjoyed. Tor actually watched
a fair amount of television, mostly movies. Being alone with no others to
associate with, there really weren’t a whole lot of things he could do to
entertain himself. He could only work out so much, and the internet wasn’t
really his thing.

“I think we just missed the beginning of the movie,” Kenna
said. “Is that okay? Or do you want me to find one that’s just starting?”

“No, this is fine. I’ve seen this one before. It’s good.”

Kenna put the remote on the coffee table, then settled back
on the couch. She sat so close she was right up against Tor. They silently
drank their beer. All the while, Tor couldn’t ignore her presence. No longer
able to take it, he lifted his arm and put it around Kenna’s shoulders. She
shifted, snuggling closer to his side and rested the back of her head on his
chest. She fit against him perfectly as if she’d been made for him.

Tor bent his head and smelled Kenna’s hair. The scent of
some exotic-smelling fruit filled his nose. He closed his eyes and breathed
deeper, dragging it farther into his lungs. She pressed closer and placed a
hand on his thigh. His cock jerked when she used her fingers to draw circles on
his leg. If he got any harder his shaft would bust the zipper on his jeans.

His heart rate sped up even more as Kenna changed from
drawing circles to running her hand up and down his thigh. With each pass up,
she came closer and closer to his dick. Tor found it hard to just sit there and
let her do what she did to him, but he liked it at the same time. He wanted her
to touch him. Wanted her hands all over him, touching and stroking.

His breath punched out of him and he stiffened in
anticipation as Kenna’s fingers came within a hairsbreadth from touching the
tip of his cock. Then she made contact. Tor heard a quiet, breathy sigh escape
her, and she used the tip of a finger to run over the full length of him.

That small sound along with her light touch pushed him to
the point where he couldn’t sit there any longer without acting on his arousal.
Tor turned his head to see Kenna looked at him. With a groan, he lowered his
lips to hers. He kept it gentle at first, but when she kissed him back and
nipped his lower lip, he claimed her mouth fully.

Somehow, he managed to put his beer on the table, then hers,
all the while kissing Kenna as if his life depended on it. With both hands now
free, Tor angled her toward him and shifted them both so they lay stretched out
on the couch with him on top of her.

She opened her thighs wide to cradle his hips. Tor’s cock
came in direct contact with her pussy. Even through their pants she felt good.
He ground against her as he fed from her mouth, pushing his tongue between her
lips, thoroughly tasting her. Kenna lifted her hands and threaded her fingers
through the sides of his hair. She held him exactly where she wanted him,
kissing him with a fervor that ramped up his libido.

Tor reached between them and palmed her breast. Her taut
nipple brushed against his palm. Kenna moaned and arched her back, pressing
herself tighter into his grip. He wanted to suck on the tight bud.

He lifted his head and stared into Kenna’s blue-green eyes.
“If you want me to stop, tell me now, because I want more of you and might not
be able to do so later.”

“Don’t stop,” she said in a breathy voice. “I want this. I
want you.”

His cock throbbed at her words. All the blood in his body
seemed to be centered there. Tor took hold of the bottom of Kenna’s t-shirt and
dragged it up and over her head. He tossed it away as he stared down at her
pink-lace-covered breasts. The twin mounds were more than a handful, her rosy
nipples barely visible through the almost sheer material. They were gorgeous
and he couldn’t wait to have them in his mouth.

He pushed his hands under her and found the clasp on her
bra. He undid it and pulled his hands out so he could push the straps down her
arms. Once they were free, he tossed the undergarment in the same direction as
her t-shirt had gone. Tor bent his head and laved a nipple with the flat of his
tongue. Kenna moaned, her fingers sinking into his hair again.

Tor brushed his lips across the tight bud before he sucked
it into his mouth. Kenna’s nails dug into his scalp as she held him to her, her
hips lifting to rock her pussy against his erection. He ached to free himself,
but he wanted to explore Kenna’s body first.

He switched to her other breast and paid it the same
attention as he had to the first. Kenna’s moans grew louder, her breath coming
in gasps. As he continued to suck on her nipple, he trailed a hand down to the
waistband of her yoga pants. He shifted so he was on his side and pushed the
material down past her hips. Kenna wiggled as she helped him take the pants all
the way off.

Tor released her nipple and gazed at her body. She was
perfectly made with curves in all the right places. He ran a hand down her ribs
to her belly, which quivered under his touch. Continuing his downward trail, he
reached the top of her panties, which matched the bra. He ran his finger along
the waistband before he dragged his hand down the front of her panties until he
reached between her legs. It was his turn to moan when he felt the wetness
there. She was wet enough to soak through the material.

He lifted his head to look at Kenna. “If I take these off
you, I’m going to taste you. Lick you until I get my fill.”

“God, yes,” she said. “Do it. Make me come with your mouth.”

He didn’t have to be told twice. With a couple of jerks the
lacy bit of material was pulled off and Kenna was completely naked. Wanting
some skin-to-skin contact, Tor quickly undid his button-down shirt with one
hand. Kenna helped pull it off. He then settled on top of her once again.

After taking her lips until she tugged at his hair, Tor
slowly kissed a trail down the side of her neck to her collarbone. He shifted
lower on her body and gave each nipple a suck on his way down. The smell of her
arousal filled his head, making him feel almost drunk. Down farther he went,
swirling his tongue inside her bellybutton before dragging it to her hip.

He shifted even farther down the couch, wedging his shoulders
between Kenna’s spread thighs. He looked at her pussy. It was pink and swollen,
glistening with her juices. Tor lowered his mouth and licked her from bottom to
top, swirling his tongue around her clit. Kenna lifted her hips, offering more
of herself.

More she wanted, more she’d get. He licked and sucked,
lapping up her wetness. She tasted as good as she smelled. He feasted until she
ground herself against his mouth, her moans echoing in the room. Tonguing her
clit, he pushed one finger inside her pussy, moving it in and out. He soon
pushed a second, then a third, into her. Her inner walls clamped around them as
she matched his strokes.

Tor sucked on her clit and pumped his fingers faster. From
the sounds she made, he figured she had to be close to climaxing. When she did,
he continued to pleasure her, pushing her orgasm to go on and on. Once it
ended, Kenna went limp under him.

“That was spectacular,” she said, still breathing hard. “Now
it’s my turn to return the favor. Stand.”

He rolled off the couch and stood in one smooth movement.
Kenna sat up and took hold of his belt loops to pull him closer. Tor looked
down at her as she undid the button and zipper on his jeans. His cock jerked
with each brush of her fingers. She parted the material and freed his shaft. He
bit back a groan when she licked her lips as she stared at him.

BOOK: HerEternalWarrior
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