Here Comes the Light (Cambrooke #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Here Comes the Light (Cambrooke #1)
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Chapter 4







he loud crack from my bedroom door slamming wakes me. “What happened to you last night?” Jess says with drama oozing from her. I rub my eyes trying to come out of my sleep. “Well?” she stands with her hands on her hips in her matching designer blue sweat suit.

“I’m trying to wake up here.” I state as I sit up.

“Hudson just called me, he cannot get a hold of you?” she says like a question. I glance at my phone sitting on the night stand beside me the screen is completely blank I must have forgotten to charge it last night. “Anyway,” she shakes her platinum blond head and pulls my bag from last night off her shoulder. “I figured you might need this.”

“Thanks.” My voice comes out almost a whisper from
the sleepiness still in it. “I,m sorry for bailing out on you last night.” I pull my knees up to my chest. “I’m just really confused right now.”

“Oh my gosh, Miley not this again.” She waves her hand in the air
and does her signature eye roll topped with an eyelash flutter.

“I just think maybe Hudson and I need to take a break.” I look down and pick at a loose thread on my blue zebra striped comforter.

“What?” Jess shrieks. “You cannot do that!” her eyes are wide. “Did you not just have sex with him so you could keep him? I mean.” She sits down beside me and frowns. “You are perfect for each other. He is so into you, you are lucky he likes you even if your thighs do touch, I mean he has to be in love with you.”  I glance down at my thighs thanks for reminding me Jess no matter how much I run and starve myself, I can’t seem to get the gap in between my thighs she has. “You will never be able to find someone as sweet as him.” She shakes her head with all seriousness on her face. “I am pleading, don’t make this mistake, he may never take you back after this.”

Jess isn’t pleading she is telling me. If I don’t do exactly what she wants me to she will throw a fit and snub me for a while. Do I think it
is worth it? To be an outcast at my lunch table for a couple weeks, I don’t know. I need to do something for me right now, not Jess.

But in o
rder to keep the peace at this moment I just reply with an. “I’ll think about it.”

Jess lets out a long sigh like she was holding in a breath. “Well I think you definitely need
some more sleep.” She states, “Maybe you lost some oxygen last night…” she looks up in thought. “Did you guys do any kind of crazy position that may have caused oxygen deprivation?” she says seriously. My jaw drops and my eyes widen. “Right.” She nods. “Forgot, your first time I am sure it was just missionary.” I am still sitting here speechless. Not that I haven’t had to hear her talk about all the ways her and Ethan have experimented with their bodies, it is a little different when she is talking about me and my first time. That should be sacred, even though I don’t remember it. “You just get back to sleep and I will tell Hudson you just aren’t feeling well and you will call him later, right?” she tilts her head and blinks her eyes rapidly.

” I give her the reply she is expecting from me as she struts out of my room.


My stomach does flip flops when I pull into his driveway. Hudson is standing on his porch his arms across his chest with a scowl on his face. I can’t turn back now he already sees me. I turn off my car and step outside his face softens as he makes his way towards me and greets me with a kiss.  I didn’t expect this from him, it is going to make it that much harder to do what I am about to do.

“Miley, I’m sorry,”
he slides his hands down my arms and stares his big brown eyes into mine. I bite my lip holding back the tears that are stinging my eyes.

“Hudson,” I say breath
ily, “things moved too quickly for me.”  I let out the long breath I am holding in, “I’m so confused right now.” I look away from him.

“Don’t do this, Miley.”
He pleads, “I promise, I won’t pressure you again.”

,” my leg begins to bounce. “You see it isn’t just that you didn’t… you didn’t even come after me.”

I hear him take in a frustrated breath as he removes his hand from my arm. “I thought if you wanted to be around me you wouldn’t have run from me.”

I whip my face around to look at him again. “How do you think I got home last night, you weren’t even worried about it.” I try to keep my voice from cracking.

“Hey,” he speaks softly
as he touches my shoulder. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to lose you again.” I look straight into those big brown eyes. He is the guy every girl wants at school the gorgeous football player. Why can’t I just be happy with that?  His eyes look so sincere and here I am being a drama queen once again. No matter how hard I bite down on my lip they don’t keep the tears away. As soon as he sees the tears his arms wrap around me. “Miley, I was worried; I just know how stubborn you are.” He kisses the side of my head. “I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”

“I need some
time,” I speak barely above a whisper. I feel his body immediately tense up and he drops his arms to his sides.

“Miley,” he says flatly, “I can’t do that.” His mouth forms as thin line. My heart is in over drive as I wonder why I am doing this again.

“Hudson, I do want to be with you.” My voice comes out shakier than I would like.

“No,” he shakes his head. “Just go home. Sorry is never good enough for you is it?” he throws a hand i
n the air. It’s like he doesn’t even think of the consequences he thinks he can do anything as long as he says he’s sorry.

“Hudson.” I reach for him, trying to resolve this fight. He backs away wi
th a scowl back on his face.

“I think it is best if you just leave now.” His voice is a low growl as his hands clench at his sides
. Tears stream down my face and I slide back in my car before he loses his temper.  I know he would never hit me. He just takes his anger out on objects but I hate seeing him like that. As I drive off I look into the rearview mirror and watch his mom’s flower pot receive the brunt of his anger as it flies off the porch and shatters in pieces in the middle of the driveway.


After that horrendous weekend the week can only be better, right? Wrong I wake up a half hour too late no time to do my hair, so I have to pull it back in a pony tail. Jess is going to make a comment about that I am sure and the jeans and the green tee I throw on are a big no-no. ‘Cheerleaders have an image to keep.’ She says we always have to have excellence coming from us. Our appearance included. I may be shunned for the day, but I have a feeling since I broke up with Hudson it was going to happen anyway.

“Miley.” I freeze when I hear my dad’s voice. “Come have breakfast before you leave.” I huff and turn towards him.

“I can’t I’m late,” I mumble.

“You are eating breakfast with me this morning.” The tone he uses tells me I am not going to get my way on this one.

“I am not hungry.” Despite knowing I am not winning this battle I try anyway. “And I will miss my first class.”

“I’ll call the school, you can go in late.” He replies as he stands in the entry way in his dress shirt and slacks.

I whine my head tilts and I’m on the verge of throwing a fit like a little kid. I don’t want to eat breakfast.

“Table now.”
He deadpans as he points to the white round kitchen table. I huff, roll my eyes and stomp towards the table.  Just to make sure he knows I really don’t want to and he is a horrible dad for making me. I sit down at the table and look at all the fattening breakfast foods, pancakes, bacon, eggs.

“Don’t we have any fruit?” I pout.

“Pancakes are you favorite.” He says as he slides his chair out and sits down beside me now that he is satisfied that I am at the table.

“When I was seven.”
I say exasperated as I pick at the stack of several pancakes in front of me.

He sighs
and his fork and knife stop for the concerned look he gives me. “I haven’t seen you eat lately.”

I make an exaggerated effort of crossing my arms and looking at the ceiling with a scowl on my face. “Dad, I eat.”

“Don’t think I haven’t noticed how thin you are.” He points his fork at me. “Is it that punk you are dating? Hudson is he making you…”

“Dad, stop.” I furrow my brow and glare at him. “It has nothing to do with Hudson.”

“You know I don’t like the way he treats you.” He lowers his eyebrows.

“Well I broke up with him yesterday.” I huff, “happy now?” I am so irritated now I have lost all my reserve on this stack of pancakes I begin to eat just so I don’t have to talk anymore. Once the first bite dissolves on my tongue
I remember just how much I love these. They taste exactly like moms. I down every single one along with the bacon on my plate and the large glass of orange juice.

My stomach is now tight and I feel like I could throw up. I can’t go to school now. I don’t even want to think about how many calories I just downed may have to run an extra hour tonight to work it off.

“So Miley.” My dad says as he takes a drink of his coffee. I don’t like this. He seems… disturbed, worried about what he is about to tell me. “I met someone.” He smiles slightly.

“And….” I tilt my head as I glare hi
s way.

“We are getting married.” My jaw drops and it feels like my pancakes are slowly traveling their way back up my esophagus.

“Married?” I barely can get the word to leave my mouth. How can he be getting married I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend, hasn’t had one since my mom died.

His smile beams like he is proud of himself.  How can he be happy about this
? Does he not even care enough to remember my mom, his wife? “What about mom?” I breathe out. His face softens.

“Miley, your mother will always be in my heart.” He reaches across the table for my hand
, but I pull it away. He pulls his hand back. “My vows to her were to death do us part, she has been gone almost nine years.” He states.

“No.” I shake my head
at him. “I won’t allow it, it’s too soon.”

“Miley Anne.” He speaks sternly, “I am the parent here, I don’t need your permission.” His voice rises and his brow shoots down. I know I am testing his patience right now, but he is testing mine as well.

“I have to get to school.” I chide as pick my books up off the table and storm out of my house.


I missed Math; I was kind of relieved I didn’t see Declan I don’t know what I would say to him. Hudson pretends not to see me when I walk down the hall.

“I can’t believe you dumped him.” Jess unhappy voice comes from behind me. I turn and look at her, her disapproving eyes skim down at my outfit. “I may be able to salvage it for you.” Her lip curls up with disgust as she flips her blond hair over her shoulder with her perfectly pink manicured fingers. “But not in that outfit.” Her eyes narrow as she leans a little closer to my face. “Did you even put on any eye makeup today?” she squints.

How can she tell? I only skipped the mascara and eyeliner I did take the time to put eye shadow on. I shrug and pull my books up to my chest as I make my way down the hall.


I slide into my normal spot in the cafeteria, across from Jess. I guess I am a glutton for punishment. Ethan takes his normal seat by Jess, practically mauling her with his tongue when he sits down. I look around, where are the teachers anyway? That is against the school’s policy and making me uncomfortable.  Hudson clears his throat from the other side of Ethan to get his attention apparently it was making him a little uncomfortable as well?

Ethan pulls away from Jess and eyeballs me like he wants to devour me next before looking at Hudson. How does Jess not notice this?  My eyes wonder over Jess’ shoulder and I see Declan. I wish I could just go over there and sit by him. I quickly shake the thought from my mind.

“My dad is getting married.” I blurt out as Jess takes a bite of her leafy greens.

Jess says as she shrugs a shoulder. “It isn’t like that is the end of the world, Miley.”

“I haven’t even met her yet.” I say pulling my fruit salad out of my blue lunch tote.

“Isn’t that exciting?” Nova chimes holding the burger up to her mouth. I glare at her, number one it isn’t exciting and number two I really want a burger right now. “You get to have a mom again.” She adds before shoving the burger in her mouth.

“I don’t want a
I want my mom.” I speak through grit teeth.

Jess huffs, “are you like on the rag
or something?” I scowl at her. “I thought we were like synchronized but you have to be. That is the only explanation why you break up with Hudson and come to school looking like a skank.” She gasps. “Oh. My. Gosh. Am I late?” the fear on Ethan’s pale face is priceless right now. 

BOOK: Here Comes the Light (Cambrooke #1)
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