Read Her Sweet Betrayal Online

Authors: Tywanda Brown

Her Sweet Betrayal (9 page)

BOOK: Her Sweet Betrayal
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After my wife left I went to check on Honey.

“Honey, sweetie what’s wrong?”

“Go away Stephan!” she yelled from behind her closed door.

Knowing that her door wasn’t locked, I opened the door anyway.

“I said go away!” she yelled throwing a glass figurine at me.

Ducking just in time I rushed over and grabbed her.

“Have you lost your fucking mind?”

“No I lost my boyfriend!” she yelled trying to wiggle herself free.

“He didn’t love you anyway,” I said.

“Oh and you did,” she said causing me to release her.

Not knowing what to say I just sat down on her bed with my head hung low.

“Honey, I understand that I hurt you, but that’s no reason to be having sex with any and everybody…”

“Brent wasn’t any and everybody, he was my man.”

“Brent isn’t a man. He was using you for sex!”

“Get out!” she screamed.

Not wanting to finish the conversation I got up and left the room.

Then there was a knock on the door.

Opening the door I was surprised to see my three homeboys from work.

“Hey what are y’all doing here,” I asked, giving them daps and letting them in.

“It’s time for our weekly poker night,” Tommy said walking into the house.

“Damn man I forgot. Come on in, I’ll have Honey make us some snacks,” I responded running up the stairs.

Knocking on her door, I waited for her response.

“Go away.”

“Honey it’s poker night can you come down and make a couple of snacks for the fellas and I?” I said hoping that she would do me this favor.

“They’re not my friends!” she yelled back.

“Look, I don’t care about you losing your little boy toy. I am the adult here and you will do as I say or else,” I demanded.

“Last time I checked I’m a woman now, so I don’t have to do as you say,” she said instantly pissing me off.

“Fine, remember that the next time you’re fast ass gets in trouble.”

“Me nor my ass is any of your concern anymore.”

With that being said I left the room and ordered pizza for the guys and myself.

However throughout the entire night I couldn’t get Honey off my mind. I just couldn’t get the way her pussy gripped my dick out of my mind, and right now I’m craving her pussy like a crackhead craves crack.

“Yo Stephan… Stephan!” Derrick yelled.

“Oh is it my turn?” I asked.

“Man what’s on your mind,” asked Bull.

“Huh…oh nothing let’s just play some cards,” I responded.

Fifteen minutes later Honey came walking into the living room wearing a T-shirt. Now I don’t know if she got shorts on or not, because of the length of the shirt.

However the sight of her like that had my Johnson on rock.

“Dammmmnnnnnn…Honey done grew up,” Bull commented still watching her walk out the room.

“I’ll be back,” I said getting up from the chair.

I know she did that stupid shit on purpose to make me mad, but what she didn’t know was that she made me hornier.

“Honey what the hell do you have on?” I asked walking into her room without knocking.

“Clothes,” she smartly replied.

“Do you even have on shorts,” I asked lifting her shirt up to see that all she had on was underwear.

“Stop it,” she replied pushing my hands away.

And before I knew it I had slapped her. As I reached towards her, she came at me swinging like some wild woman. In the mist of me trying to grab her hands and her trying to hit me, her shirt became ripped exposing her half naked body.

It was like I became instantly possessed and blacked out.

Next thing I knew Bull, Tommy and I were being arrested and Honey was being placed inside of an ambulance.

Three hours had passed before I was brought into a small room where my parents and the family lawyer were waiting for me.

“Man, am I happy to see you guys,” I said being seated by an officer.

“Shut up and don’t say another word until asked,” Seymour the family lawyer said.

Looking to my father for an explanation I was greeted with a disappointed scowl.

Once the officer left the room, my father began talking to me.

“Son I’m so disappointed in you. How could you do that to your daughter and to this family?”

I just sat there silently trying to figure out what I could have done.

“Answer me,” his voice boomed throughout the room.

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” I honestly answered.

The last thing I remembered was Honey coming down stairs in a shirt.

“Cute,” Seymour said pulling out a notepad.

“Are you saying you don’t remember what you did?” my mother asked walking closer to me.

“Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“That good for us actually,” my father said.

“It would be good for us if Bull didn’t record the whole thing on his cell phone.” Seymour answered.

“Let me see the tape,” I said wanting to see what I did.

“That’s not a good idea Stephan. Especially if we are going to try to fight this, which like I previously stated is a bad idea.”

“Can someone please inform me of the crime I’m being accused of committing?” I asked.

“Criminal Sexual Conduct with a Minor in the Second Degree,” Seymour said before turning back to my father.

“Criminal Sexual Conduct with a Minor…Who did I rape? I hope they’re not talking about Honey, because she wanted it,”
I thought as I sat there and took in all the information I could.



It’s been a year since Stephan, Bull and Tommy took turns raping me.  And I’m still having nightmares about that night.

It keeps playing over and over again like a scene out of a Wes Craven movie.

“Honey it’s time for your therapy session,” my mom said standing outside my room door.

I’ve been having a weekly therapy session with Tywanda Johnson. She’s a rape survivor/Author/Rape Counselor.

I thought going to therapy was going to be a waste of my time, but it’s turning out to be very relaxing.

“I’m on the way down,” I replied running my fingers over my now Amber rose haircut.

I had my hair cut after the rape because now I know that it can and will be used against me.

Running down the stairs into the living room, I saw mom handing Mrs. Johnson a bottle of water.

“Good Afternoon Honey, let’s get started,” Mrs. Johnson said grabbing her notepad.

“I’ll see you guys in an hour,” my mom said grabbing her purse.

“Actually Tina, I think it’s about time you join the therapy session.”

“I…I…I…I got somewhere I got to be,” she answered.

“Yes, you have to be here for your daughter. Take a seat please,” Mrs. Johnson said standing up and ushering my mom to the seat beside me.

“I don’t see why I need to be here. This is her therapy session not mines,” my mother said.

“You’re here because this is your fault,” I screamed at her.

“How is it my fault,” she instantly shot back.

“Had you been a full time mother and wife instead of a part time one, none of this would have ever happened.”

“I have always been there when you needed me, but you know I had to work. How could I have known that my husband liked my daughter and not me?”

“You could’ve been home more. Instead you were so busy at the nursing home that I went from being a priority to an option overnight. Stephan stepped up and raised me.”

“Wait a minute Honey. That was a powerful statement. Stephan stepped up and raised you.”

“Look I love my mother and I know she was trying her best to be the best mom for me, but she was focusing on the wrong areas. When I tried to get her to spend time with me, she always had to work.”

“That’s not true Honey and you know it. I will not sit here and let you fill this woman’s head up with lies about me…Yes it’s true that I’m almost never home, but Honey is never alone. Whether it’s the neighbor’s kids coming over or her two girlfriends, she always has someone. Whenever I try to have a mother daughter day, she has to always bring her friends…”

“How often did you leave Honey alone with Stephan?”

“For at least four hours a day.”

Instead of replying she just continued to write.

“I can’t believe that you blame me for what happened.”

“Mom you were out at the spa because you were mad at Stephan…”

“How was I supposed to know that he was going to rape you?” she answered.

“Because he had raped me before,” I yelled before running out the room.

I had just revealed something that I been keeping a secret for a year and some change. I don’t know why I still didn’t tell anyone of the first rape after the second one, but right now I just need time to clear my head. Grabbing my headphones I turned on Adele and drifted away.



“Did she just say that he raped her before?” I asked still in shock.

“Yes she did. I’m done for today, please tell Honey that I’ll be back same time next week,” Mrs. Johnson said gathering up her things.

“Let me walk you out,” I said following behind her.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome dear…I have a question for you.”


“Does she really blame me for what happened or did she do that because I was there?” I asked hoping that she did that to get under my skin.

“From my observations she seriously blames you for what happened…But don’t take it too personal. She has to blame someone, and right now it’s easier to blame you. Do you feel responsible for what happened?”

“Of course I feel responsible. I mean I brought that monster into our home. I…”

“You didn’t know that was a monster at the time Tina. So don’t blame yourself for that.”

“I should’ve known that something was wrong though. I mean the way she had been acting was a dead giveaway, but I was too busy worrying about his change in attitude that I didn’t,” I replied as tears started running down my face.

“Dry those tears Tina. What’s done is done. You weren’t there in the past, but you can make it up by being there for her now. She really needs you right now, and I would love to stay and chat, but I got to go,” she said getting in her car and driving away.

Walking back into the house I sat down on the couch and cried. I was crying because little did Honey know, I did blame myself for what happened to her, but hearing her say that she also blames me, hurts.

Honestly I don’t know what hurts the worst, being called a part time mom or being blamed for the rape.

Just as I started to calm down the phone started ringing.

Wiping my nose on my shirt, I answered the phone.


“Hey Tina, this is solicitor Nutella Splenda. I’m calling to inform you your daughter’s case is next in line.”

“So what does that mean exactly?”

“It means that Honey will need to be prepared to appear in court tomorrow…”


“Yes, and she will need to come down to my office today so we may go over a few things with her. What time do you think she can make it?”

“We’ll see you in an hour,” I replied dreading having to go get Honey out her room.

Ever since the incident she has been ashamed of her body.

“See you shortly,” Nutella said hanging up the phone.

Taking a deep breath I made the dreaded trip upstairs to Honey’s room.

“Honey sweetheart, may I come in?” I asked, gently knocking on her door.

“Yea,” she softly answered.

“We need to talk,” I said taking a seat beside her on the bed.


“Nutella called and they need for us to come down to the office today, because it’s a strong possibility that you will have to appear in court tomorrow.”

Silence filled the room for the next couple of minutes. Taking that time to look around her room I noticed that her taste has changed a lot.

She went from having a colorful display of love and happiness, to having a dull gray wall with no sign of love or happiness.

I honestly thought the move to a new house would give her some reassurance.

“I’m scared,” she finally replied.

“I know baby, because I’m scared too, but as long as we got each other we’ll be alright.”

“We had each other when this happened, but what good was it,” she said sitting up in the bed.

“It may not have been good then, but it is good now Honey…Now I need you to get dressed and get ready to meet with Nutella.

BOOK: Her Sweet Betrayal
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