Read Her Pirate Master (Entwined Fates) Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #BDSM, #erotic romance, #Science Fiction, #space opera

Her Pirate Master (Entwined Fates) (7 page)

BOOK: Her Pirate Master (Entwined Fates)
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Jack knew instantly what they were and began to shake her head.

“Nos aren’t allowed here, sub,” he said as he walked forward.

Jack tensed as he placed a clamp over her right nipple. The sting burned straight to her womb. She winced and bit her tongue as he placed the second clamp over the other one. Both her breasts throbbed, and heat continued to travel in waves throughout her body, coming to rest in the quivering walls of her channel.

Next he pulled the box from his pocket and hit a button. The rod in her vagina began to vibrate, and the elongated base hummed against her clit. She groaned as wicked sensation shot up her spine.

He was going to make her come. That was her punishment: to make her scream in pleasure while he watched on and smiled in delight.
Damn son of a bitch.
She would show him. She would fight this. She refused to come for his amusement.

He shut off the device, and Jack breathed a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, that relief was short-lived.

He swung his arm back, and Jack braced herself for the lash of the flogger. The leather straps hit her flesh just below her ribs with a resounding
Pain made her skin quiver, and she hissed. He swung again, this time catching her midthigh. The lashes curled around the back of her leg. Pleasure-pain made her gasp in startled surprise; then she bit down on her tongue, refusing to make another sound.

He swung again, letting the lashes curl around her hip. Her body jerked, but her hold on her tongue kept her quiet. Closing her eyes, she tried to concentrate on something other than the lust coursing through her veins. It was as if he knew that physically she would like this.

The lashes of the flogger hit her hip again at almost the same spot. Burning pain made her gut clench, but she was determined to keep from crying out, determined to not let him see how much she enjoyed this.

He hit her again and turned on the device in her vagina at exactly the same instant. Jack lost the hold she had on her tongue and moaned deep in her throat. She was defenseless now. Every part of her body hummed from the stimulation and the wicked pleasure-pain that racked her limbs.

He shifted sides and swung the flogger again, this time swinging it between her legs. Jack’s eyes flew open as the lashes flicked her pussy. She swallowed down the scream she wanted to release as he swung the flogger once more, hitting her other hip.

The toy vibrated between her walls, the base enticingly rubbing gently against her clit. Shaking her head, she fought to deny her rising release. Haydrien swung the flogger once more, again hitting her aching mound.

She could fight it no longer.

She dropped her head back, and her knees gave way, forcing her weight on her wrists. Haydrien increased the flicks, moving the flogger from one side to the other, each sting blending together. It was too much. It was not enough.

He turned up the toy, increasing the vibrations. Jack screamed, unable to hold her orgasm back any longer. Tears burned her eyes, and pleasure unlike anything she’d felt before rushed through her. The room spun, and her ears rang with the sound of her cries of release. He’d gotten her. He’d made her come.

That was the worst possible punishment he could inflict.

He turned off the toy, and Jack sighed, wishing he would just leave her in peace. Several seconds passed in silence, and her curiosity got the better of her. She opened her eyes and met his gaze from just two feet away. She gasped at the hunger that made his eyes almost black. His breathing was just as erratic as hers, and his lips were set in a firm, angry line.

Just looking at him made her walls clench around the rod invading her channel. Would he take her now? Would he further humiliate her by proving the power he had over her?

He stepped forward, and without taking his gaze off hers, he gently pulled the rod from her sensitive channel. Jack swallowed at the emptiness that now gripped her still-lustful body. Even after that orgasm, she wanted another, and that thought made her angry.

“Are you done with me now?” she snarled.

He didn’t say anything, just removed one of the clamps holding her nipple. Blood rushed back into the tiny nub, and she whimpered at the sting. Holding her lips closed, she prepared herself for the removal of the second one. He put his fingers on the clamp but stopped. Jack held her breath, wondering what he had in mind. He removed this one slowly, and the sting wasn’t as bad as the first, but it was still enough to make her shudder.

He leaned down and surprised her by placing a gentle kiss on each nipple as though trying to soothe the ache. Jack frowned, determined to remain aloof to his charms.

“I think you’ve had enough punishment for today,” he murmured. Reaching up, he released her wrists. “I believe you can get the rest of it.”

She watched in stunned silence as he walked over and grabbed her clothes. “Wait. Where are you going with those?”

“To have them cleaned. You’ll get them back later,” he replied as he began to walk from the room.

“What am I supposed to wear?” she demanded.

“Find something in my closet,” he said and then was gone.

Jack gaped, then cursed. “Damn son of a… I hate you!” she screamed.

Chapter Nine

Haydrien walked to the other hall and leaned against the wall. Every inch of his body hurt, and his balls were drawn up so tight he could hardly breathe. All he could see in his head was the look on her beautiful face when she’d finally let herself go and succumbed to her orgasm.

Damn, she’d been stunning. So stunning, in fact, it was all he could do to not fuck her right then. But that wasn’t why he brought her here. Maybe after this, she would keep that smart mouth shut, and he wouldn’t have to give her another punishment. It turned out he was punishing himself more than her.

He ran his hand down his face and pushed away from the wall. He had other things he needed to do today. He didn’t need to be screwing his bait.

Gora turned the corner. She came to a stop and scowled at him.

“What?” he asked.

She took the clothes from him and mumbled something about how she didn’t stick her nose into his personal business.

“Since when?” he called out as she continued on down the hall. “When did I lose control of my house?” he grumbled.

With a sigh he continued to the end of the hall and jogged down the back steps that emptied into the kitchen. Haydrien never even used the main stairs anymore. He usually ate in the kitchen along with everyone else.

“Gora’s in a snit,” Haydrien said as he spotted Lear by the massive kitchen island, picking through fruit someone had gathered from the orchard.

“Yeah, I noticed that.”

“What over?” he asked as he grabbed a berry and plopped it into his mouth.

“Your new sub.”

“What?” he exclaimed.

“She says it’s one thing to bring in a willing sub. It’s another to do this.”

Haydrien rolled his eyes. “Good grief.”

“Jacquelyn will have an ally in Gora. You’ll have to watch the two of them.”

Haydrien growled softly as he plopped into one of the many kitchen chairs. “This is what I get for being so nice to my staff,” Haydrien said with a half grin. “They’re not afraid of me anymore.”

“Please. Like they were ever afraid of you. They love you, and I would rather have their love than their fear any day.” Lear sat down in the chair next to him. “So? How did it go?”

“My damn balls hurt. That’s how well it went.”

Lear chuckled and leaned back.

Haydrien scowled at the man who had become his best friend. “This isn’t funny.”

“Well, you can either keep punishing her or just let her run her mouth.”

“Right now neither option seems appealing.”

“Yeah, well,” Lear said as he lifted a cup of tea that one of the servants had set before him. “You won’t get any sympathy from me. If she were mine, I would’ve already fucked her brains out.” Lear grinned. “I bet she’s a screamer.”

Haydrien smiled softly as the echoes of her screams replayed in his head. Yep, she was definitely a screamer.

* * * *

Jack rummaged through Haydrien’s closet for anything she thought might cover her. Any one of his shirts would, but every one she pulled out smelled of him, and she quickly put it back.

What the hell was she going to do?

“Good morning, dear.”

Jack quickly jumped behind the closet door and glanced around the edge. An older woman stood just inside the bedroom, a warm smile of welcome on her weathered face. Her gray hair was pulled back, making her look older than she probably was, but her eyes were a vibrant shade of blue for someone her age.

Her smile faded somewhat as she stepped into the room. “He didn’t leave you anything to wear?” she asked with just a hint of sympathy.

“No,” Jack replied.

“I didn’t think so. I swear, sometimes I don’t know what that boy is thinking. My name is Gora.”


Gora stepped to the bed and laid a white garment across the foot. “This will do until I can get your things off the ship. Lear has promised that he’ll retrieve them for me as soon as Haydrien gives the okay.”

“You’ll be waiting a while, then,” Jack grumbled.

“No, I won’t. I’ll hurry him along.”

“Are you his mother?” Jack asked as she stepped forward and picked up the white material.

It was a dress. Thin and gauzy, it would feel good against her skin in this heat. Unfortunately in the right light, it was also transparent.

“No, dear. I’m the head of the household. Although I did have a hand in his raising after his mother died.”

“It’s a shame you couldn’t teach him better manners,” Jack said as she lifted the dress over her head. As the skirt settled around her calves, she realized just how harsh her words had probably sounded. “I’m sorry. That was—”

“That was only the truth,” Gora said with a grin. “Haydrien spent most of his life fighting a war he didn’t want. He’s had very little happiness, so at times he comes across gruffer than he really is. The BDSM stuff”—she waved her hand to the far side of the room—”was actually his father’s. Haydrien was often given lessons on how to be a good Dom in this very room.” Her smile faded a little. “He wanted to please his father, but the war was just too much a burden on Haydrien. So when his father died, he brought an end to it.”

Jack frowned. “At what cost?”

“The cost would’ve come if it had continued. Both planets were done with the war, the fighting. The only reason it had gone on as long as it had was because of Haydrien’s father and his stubborn pride. Haydrien’s trying to rebuild our world.”

“By stealing.”

“He’s taking care of his people the only way he knows how,” Gora countered.

“A futuristic Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves,” Jack mumbled.

She did not want to feel bad for him. He was a jerk, a sadist, and God only knew what else.

“Who?” Gora asked.

Jack shook her head in dismissal. “Just a historical figure from my mother’s world. Why are you telling me all this?”

Gora shrugged. “I just wanted you to know. I noticed you kept putting shirts back in the closet because they smelled like him. You inhaled every one as though it was a flower to be savored.”

Jack’s mouth dropped open. “I did not.”

Gora only smiled. “Dinner is in the kitchen in about an hour. I’m sure he will want you there.”

“Where is it?” Jack asked.

“Go right, then go right again, and it’s the stairs at the end of the hall.”

Jack nodded, but she had no desire to join them for dinner.

* * * *

Haydrien took the back steps two at a time with a plate in his hand. He’d be damned if he’d allow her to starve herself just because she was stubborn. He’d already eaten his dinner. The whole time he couldn’t take his eyes off the stairs as he waited for her to come down. But the wench never showed.

Looked as though he’d have to give the minx another punishment.
Just when he’d finally gotten his cock to relax from the first one.

He stalked through the bedroom door. He didn’t see her right away, and his heart raced wildly. “Jacquelyn!”

He spotted her raised hand over the back of the chair as she lifted it and waved. Shaking his head, he walked out to the terrace and set the plate on the table next to her. “Eat.”

She glared up at him. “No.”

“Eat or I’ll feed you.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. He sighed and leaned down, placing his hands on the arm of the chair. “How’s this? Eat or I eat you, if you get my meaning.”

Jack swallowed and reached for the fork. “Fine. I’ll eat.”

He pushed back up and moved to take the seat across from her.

“I don’t need you watching me,” she growled.

“I like watching you. It annoys you.”

When she looked over at him, he smiled. She gave him a tight-lipped sarcastic grin before turning back to the plate she’d set in her lap. Haydrien watched her push the food around her plate and frowned. He tried to remember the last time she’d eaten but couldn’t.

“Jacquelyn, eat,” he said, keeping his voice softer.

The muscle in her cheek jerked, but she lifted the fork to her mouth and took a bite. She glared at him before turning her attention back to the plate. She took another bite, then started to set the plate aside.

He wagged his finger. “Huh-uh. All of it.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Jacquelyn, it’s been a full twenty-four hours since that tiny bite of lasagna you had on the ship. Eat all of it.”

She rolled her eyes and put the plate back on her lap. “Yeah. Wouldn’t want your prisoner collapsing from hunger. How would that make you look?”

Haydrien sat back and crossed his legs. “I see our little session earlier did nothing to curb that tongue of yours.”

“So what?” she grumbled around her bite. “Are you going to tie me up and do it again?”

“Maybe,” he murmured.

Jack swallowed and tilted her head to look at him. She didn’t say anything this time, just resumed eating. Once done, she took a sip of the drink he handed her and set it back on the table.

BOOK: Her Pirate Master (Entwined Fates)
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