Read Her Millionaire Master Online

Authors: Maria Monroe

Her Millionaire Master (8 page)

BOOK: Her Millionaire Master
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And she couldn’t help the building of pleasure in her body as his hand swatted so close to her pussy he was almost touching her there. Couldn’t help writhing against his lap to provide friction to her tortured clit. Suddenly she didn’t care how mad he’d be. And besides, there was no stopping the pleasure that began to build until her body tightened and released. Bella tried in vain to hold back the moans that poured forth as her body was driven higher and higher into one of the most intense climaxes she’d ever had.

Abruptly, Kane stopped spanking, but his hand remained on her ass. He trailed a finger lower, until he was between her legs, touching her still-convulsing pussy. “Bella,” he said, his voice deep. “Did you just come?”

“Yes,” she answered. There would be no use lying to him. Surely he could feel her pussy contracting around his finger as he inserted it, but just the tip, into her wetness.

“Did I say you could?” There was warning in his voice.

“No, but you didn’t say I couldn’t,” she pleaded.

He chuckled, surprising her. “You’re right, Bella. I supposed you didn’t break a rule if it was never made in the first place.” He pushed his finger into her a tiny bit more.

Bella gasped. She wanted him. So badly. Wanted his finger all the way inside her, then two fingers, then his thick cock, plunging deep and hard into her.

But he pulled his hand away, and pushed her into a standing position. For a few long moments he stared into her eyes, his filled with such intensity she wanted to look away. But she didn’t. What was he thinking? Why wasn’t he saying anything?

Finally, he spoke. “Good night, Bella. You’ll find the bed quite comfortable. As I said, there’s a bathroom right next to this room. Drinks and light snacks in the fridge.” He pointed to a mini-fridge, paneled in luxurious and shiny wood so that she hadn’t even noticed it in the middle of the shelves he had. “If you need more, you’ll find the kitchen well-stocked. I’ll be working, so unless it’s an emergency, no interruptions until morning, at which time you’re free to leave.”

She nodded.

“Do you need anything, Bella? Are you all right?”

It seemed an odd question, considering he’d just been spanking her ass, hard. But she shook her head. “I’m fine, Kane.”

“Then I’ll leave you,” he said, stalking to the door and exiting, shutting it behind him.

Confused, Bella sat on the bed, trying to get her mind straight. She’d just been punished, hard, by her extremely hot but arrogant neighbor. And it had hurt, so much that she’d cried! Still, she’d come, hard and fast, over his lap. It was crazy! But it had happened. And it was going to happen four more times. Naked, she pulled the covers to her chin and curled up. She wanted to wash up, to brush her teeth, maybe have a snack. Instead, though, she sank into deep sleep in seconds, aware of nothing more until the morning.


* * *


Bella woke to the scent of bacon and coffee, two of her very favorite smells in the world. Sighing deeply, she sat up, surprised that she’d slept so well in a strange bed. She was alone, the room dim. When she stretched and got up to find her clothes, she winced slightly at the soreness in her butt, and blushed, even though nobody was around to see, at the memories of everything that had happened last night.

Her clothes were on the coffee table where she’d put them the night before when Kane had made her strip, and she pulled them on quickly. All except her panties, which were missing. Oh, well, it was only a half-block walk home, and she could handle that without any underwear. She left the bed down and unmade—Kane hadn’t said anything about making the bed—and picked up her overnight bag. Then she slipped into the hallway to find the bathroom.

It was right next door, like Kane had said, and she went in, locking the door behind her. It was huge: marble floors gleamed when she turned on the light and headed to the modern sink, see-through, like a large glass bowl. She washed her hands and splashed water on her face, glancing up in the mirror at herself. She was surprised at how vibrant she looked. How
. Even with her makeup mostly worn away and her face slightly smudged, there was something about her that shone. She erased the remnants of makeup, then looked around at the huge walk-in shower and the separate room with a toilet in it. A floor-length mirror drew her attention, and dying to check out her ass, to see how red it was, she headed over. She turned her back to the mirror, lifted her skirt, and looked over her shoulder to see her reflection.

Her skin was pink, with darker red marking a few places. But it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. And it definitely wasn’t bad as she’d been sure it would be during the worst of the spanking last night. Wonderingly, she reached back and touched her flesh, her clit springing to life as she remembered the look in Kane’s eyes, the way he made her ask for her punishment, and, at the end, the way he gently spanked her just around the edges of her pussy.

And now she was going to see him again. She wasn’t sure how he would act toward her, and part of her wanted to sneak out the front door so she didn’t have to face him until next Friday. But another part of her was dying to see him. To get to know him better. Drinking coffee with someone was, sometimes, much more intimate than drinking alcohol. Especially the morning after something had happened. And she didn’t want to miss this chance to see him in a different light.

When she was done in the bathroom, she headed to the kitchen, but was surprised—and slightly disappointed—to find Charles there instead of Kane.

“Morning, sunshine,” said Charles, smiling broadly at Bella.

She couldn’t help smiling back. She’d liked Charles from the start, his vivacious personality, his apparently genuine kindness. He radiated compassion and humor, and she enjoyed being around him. “Morning,” she answered.

Charles set a steaming mug of coffee on the kitchen island, slid a pitcher of cream and a sugar bowl her way, and gestured to one of the high-backed stools. “Have a seat,” he said. Then, as if rethinking, “Or, you can stand, if you’d prefer.”

Bella flushed.
He knew
. He knew what had happened last night. Right then she wanted to die of embarrassment so she didn’t have to acknowledge the fact that somebody other than her and Kane was aware of what had gone on.

But Charles waved his hand in the air dismissively as he flipped the bacon with the other. “No worries, babe. There are very few secrets between Kane and me. We’ve been best friends for years, and I know what he’s
, if you know what I mean.”

Bella sat on the chair, trying to get comfortable despite the fact that it stung to rest her ass on the wood. Especially since she didn’t have any panties on right now.

“I’m sorry,” continued Charles. “It’s none of my business. Bacon?”


Charles pulled down a plate from one of the cabinets, then scooped some fluffy scrambled eggs and a few slices of bacon onto it, setting it in front of Bella.

“Thanks,” she said quietly, picking at the eggs with her fork. “Where’s Kane?” she managed to ask.

“Business trip. He left early this morning. I came by to drop off some stuff and make sure you were OK.”

“Oh,” said Bella, waving her hand in what she hoped was a dismissive gesture. “I’m fine! Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?”

Charles tilted his head slightly, glancing at her curiously under his mane of gorgeous blond hair. Finally, he spoke. “You might not be OK because Kane, who’s my best friend so I’d also say this to his face, can be a complete and total asshole, Bella. That’s why. And because I told him this… arrangement… was a bad idea. But of course he doesn’t listen to me. He doesn’t listen to anybody.” Charles rolled his eyes and put some food on his own plate.

“It’s fine,” said Bella. “I fucked up, Charles. To the tune of somewhere between fifteen and twenty thousand dollars. That’s a huge mistake.”

“You’d be better off just letting him cash the check,” said Charles quietly. “Trust me. Kane can be precise. Meticulous. Everything he does measured and exact. But that also makes him cold, Bella. I love him like a brother, but I’ve seen him hurt more women than I can count. So I’m telling you, get away from him as fast as you can.”

“I won’t get hurt. It’s a simple agreement,” argued Bella.

“Except nothing’s simple with Kane,” said Charles. “Eat something. Please.” He gestured at her plate.

Suddenly Bella realized she was ravenous, and the eggs and bacon Charles had cooked were perfect. She wasn’t sure if her huge appetite was due to everything that had happened the night before, but she shoveled the food into her mouth, washing it down with a huge swig of coffee.

Charles simply watched, a smile on his face.

“I’m sorry,” she said when she was done. “I kind of pigged out just now.”

“You can be yourself around me,” said Charles. “And I will always tell you the truth. I tell everyone the truth. Even Kane, though he doesn’t like to hear it most of the time.”

“So he’s kind of an asshole?” asked Bella.

“He’s my best friend.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t be. What I mean is that he’s my best friend, and he treats me well, and I trust him implicitly. But with other people, women especially, he can be, well, ruthless.”

“It’s only for a few weeks, though. And then it’s over. We go our separate ways.”

Charles looked at her with sympathy in his eyes, the way you’d look at someone who just doesn’t get it. “Be careful, babe. That’s all I’m saying. If you insist on continuing through with your… deal… then be careful.”

“I will. Promise,” said Bella. But she wasn’t quite sure she understood exactly what he meant. And she wasn’t sure she cared. She’d had a taste of Kane, and in a small part of her mind she was aware that with him she’d become more alive than ever before. She and Kane hadn’t had sex. That wasn’t what their ‘relationship’ was about. Still, it had been more sexually satisfying than any encounter she’d ever had before. The unintentional orgasm she’d experienced over Kane’s lap was more intense than any pleasure she’d ever received from men in her past. There was no way she’d end it now.

Chapter Four



The second he left Bella alone in his office he headed straight upstairs to the shower, where he ran the water hot and jerked off harder and faster than he ever had before.
. Bella. That ass, so red from his hand and paddle. The way she stayed in position even though he knew it hurt her badly. How wet her pussy got, and how she’d writhed on his lap until she came when he spanked her between the legs.
. It was hot.
was hot. And that was a problem.

Kane liked clean lines. Everything organized and neat. When he played with women, it was clear from the beginning what kind of relationship they had. He spelled it out for them, that he wanted them submissive in the bedroom—or in his office—and there was pain but pleasure too. With Bella, though, it was supposed to be a punishment. There’d been no talk at all of sex, but she’d orgasmed anyway, even though she wasn’t supposed to enjoy it. It bothered him that their arrangement was changing without his consent or planning. What bothered him even more was how hard it got him, thinking about Bella getting off on her punishment. That was what he liked best when he was with women, the fact that they found pleasure in that fine line between passion and pain.

As Friday approached, he found himself thinking about Bella more and more, found himself looking forward to it. When the day finally rolled around, he was restless, counting down the hours, then minutes, until Bella’s approach. He didn’t like feeling this way; he was always able to get things and people out of his mind. But this was different. Disconcerting. And it pissed him off.

When she rang the doorbell at precisely seven p.m., he took his time opening the door, trying to fool himself into believing he wasn’t as eager to see her as he actually was. She was wearing a flimsy black skirt again—it might be the same one, he thought. The same worn shoes. A red V-neck button-down shirt, with her gorgeous round breasts peeking out at the top. Her blond hair was down, dancing around her shoulders.
, he thought, though he didn’t like the cheap clothes she wore. They made him inexplicably sad, an emotion he infrequently felt and had no use for, so he pushed it aside.

“Come in.” He ushered her inside, then continued down the hallway, assuming she would follow him immediately to his office.

She did. Once inside, he gestured at the couch. “Sit,” he ordered. “We’ll have a drink before we get started.”

“Oh, I don’t really want…”

“You do, though, Bella.”

She lowered her eyes to her hands, folded on her lap. Dominance surged through him, made him stronger. He liked that, the feeling of being in control. At the bar he put ice into two etched crystal glasses, then poured in some Johnnie Walker Blue Label. Nowhere near as good as the Mortlach she’d spilled, but good all the same. Very good.

He handed one glass to her, then sat in an armchair across from her. He lifted his glass in a silent toast, and she did the same. Then, simultaneously, they both sipped their drinks. He saw her grimace slightly, then swallow.

“Bella,” he said slowly, enjoying the way her eyes lifted to his, opening wider as he said her name.

“Kane,” she responded, her voice light. Her
. So blue. So deep.

“I want to talk about last time.”


“I want to know how it was for you.”

“How it was?”

He leaned forward in his chair. “All right, Bella. I’ll ask specific questions then. Did the spanking I gave you last Friday hurt?”

She nodded.

“Words, Bella.”

“Yes. It hurt,” she muttered, her cheeks turning a gorgeous pink as she uttered the words.

“Was it hard for you to hold still and stay in position?”

“Yes. I wanted to stop you. I wanted to reach behind. I wanted to get up and leave. I wanted to use my safeword.”

“But you didn’t.” He took another sip of the scotch, enjoying the way it warmed his mouth, his throat.

BOOK: Her Millionaire Master
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