Read Her Alpha Lover: A Draken and Charli Boxed Set Online

Authors: Amanda Richensexi

Tags: #Erotica, #BDSM, #Erotic romance, #billionaire, #Exhibitionism, #voyeurism, #robots, #sex toys, #spanking

Her Alpha Lover: A Draken and Charli Boxed Set (9 page)

BOOK: Her Alpha Lover: A Draken and Charli Boxed Set
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Draken eased his chair forward. "Can you widen your thighs a bit more, Ms. Fontina?"

She nodded and did so miserably.

"Great. Now hold open your pussy for us. If some of you guys want to get up behind me to get a good look, go ahead."

There was general movement. Now it was like she was in a freaking ob-gyn's office and a herd of medical students were crowding in staring down at her crotch. At least there was no shining light and speculum, she thought hysterically.

"Open, Ms. Fontina," Draken reminded her.

With painful care, she brought her fingers in front of her and spread her lips, feeling air rush against her hot flesh.

And saw the men's eyes zero in on her.

"Fuck," Draken growled.

"Oh, fuck."

"Christ almighty."

"Sweet Jesus."

The masculine murmurs were admiring, impressed, and, in one case, shaken.

"She's fucking dripping with it," the guy said. "I've never seen a pussy so hot. Draken, how do you find them?"

"There's no 'them,' Alex," Draken said absently. "Just this one. She gets off on this."

"You've got a beautiful clit, Ms. Fontina," said the friendly voice of Matthew.

"Doesn't she?" Draken said on an exhaled breath. He reached forward and plucked the clit in question with his fingers. "Look at that, Matthew," he murmured as Charli gasped, flinched and arched. "Watch," Draken said, and circled the bud, and Charli squealed like a puppy accidentally stepped on.

"Tempting," Jude said hoarsely. "So this is what Draken's hot to fuck."

"Uh-huh," Draken said dryly, and withdrew his hand. "Ms. Fontina, thanks very much. We can see you're having a good time. Here, suck." He offered his finger to her, and she sucked it clean immediately.

"Damn," one man groaned.

"I'm not gonna last," another one said.

"Discipline, men," Draken said. "You can leave, but this will be worth it if you hang in there. Ms. Fontina's incredibly responsive, but she's also fucking shy, and this is actually fairly hard for her. I'd like you all to try to make it as easy for her as possible. After all, she's not just getting off, she's doing us a favor, too. Ms. Fontina, you doing okay? This isn't too embarrassing?"

All awaited her answer.

"'s painful," she burst out in a soft confession. "My friends always talk about themselves, but I...I'm private about a lot of things, especially personal stuff and I, uh—I guess I don't know what to—to say. Or do. And you're all..." Her voice drifted off and she finished almost soundlessly, "just looking at me."

"Because you're adorable." He reached forward and pushed her glasses up her nose. "And very pretty and sexy. Let me take care of everything. Your job is to relax and enjoy the admiration. Because, baby, you've just given every one of us a hard-on to end all hard-ons."


"Mr. Almatto, Charli," he said gently. "No using my first name in the office here. Remember that."

"Mr. Almatto." As if she'd ever seen him
the office! "Please can I just close my legs?"

There were sympathetic chuckles from the men standing just behind Draken.

"Sure, go ahead," he said, brisk now. "Actually, wait, scoot back and sit cross-legged in the center of the table. There. That'll work. You'll facilitate from there. That way, we can all enjoy looking at you while we're working. Ah, that's the blush I like to see. Matthew? You have that tablet?"

Moments later Charli was taking an ultra-lightweight panel from Draken, who propped himself up and joined her on the table. "You'll find the agenda on...yeah, you got it. Just follow these points. A, B, C and down the line. As facilitator, you lead, we discuss. If we get off track, rein us in. Keep to the schedule, and move us along. We want to be out of here within an hour."

"O—okay." She could hear her voice shaking. The men had closed back in in a semi-circle at the table and were in various "meeting" poses, twiddling their pens, tapping their tablets, ready to get down to business. They didn't hesitate to glance at her, but she wasn't the only thing they focused on. She was kind of slutty decoration. How mortifying. Sitting here cross-legged, mostly naked in the center of the table with her wet pussy glistening and exposed to every. Last. One of them.

And let's not forget her breasts on display in their bra.

She sat up straight, trying to look confident. Lifted her chin and tried to look as if she were just sitting around with a group of regular guys.

These men were nearly as young as those in the last meeting. Maybe a few were in their early thirties. Most of them probably had girlfriends. None, Draken had told her in advance, were married or in a serious relationship. They had nobody with rights to object to a little stripper gazing.

If she were honest, that's what she was. A stripper. Or—she shuddered—
sex mascot.
A performer. Whether or not it was her vocation. Whether or not she'd been paid. Because she hadn't been paid a dime this time.

She was just doing this because she had to.
to. It made her crazy with lust.

And it was the only way she could be with Draken. Who, damn him,
intrigue her no matter what she'd told him.

Her head hung from her neck as she looked down, but it wasn't the tablet she saw. It was her own confusion.

"Ms. Fontina? Ready?"

"Yes, Mr. Almatto," she said huskily. "Uh, so let's begin with item A...."


Chapter 4


The girl was too cute.

Draken Almatto clasped his hands contentedly behind his head and ran his tongue along his teeth as he watched Charli Fontina point to the ceiling, saying, "To move to the next item on the agenda..."

As if she had a rod up her spine, Charli sat straight upright in the center of the table, the tablet held tightly in her hand. That spinal rigidity amused him, given her sexy pose. Her ample breasts were mouth-watering cupped in a pink satin bra. Her legs were crossed, displaying her pink, shiny pussy, and her spiked shoes had been kicked to the side.

This was worth the wait.

Absolutely darling, was Charli Fontina. That curling cloud of short brown hair that made her look about sixteen. The freckles sprinkled over each creamy inch of skin. That little belly with the slightest of tender swells. Those nipples thrusting out like they were making an important announcement. That pussy, shimmering with juices, with its sweet clit.

A clit he and every other dude here had seen throbbing, and was now hidden by her swollen labia. But he knew it was there, throbbing away.

And her glasses had slid down her nose—again.

She was on display for him, practically squirming with desire and embarrassment, and it made his cock hurt.

Not that he was going to do anything about that for a while. This was too good to hurry. And it would only get better.

She spoke in that husky timbre he liked. Too much, he liked how she sounded humble and self-conscious but determined to put herself through the ordeal. She was a brave little soul. He'd enjoyed listening to her stammering so much the last time that he'd drawn it out as long as possible.

Today was the same. Stammering, stuttering. Her mortification. The way she couldn't hide any fucking thing. He shouldn't find it endearing. But he had to admit, her transparency was a relief after all the deceptive women in his life. It shouldn't matter to him. He shouldn't care...

He should just fuck her and be done with it. Right after the meeting. Just fuck her, and send her home. And not call her back. Ever.

He checked his phone. Twenty minutes gone. Time for something new.

"All right," he interrupted her in mid-speech, because it got her flustered. "Let's take a break. Everyone, you might want to hang around for this. Matthew? Did you get the vibrating dildo?"

With those magic words, he gained every eye in the room. Which was some feat, considering his staff had to tear their gazes away from Charli. They were acting nonchalant, pretending to give the bulk of their focus to the meeting, but their attention kept wandering back to Charli's gorgeous pussy and lingering.

"Sure, Draken," Matthew said. He reached into the case and brought out a blister pack, which he pried open before tossing Draken the vibrator inside. Draken caught it neatly.

A huge, hot pink silicone monster.


He grinned at Matthew, whose mouth twitched.

"And the remote," Matthew said blandly, and tossed that.

"Excellent, we're set then. Ms. Fontina, I'll bet you know what this is for."

When he glanced at her, he was well-rewarded. Her cheeks were blazing red. Her finger had frozen in mid-point.

What a darling.

"A—a—s—sex vibrator."

His cock swelled. She was so shocked. Despite having read about it in his email. He could love this girl.

No. No, he couldn't.

"Crawl on over to me, will you?" he purred. "And we'll see what you think. I think it'll be fine, but it's your opinion that matters."

It took five minutes to coax her to come. Five minutes of her hemming and hawing, protesting, arguing. And then she was crawling like a kitten, and he could smell her wetness.

Fucking adorable.

When she reached him, he said, "Hold up, Charli." With delicious submission, she stayed in that position while he leaned over her and unhooked her bra. Immediately her large breasts fell out. He peeled the satin down her arms.

He stood back. She was on her hands and knees, her generous breasts hanging down as though ready for a milking. Damn, but he'd kill for a pic of that. He'd keep it on his phone for months before he got tired of looking at it. Unfortunately, that wasn't safe for her. Promise or no promise, he didn't like the idea of porn shots of her getting loose.

"Stop drooling, Vince," he said without turning his head. Even out of the corner of his eyes, he could see his staff getting restless. "Keep it in your pants another few minutes, everyone. After the show, you can all run wherever and take care of things."

That got a few guffaws. But the only response he cared about was Charli's. She hadn't stopped blushing for a moment.

"Turn around so your hind end is facing me, Ms. Fontina."

He was a little surprised she didn't protest. But when she'd done it, he saw why. Her pussy was streaming. It ran down her leg.

And that wasn't all. Charli's buttocks were plump and globular. That ass framed her pouting pussy so graphically his cock surged to new lengths.

He exchanged a strained look with Matthew. His assistant was shaking his head with his jaw out. Matthew wasn't a newbie to raunch by any means—he could rival Draken—but this was apparently pushing his limits.

Matthew's head tilted inquiringly; at Draken's signal, he was supposed to clear everyone out. Draken wanted badly to give the signal. But he didn't.

This was for her. Draken, who deeply appreciated women's bodies, had experience with quite a few peculiar fetishes and proclivities. But Charli Fontina had a particularly unusual and charming kink. The more embarrassed she got, the more turned on she got.

And he was happy to oblige her.

He turned the silicone shaft around and pointed the business end toward her bottom. All eyes tracked the movement of that shaft until the blunt tip was up against her pussy.

"Ah!" Charli squealed.

"All right, Ms. Fontina?" he soothed.

Instead of replying, she made more of the same sounds: "Ah! Ah!"

"Not sure what that means," he said humorously. "Guys, reassure Charli this dildo will feel good, will you?"

On cue, the men rushed to offer reassurances. By the time they were done, Charli was squirming.

Think you're embarrassed now, beautiful? Wait for it....

He pushed it into her cunt about an inch, feeling the resistance.

"How are we doing for time, Charli?" he said, as if the thought had just occurred to him. "Meeting-wise, I mean? How much more do we have to cover before we're out of here?"

"Ah—uh—I don't—"

"Someone hand her the tablet, will you? It's got the agenda on it."

Charli stared at the computer placed helpfully in front of her. Draken saw her try to focus on it and squirm back simultaneously.

"We—we have seven more items," she choked out. "I don't know how long—"

"Guessing about forty minutes. We're running behind. Let's do some adjustment." Draken pushed the dildo in another inch.

"Ah, okay!" she yelled.

Draken grinned and pulled the dildo out completely, basking in the tortured little whimper she made. Then he positioned it once again at her slit, on the cusp of entering her.

He cleared his throat. "Tell you what, Ms. Fontina. Why don't you read the agenda items one by one, and the guys and I will decide if each item stays on the agenda or moves to next week. If it stays on, I'll give you another inch of this dildo. If we decide to wipe it from the agenda, I'll pull the dildo out of your pussy completely."

There was a ripple of amused response from his staff. Draken ignored it, focusing on how Charli's cunt tried to suck in the dildo. With it poised at her entrance, she was going berserk.

He nudged the dildo ever so slightly.

There were strangled sounds behind him as the guys saw what this did to Charli. The girl was juicing like a tomato. God, but she could probably take all eighteen of their cocks without any extra lube. If he was into that shit. Which he wasn't. But if he was.

"Okay, Charli?"

"Okay." Her agreement was a mere breath. She got the concept, all right.

"All right, Charli. Start reading the items."

One by one, Charli read each agenda item in a trembling voice. The first item was determined to be essential. Charli got another inch.

The next item was also essential.

Charli got another inch.

"Feel good?" he said.

"Y—yes," she cried. And stammered out the third item.

"What do you think?" he murmured. "That project has a deadline into the new year."

BOOK: Her Alpha Lover: A Draken and Charli Boxed Set
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