Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2)
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"Yes, you're right. Thank you, Faye."

"Are you in danger of falling for Rob, Jess?" Clarise asked.

"No, of course not," she replied a little too quickly. "I'd be stupid to fall for him. I know not to go there. This is a purely physical thing."

A faint feeling nagged and prodded her. But she couldn't identify what it was, so she ignored it.

"So, are you close to coming to a decision about tomorrow night's ending?"

She sighed deeply. All of last night and most of this morning was spent having delicious thoughts about what could have been if she had succumbed to Rob's seduction. He really turned her on big time. As long as she didn't expect anything more than sex, then it should be fine, shouldn't it? At least with Rob, she knew exactly where she stood. She might as well indulge herself and get him out of her system. It wasn't every day one of the hottest looking man on the planet wanted to have sex with her. That could only be a fantasy for some women, but it could be a reality for her.

"Yes. I'm going to do it."


Rob booked a table at the fine dining restaurant within his hotel. Jessa wanted to meet in the centre of town, and he wasn't going anywhere far from his room tonight. If she decided to sleep with him, he didn't want to waste too much time going from wherever they were to his bed.

The last few days had been hell. He couldn't remember frustration like that since he was seventeen, when he and cheerleader Molly took days to find a suitable time and place to have their first sexual experience, since they were both still living at home.

Three nights ago, after his date with Jessa, he was so sexually wound up he needed relief. Since he rejected Sensational Blonde's obvious offer, he tried to release his tension by himself. But for the life of him, he couldn't understand why that wasn't anywhere near enough. All he had on his mind was Jessa, Jessa, Jessa. He gave up and had the longest, coldest shower he had ever had. He hoped he wouldn't need another one tonight.


Jessa's heart skipped a beat when she saw Rob sitting on one of the couches near the hotel reception. Even with a big frown on his face as he checked his phone, he looked utterly delicious.

"Problems?" she asked.

Rob looked up and the creases on his face turned from displeasure to delight.

"Hey, gorgeous." He stood up and gave her a sweet but brief kiss on the lips.

She was tickled pink. Gorgeous was not a description she would give herself but tonight, she'd pretend she was. She was living a fantasy, after all--a very short one, but a fantasy nonetheless.

"Ready?" Rob asked as he took her hand and led her towards the elevators.

"For what?" she asked weakly.

"For dinner," he replied laughingly.

She blushed.
Dinner. Of course. Dinner first.

"Yes, I'm ready."


"So what did you get up to since I last saw you?" Rob tried to keep the conversation light and friendly. He didn't want to appear like a teenager with raging hormones who couldn't think of anything but sex, although that was exactly how he felt. When he greeted Jessa with a kiss, it just wasn't enough. He wanted to kiss her senseless, like he'd been meaning to ever since she drove off in her car after their date three days ago. But he also wanted her to relax. She seemed a little nervous.

"I've been busy with work," she answered. "The more popular the magazine gets, the more work Clarise and I have. Our boss is actually considering getting a new person to help us out. How about you?"

"Well, apart from some very frustrating moments," he said with a wry smile, "I've had a pretty good couple of days. I was able to work on my good leads and I'm really excited about two of them. There are still some negotiations to finalise but hopefully, new contracts will be signed within a week or two. That would mean I'll be here in Sydney for a good length of time as I work with those new clients - if they eventuate, that is."

"Oh, I hope you do get them!"

Rob saw the play of emotions on Jessa's face. He caught what looked like hopeful excitement, followed by what seemed to be disapproval. He wondered what she was thinking. He raised his eyebrows at her in query. "What's wrong?"

Jessa shook her head dismissively. "Nothing. I just remembered something." She gave him a big, convincing smile.

He smiled back at her. She really was beautiful. "Yeah, I do hope I get those contracts. I'd love to spend more time here in Sydney, especially if I'll be in the company of a beautiful woman."

His heart thudded hard as Jessa gaped at him. He was used to women gaping at him as if mesmerised. But his reaction to Jessa doing it was stronger than he'd felt with any of the others. He felt his cock stir as he gazed at Jessa, reminding him of his body's lustful need for her. He was about to reach out and stroke her face when his phone rang in his pocket.
Damn it!

"Sorry, I forgot to switch it off." He dug it out with the intention of doing just that when he saw who the caller was.

After the text message he received earlier, he knew he should take this call.

"I'm sorry, Jess. I have to take this. Will you excuse me?"


He stood up and hurried away from their table. He didn't want Jessa to hear this conversation.

"Andrea, what's up?"


Jessa watched Rob's back as he took the phone call. He raked his free hand on his hair and she felt the need to rake her own fingers there.

Ooh, and he has great ass…

She was already thinking how good it would be if Rob was in Sydney more often. She'd miss him when he wasn't around.

She frowned at the direction of her thoughts.
Dangerous territory. Sex only, remember? Stick to that.

This man just had a magnetism that pulled her to him. Of course she knew he was just being seductive when he called her 'gorgeous' and 'beautiful'. He probably said that to all the women he wanted to bed. But it was still nice to hear it. It was good for her memory banks when she replayed her fantasy experience back to herself in the future.

Their main dishes arrived, distracting her from ogling Rob's backside.

Exasperation lined his features as he walked back to their table. He gave her a reassuring smile in response to the concerned look on her face.

"Is everything all right?"

"Not really," Rob answered with a sigh. "Well, everything will be all right. But unfortunately, there's something I need to attend to in twenty minutes. I'm afraid we'll have to cut our date short tonight," he said with an apologetic smile.

Jessa felt her balloon burst. She was so looking forward to tonight. Her fantasy experience would not be completed! But whatever it was that required Rob's attention, it must be something urgent and important.

"That's a shame," she said lightly. "But that's okay. I hope whatever it is you have to attend to is nothing serious."

Rob simply gave her a tight smile in response.

She fell silent as she consumed her food. She couldn't fully appreciate her meal. She was too disappointed at the turn of events.

"I'm really sorry, Jess," Rob said softly. "We won't even have time for dessert. This wasn't how I wanted this night to end."

"Me either." She caught Rob looking longingly at her lips. Geez, she'd been wanting to devour his lips instead of her dinner.

"How exactly did you want this night to end?" Rob asked, his voice husky.

She gazed into Rob's arresting gray eyes. The butterflies in her stomach fluttered deliciously at the intense look he was directing at her.

"I didn't want it to end at dessert," she whispered.

They stared at each other for a long moment. The room seemed to disappear for Jessa. When Rob reached out and cupped the back of her neck, she swayed towards him and their lips touched rapturously. It ended much too soon. Being in a restaurant did not aid their cause.

"Damn," Rob muttered. He signalled the waiter for the bill, handing him his credit card. "Where did you park your car?"

"The same place as last time."

Rob checked his watch and growled his displeasure. "Well, I only have time to walk you to the lifts."

Jessa's heart grew heavier at every step she took towards the elevators. She was disheartened that their night was cut short, but she didn't expect the acute sadness that enveloped her at the knowledge that Rob would be gone by tomorrow. This could well be their very last time together, their very last date.

They reached the elevators and she turned towards Rob. She wasn't ready to press the down button yet. She was dying to put her arms around his neck and kiss him thoroughly, but she refrained. A gray-haired lady was standing in a corner, talking on her phone and staring at them openly.

Rob had no such inhibitions. He cupped her face and kissed her with barely restrained passion. It only took a second for her to banish her self-consciousness and return his kiss with equal fervour.

She gasped as Rob pressed his body closer to hers. He was already aroused, and frankly, so was she. She peeled her eyes open, semi-conscious of their surroundings. The gray-haired lady was still talking on her phone. And she was still staring at them openly, eyes wider this time. Reluctantly, Jessa pulled away from Rob.

"Well, I guess I better go," she said breathlessly.

"I wish you didn't have to."

"It wasn't my choice," she smiled ruefully.

He grimaced. "I know." He reached for both of her hands. "I'll arrange to come back here sooner rather than later. I'll see you again soon, hopefully."

"You better let me know the dates you'll be here so I can keep my calendar free for you," she jested.

The elevator pinged and coughed up what looked to be at least twenty people, who all got off in a rush, making them stand aside. Then Rob held the door back so she could get in.

"I'll call you, Jess."

"Okay." She plastered a smile on her face for Rob as the door closed. The elevator started to travel down smoothly and her heart sank with it.

Why, oh why, didn't I sleep with him three nights ago?

She realised that even if it was the one and only time she did, it was better than never experiencing making love with Rob. She never thought she'd want a one night stand so much.

Something way down deep inside of her whispered she had moved from casual to something else. She shook her head and refused to acknowledge that little voice. Rob was only up for casual sex. And she only wanted this for a once-in-a-blue-moon experience. She'd do well to remember that. Like Faye said, it was expecting certain outcomes that killed.


Rob stood staring at the closed elevator doors. Damn, he was ready to take her right there! But once again, he couldn't have her tonight. He groaned mentally at the agony he was sure to suffer for several days - maybe even weeks.

He stood there unmoving for heaven knew how long until he heard a soft, motherly voice say, "I'm sure you'll see her again."

He turned to the gray-haired lady and smiled at her. "Thank you. I hope it'll be soon."

He started to walk back towards the hotel bar, where Andrea said she'd meet him. He didn't notice the elevator doors open but he heard the shriek. "Rob!"

He twisted in the direction of the sound just as a leggy, strawberry blonde bombshell launched herself at him. She kissed him on the lips enthusiastically until he recovered from his surprise - and sheer relief that Jessa wasn't there to witness it. He pushed her away just as the gray-haired lady walked past with a balding man who must have come out of the elevator. The disgusted look the kindly, motherly lady gave him made him flush.

"I am so glad to see you," Andrea said in a sultry voice as she ran her fingers over his chest.

"You shouldn't have come." He didn't hide the irritation in his voice. When he got Andrea's text just before dinner saying that she had a surprise for him, he became worried. When she rang when he was having dinner with Jessa and told him she was already in a taxi on her way to his hotel, he was so annoyed with her. Andrea always did those kinds of unexpected things that probably would have pleased a partner but they didn't have that kind of relationship. And it seemed she still hadn't accepted they were no longer together.

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Andrea, you know the score. We're no longer an item. Besides, I'm already going home tomorrow."

"I know what the score is, Rob. I'm crystal clear about it. What I'm here to tell you is that I'm happy to operate on
terms. I enjoy being with you too much. As for you going home tomorrow, I obviously got my dates mixed up, but it's okay. I still plan to stay here for a week. Maybe I could catch up with Will and make some new friends."

His agitation increased at the thought of Andrea meeting with Will and his friends. That could easily lead to Jessa.

"Why would you want to catch up with Will? You hardly know him."

"Oh, come on. He spent a bit of time with us in Melbourne and he's one of your oldest friends. I'm sure he wouldn't mind having a coffee with me, at least," she said coquettishly. "Anyway, why are we talking here? Let's go up to your room."

"My room?" He noticed the luggage next to Andrea. "Why? Where are you staying?"

"I haven't booked a room yet. I thought I'd stay with you tonight. I'll just move tomorrow." Andrea swept her hungry eyes over him.

"You're not staying in my room, Andrea. We're not together anymore."

"Rob, like I said …" Andrea puffed. "Look, can we talk somewhere else? Next to the lifts isn't exactly the best place for a conversation."

"Let's go to the bar."

"Can I put my luggage in your room first?" Andrea tried a pretty pout. "I'll look silly taking it with me to the bar."

He swore under his breath and pushed the up button to call the elevator. He'd have to help her find accommodation tonight so she didn't end up staying in his room. It was Jessa he wanted in there, not Andrea.


"We'll try another hotel," Rob persisted.

They had just been at the hotel reception to sort out Andrea's accommodation for the week. Unfortunately, there was an international technology conference happening at the nearby Sydney Convention Centre that coming weekend and most of the hotels around the area were fully booked until Monday.

BOOK: Heart Robber (Lifestyle by Design Book 2)
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