Hart’s Desires (Volume One – The First Day) (Hart's Desires) (3 page)

BOOK: Hart’s Desires (Volume One – The First Day) (Hart's Desires)
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“You’re lying. I can hear it in your voice. I don’t blame you. I would let him do whatever he wanted to me, too.”


“You’re such a dirty girl.”


We giggled together, then I looked at the clock on my dashboard again. I had to go back to reality, one where Paul Hart was just the owner of the company that employed me, and I was just a lowly secretary. “I have to go.”


“Me too, my boss has walked by twice now and I have a feeling she knows I’m not on the phone with a client. Call me later with more details, like an explicit, kinky affair with the richest man in the city.”


“Yeah, right. I’ll be sure to do that!”


We said our good byes, and then I got out of the car. I patted down my skirt, and then fixed my blouse. I hoped that nobody would notice how hot and bothered I was when I got back inside, but I wasn’t completely sure that I could hide it well enough.


That afternoon, I wouldn’t say Samantha and I became friends, but I would say that she at least accepted me as a coworker. However, that didn’t stop her from giving me the dirty jobs. The UPS man dropped off a stack of packages earlier in the day, and then the mail staff claimed the packages and delivered them to the offices where they were supposed to go. The UPS man had just dropped off another stack of packages to the front desk. Since it was late in the afternoon now, no one from the mailroom was going to stop by again to pick up any packages. This meant that one of us had to deliver them. Of course, Samantha looked at me and I knew it would be my duty.


It was six fairly big packages, but luckily they were light. The hardest part was pressing the elevator button while cradling them all in my arms. I dropped off the first package on the second floor and when the elevator door opened again, Paul stood in the middle of the elevator. I was momentarily stunned.


He smiled at me and moved to the side to make room for me and my stack of packages. “What floor?” His voice resonated, so calm, yet so powerful.


I tried to regain my bearings and act professional. I looked at the top package, trying to read the label. I looked at it while I waited for the other elevator, but Paul’s imposing figure caused me to instantly forget. “Sixth floor, please.”


He hit the button, and then asked, “Do you need help with that?”


“No, thank you, they’re pretty light.”


The elevator took off and he looked down at his smart phone. He scrolled through his emails. “How is your first day going so far?” I was surprised that he remembered me, let alone that he remembered that it was my first day.


“A little rough at first, but now it’s going great. I love it here.” I hoped that I didn’t sound too overly enthusiastic.


“I’m glad to hear that. You don’t seem like a receptionist. What’s your long term goal?”


Was this a test? Did he want to see if I would just work there for a few months, then move on to a better position in some other company? I had to admit, that thought had occurred to me after they hired me. I would still send out resumes and if I found a better paying position that was more in my field, I would probably take it. I decided to go with an answer that made it sound as though I really liked my position, but was eager to climb the corporate ladder, wherever that could take me. An answer I hoped would be safe. “I like the job so far, but I do have a marketing degree. Down the road, I would like to see if the marketing department has a position for me.”


“I thought you might be destined for something more than the front desk.” He smiled at me and I felt my knees get weak.


The elevator stopped at the sixth floor and the doors opened. I didn’t want to get off the elevator. I wanted to keep talking to him, but I didn’t want to seem too into him. Not that I had to worry; he would never be into a girl like me.


He held the door open. “If things go well for a few months, come see me. I’ll see if the marketing department has a spot for you.”


“That would be great, thank you very much.” I smiled.


The elevator doors closed and I wanted to fan myself. It would take some time to get used to working with him and being around him every day.


By the time I made it back to the front desk, it was nearly five o’clock. Samantha had already gone and I started to gather up my stuff when I saw a yellow post it note with my name on it and a stack of papers from the H.R. department.


I probably could’ve waited until the morning to fill them out, but I didn’t mind working late and showing that I was an asset to the company. I didn’t have a boyfriend to race home to or anyone besides my roommate and she wouldn’t notice if I came home late. Plus, I hoped that while I filled out the paperwork, I might get another chance to see Paul as he walked out.


No such luck. It took me twenty minutes to fill out the forms and I would estimate that most of the building emptied out past me, but there was no sign of the C.E.O.


I was about to leave a second time when a FedEx man came rushing in. He handed me the small box and the electronic keypad to sign my name.


“Last minute emergency package. Sorry for the late delivery. Thanks,” he said then rushed back out.


The package had Paul’s name on it and a stick-on labeled ‘Same Day Delivery’. I thought about leaving it there and taking it up to him in the morning. Or just giving it to the mail staff, which was probably the right thing to do. But, I justified to myself, what if it was something he needed right away? In reality, it was just another chance to possibly see Mr. Hart, and I couldn’t turn that down.


I looked at the package as I waited for the elevator. Curiosity was getting to me. About the size of a shoebox, with no return label. Inside the elevator, I shook it. It didn’t make a sound and nothing moved around inside of it. I imagined it was papers, making the purchase of another company official. Or maybe some sort of computer piece that would lead to Paul’s next billion dollars.


The top floor were all of the executive offices were located was completely empty and quiet. My heels clicked on the tile floor and echoed off the walls.


An empty receptionist desk greeted me. I debated leaving it there, but I decided to make sure it got delivered. I grinned with dumb-pride as I walked past the desk.


On the right was a large glass conference room with a view of the city’s skyline beyond its windows. A large oak desk filled the room, surrounded by plush black leather chairs. I imagined Paul at the head of it, meeting with the management staff as they plotted their next moves. I then imagined myself spread out on the table, completely naked, with Paul hovering above me. I couldn’t help but smile at the dirty thought.


On the left were a number of desks. I pictured his entourage of staff filling them earlier, phones ringing, papers bustling. This was where the real action took pace, I imagined.


At the far end stood two dark colored oak doors with his name on the door in brass lettering. The door was closed, but unlocked.


Maybe I should’ve left it at the desk. The next room was also empty. I pictured security watching the video cameras and sending someone up after me.


“Hello? I have a package for Mr. Hart.” I said, raising my voice slightly, in the hopes that someone may be around. No one answered me.


At first I thought the vast room was his office, but then I saw another set of doors. This time they were unmarked.


I knew I should just have left the package on this desk, but I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to see what his office looked like.


I heard voices on the other side of the door and I grinned. One a male voice, definitely Paul. The other female, probably his secretary. I would get one more chance to see Paul today after all. My little journey was worth it.


I pushed open the door, knocking as I did. “I have a same day delivery package for Mr. Hart. I thought it might be important, so I brought it up.”


I expected to see Paul giving directions to his secretary. Instead, I saw Samantha on her knees. Her dress lay on the floor between them and me. Her bra half on, her perky breasts and light pink nipples pointed at him. Her bright pink, almost neon colored lips attached to his cock. Paul stood in front of her. It didn’t take me long to figure out what she was doing. They froze. I froze. I didn’t know what to say or do. Was this real?


“What are you doing here??” Samantha jumped back and screeched.


“I, I um. I was just dropping off this.” I held the package up for everyone to see. “I’m. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” My heart pounded. My cheeks turned red. Between my legs, a desire developed. I had never felt so much fear and sensual excitement at the same time. I wanted to run away and pretend I had never been in this office. Yet at the same time, I wanted to get on my knees and join Samantha. I couldn’t help but to look at his thick, swollen manhood, glistening with her saliva. What was I thinking? I wasn’t that kind of girl, especially not with a man I just met; a man who I never even had a chance of dating. I started to back up.


“Shut the door,” Paul said, with a stern, strong voice. This wasn’t the same Paul that I had talked to earlier in the day. He looked with at me with fire in his eyes, not as an employer, but as someone out to protect anything from damaging his reputation.


My feet stumbled together, but I kept moving back. “I’m sorry. I was never here.”


Before I could get the three feet back to the door, Paul pulled up his pants and raced to the door. He got there first and slammed shut it behind me. My stomach dropped. He looked down at me. This couldn’t end well. I watched him as he locked the door. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the center of the room. He took the package out of my hand and flung it on to a smaller version of the conference table outside of his office.


I stood next to the kneeling Samantha and only now did I notice that he had tied her hands together behind her back. The bright colors of his tie were hard to miss. “I thought you locked the door.” He said, looking at her.


“I thought
did,” Samantha no longer sounded like the strong, confident woman or even the bitchy coworker from earlier. “I’m so sorry.”


He looked towards me. What had I gotten myself into? Why did I have to be so curious? Why did I have to see him one more time? I hope you’re happy, I told myself. You’re going to get fired, at the very least.


“Page seven of your new hire paperwork was a N.D.A., a non-disclosure agreement.”


I nodded my head yes. I remembered the paperwork. I didn’t remember that page specifically, but I signed every page. I technically made it through my first day, but I knew what was coming next. He wanted to fire me.


“It says that you can not discuss Hart Technologies Inc. with anyone outside of this company. That includes what you’ve seen here tonight.”


I looked down at Samantha, her hands still behind her back, unable to move them. She glared up at me, like she did when I first came in late this morning.


“If you ever tell anyone what you’ve seen in this office, I will take everything you have or ever will have.”


“I would never say anything.” I believed every word he said. I felt scared, almost like he might hit me at any second. It looked like he was holding back his anger. At the same time, I felt turned on. I wanted to get on my knees and show him my loyalty. “Please, don’t fire me.”


“Fire the bitch,” Samantha said.


He looked down at her and she shut her mouth. He didn’t even have to say a thing. He just looked at her. He turned his gaze towards me. “If you tell anyone, I will take everything, including what your parents own or any other member of your family. Don’t think I won’t. It will be easy for my lawyers.”


“I’m so sorry.” I came close to crying. I couldn’t believe what I had gotten myself into.


“You should have never come up here.”


“I just wanted to make sure the package got delivered. I thought it was important. I’m sorry. I’ll do anything you want.”


He stopped and looked at me. His dark eyes looked into mine. “What do you mean by that?”

BOOK: Hart’s Desires (Volume One – The First Day) (Hart's Desires)
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