Read Haleigh's Ink Online

Authors: Jennifer Kacey

Haleigh's Ink (13 page)

BOOK: Haleigh's Ink
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She felt like a butterfly. Emerging from her cocoon after
years of hiding from the world all around her.

He held her damaged breast in his palm, caressing it,
thumbing over the scar. “Never again, Haleigh. I won’t let you go this time.”
She didn’t know if he was referring to him walking away or how close she came
to death. But it didn’t matter.

“Promise?” squeaked out of her as he worked his thick
erection inside her slick sex.

“You have my word.”

She moaned at his admission, glancing from Kyle to Scott,
who stood beside them, jacking his cock in a tight fist.

She should have been terrified. She was bound with no
ability to escape. She had no control. Not of her emotions, or her physical
well-being, nor how deep he fucked her. He pounded inside her pussy until they
were both panting.

“Fuck it,” Scott cursed. He snatched a leather mask from the
closet, covering Kyle’s face with it. He buckled it behind Kyle’s head, leaving
only two small nose holes open for him to breathe through.

Scott spread lube on his cock, stepping behind Kyle.

She could only imagine what it felt like. No sight, reduced
sound. Difficult to fully inhale.

“Sir” fell from Kyle’s lips behind the mask, making her
pussy clench on him. His head craned to the side, and Scott’s fingers dug into
Kyle’s hip. He kicked his legs out a bit wider.

“Are you…” Haleigh didn’t know how to say the words to form
the question sitting on her tongue.

“Fucking him?” Scott asked as he ground his teeth together.

She nodded, unable to speak past the knot of emotion in her

“I’m trying to maintain some type of goddamn control here.”

“Mmm…” was Kyle’s answer.

Scott lost the battle he fought right along with the rest of

Kyle gripped her thighs hard as Scott entered him, thrusting
inside her pussy.

They all three groaned, joined together, truly for the first

Kyle’s cock grew thicker, branding her inside and out.

Scott set the pace, yanking Kyle onto his cock, pistoning
him back and forth. Haleigh held on to the chain, moaning on every thrust. Kyle
slid his thumb up along her slit to her clit, rubbing it in time with his

“It’s too much, Sir. Too much. I can’t take it. Please let
me come. Please…”

“That word is so damn pretty from your mouth. Kyle, spank
that pretty pussy and make her come.”

The first hit landed on her mound with a rush of air.

“I can’t—”

The second slap crashed square on her clit and she screamed.
Her breasts bounced as he pumped inside her core. She writhed against the swing
and the hold he had on her waist, tossing her head from side to side.

Her orgasm climbed higher and he spanked her one last time.

The rich bundle of nerves under his fingers exploded into a
million tiny pieces before snapping together again. The energy raced under her
skin, multiplying exponentially as it bounced from her brain to her core.

“Make yourself come, Kyle. Fuck yourself inside her and on
my cock. I want to feel your ass strangle my dick.”

Kyle grabbed Haleigh’s shoulders, using her body as leverage
so he could pound inside her tight sheath. He struggled to breathe inside the
hood and his dick twitched inside her. His tattoo flexed across his pec on each

Scott clasped his throat with one hand, wrapping the other
around his mouth and nose. Kyle twitched, making Haleigh arch into him, wanting
to give him as much pleasure as they gave her.

They were so beautiful together.

Time stood still as Scott yelled, “Now!”

He yanked his palm away from his mouth, allowing Kyle to
suck in a huge lungful of oxygen. Their hips convulsed, their chests vibrated
as they groaned and Haleigh could feel every tremor. Kyle moaned every few
thrusts, overwhelming Haleigh with sensation since no matter how he moved
several of her senses were stimulated with sexual wickedness.

Haleigh bucked beneath them, another aftershock skated up
her spine, turning her mind to mush. Kyle came inside her, liquefying her

Their musky scents reached her nose and nothing had ever
smelled more delicious.

“Umm…” she sighed when Kyle cursed behind the mask.

The world went a little black.


Haleigh came to with Kyle hugging her close.

They were on the bed, naked, snuggled beneath the covers.
Water cut off in the bathroom and she knew Scott wasn’t far from joining them.

She waited for self-consciousness to show its ugly head, but
it never did.

“I love you,” whispered across her forehead. Kyle rubbed his
lips against her skin and tears of joy sprang up.

“Even with all of my scars? You still love me?”

“You could be missing a leg and I would love you just the
same. You could be blinded tomorrow, and I would be your eyes. I love you.” He
touched her sternum, holding her steady gaze. “The rest is beautiful, but I love
you here…”

She grabbed the back of his neck, dragging him to her mouth.
She kissed him for all the years she hadn’t dared, for all the days she’d
thought she wouldn’t have, and the time to come she would never take for
granted. It was a promise, a pledge, and her heart filled near to bursting.

“I love you too, Kyle. I never stopped. Not for a single
day. You were and still are my happy place. With Scott it’s perfect, isn’t it?
Complete somehow?”

Kyle pressed his lips to hers, smiling against them. “I couldn’t
have asked for a woman more perfect. You bridge me. The man I always wanted to
be, with the man I’m trying to become.”

He wiped the tears away as they fell and held her close.

The door to the bathroom opened as he mumbled, “Forever and
ever, I will love you.”

Haleigh smiled, floating in her subspace haze, wondering how
she got so lucky. “Forever.” She hugged him to her.

Scott leaned over them, lifting her chin. He kissed them

“Why are you dressed? Come to bed, we have so much to talk

“Duke texted. I’ve got an issue at the shop I need to deal
with. It’s still early enough, I’d like to get it handled tonight.”

Kyle said, “Give us ten minutes. We’ll shower and come with

“No. Stay here with Haleigh. You’re both still high as kites
and need some rest.” He kissed them both again. Cupping their cheeks, pressing
his forehead to theirs before standing. “I’ll be back when I can.”

And he was gone.

Haleigh clutched Kyle to her, suddenly chilled. “Why did
that sound like goodbye?” she whispered into the darkness.

“He wouldn’t do that, Haleigh. He wouldn’t…”

She didn’t know if he was trying to convince her or himself.
She snuggled against him, praying she was wrong.

Chapter Twelve


“Another?” Oscar asked from the other side of the bar, holding
up a bottle of tequila.

Scott thought about it then nodded. He’d already had too
many. He’d made it as far as The Library bar and his strength failed him.

He was supposed to be the big bad Dom. The weight of the
world shouldn’t bow his shoulders, but all he really wanted to do was cry like
a little bitch.

Oscar set his third or fourth shot of tequila in front of
him and he threw it back. He was way past the point of the whole lick, salt,
lime shindig. He wanted to get drunk, stay numb and sleep for a week.

Several of the other members, Doms and subs alike, had
approached him.

His “what the fuck do you want” stares did the trick and
everyone cleared out pretty damn quick. Only a handful of people remained, and
they weren’t anywhere close to him.

Oscar filled the shot glass again, setting the bottle out of
Scott’s reach.

“Smart man,” he muttered, tossing the Jose Cuervo straight
into his stomach. The burn was familiar and he relished the false warmth
spreading through his torso.

He was so cold.

“I’ve worked for you, what? Four years? You helped me get
this job two and something years ago. But do you know what?”

“No, but I’m sure you’re gonna tell me.”

“Damn right I am. You have never gotten drunk in that time
frame. Something pretty freaking major must have happened. From what I heard it
must have been sometime after you had sweet Haleigh climbing your bodies. Had
her so jacked she would have done anything you asked of her. Kyle supposedly
carried her out, following you downstairs, where I’m sure the fun continued.
They aren’t here, which means they were smart and stayed cuddled up and blissed
out, which leaves…you.”

“Me,” Scott agreed, feeling a bit muddy-headed. He should
probably find an un-occupied bed to sleep it off in. He already knew he wasn’t
driving anywhere tonight. Hell, Duke hadn’t even texted with any kind of issue.
He was probably in one of the playrooms, lording over a whole parcel of

“Boss, what’s doing?”

“I don’t want to be the odd man out.”

Oscar raised an eyebrow at him but remained silent.

“I came into the room after taking a shower and Kyle was
telling Haleigh how much he loved her. Like the forever kind, not the ‘hey, I
love you like a new pair of shoes that I will take to Goodwill when they pinch
my feet in a couple years’ kind.”

“And you what? Bolted, instead of climbing in bed to join in
the love fest?”

Scott shook his head. “I’ve been the fifth wheel. I was that
awkward addition in my own family before and after Simon died. It nearly killed
me. I couldn’t bear to be that for Kyle and Haleigh. They mean too much.”

“What are you saying? You’re bailing?” Oscar accused.

He nodded.

“Without giving any of you a chance to make it work, you’re
walking away?”

“First,” he clarified, as if it was a foregone conclusion
that’s how it would end anyways. “I’m walking away first, before it gets ugly.
And you go ahead and jump off that high-horse you’re riding on. You’re one to
talk about giving anyone a chance. You’ve been approached by how many Doms and
not once in the time you’ve been here have you said yes? Not to any of them? No
playing, no dating, no talking. Nada.”

Oscar’s focus jumped over Scott’s shoulder. Scott glanced
behind him at a man in a three-piece suit. He held a square-cut glass with some
kind of liquor over ice, his other hand casually tucked into his pants pocket.
He spoke with a Domme Scott had never seen before.

He looked back at Oscar, who was staring right at him. “The
right person hasn’t asked yet. If it’s meant to happen it will. Until then I
don’t feel the need to be with anybody else. Fate has already handed you your
answer on a silver platter big enough for three. You are not the man I thought
you were if you fuck that up.”

Scott cringed, wondering if Oscar was right. But he didn’t
understand that it was inevitable. Kyle needed a pretty young girl to call his
own. His family would love her. He could be with her and not be embarrassed or
ashamed at the person he crawled into bed with.

“Call me whatever you want, as long as you call me a cab
first. I’ll be waiting for it outside the gate.”

He stalked off before Oscar could tell him anything else he
really didn’t want to hear. He couldn’t risk it.

His whole body screamed for him to go back to his lovers, so
he purposefully strode past the elevator and out the front door.

Halfway to the gate it started to rain.

“Fuck me…”

* * * * *

Several days later, Haleigh and Kyle sat in what was
beginning to be known as their booth at CJ’s. They sat side by side,
devastated, staring at Scott’s picture on her phone. She’d called him every day
but he never answered, and she assumed he deleted her voicemails. They weren’t
returned either.

“You must have seen him at the shop?” Haleigh quizzed him,
not for the first time.

“Yeah, off and on, but we’re always with clients. He’s
booking them back to back to back. I’ve never done so many tattoos in a short
amount of time. I’m lucky to grab lunch standing up, and if he’s on a break you
can guarantee I’m working on somebody with another waiting in the wings. I’ve
hung around after quitting time, but then he’s burning rubber to get away. He’s
not even telling me where he’s staying. I’ve gone to the condo several times.
It’s no different than it was a few days ago. He hasn’t been there. Nothing’s
been moved. Then we each get a text saying he wishes us luck. What the fuck? I
don’t get it. What the hell happened?”

“Me, Kyle. I happened. I came along and ruined it for him.
For you.”

“You didn’t ruin anything,” he soothed. “I think this kind
of situation is exactly what Scott needs. I didn’t understand how it could be
until you were the female part of the equation.”

“He obviously doesn’t agree.”

“Actually he does.”

They looked up as Oscar and Nick slid into the booth across
from them.

“What do you mean? Did he talk to you?”

“He had a few too many at the bar the other night and said a
whole hell of a lot more than he probably meant to.”

Nick piped up, “I overheard enough to get he’s being a
dumbass and figured maybe I could help. That guy’s totally gone over both of
you and is scared shitless. Seeing the mighty Scott fall? I’m all over that.”

Kyle shoved his fingers through his hair. “But everything
was great and he…left.”

“Does he hate me?” Haleigh whispered, not knowing if she
really wanted to hear their answer.

Oscar reached across, covering her wrist. “He loves you.
Both of you. He’s so worried it won’t last he doesn’t want to risk it. After
losing his brother, he’s more than a little damaged. Much more than any of us
ever saw.”

“So where does that leave us?” Kyle asked. “Shit in one
hand, wish in the other. I’ll bet you which one will fill up first.”

“That’s where I come in,” Nick announced. “I’ve got a plan
so we can get his brain to shut the hell up and let the rest of him have a shot
at figuring it out.”

“What could you do? He won’t even stop long enough to talk
to us, much less listen.”

“You leave that to me,” Oscar said. “Nick’s gonna take care
of the rest.”

Haleigh glanced at Nick, whose grin meshed a heady mix of
sadist and an eight-year-old at 6 a.m. Christmas morning. “Oh lord…”

BOOK: Haleigh's Ink
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