Hagen, Lynn - Hunter [Zeus's Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove) (5 page)

BOOK: Hagen, Lynn - Hunter [Zeus's Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)
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Business was booming since Alpha Zeus had decided to rebuild, and most nights Hunter was too tired to even use his hand. But Sully didn’t need to know that.

“Here comes the biggest troublemaker of them all.”

Dino came sauntering over. “All lies.” He chuckled and took a seat. “Glad you made it, Hunter.”

Hunter held his bottle up and then took a drink, feeling the friendship all around him in the tavern.

“Jaxxon and Ian are supposed to be joining us,” Knox said as he leaned over and whispered something into Sammy’s ear, who was sitting on Trevor’s lap. Whatever it was, the guy turned so red, Hunter thought he was going to have to turn a hose on him to put the fire out.




He knew Jaxxon and Ian were soldiers. Hunter knew all their names, he just didn’t know them.

“Where’d Tristan go?”

Hunter turned to look over his shoulder, and his brain took a dump. He couldn’t think of one word to say as his mate stood there staring at the crowd around the table.

“He excused himself. I think he went to the bathroom.” Trevor pointed in the direction toward the back of the tavern.

“But that’s the kitchen.” Sammy looked puzzled as he stared at Hunter’s mate.

“Why would he do that? Did someone say something to him?” the man asked. He had a sun-kissed heavenly face with sensuous eyes.

But his jaw was set, clenching as it held back his anger. What was going on? Did his mate have another?

“No.” Sammy shook his head. “Trevor said he looked a little green, and I said something about his face matching his shirt.”

Sammy looked contrite. “I wasn’t making fun of him, I swear.” The man seemed near tears, and Hunter was even more intrigued as to what was going on.

His mate cursed and headed to the back of the tavern. “Pardon me.” Hunter jumped from his seat and ran after the guy.

“Is there a problem I can help you with?” he asked as he caught up to his sexy mate.

“Who the hell are you?” The man walked through kitchen and looked around. “Has anyone seen a guy about five foot five, red hair, big red hat on his head with a feather sticking out of it?” he asked the personnel working in the kitchen.

Was he serious? Big red hat…feather?

“He went out the screen door.” One of the men answered.

His mate shot out of the door. “I’m Hunter. I own the hardware store.”

That got his attention. “The one Dino deals with?”



Lynn Hagen

“That’s me.” Hunter rounded the brick wall, wondering who they were looking for. “What’s your name?”

“Quinn.” He stopped and threw his hands up in the air. “Fuck.”

In a heartbeat I would.
“Who are you looking for? Maybe I can help.” Hunter laid his hand on Quinn’s forearm to stop him. The muscles underneath flexed as Quinn ran his hand down his face, frustration written all over it. His cock hardened with that one small act. Man, it had been
long since he last got laid if something as small as flexing biceps turned him on.

“Tristan is my friend, and he’s running from trouble. I need to find him before something happens to him.” Quinn’s eyes scanned the street as he spoke.

Friend. Okay, he felt one-hundred-percent better. “How about we drive around and look for him? From your description, he shouldn’t be too hard to find.”

Quinn shot a glare at him. “Don’t make fun of him. He’s a really sweet man who caught a tough break in life.”

His mate was compassionate, too. Hunter liked that. “I wasn’t making fun of him. I was just stating that not too many people walk around with red hats and feathers. It shouldn’t be too hard to find him.”

Quinn began to walk again, heading around the corner and walking over to a nice Camaro. “He shouldn’t have gotten far.” Quinn nodded to the passenger side, and Hunter immediately walked around and got in.

Once inside the enclosed interior, his mate’s scent was thick in the air. Honeysuckle and jasmine filled his lungs and had him salivating.

Not now, he’s in a crisis.

Quinn drove down Route 22, his eyes darting around as he looked for this Tristan character. “So you work for Dino?”

Quinn nodded, but his eyes never stopped searching. “I’ve been with him about ten years. We actually grew up together. When he



decided to open Tiziano Contracting, I was the first person he hired.

We’re more like brothers than friends.”

“He never made you business partner?”

Quinn snorted. “I don’t want to be. I’m pretty much my own boss, and I like it like that. He can have the headache of running the show.”

Hunter looked at him with amused wonder. What was his mate like, aside from this rescue mission? This only endeared the man even more to Hunter for caring about a friend so much to go out of his way to find him.

“I don’t have any partners myself. I was thinking about hiring someone until Zeus’s project ended. You guys have been keeping me on my toes with longer hours and ordering the supplies you need. The hardware orders alone keep me busy.”

“That was Zeus’s idea. He wanted the community to profit from the project. He seems like a pretty nice guy,” Quinn praised.

“He is, compared to the last…mayor.” That was the title shifters used when talking to humans about their Alpha. They weren’t aware were-creatures existed, and that was the way they wanted to keep it.

Not even the townspeople knew, but it wasn’t too hard to keep from them. When Hunter’s wolf wanted to run, he just went out into the forest surrounding some of the town and let his wolf free.

There were a few close calls when a human spotted him, but the shifters were always nonthreatening, so the human townspeople left them alone.

“Shit.” Quinn pulled over to the side of the road and jumped out of the car. Hunter did the same. He spotted a man walking on the side of the road, and he really did have a red hat on with a very large white feather sitting erect on top of it. Wow, his color coordination looked like a confused rainbow.

What really pulled at Hunter’s heartstrings was the total despair on the man’s face. What the hell was going on here?

Hunter waited by the car, not wanting to interfere as Quinn talked with the man. He had seen enough when Quinn cupped the man’s face


Lynn Hagen

and leaned in, kissing his cheek. This was no friendship in Hunter’s eyes. He strolled over to pull his mate away when, for the second time tonight, his brain stuttered to a halt. The smell of citrus and mint juleps infiltrated his head and buzzed through his body.

There was no way he could smell his mate…again. Maybe Quinn’s scent had changed? He’d never heard of something like that happening, but it was possible.

“Come on, jellybean, how can you say that?” Quinn asked the timid man.

“Because, sir, it would be best if I left so no trouble came your way.”

Knowing the smaller man was in trouble made the hairs on the back of Hunter’s neck stand up. No one was going to hurt this little confused rainbow.

The man must have finally noticed Hunter’s presence because his eyes grew round, and he dropped to his knees, his head bowed, and his hand landed on his thighs. Hunter had never seen anyone sit like that and wondered why the guy would do it out in the middle of nowhere.

“What’s wrong, Tristan?” Quinn looked over at Hunter with a puzzled look and then back down at Rainbow Bright. “Is it Hunter?”

“Sir, I wasn’t aware this could happen.”

Hunter knew Tristan was talking to him. “Stand.” He gently commanded. “Bow to no one.”

Tristan rose on shaky legs, baring his neck to Hunter. He stepped forward, sniffing Tristan’s neck, taking in his scent. Well damn, he really was Hunter’s mate. He had two of them?

“Uh, what’s going on?” Quinn looked between the two. “Is this a wolf shifter thing?”

“Oh, sir, how did you know about shifters?” Tristan asked in surprise. Hunter wanted to know the same thing.




“Dino explained it to me yesterday when he saw how possessive I was of you. I won’t lie, it wigged me the hell out, but I’ve had time to absorb it. So you’re one, too?” Quinn asked as he turned to Hunter.

Hunter nodded. “I am.” This would help. Hunter worried over how to explain things to his human mate while riding in the car, but it seemed the foreman took care of that. “How does Dino know?”

“He says he’s mated to Torem and Sidney.” Quinn grinned, shaking his head, speaking as in disbelief. “I never thought Dino would have two men at once. It was a shocker. He’s so not the type.”

“Are you offended by this?” Hunter asked as he looked from his timid mate to Quinn.

Quinn shrugged, a wickedly sexy smile playing at his lips.

Hunter’s cock was getting hard just staring at the gorgeous man.

“Nah, live and let live.”

His mate’s laidback approach set Hunter at ease. Should he reveal to Quinn that he also had two mates? The guy seemed to accept things pretty well. Maybe later. They needed to get Tristan off of this dark country road.

Hunter didn’t like either of his mates out here. They still had threats of rogue shifters and vampires, and it hurt Hunter’s stomach to think of anything happening to either of them. Even though Quinn looked like he could hold his own. Hunter wasn’t going to chance his
mate. “We should get him home.”

“He lives with me,” Quinn said over his shoulder to Hunter as he guided Tristan toward the car.

“I can’t go, sir. What if…things happen and one or both of you gets hurt?” Tristan pulled his arm free of Quinn’s grasp and backed away.

Hunter really hated to do this considering the wolf seemed so fragile. “Get in the car now,” he commanded gently but firmly. It was better than the alternative, which was leaving him out here to fend for himself. There was no way in hell Hunter would even consider that possibility.



Lynn Hagen

Tristan clutched some kind of notebook to his chest, and with tears in his eyes, walked over to the car. God, the man looked so damn hurt. Hunter hated that he had to resort to commanding his mate, but again, he couldn’t risk him being out here on his own.

“Don’t talk to him like that. He’s already been through enough. I told you that.” Quinn snapped at him and then ran after Tristan.

That didn’t go as planned. Hunter ran his hands through his hair, at a loss of how to handle this situation. He’d never been in a serious relationship before and wasn’t sure he was doing the right thing. The only thing that eased his conscience was having the knowledge that Tristan wasn’t going to be out here all alone.

“I wasn’t trying to be an asshole,” Hunter told Quinn when he caught up with him, laying his hand on his mate’s arm. “But if I hadn’t commanded him to do as told, we could have been out here for hours trying to convince him. And if someone is really after him, then that wouldn’t be wise.”

“I understand why you did it. I just don’t want him talked to that way.” Quinn’s eyes looked disapproving as he climbed into the driver’s seat. Hunter slid into the back. This was going to take a lot of work.

“I’m sorry, Tristan.” Hunter felt terrible. Tristan’s face was stained with tears, and he refused to look at Hunter. What a way to start off with his newfound mates.

“It’s okay, sir.” Tristan wiped his face and began to sing. “
You are
my sunshine, my only sunshine
…” Hunter tilted his head and stared at Tristan for a moment before turning to Quinn for an answer.

“He does that when he’s nervous.” Quinn reached over and ran his hand up and down Tristan’s arm. “Stop singing, jellybean. Hunter won’t harm you.” Quinn shot a glare at Hunter from the rearview mirror.

Hunter sighed as he sat back. Quinn turned the car around and headed back to town with Tristan still singing. This was the most bizarre shit Hunter had ever witnessed. He kept his thoughts to



himself the whole ride back. It seemed he wasn’t doing too well with these two, and he didn’t want to rack up more shit points with them.

Quinn palmed the wheel, pulling the car into a driveway, and cut the motor. “I want to get Tristan settled before I take you home.”

Hunter didn’t want to go home. He wanted to be with his mates.

But since Quinn was unaware of the fact of their status, Hunter could only nod in agreement as he followed them inside.

Quinn walked Tristan into the house and down the hallway, into a bedroom. “You two share a room?” Hunter looked around and noticed a drawing table off in one corner. It must be for Quinn’s work.

“No, ever since Tristan showed up, I’ve been sleeping in the guest bedroom,” Quinn informed him.

Hunter leaned against the doorframe as Quinn guided Tristan to the bathroom. “Get into something more comfortable, jellybean.” He removed Tristan’s hat and took the notebook. When Tristan gave a noise of protest, Quinn ran his hand over the smaller guy’s back. “I’m going to put this on your drawing table. It’s not going anywhere.”

Tristan’s eyes darted to Hunter and then he disappeared into the bathroom.

“Is he mentally slow or something?” Hunter asked as he watched Quinn set Tristan’s things on the table. It wouldn’t have mattered to Hunter. He knew finding one’s mate was a rare thing, and he’d take them any way he could get them.

Quinn narrowed his eyes, pointing his finger in the direction of the bathroom. “No, and don’t even fucking think of treating him like that. He just has issues to work out. I’ll take you home in a moment.”

That was the last thing Hunter wanted to do. He crossed the room and grabbed Quinn’s upper arms, crushing their lips together as he backed his mate into the drawing table. Quinn was stiff and resistant at first, but then he opened and allowed Hunter to smother his lips with demanding mastery.

Quinn leaned back against the table and let Hunter take over.

Hunter’s tongue traced those plump lips, enticing him to sample more

BOOK: Hagen, Lynn - Hunter [Zeus's Pack 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)
6.92Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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