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Chapter Twelve

The next day, Dirk went to the hospital without Riley. They’d spent the night together, but they hadn’t had sex. That relieved Riley. The more time she spent with Dirk, the worse their inevitable break-up would be.

She wished she could just go back to her place. Her company would most likely have a new job for her. She wandered into the kitchen, where Luzy was baking.

“I know,” the woman said.

She had Dirk’s hair, but her mother’s facial features. She might have been attractive at one point in her life. Now she looked older than Trent. Rode hard and put away wet, came to Riley’s mind. She admonished herself for not being nice.

The poor woman’s mother was in the hospital. Out of ICU, but still in the hospital.

“What do you know?” Riley asked, feeling as if she’d come into the room in the middle of the conversation. Except that no one else was in the kitchen.

“I bake when I’m unhappy or nervous.”

Riley picked up a cookie and took a bite. It was a piece of heaven. “These are really good.”


“Do you bake for a living?”

“No, I work with Chad. Sometimes. Going through a divorce. Again. I have alimony.”

Why would she want to depend on alimony? Riley would rather make her own money. This was none of her business. She would be gone from this family once this was all over. She wasn’t even sure why she was here.

Riley chewed her cookie in silence. She had no idea how to respond to Luzy.

“I should have gone to college.”

“Didn’t you?” Riley said.

“No. I learned programming in the field.”

“Is that what you do for Chad?”

Luzy was a programmer? Riley hadn’t known that. If she were still investigating Dirk’s leak, she would put Luzy on her suspect list. Why hadn’t Dirk shared that with her? What else hadn’t he shared?

She shrugged. Didn’t matter.

“Yes, I program for Chad. As a freelancer. Not regular money.”

Riley nodded. Luzy didn’t have the degree, so no one else would hire her. Again, what a tough position to be in. Riley had taken a very traditional route and was happy for the stability.

She had a roof over her head, and she didn’t have to rely on a man for it. The whole idea chafed at her. She was the alpha. Not with Dirk, but that was ending.

“I was convinced you were Dirk’s girlfriend. And now you are really,” Luzy said.

No reason to disavow her of that belief. They’d know soon enough that she was not a permanent fixture in Dirk’s life.

“Funny how things work out,” Riley said.

Chad entered the kitchen. He looked at her sheepishly. “I know that I owe you an apology.”

“You do,” Riley said.

Not that it mattered to her now, but she’d take it if he was giving one out.

“I’m sorry for my behavior. Especially since you weren’t even Dirk’s real girlfriend,” Chad said.

“Apology accepted.”

“She’s his girlfriend now,” Luzy said.

“Any luck finding the leak in his company?” Chad asked.

How did Chad know about the leak? He was her top suspect, so right now she was going to play along that he should know.

“I was honing in on the person when the FBI took it over. Hopefully they’ll finish the job.”

Chad nodded. She didn’t detect any guilt or concern on his face. He turned to Luzy. “I’m heading to the hospital. You want a ride?”

Luzy nodded. “I need to freshen up and put these cookies away.”

“You give me the container, I’ll put them away for you,” Riley offered.

Something to do while she was here. She didn’t have her laptop. An oversight when she’d been packing in a hurry.

Right now, she wanted to leave and get her stuff out of Dirk’s place. Go home and sleep for a week.

“You coming with us?” Luzy asked.

“No. I’ll stay here. Field any calls you get,” Riley said.

Or escape, but part of her couldn’t do that. The two left, and she put cookies in a tin for Luzy. She mulled over her conversation with the two siblings. Luzy was a programmer and could have put that back door in. She could be the leak.

Chad was also a possibility. He was the CEO of the company that built that firewall.

Riley longed for her laptop. She could do some research, but instead, she was stuck in this place. When she finished packing up the cookies, she wandered outside. The house had a great view of the ocean, and she sat on a deck chair looking at it.

Someone approached. The housekeeper.

“Can I get you some lemonade?”

Riley didn’t like the idea of servants, but the woman had a job to do.

“Sure, thanks.”

The lemonade was tart and sweet at the same time. The best lemonade she’d ever had.

A dog wandered by, and she spent a few minutes petting it.

“You have a good life, mutt.”

He did. No decision. No heartbreaks. Not like she was facing. This family emergency was just prolonging the inevitable. She and Dirk were not going to be a couple anymore.

She refused to cry, but if someone even touched her, she would. She’d melt into a puddle. She had feelings for Dirk. What they were, she refused to explore. It didn’t matter. She was gone out of his life soon. He was going to go out of hers.

In fact, she wanted to leave now, but that would be cruel. Not with his mother in the hospital. As soon as she was better, Riley was gone.

She had to get on with her life. Get on with healing. She’d cry to Joan. Eat ice cream and stay in her pajamas until her next job.

That settled, Riley sniffed back her tears, wiped any that had leaked, then went in search of another cookie.


Dirk sat in his step-mother’s hospital room. With his dad. Eliza was awake. They’d decided that she hadn’t had a heart attack, and now she was out of ICU. His life couldn’t be better.

Well, if Riley didn’t leave him then his life would be better. Perfect, but he wasn’t able to express what he felt for her.

Carl sat on Eliza’s bed, stroking her hair. Dirk could see the love in their eyes. He wished he had that, but his father had more to offer. Dirk couldn’t promise forever. He wasn’t that type of guy.

He’d known long ago that he wouldn’t marry. Wouldn’t have kids.

“Carl said that Riley came with you,” Eliza said.

“She did. She’s been a rock through all of this.”

“You care about her,” Eliza said.

He did. He cared. But not enough. Not enough to change his nature. “She’s a good lady.”

Carl and Eliza exchanged a glance. Carl spoke. “Just good? We really liked her.”

Dirk didn’t want to discuss Riley with his parents. They wouldn’t understand. Besides, Riley would leave him. Soon.

“Speaking of her, I’m going back to the house to see her,” Dirk said.

He kissed his mother, hugged his father, then was out the door. He enjoyed the drive back to the house. Maybe he could talk Riley into going on one with him. The island was gorgeous. They didn’t have anything else to do.

Other than have sex, but he figured he didn’t want anyone to hear them.

Then again. His sister and brother were supposed to be on their way to see his mother. The house would be empty.

When he arrived, Riley was napping on the back deck. Dirk watched her for a moment. Her skin was clear, and he just didn’t understand what she saw in him.

She awoke with a start. “Hi,” she said.

She didn’t smile. She hadn’t been smiling.

“We have the house to ourselves.”


“I’m thinking we could get up to some mischief?”

Riley yawned, then stretched. Like a sexy cat. She didn’t look completely excited, but he’d get her there. He held out his hand. She took it, and he led her to the bedroom they were staying in.

They had a few hours, and he wanted to spend them naked with Riley. The room had been his as a kid, but his mother had updated it to be more adult. A four-poster bed dominated the room that took up one corner of the house. He had his own bathroom.

His mother had decorated it in muted tones of gray and burgundy. Not his choices for colors, but then he didn’t stay here much.

Dirk sat on the bed, then patted the area next to him. Riley sat, her face hosting a small smile.

“Ladies’ choice today. Bath first or sex first?”

“I think I’d like a bath.”

“Then I will go draw m’lady’s bath.”

She eyed him as if he had two heads as he left her on the bed to fill the bathtub. He made sure it was warm, but not too hot, and filled with bubbles. When he was done, he realized she’d been standing in the doorway.

He motioned her in. “M’lady’s bath.”

She rolled her eyes, but smiled at the same time. She was entertained by this, he guessed. He took his clothes off. Then he took her clothes off. He slid into the water.

“No, sit between my legs.”

She did as he said. She wasn’t in a talkative mood, but that was okay. He didn’t want to talk either. He’d had a scare with his mother being sick. She was okay, but he still felt a little weak from the situation.

“I wish I had thought of candles,” he said.

“It’s the middle of the day.”

“It would have created ambiance.”

She chuckled, but leaned back onto him. He liked the feel of her on him. He wished this day could last forever. Tomorrow he’d have to go back to work. Riley would, too. On another case.

He’d miss not seeing her all the time. Could he convince her to stay? Still, he didn’t know what he had to offer her. It wasn’t fair that he wasn’t a long-term guy. He just wasn’t.

For now they had today. He rubbed his hands down her body to her warm center.

“Spread your legs, honey.”

She did. He found the spot. “Put your arms around my neck. I want full access.”

She did, her head resting on his shoulder. He kissed her head then kept circling through her folds, her body getting taut. He loved doing this to her. She was so responsive. He didn’t have to work hard, but he would have. For Riley.

Now she was safe. She was off the case, and no one could hurt her. She let out a high keening noise as she came. Her chest heaved as she caught her breath.

A smiled tickled Dirk’s face. That would never get old. He never understood a man who didn’t take care of the woman first. If you did, she was more likely to want to have sex with you. He liked having sex. He was a man willing to do what had to be done to get what he wanted.

“Shift forward. I’ll wash your back.”

She did, and he did. He was enjoying that they didn’t have to talk. They’d spent enough time together to be comfortable in each other’s silence. He would miss this. He should ask her to stay. He should. Just stay with him.

He was an idiot. He didn’t know how he had feelings for her. Maybe she had them for him. He should ask her, but his ego would be bruised if this had just been sex.

He didn’t know when it had stopped being about sex for him. Somewhere along the line, he’d forgotten that Riley was not his girlfriend.

Damn. How had that happened, and how could he fix it?

Chapter Thirteen

Riley looked at herself in the mirror. She was dressed in a fancy cocktail dress she’d borrowed from Luzy. This was the last hurrah. After this, she was going back to her life.

Carl had convinced them that someone had to represent the family at some neighbor’s cocktail party. Dirk had volunteered them. Riley agreed, though she wasn’t sure she really wanted to go.

All of this hoopla was just postponing the break-up. Maybe it wouldn’t even be that bad. She’d just ease out of his life and move on with hers. No conversation. No tears. No come-to-Jesus moment.

Just pack her stuff and leave.

She’d spoken to Luzy a few more times, and Riley had sent an e-mail to Agent Louis suggesting he might look at Luzy as a possible suspect. She hadn’t received an answer back.

He was probably thinking that she should mind her own business. She would now. She was done with the case. It was in the hands of law enforcement, and she would move on to the next job.

Dirk looked over at her from where he was tying his tie. “You look like that dress was made for you.”

“I’m hoping that I don’t trip and embarrass myself,” she said.

The heels weren’t that high, but higher than she’d worn in a while. Dirk walked over to her and kissed the back of her neck. “You’ll be fine. You’ll just have to hang on my arm all night.”

She shook her head, looking at his smiling reflection. “I’ll be okay.”

“You ready?”

“Yes, I am. The Maserati?”

“No, we’re taking a limousine tonight. No one arrives in their own car to this thing,” Dirk said.

What kind of people inhabited his world that they didn’t drive their own cars to a party? Were they all planning on getting drunk?

Dirk took her hand and led her down the steps and out the front door. Sure enough, a black limousine sat in the driveway. He opened the door, and she climbed in.

He slid in beside her.

“Is there anything I should know before we get there?”

“No, the charade is gone. You are you again. No lying or pretending,” Dirk said.

“That’s a relief.”

The house they arrived at dwarfed the one they’d come from. A butler opened the door for Riley. What the hell? She’d never felt so out of place in her life.

Dirk’s hand on her lower back reassured her, but forget it if she lost him in the crowd. How was she supposed to talk to these people? She was better with code. Small talk was inane to her.

She pushed her shoulders back and chose to soldier on through. The foyer of the house was larger than her apartment. In fact, she could fit more than one of her living spaces into this area. Dual staircases wound up to the second floor. The biggest chandelier Riley had ever seen lit up the hallway.

“If I gape, just pinch me,” she said.

Dirk chuckled behind her. “It’s fine. You want some wine?”

“Yes. Might calm my nerves.”

“If you take all of these people out of their fancy dresses, they’d all look just like anyone else naked.”

She giggled, then covered her mouth as Dirk propelled her into a dining room. At one end, a bartender was serving drinks. A bartender? This was not like any party she‘d seen or attended.

This was something out of the movies. Or a
Real Housewives

Riley was quite happy to know she was leaving all of this behind. This was over the top. She sipped the wine Dirk had given her and looked around. She must stand out.

“No one is staring at you, though they should be. You are the most beautiful woman in the room,” Dirk said.

He led her to another room, where an orchestra played. Holy shit.

Her breath didn’t want to come out. She couldn’t catch it. “I’m going to find a restroom.”

“You okay? You look pale.”

“Just a little overwhelmed.”

“Go up the stairs, and there is a large powder room at the top. Multiple stalls.”

“In someone’s home?”

“They entertain a lot. I’ll be right here.”

He kissed her cheek and took her wine from her. She moved up the steps, careful not to trip. The restroom was exactly where Dirk had said it would be and how he said it would be. There was no line, so Riley escaped into a stall. She needed a moment.

Two women came in.

“Did you see that woman with Dirk?”

“I know. Is he slumming nowadays?”

Riley held her breath. She didn’t want them to know she was in there.

“What happened to all those models he used to bring to these things? Is that best he can do? I hear she has a job and all.”

“Yeah, they met when she was doing her job for him.”

“Maybe she gives good blow jobs.”

Riley wanted to die. She rarely worried about what others thought, but she had a feeling that these women might say something to Dirk. In her presence. They would probably smell her fear and be like sharks on a feeding frenzy.

They’d put her back in her place.

She waited until they left then found Dirk. He was talking to a tall woman who looked to be middle-aged. He introduced her as the hostess of the party. Riley smiled and shook the woman’s hand before she moved on.

“I’d like to leave. If you want, I can go and send the limo back,” Riley said.

His brow knit. “You okay?’

“A little headache.”

He put a hand on her arm. “Let’s go then.”

The limousine was waiting for them as they left the building. As if the driver knew she’d need to go home. Dirk tipped the butler then slid in beside Riley. “You want to curl up on the seat?”

She wanted to curl up in her own bed.


Dirk was concerned about Riley’s headache. “Maybe I should call the doctor. This could be related to your concussion.”

She’d taken him up on his offer to curl up on the seat. Her head rested in his lap. He stroked her hair.

“It’s just a headache, Dirk. I’m not sick or dying. You could have stayed.”

He frowned down at her. “Not without you. Those things are so fake and stuffy. You were the only real thing there.”

In his mind, she was. He didn’t think she believed him. She just closed her eyes.

“Did something happen?”


Her answer was too quick. Something had happened, but she didn’t want to talk about it. He’d let it go.

“You want another bath when we get home?”


He wasn’t convinced. “I’ll let you take it all by yourself this time. You can take as long as you like. I’ll even pour you some wine.”

She smiled at that. “We’ll see.”

He just wanted to make it okay. Make it better. Whatever had happened, he wanted to fix it. He was a doer. Sitting by and letting her stew over this was not his style.

Leaning down, he kissed her shoulder. “I’m sorry for whatever happened.”

“Nothing happened.”

He knew something had. These women could be sharks. They might have realized that Riley wasn’t from their crowd. He liked to be rich, but sometimes he didn’t like rich people.

He’d never been raised to be a snob when it came to people. He’d eat the good food and drink the good wine, but people were people.

When they arrived home, he led her upstairs.

“I really just want to go to bed,” she said.

He took off his tie. “I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep.”

She frowned. “You don’t have to. I’m sure you can catch a ride back to the party.”

He unzipped her dress for her. “I don’t want to go back there. I want to stay with you.”

“Then make love to me, Dirk.”

She wasn’t smiling, but he couldn’t help himself. “Of course.”

He took off her dress. She took off the rest of her clothing.

“Keep the shoes,” he said.

Riley was standing in his bedroom with nothing on but high heels. His dick could not have been harder.

“I want hot, monkey sex, Dirk.”


He didn’t lose eye contact with her as he snagged a condom from his night stand. “Okay.”

He removed his clothes as she watched.

“I want you to fuck me, Dirk.”

“Your wish is my command.”

He stepped toward her and ran a finger through her folds. She was wet. He handed her a condom. “Put it on me.”

She did, rolling it carefully, her fingers doing magic to him. He groaned. When she was done, he scooped her up. She wrapped her legs around him.

He strode to the closest wall and leaned her up against it. “What do you want me to do, Riley?”

“Fuck me, Dirk.”

Without preamble, he thrust into her. She threw back her head, and he bit her neck, not leaving a scar. He thrust and thrust, and her body went rigid. He put his arms under her legs one at a time.

She was wide open for him, her back against the wall. She couldn’t resist him if she wanted to.

Her nails in his back told him she had no interest in leaving. She let out a roar as her body arched into him. Her canal milked him, but he wasn’t letting her go that easily. He thrust faster and harder with all of his might.

She wanted hot, monkey sex, and she was getting it. He fucked her with all his strength.

She wasn’t resisting. She only cried out when the next orgasm hit. He didn’t want to come. It wouldn’t be good. It wouldn’t be satisfying, but he let himself go over the edge with her this time.

Something had changed. Something had gone wrong, and he had no idea how to fix it. Her head fell onto his shoulder as his chest heaved. He let go of one leg and then the other. She stood on her own, but he wanted to be away from here.

This wasn’t making love. This was fucking. He could do that with anyone. Why did Riley want that? What happened to make her want this?

She brushed past him, slipping off her shoes. “I’m going for a bath.”

He grabbed her arm. “What was that?”

“That was us fucking.”


“Guess I just needed it hard and fast,” she said.

She tugged her arm from his hand and went into the bathroom. He heard water running for a bath. He wanted a shower. He wanted to wash off what they’d just done. It wasn’t real. It wasn’t them.

What had someone said to her at that party? Where was the Riley he wanted? The one he had feelings for?

He took off the condom, dumping it into the closest trash can. The maid would get it later.

Instead of joining her in the bath, he took a shower, not making eye contact with her as she slid into the bubbly water. Where was Riley? Where was the woman he couldn’t get enough of?

He toweled off, still not looking at her. He left her to her bath. There would be no wine. No massage.

Nothing else. He slipped into bed and laid there, staring at the ceiling.

Sometime in the night he awoke and found Riley gone. Had she just gone to the kitchen for food?

He searched the house. He didn’t find her. He didn’t see anyone else either. He had to visit his mother one more time tomorrow, but now he wanted to find Riley. Make her tell him what was wrong so he could fix it.

When he returned to the bedroom, he realized she’d left the house. She must be at the penthouse. He’d see her when he went home. Maybe she needed some space.


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