Grogoch [Bedtime Stories 2] (5 page)

BOOK: Grogoch [Bedtime Stories 2]
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“I’m so sorry, baby,” I whispered as I ran my hands over his back. “Why are you sorry?” he asked, his tone full of shock. “I’m the one who can’t please you! I came like a boy who just learns what his dick can do and shoots everywhere the first time he touches it.”

what this is about?” I growled and pushed him so he fell on his ass. He stared up at me in shock as I straddled his lap. “I

what we did and considering how much I’ve teased you today I’m surprised you didn’t come sooner. You are no boy who can’t hold his load, Finbar.”

“I didn’t even get you off,” he whimpered, trying to turn his head away from me. I wasn’t having any of that. I took his face in my hands and held him still. “You’ll never stay with me or come visit me more than the others if I can’t please you. I’d suck your cock all the time if I thought it would help. I loved the taste of you but you’ll want to come during sex too.”

“Oh, baby,” I whispered against his lips. “Why didn’t you just tell me? I could have showed you what to do! I thought you were upset I pushed you too far or I’d done something wrong.”

“No! That was the most amazing experience of my life.” He wrapped his thick, strong arms around me. “I felt so bad that I failed you and I didn’t know what to do.”

“You didn’t fail me and if you want to make it up to me that I didn’t come I can think of dozens of ways how.” I purred as I pulled off my shirt and then his. “Fuck me, Finbar. The more you do it the more you’ll learn how to control your orgasm and draw it out. Take me however you want, baby. I enjoyed it so much the first time I was hoping you’d take me again right after.”

“I was still hard after we finished.”

“Oh, that’s hot,” I moaned as I humped his hips like a slut. His eyes glazed with lust and I knew what I was doing was pushing his buttons. Good.
The next thing I knew I was naked and on my back in the barn.

Finbar drove into me with all his strength and took me like a man needing to prove something. Maybe he did but not to me. I knew he was good and longevity would come with time and experience. It wasn’t like he had been some thirty-second loser. Most didn’t last longer than several minutes when it came to hot sex, whether it was their first time or not.

I stroked my cock as I watched him try to hold on to his control. The moment I cried out and came all over us he followed me over the edge into bliss.

“That was even more amazing,” he whispered in awe as he kissed along my neck when we were done. “You are the most beautiful creature in the world, Cuidi.”

“You’re not so bad yourself,” I giggled, high off the afterglow of great sex. “You can fuck me anytime you want, Finbar. You’re a wonderful, passionate, and caring lover.” The smile I was rewarded with from him let me know I’d said just the right thing. But it had been the truth. I had never been with someone like him and I worried I could easily find myself getting addicted to his brand of loving and attention.

Chapter 6

Three days later I was sneaking out in the morning while Finbar was asleep. I know, a total shithead move, and one that tore me up inside, but I was panicking. I mean, having trouble breathing, black spots in my vision, kind of panicking. Last night when we were finished having sex Finbar confessed he loved me.

And I pulled another asshole move and pretended I was asleep. I’m sorry! I just didn’t know what to do! I’d lived thousands of years and never heard those words spoken in reference to me. I was so confused that I went to the only person I knew who would give me counsel and not let my help interfere with their advice.

The moment I was out of the house, I popped over to her place. I waited until I knew she was awake and moving inside before I knocked on the door. It took her a while in her older age, for a human that is, to get to the door. She gasped when she saw me.
“What is wrong, Cuidighteach?” she asked gently as she waved for me to come in.
“I screwed up and someone says they love me,” I blurted out. I felt horribly rude and way younger than my years to come running to her like a motherly figure but I didn’t know who else to turn to.
“Did you not say you love him back?” I followed her into the kitchen and let her pour me some coffee.
“No, I pretended to be asleep and then I snuck out this morning,” I admitted, my cheeks heating up with embarrassment. “How can he say he loves me after knowing me only three days? That’s not possible!”
“I beg to differ,” she chuckled as she sat down next to me. Margaret smiled as she patted my hand. “I knew I loved my Tom after the first time he came calling to court me. He was so sweet and nervous that I saw right into his heart. We sat on my parents’ porch and talked for hours. Then he gave me a kiss good-night that almost knocked me on my butt and I knew he was it for me.”
“Just like that?” I whispered in awe. “You just knew he was the one for you?” She nodded and I felt my eyes burn with tears. “Then there’s something wrong with me because I have no idea how I feel.”
“Oh, Cuidi,” she said gently and scooted closer to hug me. I cried on her shoulder as she whispered that everything would be okay. “I’ve never known you to stay with someone for days at a time. I think that says a lot. Don’t you?”
“Yes.” I had already come to that conclusion but the rest was a mystery to me.
“I want you to try a little experiment that I think will help you realize how you feel about your young man.”
“Okay.” I nodded eagerly, wanting any guidance I could get.
“Go about your normal routine and business for a day or two.”
“I don’t understand,” I admitted after a few minutes mulling it over.
“You will, dear. Trust me on this one.”
I agreed and finished up my breakfast, thanking her for her kindness. Before I left I made sure to help her crops and livestock as I thought through her suggestion. I still didn’t understand. How would acting like Finbar didn’t exist help me realize how I felt about him? Things were different now and I knew I was missing something.
I popped over to Barry’s, needing to tend to his crops and help him out. I’d been delaying all my normal stops because I’d been having so much fun with Finbar, but it really was time. Barry was such a hard worker that he was already up and tending to his horse though it was barely dawn.
“Cuidi!” he exclaimed and rushed over to me. I smiled and then laughed as he lifted me into his arms and spun me around. “How are you?”
“Okay,” I answered, not wanting to burden anyone else with my problems. He kissed me and I let go of what was on my mind for a while. But then the strangest thing happened. He pulled off my shirt in between the kisses before starting on my pants… And I didn’t get hard. I didn’t want to do this.
It took Barry a few moments longer to figure out that I wasn’t into what was going on. He stopped and took a step back so he could see my limp dick in his hand. I stared at it in awe, wondering what was going on. This had never happened to me before.
“Want to tell me what’s up?” he asked gently as he tucked me back into my pants.
“When did you know you loved your wife?” I replied instead.
He raised an eyebrow and then smiled as if the light bulb went off over his head. “Are you in love, Cuidi?”
“I don’t know,” I admitted, blushing again. “My dick appears to be. I’ve never not gotten hard before. I think it’s loyal to Finbar now.” I glanced at Barry, the tears back in my eyes. “He says he loves me and I freaked out. Margaret said I should go about my day like normal and it would tell me how I felt about him. I didn’t get it until now. She knew I wouldn’t be able to make my normal deals, didn’t she?”
“I think so.” Barry knew Margaret, having met a few times at the market. “She’s a wise lady.” He tapped his finger against his chin as I pulled back on my shirt. Most men would have been embarrassed that they couldn’t get hard when they were being intimate but for me it was just too weird for me to understand how I felt yet. “Tell me, do you miss him?”
“I just left him not a half hour ago.” I scoffed, thinking that was a little pathetic for someone to miss another person already.
“Sure, sure, but look inside your heart and just ask yourself if you miss him.”
I thought about it. “I’m sad that I left without talking to him first. I don’t like knowing he’s going to wake up and be hurt that I’m gone.” Then I realized something else. “I want to be there to have breakfast with him before he starts his day. I like how cute he is when he’s sleepy and shuffling around the room. He bumps into things and curses them like they aren’t stationary and are trying to hurt him.”
“Cuidi, you’re in love,” he chuckled, smiling brightly at me. “Your body isn’t responding to someone else freely offering sex and you’re wishing you were with your man. You got scared because you’ve never been in love and ran. To me that’s a true sign that you know in your heart what you feel.”
“I don’t understand.” I walked out of the barn and stood in the sun, wanting the comfort of it to help my fried nerves.
“When the castle guards beg you to stay longer, pledging themselves to you. What do you feel then?”
“Horny, but not bad that they desire me so when it’s time to leave.”

He spread his hands out as if to say,
there’s your answer
. “So if I
didn’t love Finbar I wouldn’t have gotten so freaked out? That doesn’t make sense!”

“You’re thousands of years old and never been in love. You live the life you want, no one else to ever really think about if you didn’t want to, and now you’re in the position to tie yourself down to one person. Of

you got scared!”

“Wow, I love him,” I whispered in awe as the news sank in. I plopped down on my butt, staring at Barry’s flourishing crops. “What do I do now? I can’t leave everyone hanging that I’ve been helping for years.”

“You can make other deals than for sex and attention, Cuidi,” he said gently as he knelt down and patted my shoulder.
“I’m not sure I can give up my life for someone I’ve known three days, Barry,” I admitted, feeling horrible that the idea even crossed my mind. “What if I’m just built to need more than what one man can provide for me? I like my life of traveling about and helping people.”
“If that was true then wouldn’t you have missed it the three days you were with him?” I thought about his question and slowly nodded. “But you didn’t miss it, did you?”
“No,” I whispered, shaking my head. “I felt guilty that I had people to go help but I wasn’t desiring anyone else or the attention.”
“Then you have your answer, my dear Cuidi.” Barry stroked my face tenderly. I saw the sadness in his eyes that our time together had ended but there was more happiness for me than anything. Barry had a good heart like that.
“I’ll take care of your crops for this week until I talk to Finbar and figure out a way to start making new deals,” I said a few minutes later. Now I was excited to go back to Finbar and admit to him what I’d discovered.
“There is one thing that I think you need to take a look at. I’ve been hearing rumors from others at the market that it’s been happening to them too, but I wanted you to see this,” Barry hedged, vaguely. I nodded and got to my feet, intrigued at what was going on. He led me to the far side of his farm and I groaned in frustration. “So you know what did this?”
“Yeah, I know,” I sighed and rubbed my hands over my hair. Barry’s apple tree was glowing bright rainbow colors. “It’s still safe to eat from. Actually, it will be the best fruit you’ve ever tasted.”
“Okay then,” he drawled, letting me know he wanted to be filled in. “So what dug up the roots of other trees and made this one glow?”
“A cir sith,” I grumbled, realizing there was going to be a very large, furry hiccup in my day.
“And you say that like I should know what it is.” Barry gave me a funny look as if I was all around amusing him today. I acted nowhere near my age and stuck my tongue out at him.
“It’s a fairy dog,” I explained, rolling my eyes when he bit his lip to keep the laugh in. “Yes, yes, I know, hysterical. Fine, it’s a magical dog that shits pixie dust that makes the plants around it glow.”
Barry’s eyes went wide before he burst out laughing so hard that he grabbed his side and had to bend over. Right. Of course it was funny when someone hadn’t heard of them before and annoyance entered my definition… But they really did shit pixie dust. They were also twice the size of most normal dogs and dumb as a box of rocks. They craved nothing more than a master to tell them what to do and like all fairies, loved attention.
Cir sith also liked to start a lot of trouble to attract an owner. It took me several times of saying this all to Barry before he finally calmed down.
“Why have I never heard of them before?” he asked me when he had himself composed again.
“Because the last one to come into this area was right before your grandfather was born,” I answered with a shrug. “They’re rare and take a master for life. So either this one’s master died or he’s a pup which makes it that much worse. I have to go handle this.”
“Well, go talk to your man at least so he doesn’t worry about you,” Barry suggested gently. I nodded. He was right. I gave him a quick hug and popped back to Finbar’s.
And ended up finding the cir sith as well.
“You’re up,” I said lamely when both man and animal turned to look at me.
“Yes,” he replied shortly as he scratched the massive dog’s ears. Imagine a four-foot-tall Labrador and that’s basically what a cir sith looks like. “Did you have a nice time doing whatever you snuck out on me to do?” He muttered the next part under his breath but I still heard him. “Or whom?”
“Can we talk about this after I kick the fairy dog out of my area?” I asked, miffed he was being so judgmental. I never said I would change my ways for him, especially after three fucking days.
“Why are you kicking him out?” Finbar asked as he stepped in front of the dog. “I told him he could stay here.”
“What?” I gasped as I stared at him with wide eyes.
“I’m keeping him,” Finbar answered, a little less sure of himself now. “I could use the companionship.”
“I see.” Wow. I was being replaced with a dog. “I wasn’t even gone half the morning and this is what happens.” My chest hurt and it made me angry that Finbar could hurt me so I lashed out. “Well don’t come crying to me when you have random stuff growing all over the place because the damn thing shits pixie dust!” I spun on my heel when the tears formed so he couldn’t see them.
“When will you be back?” Finbar asked sadly and so quietly I barely heard him. “I missed you.”
“Yeah, you missed me so much you already found another

BOOK: Grogoch [Bedtime Stories 2]
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