Goldest and the Kingdom of Thorns (5 page)

BOOK: Goldest and the Kingdom of Thorns
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The Adventurers

On the first colorful brazen rays of light the next day, Ushi rode out on Niciu, with Goldest lounging in satisfaction on the stallion’s rump. They rode at leisure through the kingdoms, with no special destination in mind, just looking for adventure. They had never even looked back at the Cuspid Castle. It was time for them to seek their own, newest adventure. Another horse was in tow with their supplies. Sabira and Sunsette prepared food and extra blankets for the both of them. Captain Cuspido and Spade had helped them with their supplies. They had left before the princess had awakened. Ushi thought it was best that way; and of course, Goldest agreed with him.

“Serves her right!” Goldest had told herself with a smirk.

They rode onwards into the noon hour. Ushi made a stop and gazed out over the open green hills with numerous fields of wildflowers up ahead of them.

“We are soon to enter the Kingdom of Weeds,” Ushi remarked.

“May I correct you to say, the Kingdom of Wild-flowers. Weeds are flowers too, you know,” Goldest reminded him.

Ushi smiled down at Goldest as she corrected his chosen words. Then he said, “Is there a special king
dom within your golden heart that you would like to dwell in for a while, Goldest?”

“That kingdom is no longer be, Ushi,” Goldest replied with sadness in the tone of her voice. She pondered for a few seconds. “Ummm, on second thoughts, head northwest.”

“Northwest? But those kingdoms are not inviting,” Ushi informed her.

“Then we be the uninvited!” Goldest smartly told him.

Ushi laughed. “You never cease to amuse me, Goldest. Northwest it is!”

Ushi turned his mount towards the northwest without a second thought and onwards they rode. Excitement flowed through Ushi’s soul, as apprehension flowed through the core of Goldest’s golden heart.

In the early part of the afternoon, hunger had overcome Ushi. “We should rest awhile and eat,” Ushi informed Goldest.

“Rest?” Goldest croaked.

“You, my dear lady, have done nothing but nap on Niciu’s rump. I don’t expect you to understand, but the horses need to rest and eat, and I am famished!”

Ushi unsaddled the horses and gave them free rein of the sea green grass. A bubbling brook flowed nearby, so the horses could water themselves at will. Ushi made himself a fire and roasted the meat Sabira had packed for him. Goldest jumped into the green water and lazily sunned herself on her back. As some of the bugs floated down to her, she stretched her head back and let them float into her mouth.
The purest
essence of laziness
, Ushi thought, laughing to himself as he watched Goldest. He took a deep breath and looked around at the beauty surrounding him. Chrysanthemums surrounded him. He could see fields of colorful tulips off into the distance. Purple delphiniums grew in abundance by the bubbling brooks. Exotic lilies in different shades of white, pink and orange stretched themselves out everywhere. Monstrous white daisies with white, yellow or golden centers grew in mounds and loomed over all the other flowers, growing in abundance. Goldest hopped out of the brook and over to Ushi.

“I never realized this Kingdom of Fragrances could make you feel so light-headed and sleepy. We cannot spend the night here, Goldest.”

“And why is that?” Goldest croaked.

“Because I am developing a headache from all these aromas!”

“After you eat, then we shall make cover over at the next kingdom,” Goldest told him.

“That being?” Ushi asked.

“The Kingdom of Marble,” Goldest responded.

“Mmm… that is one kingdom I have yet to see,” Ushi remarked, wondering what it would be like. “Prepare to leave soon. The night will come upon us fast in the northwest.”

As Ushi finished his meal, Octagon and Savagio rode into the Kingdom of Thorns. Savagio stopped as his eyes panned the area. He made a disgruntled face at such an ugly kingdom, with its tangled weeds and thorn bushes, thorn vines and thorn plants. Savagio nudged
his horse onwards. They crossed a creek and Savagio noticed that even the water was an inky color.
This kingdom looks like it died centuries ago
, Savagio thought to himself. Even the dirt was darkish, not like the orange, red, tan and light-colored dirt from the many other kingdoms. The silence of the kingdom was deadly. No wildlife was to be seen, and no birds to sing their songs of joy and love. An unpleasant sensation crept up Savagio’s spine and made him feel that he was frozen in a deathlike grip. They rode down the center of thousands of cockleburs filled with their stiff-spined fruits.
Ugly things
, thought Savagio, and grimaced to himself.

“Where is the beauty in this kingdom?” Savagio asked Octagon.

“There is none. As a warrior who has been about, you should already know that not all kingdoms were gifted when placed.”

“Yes, I suppose you’re right, Octagon. Now I know why your younger Monks jump at the chance to plant and cultivate for other kingdoms. I’m sure they take the time to marvel at the other kingdoms after being left here for a while. Please excuse me for saying this, but I find your kingdom quite appalling.”

“This time it will be different,” Octagon remarked sadly.

“What mean you?” Savagio questioned as a dreaded, fateful feeling overtook him that made him feel that something was not right.

Octagon did not answer Savagio.
That is a question not to be answered
, Octagon thought to himself.
I will stray from what was asked and seal my lips

Savagio felt uneasy at Octagon’s silence to his question. He brushed the ominous feeling aside. Silence overcame them both, and each was enshrouded within his own thoughts as they slowed down and rode into the Thorn Castle Courtyard. Some of the other Monks and Shamans came out to greet Savagio and tend to their horses, knowing they had come a long way in so short a time. Savagio recognized some of the faces that he had seen tending to the gardens, grounds and kitchens at the Cuspid Castle. He knew that the Monks, from time to time, rotated their time and energy to help one of their most beautiful, respected descendants from their line. A story had been told that a Shaman had fallen in love with a glowing platinum star. The star fell from the sky, right into his arms. An ethereal union had taken place between this Shaman and the fallen star, which created the most beautiful of all beautiful, the Tooth Fairy Princess. All descendants of the Monks and Shamans were fascinated by this beauty, and they honored and respected the princess – always remaining protective of her.

Savagio dismounted and let the Monks make the first move. He did not know what was expected of him, and was unsure of how to handle so many at one time. Some of the Monks stood rigid and honored him with silent, stern looks. He was unsure what to make of it.

The mighty Theo came forward and spoke portentously. “The Kingdom of Thorns welcomes you, Savagio. I am Theo, their Brother and leader.”

“Where is this army I am to train as warriors?” a most anxious Savagio asked.

“Our thorn fields are out back, beyond our wheat and oat fields. We have also built our own flour mill through the years,” Theo explained with pride.

Meek stepped forward and respectfully bowed to Savagio, saying, “We have done much for ourselves, but have not had the opportunity to have complete satisfaction.”

Theo raised an unkind eyebrow at Meek’s remark and brushed him aside. “The thorns are still rooted and are not ready for you to see, as of yet,” he informed Savagio.

Savagio was flabbergasted. “
Still rooted
? What mean you?” An ugly suspicion overtook Savagio.

Alme stepped forward and respectfully bowed to Savagio. “I am Alme,” he said, clearing his throat. “The seedlings will be uprooted tonight, during the immeasurable rite which will be performed at the moon’s highest point.”

“What in the name of the devil’s tongue am I to train?” a maddened Savagio asked.

There was a moment of silence. Savagio stared at all of them. Nothing seemed to bother any of them. They stood with unyielding faces and very few words. Savagio glanced at Octagon, who looked away. Octagon’s heart suddenly knew that something was not right at all within the unrestful kingdom, and with Theo ruling over them. What about our beliefs? Octagon asked himself in silence.

Savagio’s excitement had turned to disgust as he realized that he might have made a mistake in coming to this kingdom. He had put his trust in Octagon, and now he wondered if that trust was mistakenly placed.
Savagio shook his head with repugnance and began to mount his horse to ride back.

Theo sensed how disgruntled Savagio was at finding everything wasn’t what he thought it should be. He walked up to Savagio and calmly placed his hand on the warrior’s shoulder. Savagio took his foot from the stirrup. Octagon looked solemnly at Theo.

Octagon broke the silence. “We shall go for a walk through the fields. I shall show you, myself, what we have cultivated with our mystic properties,” the clever Octagon told Savagio. Savagio’s curiosity overtook him at Octagon’s spoken words.

Meek cut in before Savagio could respond in a negative manner. “You must be tired from the ride. Come, let me show you your quarters, and some of our lesser Brothers will carry your belongings up to your room. We will tend to your tired and hungry horses.”

“Take a short rest, Savagio. Your tiredness does not become a warrior like yourself,” Theo said, displaying his arrogance. He had to make sure that he had the most utmost respect from Savagio, and that Savagio looked up to Theo as the kingdom’s leader as well as the others.

Theo did not like Octagon’s spoken words to Savagio and looked at him sternly as he said, “And we all shall go for this walk,” stressing the word

Meek put his arm around Savagio’s shoulder and walked with him towards the Thorn Castle, while some of the other Monks, lesser in rank, removed Savagio’s supplies off his packhorse. As they walked inside the castle, Savagio noticed how dark, gray and
cold it was, even though it had fires burning in all its fireplaces, with hundreds of cream-colored candles burning brightly with deep yellow flames aglow everywhere. Savagio found this strange, being still the afternoon. Cones of cinnamon incense burned throughout the castle.

“Why is there cinnamon burning everywhere?” Savagio asked with curiosity.

“Cinnamon is for healing and well-being,” Meek explained. “We usually burn myrrh throughout the castle for protection and purification, but we do change from time to time for the pleasure of our senses and for what warrants our needs at the given moment. If your senses are happy, then your soul is contented.

There is absolutely no warmth either in this kingdom
, Savagio thought to himself.

Meek escorted him to one of the castle towers, which was to be his quarters. The warmth of the fire in the fireplace welcomed him as he walked into the room.
This is the first true sense of welcome that has been extended to me since my arrival
, Savagio thought to himself with a smirk.

The room was plain and simple, but clean. The furniture was made from the finest of wood and bark. A beautiful white quilt full of red hearts was spread upon his bed. Savagio smiled when he saw the quilt.
Well, someone did something special for me
, he thought to himself
I feel I will be very well taken care of

Before Meek left, he lit cones of passionflower incense for Savagio. “This incense is burned for sleep and will soothe all your troubles.”

It’s as if Meek knows about my saddened heart
, Savagio thought to himself.

Meek bowed in silence and then took his leave. Savagio rested for a while before Meek brought him a meal of hearty beef barley soup filled with spinach and plenty of wheat bread. Meek smiled at Savagio as he set the tray of food down on the only table in his room. Savagio noticed a bottle of deep purple wine accompanied the meal. Meek took notice that Savagio was examining the bottle of wine.

“We also make our own wine here grown from our own grapes. Let me forewarn you that we make a hearty, dark bitter wine to go with our meals,” Meek informed him.

“I had guessed that,” Savagio responded.

“Please enjoy your dinner, and come down to join us in the main dining hall of the castle. We await your company.” Meek bowed and left the room.

Savagio ate, groomed and refreshed himself with the Monk’s herbal waters left by the fireplace in huge metal cauldrons. Monstrous brick stones were placed around the fireplace to set the cauldrons down on to warm the water. One cauldron was placed by the bed to cool one’s thirst, if need be. Savagio changed his clothes into something simple, and quit the room to find and consult with Theo. He was anxious to get started with his inspection of this Thorn Army. “No wonder the Monks have a healthy and vibrant shine to their skin, their herbal waters make you feel clean, relaxed, strong and healthy – like a second wind to oneself,” Savagio told himself. His skin felt good, his mind relaxed.

Savagio wandered through their castle for a while and found many Monks still working on the daily chores of an upkeep of a castle – cooking, and preparing their own concoctions from strange plants and growth. The smell of fresh spinach filled their kitchens. He came upon a room filled with the best of the Shamans, who had several pots boiling madly over fires and hearths in this special room of their castle. The strange growth of plant life strewn all over this workshop was even stranger than what he had seen in the kitchens. The pleasant smell here filtered through his nostrils and made his head spin and whirl.
I’m sure this place is used for their most favored concoctions of medicines and potions
, Savagio thought to himself with amusement.
They certainly are a special, talented lot. It is a shame that they keep to themselves and do not mingle with the other kingdoms unless they are sought out by Kings, Queens and other Court members from other kingdoms, or some of the townspeople. I’m sure the other kingdoms find them to be most knowledgeable and valuable
. A feeling of the most utmost respect dawned on Savagio for these strange men in their long robes and sandaled feet. He continued to wonder why they dwelt within this ugly and unfriendly kingdom for all these centuries. “They deserve better,” he told himself.

BOOK: Goldest and the Kingdom of Thorns
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