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Authors: Sheri Lyn

Goated by the Gods (8 page)

BOOK: Goated by the Gods
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Zach slowly stood and approached Gareth. “I’m sorry I judged you. I felt the god power in you and I reacted without giving you a chance. I’ve treated you like shit and walked out on you after grinding your feelings into the ground. You have every right to hate me, and you should. I hate myself right now. Jared kept telling me that I had you wrong, but I let my anger and hatred for the curse placed upon my family by Thor cloud my judgement.”

“I didn’t try real hard to convince you of who I was either. I let my hormones dictate my actions. I saw you and that was the end. My brain short-circuited and my blood rushed to my cock.”

“Are you saying that isn’t the case anymore?”

“Fuck no, I’m so hard one touch and I will come all over the place. At the same time, I am tired of being rejected and pushed away. There is only so much rejection a man can take, and that counts double for when it’s the other half of his soul doing it.”

Zach reached up and gently turned Gareth’s face toward him. “What if I told you I am tired of fighting this? What if I said just hearing your voice makes me feel like I could fly? That thoughts of you have filled my head nonstop since I left you in that cave.

“I feared to believe you could be different and I let my prejudice influence me. The truth is I crave you. Not just your body, but your mind, your heart and your soul. I need you like the trees need water. You are what makes me whole, makes me feel.”

Gareth swallowed and closed his eyes in fear. Did he dare believe Zach had changed this much so quickly? How could he believe him? If Zach left he would die, he knew it as surely as he knew the sky was blue.

“I don’t know if I can take the chance of you walking away again,” Gareth whispered in a pained voice.

“You know I won’t, I can’t. If I do we both die, but it’s more than that and you know it. My heart, body and soul belong to you. I let my mind cloud things but over the last few hours, I have come to know the truth. I’m miserable without you. I need you in my life. I would rather die right now than ever hurt you again.”

Gareth felt a rush of something pulse through his body as he gave into what they both desperately wanted. Zach was right, they didn’t have a choice. They were two halves of a whole and without the other, life was dark and dreary. The few minutes he had with Zach in that bathroom had shown him how lonely and sad life was without him. He was alive but lived as if he was dead. Zach was his breath, his heartbeat and his soul.



“Please, don’t walk away this time,” Gareth whispered as he moved in to kiss Zach for the first time in their short relationship.

Their lips met in a bone-melting kiss so hot, it could melt the polar ice caps. Zach’s groan filled Gareth’s ears as he deepened the kiss and pushed Gareth against the wall.

“Baby, I need you…so bad. I…can’t be…gentle…this time. I need…you too badly…to wait,” Zach said in between kisses.

“Take me, I'm yours to command.”

“You like it when I take control? Tell you what to do?”

“Yes, I love it. It’s a turn on and makes me feel completely dependent on you. You’re in control of my pleasure. Just the idea makes me ready to come.”
Gareth groaned, “Please, I want you so bad.” Before he could utter another word, Zach turned them around and walked him back toward one of the cots. Their mouths fused together as they ripped at each other’s clothes in a frenzied passion that left them both breathless and panting.

“Slow down, let me look at you,” Gareth pleaded as Zach pushed him closer to the bed. Gareth gasped as Zach lowered his pants and rubbed against him.

“Feeling is so much better, my love.”

Gareth spun and pushed Zach to sit on the bed. “My turn. I want a taste of what I was denied last weekend.” He sank to his knees and spread Zach’s legs apart.

“Fuck my mouth, but don’t come. I want you inside of me for that.”

Zach sputtered at his words, but all rational thought evaporated the moment he felt Gareth’s mouth engulf him. Zach bucked his hips and let out a guttural cry. “Holy gods.”

Gareth pulled back so only Zach’s tip was still in his mouth. “Do it, baby. Fist your hands in my hair and fuck my mouth.”

Zach didn’t need to be told twice, the feel of all that wet heat wrapped around his cock was driving him insane. He lifted his hips and thrust up as he pulled Gareth’s head down farther on his cock, over and over, until he was seeing stars. Gareth hummed and sucked harder the faster Zach pumped into him.

“Stop, I’m too close,” Zach panted as he pulled Gareth off. “You are so damn sexy.” Zach pulled Gareth up for a scorching kiss. He could taste himself on his tongue and it lit fires through this body.

“You ready for this? I don’t have any lube, but I promise to make sure you are ready before I do anything.”

“It’s okay. Just fuck me, I like the pain. It won’t take much for me to be ready.”

Zach grunted and stood up, “Strip now.”

Gareth smiled and climbed to his feet. He loved when Zach got demanding like that. It made his blood boil and his body burn for more. He wanted, no, needed to be possessed and marked by his mate.

Gareth stepped back and slowly removed his pants. Zach licked his lips as he saw Gareth’s cock leaking precum. Gareth smiled and stroked his cock for Zach’s pleasure. “You gonna fuck me and make me scream your name? Going to make me feel it and know who I belong to?”

Zach’s cock twitched at his words. “You already know that you belong to me. It’s okay because I belong to you, too.” Zach stepped forward and gripped Gareth’s wrist. “Stop. I didn’t say you could touch yourself like that.” Gareth whimpered and removed his hand.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good boy, now go lean over that table and spread your legs. Don’t move from that position until I tell you. Understood?”

Gareth nodded and rushed to do what he was bid. By the gods, this man really was perfect for him in every way.

Zach followed and brushed his hand down Gareth’s back, over one cheek and between his legs to fondle his aching balls.

“That’s it. I’ve got you. Just relax and feel,” Zach whispered as he brought his other hand up to massage gently at Gareth’s other cheek. “Reach back here and spread yourself for me. I find myself hungry for a taste of you.”

Gareth whimpered and precum dripped and made a small puddle on the floor. He slowly brought his arms behind himself and did as he was he told. He was rewarded with a long slow lap of a hot tongue over his spasming hole.

“That’s right, baby. You taste so good,” Zach whispered as he buried his face and rolled his tongue, stabbing and flicking as he fondled Gareth’s balls with his hand.

Gareth couldn’t speak, all he could do was whimper and cry out in ecstasy as he was brought closer and closer to the edge. “Sir, please. I need more.”

Zach smiled and leaned back. “Begging, I like that,” he said as he placed one finger against the tight bud and lightly tapped, as if asking for permission to enter.

“Gods, please. Yes,” Gareth mumbled as he gripped his cheeks tighter.

“How do I know you are ready for me?” Zach asked as he pulled his finger away and sucked on it to get it as wet as he could. His mate might like pain, but he had to make sure to make this was as easy as he could without lube.

“Please. I need you so bad,” Gareth cried out as he wiggled on the table.

“Don’t move. I already told you that,” Zach growled as he inserted one finger up to his first knuckle. Gareth’s whimpers filled the room. “Like that, do you?” Zach asked as he slipped it in farther and then pulled all the way out.

“No, don’t stop,” Gareth demanded.

“I’m not stopping, baby. I wouldn’t do that to either of us.” Zach reached around with his hand and stroked Gareth’s cock as he inserted his finger back into his quivering hole. “That’s it, baby, suck my finger in. Gods, you are so hot.” Zach sucked in a breath at the tight heat that pulled at him.

“More, please, I need more.”

Zach was happy to oblige. He was too close to the edge to wait much longer. He pushed a second and then third finger in and thrust as he stroked Gareth’s cock. The whimpers and cries of lust grew louder as Zach scissored his fingers, preparing him the best he could. He pulled back and replaced his fingers with his cock. “You ready for this, love?”

A guttural groan and a nod was all the response Gareth was able to give. Zach took that as permission and slowly pushed himself deep.

“Fuck, baby. You are so tight. You are squeezing me like a vise.” Zach panted as he slowly pulled out and pushed back in deeper.

“Harder. Now. Harder, please.”

Zach wasn’t sure he could wait so he did as Gareth asked and pushed all the way in and pulled out until only his tip was still inside. “Hold on to the table, baby. I’m going to make you scream now.”

As soon as Gareth did as instructed, Zach rammed himself back in and started thrusting for all he was worth. Sweat beaded and fell down his face as he raced for the pinnacle that was just out of reach. Gareth arched and pushed back into every stroke as if his life depended on it. Words were gone, there was nothing left but the aching need they had for each other. Gareth stiffened and let out a yell. “Right there. Yes, that’s the spot, right there,” he said as he shuddered and shook in Zach’s arms.

“Baby, I can’t last much longer,” Zach whispered as he rammed in harder with every whimper out of Gareth’s mouth. A guttural scream filled the room as Gareth came. He collapsed on the table with a contented smile on his face. “Almost there. Yes, that’s it,” Zach cried as he followed after and fell on top of his mate.

Minutes passed slowly as the two men came back to themselves. “Hold on, baby, I’m going to pull out. Then we can move to one of the cots and be comfortable.”

Gareth nodded, but words were still too much for him. He winced at the feeling of emptiness as Zach pulled away.

“Hold on, we can use my under shirt to clean up a bit,” Zach said as he leaned down and kissed Gareth.

Minutes later, they were dressed and laying on a cot on their sides facing each other. “I’m sorry for doubting you and not giving you a chance. I won’t, no, I can’t let you go now. We belong together in every way there is,” Zach whispered.

“I wouldn’t let you. My soul is complete, the world has color all because I have you,” Gareth replied.



Thor stopped outside the blue cabin and glanced to the brothers who stood beside him. “I think it’s safe now.”

“Why didn’t we think of locking them together somewhere?” Loki complained as he stared at the door.

Quentin glanced at Loki with a quizzical look. The god hadn’t made one comment, suggestive or otherwise, since they had shown up ten minutes ago. For that matter, Loki hadn’t even looked at him. Quentin had spent weeks avoiding and running from the god, this is what he wanted…wasn’t it?

“Just knock so they know we are coming in,” Jared laughingly joked.

“We can hear you, you know. Asshats,” Gareth grumbled through the door. The group assembled outside, chuckled and then opened the door.

“I see everything worked out for the best. Loki, we did good, my friend.” Gareth and Zach rolled their eyes before stepping out of the cabin.

“Yeah, you did real well,” Jared said as he walked away, mumbling loud enough for them all to hear, “Just skip me when it’s my turn, if you don’t mind. I could do without your brand of matchmaking.”

Thor rolled his eyes and ignored him. “So you guys are happy? No pain, right? No more hating us for the curse?” he asked hopefully.

“Yes, we are happy. I don’t hurt at all, and I can’t say I don’t hate you, but my brothers are right. Without the curse, we wouldn’t have been able to save as many people as we have.

“I’ve known that for a long time but truth be told, it was easier to hold on to my anger than to admit that it’s not so bad,” Zach said with a wink to Gareth.

“I don’t have any pain any longer either. I only feel happiness and love.”

Thor placed a hand on each of their shoulders and waited. A slow smile filled his face. “Good news, my boys. Your souls are mended and you have bonded.”

Thor turned to Quentin. “You’re next. Ready or not.” Thor had to hide a smile as he saw Loki and Quentin frown at his words. This was going to be so much fun.

He turned back to Gareth and Zach, “By the way, when you bonded, you activated all your god powers, Gareth. That includes immortality and by mating Zach, that extended to him. The fates aren’t that cruel to deny you your love by him dying.”

Thor laughed at their shocked expression as he faded away to go tell his wife the good news. His soul was lighter; he had one down and two to go.

About the Author


Hi, I'm Sheri Lyn. I live in Florida with the love of my life, my dog Koda a Corgi/Dwarf Chow mix. I love living here and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. 

I just started my journey into the indie book world. I have books in several genres in the works. I’m an avid reader who kept dreaming of a story that wanted to be told and that's where my first book was born.

When I'm not reading or proofing, I'm at the evil day job where my sanity is tested on a daily basis. My sarcastic quips can provide a much-needed break until I can return home to Koda and books, my two joys.


Please visit my website to keep up with my books and to sign up for my newsletter for excerpts, giveaways and fun.

Twitter - @sherilynauthor


BOOK: Goated by the Gods
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