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Authors: Joanna Blake

Go Big (10 page)

BOOK: Go Big
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He would win. Maybe he already had.

I was barely restraining myself from jumping his bones as it was. I glanced down and moaned. He was hard again, his huge cock making a mountainous tent in the towel he had wrapped around him.

"What are you doing Cade?"

He grinned at me, wiping the power drink from his lips.

"Powering up for round two."

"Round two?"

My voice squeaked like a mouse as we played tug of war with my towel.

That's when his towel dropped. My eyes were on his beautiful cock, so hard and clean and ready. It bobbed in the air, almost like it was waving hello.

My lips opened and my tongue practically hung out.


I was staring at it, wondering what the glistening drop on the tip might taste like. Salty, probably. Good, definitely.



"Let go of your towel."

My eyes finally lifted to his. He was laughing at me. I must have looked ridiculous, staring at that monster cock of his and holding onto my towel for dear life.

"What? Why? I need it."

I sounded like an idiot. Like a kid who'd been caught with their hand in the candy jar. That knowing smile was back on his face as he took the last few steps towards me. My eyes were drawn downward again. 'It' was coming with him.

Leading the way.

I closed my eyes as I stepped backwards. The back of my knees came up against the mattress. I opened my eyes suddenly to find Cade leaning over me. He wasn't smiling at me though.

He was staring at me with a hungry tenderness that took my breath away.


I felt the towel slip from my limp hands with one gentle tug. Then his fingertips slid over my collarbones to my shoulders. I shivered as his fingers skimmed over my arms and up my back. He kissed me and I could feel the smile on his lips.

That smug, knowing smile was back.

He nibbled at my ear and wrapped one arm around me, hoisting me up and backwards to the center of the bed. I was lost. I knew it. I was going to let him fuck me. 'Let' was probably the wrong word.

I couldn't wait to fuck him right back.

I expected him to cover me with his body once I was naked on the bed. To take me now that I was willing and ready. That's what I wanted. A hard, quick fuck. But he didn't touch me at all. He held himself above me, staring down at me. Then I felt his fingers at my nipples, twisting them gently until they were rock hard.

He lowered his head, lapping at my breasts with his hot lips. I sighed as he pulled one nipple into his mouth, running the sharp point of his tongue over it again and again. Just that was almost enough to get me off.

But not quite.

His hand slipped between my thighs, lightly tracing the edge of my pussy. I felt his fingers graze my lips over and over until I was squirming. I lifted my hips, eager for a firmer touch. But he just lifted his hand away, making a tsking sound. I lowered my hips and the sweet torture began again.


"What's that love?"


"Okay what?"

He leaned above me, his lips taking small nips of my breasts as his fingers worked below. Teasing and toying with me. He was a bastard and I hated him. I'd tell him too, just as soon as he was finished fucking me.

"You win Cade."

"What does that mean exactly, Princess?"

"Please… don't make me ask you."

"Oh sweetheart, you misunderstood me."

I felt relief wash over me as his fingers continued to play softly with my folds.

"I don't just want you to ask."

His finger flicked against my clit then. Hard. I gasped, my back arching off the bed.

"I want you to beg."

Chapter Fourteen


I smiled to myself, watching the frustration and pride battle on my little beauty's face. Camille wasn't just proud. She was prideful to the extreme. Haughty, upper crust society queen that she was, begging wasn't going to come easy to her.

But beg she would.

And soon, if I had anything to say about it.

I eased my way down her body, moving my hands to her tits and my lips to her clit. Slowly I dragged my tongue up and down her slit, her hips rocking in time with my tongue. I almost laughed, she was so ready for me.

But since my cock felt like it could cut glass, I was just as desperate as she was.

More even.

She didn't have to know that though.

I pushed my tongue inside her, wanting it to be my pink torpedo. Thor was more than ready to bring the thunder. I'd slide him in, bare skinned, and ride her slow. I pulled back and blew on her pussy, making sure to keep her from getting any real satisfaction.

Not yet.

Not until I was balls deep and my seed was splattered all over her womb.

Oh yeah, I didn't just want to fuck.

I wanted to breed.

"Oh God…"

I grinned, flicking my tongue against her clit. If she was talking to God, then begging wouldn't be far off. Then I stopped, and started something else equally unsatisfying. A little touch here… a little lick there… the lady's hips jerked as she tried to follow my lips and tongue but it was no use.

I was two steps ahead of her.

I had what she wanted. And I was just waiting for her to say the word and I would give it to her. It was a second later when the word finally came.


I stopped, looking up at her. I pinched her nipple and swirled my tongue over her clit. She almost screamed in frustration when I stopped abruptly.

"Please what?"

"Please Cade… I want you to fuck me."

I blew on her pussy again.

"I'm listening."

"Please fuck me Cade…"

Well, damn. The lady had a way with words. Thor was telling me that was good enough. But I wanted her to say it plain as day.

"Almost there Princess."

I heard her curse and laughed under my breath at the unladylike words coming from her pristine lips. Then I got back to work, teasing her into a frenzy. She was close to coming when I heard the words I wanted to hear.

"Unfff… Cade I am begging you to fuck me. Please… OH GOD PLEASE FUCK ME! Is that what you want to hear? Tell me what to say and I will say it."

I lifted my head and smiled at her. I practically vaulted into position over her, guiding my cock to her sopping wet pussy lips. I knew she would be tight from the way she'd felt on my tongue and fingers, but she was more than ready.

"Yes Princess… that's what I wanted to hear."

I pushed forward, sliding my bare cock into her slick hot pussy. Fuck me, she was tight. And silky. And God damn if her pussy didn't feel like some sort of sweet and juicy quick sand, sucking me in.

Sucking me straight to heaven.

I moaned like a man who had just found salvation. And I had. If I could just get all the way inside.

Easy boy…

Around me, Camille was quivering, opening up. Letting me into her glorious body. But I knew I was going to bust a nut without getting all the way in if I didn't pick up the pace.

I had better get on with it if I wanted my plan to work.

I grimaced and shifted position, raising myself up on one arm. I needed room to maneuver. I reached down with my other arm to strum her clit. I knew it wouldn't take long.





Camille's pussy clamped down on the tip of my cock, hard. So hard it almost hurt. Then the fluttering began and it was like a world-class dick massage. I eased in a bit further and she grabbed hold of my rod, pulling me in. I groaned and pushed forward. She was thrashing like a wildcat underneath me. I held her down, slowly starting to plunge in and out of her.

Holy Christ on a cracker she felt good!

Camille was bucking against me, not slowing down as I kept her coming as long as possible. My fingers were busy. I thanked God again for blessing me with physical dexterity as she made a sound that was one-hundred percent inhuman.

She sounded just like that fancy cat of hers.

I grinned as I plowed into her relentlessly. If I could make the woman meow like a damn cat, I was pretty sure I could manage her when we
fucking. Of course, I was still way too close to finishing. I didn't want this to be over.

Then again, now that I was almost the whole way inside her… there was no rule that said I had to pull out after I came… I was pretty sure Cami wouldn't complain if there was an encore to this performance.

I grunted as my body took over. My balls swelled and then pulsed as my seed came barreling out of my shaft like a freight train. I roared as my cock exploded, filling her up with an endless stream of come.

I leaned forward with my head on her shoulder. My whole body felt like it was full of fireflies. The soles of my damn feet were tingling!

This woman was dangerously close to making me say something foolish.

The L word. Or the B word. Or the 'aw hell let's shack up for good' word.

Then again, coming harder than you ever had in your life could do that to a man. It didn't mean anything more than that. She'd made me wait, and it had paid off.

In spades.

I pressed a kiss to her forehead. Then lower, behind her ear. Then her neck. I could feel her hard little nipples against my chest. Her smooth skin. The ripples of pleasure deep inside her when my cock was still lodged.

That's when Thor started to stir again.

I grinned. Yep. No reason to wait for round three with this beauty beneath me. She was a bona fide hard on factory.

Boners on demand. Ready to ship. Quality assured.

I flexed my hips, testing the waters. Oh yeah, I was definitely hard enough to fuck again. It had taken less than thirty damn seconds to go from spent to rock hard.

Even for me, that was a record.

I leaned up on my forearms so I could watch her this time. Hell, I might even flip her over so she was on top. I considered my options but decided against it. She looked a little too dazed for that.

No worries, I was more than happy to drive.


Cade was riding me, picking up steam again. I'd just finished what felt like the world's biggest orgasm. Now I was tingling again, getting close to another mind-boggling orgasm. I could not believe he was still going.

Then a sneaky suspicion entered my brain.

"Cade, did you come?"

He grinned down at me.

"Yes ma'am."

"What are you- ohhhh…"

The man was a machine. He was literally a machine. He'd just finished coming and was almost instantaneously back at it, fucking me again with a fully erect cock. I felt like he was slowly, gently jackhammering me into oblivion. I let my head fall back as I felt another orgasm start to build.

"Oh God…"

"That's right Princess, come for me."

I looked up into Cade's smug face and did exactly as he asked. I felt my body convulsing around his rock hard cock. He was immoveable. Unstoppable. He fucked his way through my orgasm, never stopping for a minute, never letting me catch my breath or take a break from the overwhelming sensations.

I was panting with exertion when he finally stopped for a moment, his cock embedded deep inside me. He leaned up and ran his rough palms over my breasts.

"Damn Cami, you're wilder than a raccoon with rabies!"

"Did you… just call me a raccoon???"

He grinned at me, flexing his hips. I shuddered with an aftershock. He grinned at me.

"A wildcat then. Raccoons are a little too crazy for my taste. They are cute though. And they got thumbs!"

He was really infuriating. Making jokes when I was trying to recover from his powerful sport fucking. He was really lording it over me.

This will not do at all.

Two could play at that game. I lifted my hips up and squeezed. Cade's face went blank. His eyes widened. The smug look was gone. I grinned as he inhaled. Then he started to shake.

"Fuck Cami… Oh God!"

Cade Dupree started coming like a freight train. He plowed into me again and again, bucking wildly. He'd lost control completely. I lost myself too as another orgasm overtook me.

I thrashed spasmodically as Cade lifted his head and roared above me. I felt his cock expanding, sending tingles shooting all over my body. He grunted as he thrust into me one last time and went still.

He lay there with his head on my shoulder for a few long minutes. I noticed he was careful not to crush me, which I appreciated. Cade was surprisingly considerate. It definitely scored him a few more points. Not that he needed them. He'd done more than impress me. He'd won me over completely.

Then again, he seemed like I'd done a number on him too. He was still shaking slightly. I could feel his heart thudding through his chest.

I was pretty sure mine was doing the same.

Finally he lifted his thick body away from mine. I heard a wet sound as he slowly pulled out of me. The cool air of the hotel room hit my sensitive flesh. That's when I noticed it. I was lying in a major wet spot. An
wet spot. And it wasn't just the bed.

It was me.

"Cade… I'm soaking wet."

He grinned.

"Two loads will do that Princess."

"What do you mean
two loads

He shrugged.

"No rubber sweetheart. You made me see Jesus. Twice."

"You didn't wear a condom?"

He shook his head.

"Couldn't bring myself to waste the opportunity."

"The opportunity to what?"

He reached down to my hip and slapped it.

"Skin on skin sweetheart. Nothing like it."

I stared at him, aghast. I hadn't been thinking clearly enough to ask him to wear a condom. He probably thought I was on the pill. But I wasn't on the pill.


"Cade, I'm not on birth control."

He gave me an infuriatingly cheeky grin. Like he'd known I wasn't on the pill. Like he'd wanted to knock me up.

"Cheer up dollface. What's the worst that could happen?"

BOOK: Go Big
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