Read Giving You Forever Online

Authors: Ashley Wilcox

Tags: #Romance

Giving You Forever (5 page)

BOOK: Giving You Forever
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“Oh, Nolan…” she exhales, rocking her hips up against my cock.

Hearing her breathe out my name sends a fire throughout my soul, making me want to pleasure her in every way possible. Bringing my hand up to her breast, I cup it from underneath, causing her already hard as hell nipple to protrude even more. I run my mouth down her neck then over her chest, sucking her beautiful peak into my mouth. Alexa’s back arches from the sensation and she moans out in pleasure. Knowing my girl likes her nipples teased, I keep my mouth where it is while running my hand over her sweet stomach and down to her warm and very wet area.

“Oh…babe…yes,” she moans as I slide two fingers up inside of her, circling around her sensitive walls within.

Feeling how wet she is, I crave the sweet taste of my girl. With one last flick of her now swollen nipples, I slide my tongue down between her breasts, over her navel, and in between her beautiful folds, stopping over her delicious clit. Never have I ever tasted anything so desirably addictive and it’s mine.

All fucking mine.

Alexa’s hands fist in my hair, letting me know that she’s moving towards climaxing. There’s nothing sweeter than bringing my girl over the edge of ecstasy with just the swirl of my tongue and the thrust of my fingers. The more she tightens her grip, the quicker I go.

“Oh fuck, baby!” she screams, making the sides of my mouth curl up into a grin. The only time you’ll ever hear Alexa swear is when I’m driving her body wild, bringing her to her release.

Sliding my fingers over her sweet sensitive spot, and pulling her clit deeper inside my mouth, her body spasms free, climaxing with relief. Placing gentle kisses along her stomach, over her chest, and up along her neck, I whisper “I love you” in her ear before pushing deep inside of her warm and ready pussy.

“Oh Nolan!” she cries, resting her hands on my cheeks and pulling my face up to hers. Alexa loves to stare into my eyes as I fill her body with pleasure, pumping my shaft in and out. “Yeah, babe…just like that,” she heavily breaths as I circle my hips, moving inside of her, exploring what’s mine.

Noticing her breathing growing heavier and my blood flowing deeper and faster down my body, I quicken my pace and push in even harder.


Oh, fuck, yeah!

Even though it doesn’t seem possible, when I hear my girl swearing and screaming my name I push in harder than I have ever done before. Like that extra push was all she needed, she screams out my name one last time before escaping into a euphoric rush of pleasure.

“Oh shit!”

Alexa’s muscles clench around my cock bringing me over the edge, allowing me to fill her with my love. Her pussy continues to spasm, milking every last ounce of me dry.

Dammit, that was good!


Nolan slides down beside me, pushing my back up against the cushions so that we can face each other with our legs tangled together. We lay in silence as I run my fingertips down and over the firmness of his back, and he stares deep into my eyes, playing with a loose strand of my hair.

“When are we going to have babies?” he asks out of nowhere.

I scrunch my eyebrows together, confused by his random question.

“I mean, I know not right now, but when can you see yourself ready?” Nolan adds.

“Um…I don’t know,” I respond, not prepared with an answer. Of course, I want to have babies, and of course, I want to have them with him, but I guess I never thought about the specifics, or had a time frame in mind.

“You want to, though…right?” His voice is sincere and full of emotion.

“Yeah…of course.” I smile.

Like my answer is music to his ears, his smile brightens, making my heart flutter by the excitement in his eyes.

“Good…because I can’t wait to make them with you,” he tells me, brushing my cheek with his thumb. “Just know that I’m ready when you are.” Nolan smiles.

eager to start a family?” I ask, shocked with his statement.

He shrugs his shoulders, looking lost in thought.

Bringing his focus back to me, he answers, “I’m just ready when you are…that’s all.”

Although the smile on his face seems genuine, his eyes show sadness, and I silently wonder what it could be. Maybe he’s just antsy to become a parent because he lost his own when he was so young? Or maybe he hoped to get a different response from me? He totally caught me off guard, though. I’m more than excited to start a family with him someday, and I hope he knows that. Just as I open my mouth to discuss this more, he jumps up and off the couch, pulling me with him.

“I did
have that cake delivered all the way from New Jersey today just to go uneaten!” he says, pulling me over near the cake.

Oh my god. I almost forgot about our Buddy cake!

Giggling at his enthusiasm, I grab the plates and silverware from the beautifully decorated table and help Nolan cut the cake, hand in hand just as we will on our wedding day.


Chapter Four


I could barely contain my excitement all day, eager to meet Meg and
start planning our wedding. After classes, I student teach at a local elementary school as part of my schooling. Thankfully it’s a beautiful fall day, and I had my class outside for most of the afternoon, making time move a little faster. Now I’m in my car trying my hardest not to speed to Simple Elegance. This whole wedding process has been so stressful, and I’m over the moon that I finally have help, not to mention that it’s the owners help.

Although it probably should have taken a good twenty minutes to get here from where I was, I made it in less than fifteen. Quickly checking myself in the mirror, and pulling my skirt down as I step out of my car, I make my way to the entrance of the building. A beautiful woman, maybe just a few years older than me, greets me from behind the front desk. She stands as soon as she sees me and smiles brightly.

“Good afternoon,” she greets me.

“Hi, I have an appointment with Meg.”

“You must be Alexa,” she smiles, extending her hand.

“Yes,” I answer, shaking her hand.

“I’m Meg,” she says still smiling. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

“Yes, you as well.”

She comes out from behind the desk.

“Here, let’s go into my office.” She motions to the door to the left of where we’re standing. I follow as she leads the way.

Meg’s office is quite plain–cream walls with two white comfy chairs that face her desk. There are two end tables with wedding magazines and books placed on top, along with a few bookshelves.

I take a seat in one of the chairs as she takes the one behind her desk. Meg’s exactly how I pictured...stunning with long dark hair, crystal blue eyes that remind me of Nolan’s. Wearing a very sophisticated tan linen suit, she is well-kept and very business.

Pulling out a notebook and pen, she starts getting down to business.

“So when’s your actual wedding date?” she starts.

“July twenty-first,” I answer, trying to control my anxious nerves.

“Now, have you reserved any venues?”

Just as I’m about to shamefully admit that I haven’t, I remember the one reservation that Nolan has made. “My fiancé actually has Carlo’s Bakery reserved for the cake.”

She looks up at me, shocked. “You’ve got Buddy Valastro making your cake?”

A prideful grin spreads across my face. “I do,” I respond.

“Wow, that’s awesome. I’ve only had a few clients who have had a Carlo’s Bakery cake. Good for you. Your fiancé must really love you,” she says with a genuine grin.

Sighing, I feel my heart flutter as I think about Nolan. “He does. I’m a very lucky girl.”

Looking lost in thought, she stares at me for a moment with an almost envious grin before lightly shaking her head. “So, the cake is taken care of…” she says, jotting it down. “Now…let’s talk about the budget.” Meg looks up at me with an ‘I have to ask’ grin.

Between the money my parents are contributing and the money that Nolan and I have saved, we have a pretty decent budget…I think. “Twenty-five thousand…well, thirty when we include you.”

Nodding her head and smiling while she jots it down, I’m assuming she sees it as doable.

“With around one hundred guests, we can certainly work with that,” Meg confirms, looking back up at me with an assuring grin.


We continue working out what venues we can look at, what types of flowers I have in mind, food, invites…we work right down the list. After sitting and chatting for over an hour, we make plans for the beginning of the following week to go look at possible churches and venues before Meg walks me out to the front doors when we’re finished.

“It was so nice to meet you, Alexa,” she says, shaking my hand again. “I’ll be in touch.”

“Sounds good. Thank you so much,” I answer in an appreciative tone because,
holy cow
, am I ever so grateful that she squeezed us into her schedule. For the first time in months, I actually feel organized and e
for our wedding. Stepping outside, I take a refreshing deep breath, feeling like a ton of bricks has been lifted off of my shoulders. I don’t care how much money we are spending by hiring a wedding planner. She is worth every cent.


Today is one of those days that I have back to back meetings. I’ve got clients at the gym to train. Mike and I have to meet up at the exercise equipment warehouse to order all the treadmills, ellipticals, and all the other things that we’ll need at some point–it’s going to be a late night. Thankfully, Alexa has her appointment with the wedding planner, then she is having dinner with her friend Jamie, so she won’t be waiting around for me at home.

Walking into the gym, my cellphone starts buzzing with the ringtone designated for Alexa, Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars. Yeah, I get it–kind of girly, but it describes my girl perfectly, and when it comes to Alexa, I don’t give a shit what people think.

Putting it up to my ear, I answer, “Hey, baby doll.”

“Hey, babe,” she says, putting an instant smile on my face just hearing her voice.

Damn...I hate being away from her.

“How was your appointment?” I ask, knowing that she probably dialed my number as soon as she stepped foot inside the car. I guarantee she hasn’t even pulled out of the lot yet. God love her enthusiasm, especially when it has to do with marrying me.

“Oh my god, Nolan, I’m so happy she fit us in. She’s amazing,” Alexa answers.

“I’m so happy it went well. You deserve this, sweetheart.” A warmth spreads throughout my body as I picture how beautiful she’ll be on our day.

“Thanks, babe. Well, I’m just pulling out of the parking lot, but wanted to tell you how awesome it went. You remembered I’m meeting Jamie for dinner, right?” she asks.

“Yeah, you actually will probably be home before me. Mike and I have a shit load of things to pick out tonight.”

“Yeah, but this is the fun part for you guys. Shopping!” Alexa says.

Laughing at her energy, I kid, “You and your shopping.”

“Uh, yeah. It’s one of my favorite things to do!”

BOOK: Giving You Forever
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